Android 深入探究自定义view之流式布局FlowLayout的使用
- 布局,我们要确定view的尺寸以及要摆放的位置,也就是 onmeasure() 、onlayout() 两方法
- 显示,布局之后是怎么把它显示出来,主要用的是ondraw,可能用到 :canvas paint matrix clip rect animation path(贝塞尔) line
- 交互,ontouchevent
本文要做的是流式布局,继承自viewgroup,主要实现函数是onmeasure() 、onlayout() 。下图是流程图
- 首先我们要知道它的父布局能给它多大的空间
- 对于容器类型的view,根据其所有子view需要的空间计算出view所需的尺寸
protected void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec)
int selfwidth = measurespec.getsize(widthmeasurespec); int selfheight = measurespec.getsize(heightmeasurespec);
- 本行能放下则放到本行,即满足条件 lineused + childwidthmeasured + mhorizontalspacing < selfwidth
- 本行放不下则另起一行
- 获得子view的layoutparams从而获得xml里设置的layout_width与layout_height
- 调用getchildmeasurespec方法算出measurespec
- 子view调用measure方法测量
// 获得layoutparams layoutparams childparams = childview.getlayoutparams(); // 计算measurespec int childwidthmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(widthmeasurespec, parentleft + parentright, childparams.width); int childheightmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(widthmeasurespec, parenttop + parentbottom, childparams.height); // 测量 childview.measure(childwidthmeasurespec, childheightmeasurespec);
下面是 getchildmeasurespec 内部实现,以横向尺寸为例
// 以横向尺寸为例,第一个参数是父布局给的spec,第二个参数是扣除自己使用的尺寸,第三个是layoutparams public static int getchildmeasurespec(int spec, int padding, int childdimension) { int specmode = measurespec.getmode(spec); int specsize = measurespec.getsize(spec); int size = math.max(0, specsize - padding); int resultsize = 0; int resultmode = 0; switch (specmode) { // parent has imposed an exact size on us // 老王的钱是确定的,小王有三种可能 case measurespec.exactly: if (childdimension >= 0) { resultsize = childdimension; resultmode = measurespec.exactly; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.match_parent) { // child wants to be our size. so be it. resultsize = size; resultmode = measurespec.exactly; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.wrap_content) { // child wants to determine its own size. it can't be // bigger than us. resultsize = size; resultmode = measurespec.at_most; } break; // parent has imposed a maximum size on us // 老王的钱最多有多少,小王有三种可能 case measurespec.at_most: if (childdimension >= 0) { // child wants a specific size... so be it resultsize = childdimension; resultmode = measurespec.exactly; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.match_parent) { // child wants to be our size, but our size is not fixed. // constrain child to not be bigger than us. resultsize = size; resultmode = measurespec.at_most; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.wrap_content) { // child wants to determine its own size. it can't be // bigger than us. resultsize = size; resultmode = measurespec.at_most; } break; // parent asked to see how big we want to be // 老王的钱不确定,小王有三种可能 case measurespec.unspecified: if (childdimension >= 0) { // child wants a specific size... let him have it resultsize = childdimension; resultmode = measurespec.exactly; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.match_parent) { // child wants to be our size... find out how big it should // be resultsize = view.susezerounspecifiedmeasurespec ? 0 : size; resultmode = measurespec.unspecified; } else if (childdimension == layoutparams.wrap_content) { // child wants to determine its own size.... find out how // big it should be resultsize = view.susezerounspecifiedmeasurespec ? 0 : size; resultmode = measurespec.unspecified; } break; } //noinspection resourcetype return measurespec.makemeasurespec(resultsize, resultmode); }
- 测量所有行,得到最大的值作为布局的width
- 测量所有行的高度,高度的总和是布局的height
- 调用 setmeasureddimension 函数设置最终的尺寸
public class flowlayout extends viewgroup { private int mhorizontalspacing = dp2px(16); //每个item横向间距 private int mverticalspacing = dp2px(8); //每个item横向间距 // 记录所有的行 private list<list<view>> alllines = new arraylist<>(); // 记录所有的行高 private list<integer> lineheights = new arraylist<>(); /** * new flowlayout(context) 的时候用 * @param context */ public flowlayout(context context) { super(context); } /** * xml是序列化格式,里面都是键值对;所有的都在layoutinflater解析 *反射 * * @param context * @param attrs */ public flowlayout(context context, attributeset attrs) { super(context, attrs); } /** * 主题style * @param context * @param attrs * @param defstyleattr */ public flowlayout(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr) { super(context, attrs, defstyleattr); } /** * 自定义属性 * @param context * @param attrs * @param defstyleattr * @param defstyleres */ public flowlayout(context context, attributeset attrs, int defstyleattr, int defstyleres) { super(context, attrs, defstyleattr, defstyleres); } /** * onmeasure 可能会被调用多次 */ private void clearmeasureparams() { // 不断创建回收会造成内存抖动,clear即可 alllines.clear(); lineheights.clear(); } /** * 度量---大部分是先测量孩子再测量自己。孩子的大小可能是一直在变的,父布局随之改变 * 只有viewpager是先测量自己再测量孩子 * spec 是一个参考值,不是一个具体的值 * @param widthmeasurespec 父布局给的。