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Windows Phone编程中页面间传值方法

程序员文章站 2022-04-11 15:01:21
wp开发过程中有时会遇到页面间转值的需求,如果定义两个页面,一个是初始页面source page,另外一个是跳转的页面destination page,简单地分析主要有两个方面的要求:: r2 q....

wp开发过程中有时会遇到页面间转值的需求,如果定义两个页面,一个是初始页面source page,另外一个是跳转的页面destination page,简单地分析主要有两个方面的要求:: r2 q. h% e" f4 f4 i2 t! m
•        首先是在source page跳转到destination page时给destination page页面传值的实现;
•        然后是当在destination page中调用goback函数回到source page时如何在source page传值;) c9 m. g: `: |; x3 \; r9 f7 w
) z3 a' x* g3 y; x) t
第一点本身提供了基本的实现方法,新建一个项目datapassingdemo,然后新建一个页面secondpage.xaml,我们需要实现就是从mainpage中跳转到secondpage中去,并传递参数让secendpage捕捉。首先在mainpage中增加一个textblock并且增加事件处理函数:2 o* v; x  i3 x  _
view sourceprint?: b3 y5 ^4 m  j9 k; n
<grid x:name="contentpanel" grid.row="1" margin="12,0,12,0">            
    <textblock text="navigate to 2nd page with data" horizontalalignment="center"
    verticalalignment="center" padding="0 34"               * f/ v" t% g8 r( o+ w$ k
</grid># q2 z& x( @. g  t2 |

在mainpage的后台代码中,实现textblock_manipulationstarted方法如下:4 ]7 z) j8 b- p. w3 w! f
view sourceprint?
private void textblock_manipulationstarted(object sender, manipulationstartedeventargs args) ) b, q4 u" t" `8 ]  w( h
    string destination = "/secondpage.xaml?parameter1=hello&parameter2=world";  " b( k6 }+ w3 \" c/ l  r. a: l. q
         this.navigationservice.navigate(new uri(destination, urikind.relative));             9 ?7 ^$ a- s  a% v
    args.complete();             * o' t$ i) s3 d
    args.handled = true;         0 j, k8 g$ }0 b; r% \$ ~* a1 |+ r, e
}% b& u4 o- q+ g1 p
view sourceprint?
protected override void onnavigatedto(system.windows.navigation.navigationeventargs args)
            idictionary<string, string> parameters = this.navigationcontext.querystring; / u1 \' j" w' `6 m9 i
            if (parameters.containskey("parameter1")) % ~( h4 i8 l7 x' ]
            { ' t, ?  o' ^0 t
                string parameter1 = parameters["parameter1"];
                string parameter2 = parameters["parameter2"]; ' n/ v% g6 k+ \
                txtblk.text = string.format("parameter1 is:{0} and parameter2 is:{1}", parameter1, parameter2); ) f8 y- v, v# c: i3 @  v
            } " \4 q0 h, u* h7 g; t
            base.onnavigatedto(args); 2 f" x; y. u* t% ^% v; f
[local]1[/loca所以实现第一个传值要求的方法很简单,只要通过给navigationservice的目标页面地址附带上参数再由目标页面获取参数即可,而我们要注意的地方是,由于移动设备设计的便捷性要求,我们应该避免那些很复杂的传递参数的设计,并且,在设计时要注意windows phone设计中的墓碑机制,才能设计出合理高效的wp应用。8 e' _) q! z6 b; f# w+ m8 l6 w
7 r+ i% l( x' [: m, s3 o, m
view sourceprint?
public string sharedstring { set; get; }
7 l7 c) x- c) w, c6 g4 _
view sourceprint?5 t) m. \& ?2 h
private void textblock_manipulationstarted(object sender, manipulationstartedeventargs args) $ |8 m* h2 p) o/ p8 a5 t, c* [
    (application.current as app).sharedstring = "hello world";
    this.navigationservice.navigate(new uri("/secondpage.xaml", urikind.relative)); : s/ q1 q" v4 v; k3 {/ t
    args.complete(); ; h8 k. r1 n& t8 z/ o

