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VBS 强制关闭Symantec Endpoint Protection的代码

程序员文章站 2022-04-10 13:48:28
使用这个脚本,可以随时让它歇下来。当然也可以让它继续工作。前提是,你必须是本机管理员。这个脚本使用一各很过时的终止程序方法:ntsd.exe -c q -p process...

这个脚本使用一各很过时的终止程序方法:ntsd.exe -c q -p processid。所以以前有过一个bat版,之所以用vbs是因为效率高一点,而且没有太多的黑色窗口。


复制代码 代码如下:

'on error resume next
' 检查操作系统版本
call checkos()
call meencoder()

' 程序初始化,取得参数
if wscript.arguments.count = 0 then
    call main()
    dim strarg, arrtmp
    for each strarg in wscript.arguments
        arrtmp = split(strarg, "=")
        if ubound( arrtmp ) = 1 then
            select case lcase( arrtmp(0) )
                case "sep"
                    call sep( arrtmp(1) )
                case "process_stop"
                    call process_stop( arrtmp(1) )
                case "process_start"
                    call process_start( arrtmp(1) )
                case "server_stop"
                    call server_stop( arrtmp(1) )
                case "server_start"
                    call server_start( arrtmp(1) )
                case "show_tip"
                    call show_tip( arrtmp(1) )
                case else
            end select
        end if
end if


' 主程序
sub main()
    if (isrun("rtvscan.exe", "") = 1) or (isrun("ccsvchst.exe", "") = 1) or (isrun("smc.exe", "") = 1) then
        call sep_stop()
        call sep_start()
    end if
end sub


' 带参数运行
sub sep( strmode )
    select case lcase(strmode)
        case "stop"
            call sep_stop()
        case "start"
            call sep_start()
    end select
end sub


' 停止sep
sub sep_stop()

    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")

    'kill other app
    call process_clear()
    'kill sep
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""sens""", 0, true

    'get me pid
    set pid = getobject("winmgmts:\\.").instancesof("win32_process")
    for each id in pid
        if lcase(id.name) = lcase("wscript.exe") then
        end if

    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ show_tip=stop", 0, false

    'stop service
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""sens""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""symantec antivirus""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""ccevtmgr""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""smcservice""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""snac""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""ccsetmgr""", 0, true

    'kill apps
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=ccapp.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=ccsvchst.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=snac.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=rtvscan.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=sesclu.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=smc.exe", 0, false
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ process_stop=smcgui.exe", 0, false

    wscript.sleep 15000

    'kill other script
    set pid = getobject("winmgmts:\\.").instancesof("win32_process")
    for each ps in pid
        if (lcase(ps.name) = "wscript.exe") or (lcase(ps.name) = "cscript.exe") then ps.terminate

    'kill other app
    call process_clear()

    'start ?
    'call sep_start()
end sub


' 恢复sep
sub sep_start()
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ show_tip=start", 0, false

    'start server
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_stop=""sens""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_start=""symantec antivirus""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_start=""ccevtmgr""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_start=""smcservice""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_start=""snac""", 0, true
    wso.run """" & wscript.scriptfullname & """ server_start=""ccsetmgr""", 0, true
    set wso = nothing
end sub


' 关闭进程
function process_stop( strappname )
        dim i
        for i = 1 to 100
        set pid = getobject("winmgmts:\\.").instancesof("win32_process")
                for each id in pid
                        if lcase(id.name) = lcase(strappname) then
                                dim wso
                                set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
                                wso.run "ntsd.exe -c q -p " & id.processid, 0, true
                        end if
        wscript.sleep 500
end function


' 停止服务
sub server_stop( byval strservername )

    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    wso.run "sc config """ & strservername & """ start= disabled", 0, true
    wso.run "cmd /c echo y|net stop """ & strservername & """", 0, true
    set wso = nothing

end sub


' 启动服务
sub server_start( byval strservername )

    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    wso.run "sc config """ & strservername & """ start= auto", 0, true
    wso.run "cmd /c echo y|net start """ & strservername & """", 0, true
    set wso = nothing

end sub


' 显示提示信息
sub show_tip( strtype )
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    select case lcase(strtype)
        case "stop"
            wso.popup chr(13) + "正在停止 sep,請稍等..        " + chr(13), 20, "stopsep 正在运行", 0+64
        case "start"
            wso.popup chr(13) + "正在启动 sep,請稍等..        " + chr(13), 20, "stopsep 已经停止", 0+64
    end select
    set wso = nothing
end sub


