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程序员文章站 2022-04-11 08:20:36
本文实例讲述了c#实现利用反射简化给类字段赋值的方法。分享给大家供大家参考。具体分析如下: 说明:这个例子主要的思路是建立一个类和数据库查询语句的字段结构是一致的 然后...



namespace ccb_donet.classfolder
 public class fieldruleinfo
 public string gstrfno;
 public string gstrfname;
 public string gstrflock;
 public string gstrfcaption;
 public string gstrftype;
 public string gstrfmust;
 public string gstrfmin;
 public string gstrfmax;
 public string gstrfdefault;
 public string gstrfdate;
 public string gstrfdb;
 public string gstrfallow;
 public string gstrfdisallow;
 public string gstrfsb;
 public string gstrfbig;
 public string gstrfsmall;
 public string gstrfinputmethod;
 public string gstrfchk;
 public string gstrfrelation;
 public string gstrfdesc;
 public string gstrfsecond;
 public string gstrfqc;
 public string gstrfexception;
 public string gstrfasupp;
 public string gstrfyqh;
 public string gstrfpos;
 public string gstrfstar;
 public string gstrfsave;
 public string gstrfaddress;
 public string gstrflblcolor;
 public string gstrfischecklist;
 #region 加载字段规则
 private bool m_getrule()
  string strsql = "";
  datatable dtget = null;
  if (common.ginttypeorder == 95)
   strsql = "select a.fno,a.fname,a.flock,a.fcaption,a.ftype," + 
    "a.fmust,a.fmin,a.fmax,a.fdefault,a.fdate,\r\n" +
   "a.fdb,a.fallow,a.fdisallow,a.fsb,a.fbig,a.fsmall,a.finputmethod," + 
   "a.fchk,a.frelation,a.fdesc,a.fsecond,\r\n" +
   "a.faddress,a.flblcolor,a.fischecklist from p_field_rule95 a \r\n" +
   "inner join p_field_initial b on a.fno=b.fno \r\n" +
   "where a.formtype=1 and b.fsection='1' and " + 
    "(b.fregion95=1 or b.fregion95=-1) order by a.forder";
   strsql = "select a.fno,a.fname,a.flock,a.fcaption,a.ftype,"+
    "a.fmust,a.fmin,a.fmax,a.fdefault,a.fdate,\r\n" +
    "a.finputmethod,a.fchk,a.frelation,a.fdesc,a.fsecond,\r\n" +
    "a.fsave,a.faddress,a.flblcolor,a.fischecklist "+
    "from p_field_rule a \r\n" +
    "inner join p_field_initial b on a.fno=b.fno \r\n" +
    "where a.formtype=" + common.gintformtype.tostring() +
    " and b.fsection='1' and (b.fregion=" + common.gintregion.tostring() +
    " or b.fregion=-1) order by a.forder";
  dtget = db.getdatatablebysql(strsql);
  if (dtget.rows.count <= 0)
   common.showmessage("字段规则表没有数据,请马上联系软件工程师!", messageboxicon.error);
   return false;
  type otype = type.gettype("ccb_donet.classfolder.fieldruleinfo");
  mmainfieldrule = new fieldruleinfo[dtget.rows.count];  
  for (int i = 0; i < dtget.rows.count; i++)
   mmainfieldrule[i] = new fieldruleinfo();
   for (int j = 0; j < dtget.columns.count; j++)
   fieldinfo fieldinfo = otype.getfield("gstr" + dtget.columns[j].columnname,
    bindingflags.public | bindingflags.nonpublic | bindingflags.instance
     | bindingflags.static);
   fieldinfo.setvalue(mmainfieldrule[i], dtget.rows[i][j].tostring());
  return true;
  catch (exception ex)
  return false;
  mylog.writeerrlog("frmde-m_getrule", ex.message);
  dtget = null;
