1、html() 取出或设置html内容
// 取出html内容 var $htm = $('#div1').html(); // 设置html内容 $('#div1').html('<span>添加文字</span>');
2、text() 取出或设置text内容
// 取出文本内容 var $htm = $('#div1').text(); // 设置文本内容 $('#div1').text('<span>添加文字</span>');
3、attr() 取出或设置某个属性的值
// 取出图片的地址 var $src = $('#img1').attr('src'); // 设置图片的地址和alt属性 $('#img1').attr({ src: "test.jpg", alt: "test image" });
4.prop() 取出或设置某个属性的值
//取出图片的地址 var $src = $("#img01").prop("src") //设置图片的地址和alt属性 $("#img01").prop({src: "test.jpg", alt: "test img"});
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// ev.delegatetarge 委托对象 $(ev.delegatetarge).undelegate(); // 上面的例子可使用 $list.undelegate();
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body, ul { margin: 0; padding: 0; } ul { list-style: none; } .pages_con { position: fixed; left: 0; top: 0; width: 100%; overflow: hidden; } .pages { height: 600px; position: relative; } .page1 { background-color: orange; } .page2 { background-color: lightgreen; } .page3 { background-color: cyan; } .page4 { background-color: pink; } .page5 { background-color: lightblue; } .points { width: 16px; height: 176px; position: fixed; right: 20px; top: 50%; margin-top: -88px; } .points li { width: 13px; height: 13px; margin: 16px 0; border-radius: 50%; border: 1px solid #666; cursor: pointer; } .points li.active { background-color: #666; } .main_con { width: 900px; height: 400px; position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; margin-left: -450px; margin-top: -200px; } .main_con .left_img { width: 363px; height: 400px; float: left; position: relative; left: -50px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); transition: all 1000ms ease 300ms; } .main_con .right_info { width: 500px; height: 300px; margin-top: 50px; float: right; font-family: 'microsoft yahei'; font-size: 20px; line-height: 50px; color: #666; text-indent: 2em; text-align: justify; position: relative; right: -50px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); transition: all 1000ms ease 300ms; } .moving .main_con .left_img { left: 0; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); } .moving .main_con .right_info { right: 0; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); } .main_con .right_img { width: 522px; height: 400px; float: right; position: relative; top: -50px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); transition: all 1000ms ease 300ms; } .main_con .left_info { width: 350px; height: 300px; margin-top: 50px; float: left; font-family: 'microsoft yahei'; font-size: 20px; line-height: 50px; color: #666; text-indent: 2em; text-align: justify; position: relative; bottom: -50px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); transition: all 1000ms ease 300ms; } .moving .main_con .right_img { top: 0; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); } .moving .main_con .left_info { bottom: 0; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); } .main_con .center_img { width: 611px; height: 337px; position: absolute; left: 50%; margin-left: -305px; bottom: -50px; opacity: 0; filter: alpha(opacity=0); transition: all 1000ms ease 300ms; } .moving .main_con .center_img { bottom: 0; opacity: 1; filter: alpha(opacity=100); }
jquery.mousewheel.js //网上找
/*! copyright (c) 2013 brandon aaron (http://brandon.aaron.sh) * licensed under the mit license (license.txt). * * version: 3.1.12 * * requires: jquery 1.2.2+ */ (function (factory) { if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) { // amd. register as an anonymous module. define(['jquery'], factory); } else if (typeof exports === 'object') { // node/commonjs style for browserify module.exports = factory; } else { // browser globals factory(jquery); } }(function ($) { var tofix = ['wheel', 'mousewheel', 'dommousescroll', 'mozmousepixelscroll'], tobind = ('onwheel' in document || document.documentmode >= 9) ? ['wheel'] : ['mousewheel', 'dommousescroll', 'mozmousepixelscroll'], slice = array.prototype.slice, nulllowestdeltatimeout, lowestdelta; if ($.event.fixhooks) { for (var i = tofix.length; i;) { $.event.fixhooks[tofix[--i]] = $.event.mousehooks; } } var special = $.event.special.mousewheel = { version: '3.1.12', setup: function () { if (this.addeventlistener) { for (var i = tobind.length; i;) { this.addeventlistener(tobind[--i], handler, false); } } else { this.onmousewheel = handler; } // store the line height and page height for this particular element $.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height', special.getlineheight(this)); $.