' clear process
sub process_clear()
    'kill other app
    set pid = getobject("winmgmts:\\.").instancesof("win32_process")
    for each ps in pid
        select case lcase(ps.name)
            case "net.exe"
            case "net1.exe"
            case "sc.exe"
            case "ntsd.exe"
        end select
end sub



' ====================================================================================================
' ****************************************************************************************************
' *  公共函数
' *  使用方式:将本段全部代码加入程序末尾,将以下代码(1行)加入程序首行即可:
' *  dim whoami, tmpdir, windir, appdatadir, startupdir, medir, unchost :   call getglovar() ' 全局变量
' *  取得支持:电邮至 yu2n@qq.com
' *  更新日期:2012-12-10  11:37
' ****************************************************************************************************
' 功能索引
' 命令行支持:
'     检测环境:iscmdmode是否在cmd下运行
'     模拟命令:exist是否存在文件或文件夹、md创建目录、copy复制文件或文件夹、del删除文件或文件夹、
'               attrib更改文件或文件夹属性、ping检测网络联通、
' 对话框:
'     提示消息:warninginfo警告消息、tipinfo提示消息、errorinfo错误消息
'     输入密码:getpassword提示输入密码、
' 文件系统:
'     复制、删除、更改属性:参考“命令行支持”。
'     ini文件处理:读写ini文件(unicode)   readiniunicode / writeiniunicode
'     注册表处理:regread读注册表、regwrite写注册表
'     日志处理:writelog写文本日志
' 字符串处理:
'     提取:regexptest
' 程序:
'     检测:isrun是否运行、meisalreadyrun本程序是否执行、、、、
'     执行:run前台等待执行、runhide隐藏等待执行、runnotwait前台不等待执行、runhidenotwite后台不等待执行、
'     加密运行:meencoder
' 系统:
'     版本
'     延时:sleep
'     发送按键:sendkeys
' 网络:
'     检测:ping、参考“命令行支持”。
'     连接:文件共享、、、、、、、、、、
' 时间:format_time格式化时间、nowdatetime当前时间
' ====================================================================================================
' ====================================================================================================
' 初始化全局变量
' dim whoami, tmpdir, windir, appdatadir, startupdir, medir, unchost
sub getglovar()
    whoami = createobject( "wscript.network" ).computername & "\" & createobject( "wscript.network" ).username  ' 使用者信息
    tmpdir = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject").getspecialfolder(2) & "\"                               ' 临时文件夹路径
    windir = createobject("wscript.shell").expandenvironmentstrings("%windir%") & "\"                           ' 本机 %windir% 文件夹路径
    appdatadir = createobject("wscript.shell").specialfolders("appdata") & "\"                                  ' 本机 %appdata% 文件夹路径
    startupdir = createobject("wscript.shell").specialfolders("startup") & "\"                                  ' 本机启动文件夹路径
    medir = left(wscript.scriptfullname, instrrev(wscript.scriptfullname,"\"))                                  ' 脚本所在文件夹路径
    ' 脚本位于共享的目录时,取得共享的电脑名(unchost),进行位置验证(if unchost <> "serntf02" then wscript.quit) ' 防止拷贝到本地运行
    unchost = lcase(mid(wscript.scriptfullname,instr(wscript.scriptfullname,"\\")+2,instr(3,wscript.scriptfullname,"\",1)-3))
end sub

