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Unable to load the library ‘netty_transport_native_kqueue_x86_64‘

程序员文章站 2022-04-12 08:39:16
出现该错误:Unable to load the library 'netty_transport_native_kqueue_x86_64', trying other loading mechanism.其实不是错误,而是:Those are DEBUG logs, not errors. Just ignore them (you're not even supposed to have DEBUG enabled on Netty in production).FYI, Netty ha...

出现该错误:Unable to load the library 'netty_transport_native_kqueue_x86_64', trying other loading mechanism.


Those are DEBUG logs, not errors. Just ignore them (you're not even supposed to have DEBUG enabled on Netty in production).

FYI, Netty has a fallback mechanism. A few lined below this stacktrace, you should see something like i.n.u.i.NativeLibraryLoader - Successfully loaded the library /var/folders/3m/b2yp9rr56s30thdsxrq7hy200000gn/T/libnetty_tcnative_osx_x86_644093229984461983342.dylib.