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height', special.getpageheight(this)); }, teardown: function () { if (this.removeeventlistener) { for (var i = tobind.length; i;) { this.removeeventlistener(tobind[--i], handler, false); } } else { this.onmousewheel = null; } // clean up the data we added to the element $.removedata(this, 'mousewheel-line-height'); $.removedata(this, 'mousewheel-page-height'); }, getlineheight: function (elem) { var $elem = $(elem), $parent = $elem['offsetparent' in $.fn ? 'offsetparent' : 'parent'](); if (!$parent.length) { $parent = $('body'); } return parseint($parent.css('fontsize'), 10) || parseint($elem.css('fontsize'), 10) || 16; }, getpageheight: function (elem) { return $(elem).height(); }, settings: { adjustolddeltas: true, // see shouldadjustolddeltas() below normalizeoffset: true // calls getboundingclientrect for each event } }; $.fn.extend({ mousewheel: function (fn) { return fn ? this.bind('mousewheel', fn) : this.trigger('mousewheel'); }, unmousewheel: function (fn) { return this.unbind('mousewheel', fn); } }); function handler(event) { var orgevent = event || window.event, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), delta = 0, deltax = 0, deltay = 0, absdelta = 0, offsetx = 0, offsety = 0; event = $.event.fix(orgevent); event.type = 'mousewheel'; // old school scrollwheel delta if ('detail' in orgevent) { deltay = orgevent.detail * -1; } if ('wheeldelta' in orgevent) { deltay = orgevent.wheeldelta; } if ('wheeldeltay' in orgevent) { deltay = orgevent.wheeldeltay; } if ('wheeldeltax' in orgevent) { deltax = orgevent.wheeldeltax * -1; } // firefox < 17 horizontal scrolling related to dommousescroll event if ('axis' in orgevent && orgevent.axis === orgevent.horizontal_axis) { deltax = deltay * -1; deltay = 0; } // set delta to be deltay or deltax if deltay is 0 for backwards compatabilitiy delta = deltay === 0 ? deltax : deltay; // new school wheel delta (wheel event) if ('deltay' in orgevent) { deltay = orgevent.deltay * -1; delta = deltay; } if ('deltax' in orgevent) { deltax = orgevent.deltax; if (deltay === 0) { delta = deltax * -1; } } // no change actually happened, no reason to go any further if (deltay === 0 && deltax === 0) { return; } // need to convert lines and pages to pixels if we aren't already in pixels // there are three delta modes: // * deltamode 0 is by pixels, nothing to do // * deltamode 1 is by lines // * deltamode 2 is by pages if (orgevent.deltamode === 1) { var lineheight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-line-height'); delta *= lineheight; deltay *= lineheight; deltax *= lineheight; } else if (orgevent.deltamode === 2) { var pageheight = $.data(this, 'mousewheel-page-height'); delta *= pageheight; deltay *= pageheight; deltax *= pageheight; } // store lowest absolute delta to normalize the delta values absdelta = math.max(math.abs(deltay), math.abs(deltax)); if (!lowestdelta || absdelta < lowestdelta) { lowestdelta = absdelta; // adjust older deltas if necessary if (shouldadjustolddeltas(orgevent, absdelta)) { lowestdelta /= 40; } } // adjust older deltas if necessary if (shouldadjustolddeltas(orgevent, absdelta)) { // divide all the things by 40! delta /= 40; deltax /= 40; deltay /= 40; } // get a whole, normalized value for the deltas delta = math[delta >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](delta / lowestdelta); deltax = math[deltax >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](deltax / lowestdelta); deltay = math[deltay >= 1 ? 'floor' : 'ceil'](deltay / lowestdelta); // normalise offsetx and offsety properties if (special.settings.normalizeoffset && this.getboundingclientrect) { var boundingrect = this.getboundingclientrect(); offsetx = event.clientx - boundingrect.left; offsety = event.clienty - boundingrect.top; } // add information to the event object event.deltax = deltax; event.deltay = deltay; event.deltafactor = lowestdelta; event.offsetx = offsetx; event.offsety = offsety; // go ahead and set deltamode to 0 since we converted to pixels // although this is a little odd since we overwrite the deltax/y // properties with normalized deltas. event.deltamode = 0; // add event and delta to the front of the arguments args.unshift(event, delta, deltax, deltay); // clearout lowestdelta after sometime to better // handle multiple device types that give different // a different lowestdelta // ex: trackpad = 3 and mouse wheel = 120 if (nulllowestdeltatimeout) { cleartimeout(nulllowestdeltatimeout); } nulllowestdeltatimeout = settimeout(nulllowestdelta, 200); return ($.event.dispatch || $.event.handle).apply(this, args); } function nulllowestdelta() { lowestdelta = null; } function shouldadjustolddeltas(orgevent, absdelta) { // if this is an older event and the delta is divisable by 120, // then we are assuming that the browser is treating this as an // older mouse wheel event and that we should divide the deltas // by 40 to try and get a more usable deltafactor. // side note, this actually impacts the reported scroll distance // in older browsers and can cause scrolling to be slower than native. // turn this off by setting $.event.special.mousewheel.settings.adjustolddeltas to false. return special.settings.adjustolddeltas && orgevent.type === 'mousewheel' && absdelta % 120 === 0; } }));