view sourceprint?
protected override void onnavigatedto(system.windows.navigation.navigationeventargs args) 0 m# i6 s) f3 u. _/ d  t: t# u; @
{ ! ^2 v% h8 b3 w. i' k# w+ o+ h
    string sharedstring = (application.current as app).sharedstring; # _, i+ l1 r6 r8 q
    txtblk.text = sharedstring;
}0 u3 k7 x0 u8 }' w7 h% g
% i5 w+ y3 q' r! ~4 k8 @
同理,如果想通过secondpage向mainpage传递数据的话,只要在调用goback函数前修改那个共享数据的值再由mainpage中的onnavigatedto函数来获取到相对应的数据即可。5 r+ a0 n) k5 f
% k3 z8 f' a9 j2 y) w
2 k% u( n* s- g- s5 v0 s
最后用一个例子去说明这种方式的具体实现,我们定义两个页面,和之前的类似,这次我们通过secondpage返回的值去定义mainpage页面的颜色,mainpage的后台代码定义如下:! z4 x" q( n- n% i4 t
view sourceprint?$ @, g, l) d4 o$ q$ h8 k
public partial class mainpage : phoneapplicationpage
    {   b  n& s' ^; _6 j8 l
        public mainpage() + b! _1 m  a' r7 n6 {5 r7 `$ d
            initializecomponent();   v, f" i: m: n3 k" q
        } - t8 \* p/ o' e* f4 z, g8 b
        public color? returnedcolor { set; get; }
  # w7 u/ v. \" l- b7 r. v
        private void textblock_manipulationstarted(object sender, manipulationstartedeventargs args)
            this.navigationservice.navigate(new uri("/secondpage.xaml", urikind.relative)); - x  {$ o5 s0 a5 |& ]: o, }
            args.handled = true; ; c" r5 y1 g% }. q/ g/ h6 a: x# ?
        } % v( c' p- l6 x$ l- ?
    }7 ^* v- _  v, i
  [+ f  m" \  {
show sourceview sourceprint?& e8 c4 b" {( u
namespace datapassingdemo
    public partial class secondpage : phoneapplicationpage 8 @$ u1 k2 i& c! l0 s! y; w
    { 3 u- t- c9 y! r
        public secondpage() + v8 c. m  f. s! e& g/ m, h
        { # v5 q; w( q7 j2 @
            initializecomponent(); ; k, u  b5 h4 q7 r( l/ b, t
        } 6 w2 v) `+ a, f
        random rand = new random();
        private void textblock_manipulationstarted(object sender, manipulationstartedeventargs args)
        { ( q3 o8 z. p3 l. a
            args.handled = true;
  * j2 v; a. t; \2 y) u9 `" f
        protected override void onnavigatedfrom(system.windows.navigation.navigationeventargs e) ' s0 n0 r, s( e; a$ q' s8 |
            if (contentpanel.background is solidcolorbrush) ) p$ }/ f5 b# ?! a7 [1 j
                color clr = (contentpanel.background as solidcolorbrush).color;
                if (e.content is mainpage)
                    (e.content as mainpage).returnedcolor = clr; . r2 r% u* i2 p+ c" g( e
            base.onnavigatedfrom(e); 4 ]2 `1 r2 ?4 e+ o
        } ! @9 u! {5 _2 u" d( {' z
  8 s) u4 u  m( a' e+ p
        protected override void onmanipulationstarted(manipulationstartedeventargs args) ) z. t- m) g3 a2 a' a) \+ y
            contentpanel.background = new solidcolorbrush( / b( \! h4 n; m, z4 p7 l+ w5 o; g
                color.fromargb(255, (byte)rand.next(255), * k! u$ ]- a" m, w
                (byte)rand.next(255))); 5 o1 j) r% u. h; c
            base.onmanipulationstarted(args); 4 s' p& _' r, k, r2 ^7 \5 t
    }   q0 k; n$ w9 o+ w% y4 f
}/ ]5 l; g9 e, r
4 g, n, o- {1 r3 f. d" k* j
view sourceprint?
protected override void onnavigatedto(system.windows.navigation.navigationeventargs args)
            if (returnedcolor != null)
                contentpanel.background =
                new solidcolorbrush(returnedcolor.value);
            base.onnavigatedto(args); ( f& j8 ~  h9 s& \9 |


摘自 xiechengfa的专栏