这是个递归的过程 * @param heightmeasurespec 父布局给的 */ @override protected void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec) { clearmeasureparams(); // 先测量孩子 int childcount = getchildcount(); int parenttop = getpaddingtop(); int parentleft = getpaddingleft(); int parentright = getpaddingright(); int parentbottom = getpaddingbottom(); // 爷爷给的参考值 int selfwidth = measurespec.getsize(widthmeasurespec); int selfheight = measurespec.getsize(heightmeasurespec); // 保存一行所有的 view list<view> lineviews = new arraylist<>(); // 记录这行已使用多宽 size int linewidthused = 0; // 一行的高 int lineheight = 0; // measure过程中,子view要求的父布局宽高 int parentneedwidth = 0; int parentneedheight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childcount; i++) { view childview = getchildat(i); layoutparams childparams = childview.getlayoutparams(); // 将layoutparams转为measurespec /** * 测量是个递归的过程,测量子view确定自身大小 * getchildmeasurespec的三个参数,第一个是父布局传过来的measurespec,第二个参数是去除自身用掉的padding,第三个是子布局需要的宽度或高度 */ int childwidthmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(widthmeasurespec, parentleft + parentright, childparams.width); int childheightmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(widthmeasurespec, parenttop + parentbottom, childparams.height); childview.measure(childwidthmeasurespec, childheightmeasurespec); // 获取子view测量的宽高 int childmeasuredwidth = childview.getmeasuredwidth(); int childmeasuredheight = childview.getmeasuredheight(); // 需要换行 if (childmeasuredwidth + linewidthused + mhorizontalspacing > selfwidth) { // 换行时确定当前需要的宽高 parentneedheight = parentneedheight + lineheight + mverticalspacing; parentneedwidth = math.max(parentneedwidth, linewidthused + mhorizontalspacing); // 存储每一行的数据 !!! 最后一行会被漏掉 alllines.add(lineviews); lineheights.add(lineheight); // 数据清空 lineviews = new arraylist<>(); linewidthused = 0; lineheight = 0; } lineviews.add(childview); linewidthused = linewidthused + childmeasuredwidth + mhorizontalspacing; lineheight = math.max(lineheight, childmeasuredheight); //处理最后一行数据 if (i == childcount - 1) { alllines.add(lineviews); lineheights.add(lineheight); parentneedheight = parentneedheight + lineheight + mverticalspacing; parentneedwidth = math.max(parentneedwidth, linewidthused + mhorizontalspacing); } } // 测量完孩子后再测量自己 int widthmode = measurespec.getmode(widthmeasurespec); int heightmode = measurespec.getmode(heightmeasurespec); // 如果父布局给的是确切的值,测量子view则变得毫无意义 int realwidth = (widthmode == measurespec.exactly) ? selfwidth : parentneedwidth; int realheight = (heightmode == measurespec.exactly) ? selfheight : parentneedheight; setmeasureddimension(realwidth, realheight); } /** * 布局 */ @override protected void onlayout(boolean changed, int l, int t, int r, int b) { int currentl = getpaddingleft(); int currentt = getpaddingtop(); for (int i = 0; i < alllines.size(); i++) { list<view> lineviews = alllines.get(i); int lineheight = lineheights.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < lineviews.size(); j++) { view view = lineviews.get(j); int left = currentl; int top = currentt; // 此处为什么不用 int right = view.getwidth(); getwidth是调用完onlayout才有的 int right = left + view.getmeasuredwidth(); int bottom = top + view.getmeasuredheight(); // 子view位置摆放 view.layout(left, top, right, bottom); currentl = right + mhorizontalspacing; } currentt = currentt + lineheight + mverticalspacing; currentl = getpaddingleft(); } } public static int dp2px(int dp) { return (int) typedvalue.applydimension(typedvalue.complex_unit_dip, dp, resources.getsystem().getdisplaymetrics()); } }
flowlayout 的 onmeasure方法是什么时候被调用的
protected void onmeasure(int widthmeasurespec, int heightmeasurespec) { if (morientation == vertical) { measurevertical(widthmeasurespec, heightmeasurespec); } else { measurehorizontal(widthmeasurespec, heightmeasurespec); } } void measurevertical(widthmeasurespec, heightmeasurespec){ // 获取子view 的 layoutparams final layoutparams lp = (layoutparams) child.getlayoutparams(); ... ... // 开始测量 measurechildbeforelayout(child, i, widthmeasurespec, 0,heightmeasurespec, usedheight); } void measurechildbeforelayout(view child, int childindex,int widthmeasurespec, int totalwidth, int heightmeasurespec,int totalheight) { measurechildwithmargins(child, widthmeasurespec, totalwidth, heightmeasurespec, totalheight); } protected void measurechildwithmargins(view child, int parentwidthmeasurespec, int widthused, int parentheightmeasurespec, int heightused) { final marginlayoutparams lp = (marginlayoutparams) child.getlayoutparams(); // 去除自己的使用,padding、margin剩下的再给子view final int childwidthmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(parentwidthmeasurespec, mpaddingleft + mpaddingright + lp.leftmargin + lp.rightmargin + widthused, lp.width); final int childheightmeasurespec = getchildmeasurespec(parentheightmeasurespec, mpaddingtop + mpaddingbottom + lp.topmargin + lp.bottommargin + heightused, lp.height); // 此处子view调用其测量函数,也就是flowlayout的测量 child.measure(childwidthmeasurespec, childheightmeasurespec); }
measurespec 是什么
自定义view常用的一个属性measurespec,是view的内部类,封装了对子view的布局要求,由尺寸和模式组成。由于int类型由32位构成,所以他用高2位表示 mode,低30位表示size。
measuremode有三种 00 01 11
- unspecified:不对view大小做限制,系统使用
- exactly:确切的大小,如100dp
- at_most:大小不可超过某值,如:matchparent,最大不能超过父布局
layoutparams 与 measurespec 的关系
onlayout为什么不用 int right = view.getwidth() 而用 getmeasuredwidth
这要对整个流程有完整的理解才能回答,getwidth 是在 onlayout 调用后才有的值,getmeasuredwidth在测量后有值
到此这篇关于android 深入探究自定义view之流式布局flowlayout的使用的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关android 流式布局flowlayout内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!