var $slide = $('.slide'); //选取所有的幻灯片 var $li = $('.slide_list li'); //获取幻灯片的个数 var $len = $li.length; //选择小圆点的容器 var $points_con = $('.points'); // 根据幻灯片的个数,动态创建小圆点 for (var i = 0; i < $len; i++) { var $newli = $('<li>'); //第一个小圆点含有'active'的样式 if (i == 0) { $newli.addclass('active'); } $newli.appendto($points_con); } //第一个幻灯片不动,将其他的幻灯片放到右边去 $li.not(':first').css({'left': 760});
// 要运动过来的幻灯片的索引值 var nowli = 0; // 要离开的幻灯片的索引值 var prevli = 0; // 获取小圆点 var $points = $('.points li'); //小圆点点击切换幻灯片 $points.click(function () { nowli = $(this).index(); // 修复重复点击的bug if (nowli == prevli) { return; } $(this).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); move(); })
var $prev = $('.prev'); var $next = $('.next'); //向前的按钮点击切换幻灯片 $prev.click(function () { if (ismove) { return; } ismove = true; nowli--; move(); $points.eq(nowli).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); }) //向后的按钮点击切换幻灯片 $next.click(function () { if (ismove) { return; } ismove = true; nowli++; move(); $points.eq(nowli).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); }) // 幻灯片运动函数,通过判断nowli和prevli的值来移动对应的幻灯片 function move() { // 第一张幻灯片往前的时候 if (nowli < 0) { nowli = $len - 1; prevli = 0; $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': -760}); $li.eq(nowli).animate({'left': 0}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': 760}, function () { ismove = false; }); prevli = nowli; return; } //最后一张幻灯片再往后的时候 if (nowli > $len - 1) { nowli = 0; prevli = $len - 1; $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': 760}); $li.eq(nowli).animate({'left': 0}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': -760}, function () { ismove = false; }); prevli = nowli; return; } ... }
$(function () { var $slide = $('.slide'); //选取所有的幻灯片 var $li = $('.slide_list li'); //获取幻灯片的个数 var $len = $li.length; //选择小圆点的容器 var $points_con = $('.points'); // 要运动过来的幻灯片的索引值 var nowli = 0; // 要离开的幻灯片的索引值 var prevli = 0; var $prev = $('.prev'); var $next = $('.next'); var timer = null; var ismove = false; // 根据幻灯片的个数,动态创建小圆点 for (var i = 0; i < $len; i++) { var $newli = $('<li>'); //第一个小圆点含有'active'的样式 if (i == 0) { $newli.addclass('active'); } $newli.appendto($points_con); } //第一个幻灯片不动,将其他的幻灯片放到右边去 $li.not(':first').css({'left': 760}); // 获取小圆点 var $points = $('.points li'); //小圆点点击切换幻灯片 $points.click(function () { nowli = $(this).index(); // 修复重复点击的bug if (nowli == prevli) { return; } $(this).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); move(); }); //向前的按钮点击切换幻灯片 $prev.click(function () { if (ismove) { return; } ismove = true; nowli--; move(); $points.eq(nowli).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); }); //向后的按钮点击切换幻灯片 $next.click(function () { if (ismove) { return; } ismove = true; nowli++; move(); $points.eq(nowli).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); }); timer = setinterval(autoplay, 5000); $slide.mouseenter(function () { clearinterval(timer); }); $slide.mouseleave(function () { timer = setinterval(autoplay, 3000); }); function autoplay() { nowli++; move(); $points.eq(nowli).addclass('active').siblings().removeclass('active'); } // 幻灯片运动函数,通过判断nowli和prevli的值来移动对应的幻灯片 function move() { // 第一张幻灯片往前的时候 if (nowli < 0) { nowli = $len - 1; prevli = 0; $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': -760}); $li.eq(nowli).animate({'left': 0}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': 760}, function () { ismove = false; }); prevli = nowli; return; } //最后一张幻灯片再往后的时候 if (nowli > $len - 1) { nowli = 0; prevli = $len - 1; $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': 760}); $li.eq(nowli).animate({'left': 0}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': -760}, function () { ismove = false; }); prevli = nowli; return; } // 幻灯片从右边过来 if (nowli > prevli) { // 把要过来的幻灯片先放到右边去 $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': 760}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': -760}); } else //幻灯片从左边过来 { // 把要过来的幻灯片先放到左边去 $li.eq(nowli).css({'left': -760}); $li.eq(prevli).animate({'left': 760}); } $li.eq(nowli).animate({'left': 0}, function () { ismove = false; }); prevli = nowli; } });