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程序员文章站 2022-04-10 22:08:28
最近使用数据泵(DataPump)比较多,遇到了奇奇怪怪的问题,似乎Apply了补丁PSU后,DataPump的问题就格外多。如下所示: expdp system/xxx DIRECTORY=DUMPDIR DUMPFILE=xxxx.dmp TABLES=xxxx.... ......



expdp system/xxx directory=dumpdir dumpfile=xxxx.dmp tables=xxxx.xxxx  logfile=expdp.log 
export: release - 64bit production on monday, 19 august, 2019 9:52:07
copyright (c) 2003, 2007, oracle.  all rights reserved.
connected to: oracle database 10g release - 64bit production
ora-31626: job does not exist
ora-31637: cannot create job sys_export_table_01 for user system
ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sys_error", line 95
ora-06512: at "sys.kupv$ft_int", line 672
ora-39080: failed to create queues "" and "" for data pump job
ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sys_error", line 95
ora-06512: at "sys.kupc$que_int", line 1606
ora-01403: no data found


遇到这个错误,最开始我以为是我之前遇到的是同一个问题“expdp 导数错误 ora-00832”,检查发现__streams_pool_size大小不为0


sql> col name for a36;
sql> col value for a10;
sql> col idfefault for a10;
col ismod for a10;
col isadj for a10;
sql> select x.ksppinm      name       ,
       y.ksppstvl     value      ,
       y.ksppstdf     idfefault  ,
       decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,7), 1, 'modified', 4, 'system_mod', 'false')  ismod,
       decode(bitand(y.ksppstvf,2), 2, 'true', 'false')  isadj
from sys.x$ksppi  x,
     sys.x$ksppcv y
where x.inst_id = userenv('instance') and
      y.inst_id = userenv('instance') and
      x.indx    = y.indx              and
      x.ksppinm like '%_streams%'
order by translate(x.ksppinm, '_', ''); 
name                                 value      idfefault  ismod      isadj
------------------------------------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
__streams_pool_size                  33554432   false      false      false
_memory_broker_shrink_streams_pool   900        true       false      false
_disable_streams_pool_auto_tuning    false      true       false      false
_streams_pool_max_size               0          true       false      false


 然后开启跟踪'1403 trace name errorstack level 3',执行导出命名后,然后关闭跟踪'1403 trace name errorstack off'


sql> alter system set events '1403 trace name errorstack level 3';


system altered.


run the expdp command


sql> alter system set events '1403 trace name errorstack off';


system altered.


查看trace文件,如下截图所示,提示ksedmp:internal or fatal error" ,搜索了一下metalink,发现还真有一模一样的错误




但是这个案例中,在验证表结构时,发现表不存在,所以必须reload the datapump utility reload the datapump utility候就能正常的导入导出了。



sql> analyze table kupc$datapump_quetab validate structure;

analyze table kupc$datapump_quetab validate structure


error at line 1:

ora-00942: table or view does not exist




datapump import or export (impdp/expdp) fails with errors ora-31626 ora-31637 (文档 id 345198.1)


applies to:

oracle database - enterprise edition - version and later
oracle database cloud schema service - version n/a and later
oracle database exadata cloud machine - version n/a and later
oracle cloud infrastructure - database service - version n/a and later
oracle database backup service - version n/a and later
information in this document applies to any platform.


trying to execute the datapump export or import ends with errors like:

ora-31626: job does not exist
ora-31637: cannot create job sys_export_full_01 for user system
ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sys_error", line 95
ora-06512: at "sys.kupv$ft_int", line 601
ora-39080: failed to create queues "" and "" for data pump job
ora-06512: at "sys.dbms_sys_error", line 95
ora-06512: at "sys.kupc$que_int", line 1550
ora-01403: no data found

you can also see errors like:

ora-39006 - internal error
ora-39065: unexpected master process exception in dispatch
ora-01403: no data found
ora-39097: data pump job encountered unexpected error 100




such errors typically happen in instances with incorrectly configured advanced queueing (aq).


to resolve the issue, follow the steps below:

1. set the error stack 1403 event to know exactly which sql is failing:

connect / as sysdba
alter system set events '1403 trace name errorstack level 3';


in databases that are heavy loaded, setting this event will produce many trace files. it is recommended to set this when the database is not intensively used.

then re-run the datapump export/import to reproduce the error and then disable the events.

alter system set events '1403 trace name errorstack off';

2. once the trace file reveals the problematic sql, check for the existence of table kupc$datapump_quetab using dba_objects.

3. if present, then run:

connect / as sysdba
analyze table kupc$datapump_quetab validate structure;

4. if not present or it errors out in step 3, then reload the datapump utility as described in note 430221.1.