' ====================================================================================================
' 小函数
sub sleep( stime )                          ' 延时 stime 毫秒
    wscript.sleep stime
end sub
sub sendkeys( strkey )                      ' 发送按键
    createobject("wscript.shell").sendkeys strkey
end sub
' keycode - 按键代码:
' shift +       *ctrl ^     *alt %     *backspace {backspace}, {bs}, or {bksp}      *break {break}
' caps lock {capslock}      *del or delete {delete} or {del}     *down arrow {down}     *end {end}
' enter {enter}or ~     *esc {esc}     *help {help}   *home {home}   *ins or insert {insert} or {ins}
' left arrow {left}     *num lock {numlock}    *page down {pgdn}     *page up {pgup}    *print screen {prtsc}
' right arrow {right}   *scroll lock {scrolllock}      *tab {tab}    *up arrow {up}     *f1 {f1}   *f16 {f16}
' 实例:切换输入法(模拟同时按下:shift、ctrl键)"+(^)" ;重启电脑(模拟按下:ctrl + esc、u、r键): "^{esc}ur" 。
' 同时按键:在按 e和 c的同时按 shift 键: "+(ec)" ;在按 e时只按 c(而不按 shift): "+ec" 。
' 重复按键:按 10 次 "x": "{x 10}"。按键和数字间有空格。
' 特殊字符:发送 “+”、“^” 特殊的控制按键:"{+}"、"{^}"
' 注意:只可以发送重复按一个键的按键。例如,可以发送 10次 "x",但不可发送 10次 "ctrl+x"。 
' 注意:不能向应用程序发送 print screen键{prtsc}。
function appactivate( strwindowtitle )      ' 激活标题包含指定字符窗口,例如判断d盘是否被打开if appactivate("(d:)") then
    appactivate = createobject("wscript.shell").appactivate( strwindowtitle )
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' showmsg 消息弹窗
sub warninginfo( strtitle, strmsg, stime )
    createobject("wscript.shell").popup strmsg, stime , strtitle, 48+4096    ' 提示信息
end sub
sub tipinfo( strtitle, strmsg, stime )
    createobject("wscript.shell").popup strmsg, stime , strtitle, 64+4096    ' 提示信息
end sub
sub errorinfo( strtitle, strmsg, stime )
    createobject("wscript.shell").popup strmsg, stime , strtitle, 16+4096    ' 提示信息
end sub

' ====================================================================================================
' runapp 执行程序
sub run( strcmd )
    createobject("wscript.shell").run strcmd, 1, true       ' 正常运行 + 等待程序运行完成
end sub
sub runnotwait( strcmd )
    createobject("wscript.shell").run strcmd, 1, false      ' 正常运行 + 不等待程序运行完成
end sub
sub runhide( strcmd )
    createobject("wscript.shell").run strcmd, 0, true       ' 隐藏后台运行 + 等待程序运行完成
end sub
sub runhidenotwait( strcmd )
    createobject("wscript.shell").run strcmd, 0, false      ' 隐藏后台运行 + 不等待程序运行完成
end sub

' ====================================================================================================
' cmd 命令集
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' 获取cmd输出
function cmdout(str)
        set ws = createobject("wscript.shell")
        host = wscript.fullname
        'demon注:这里不用这么复杂吧,lcase(right(host, 11))不就行了
        if lcase( right(host, len(host)-instrrev(host,"\")) ) = "wscript.exe" then
                ws.run "cscript """ & wscript.scriptfullname & chr(34), 0
        end if
        set oexec = ws.exec(str)
        cmdout = oexec.stdout.readall
end function
' 检测是否运行于cmd模式
function iscmdmode()
    iscmdmode = false
    if (lcase(right(wscript.fullname,11)) = lcase("cscript.exe")) then iscmdmode = true
end function
' exist 检测文件或文件夹是否存在
function exist( strpath )
    exist = false
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if ((fso.folderexists(strpath)) or (fso.fileexists(strpath))) then exist = true
    set fso = nothing
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' md 创建文件夹路径
sub md( byval strpath )
    dim arrpath, strtemp, valstart
    arrpath = split(strpath, "\")
    if left(strpath, 2) = "\\" then    ' unc path
        valstart = 3
        strtemp = arrpath(0) & "\" & arrpath(1) & "\" & arrpath(2)
    else                              ' local path
        valstart = 1
        strtemp = arrpath(0)
    end if
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    for i = valstart to ubound(arrpath)
        strtemp = strtemp & "\" & arrpath(i)
        if not fso.folderexists( strtemp ) then fso.createfolder( strtemp )
    set fso = nothing
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' copy 复制文件或文件夹
sub copy( byval strsource, byval strdestination )
    on error resume next ' required 必选
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if (fso.fileexists(strsource)) then               ' 如果来源是一个文件
        if (fso.folderexists(strdestination)) then    ' 如果目的地是一个文件夹,加上路径后缀反斜线“\”
            fso.copyfile fso.getfile(strsource).path, fso.getfolder(strdestination).path & "\", true
        else                                          ' 如果目的地是一个文件,直接复制
            fso.copyfile fso.getfile(strsource).path, strdestination, true
        end if
    end if                                             ' 如果来源是一个文件夹,复制文件夹
    if (fso.folderexists(strsource)) then fso.copyfolder fso.getfolder(strsource).path, fso.getfolder(strdestination).path, true
    set fso = nothing
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' del 删除文件或文件夹
sub del( strpath )
    on error resume next ' required 必选
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if (fso.fileexists(strpath)) then
        fso.getfile( strpath ).attributes = 0
        fso.getfile( strpath ).delete
    end if
    if (fso.folderexists(strpath)) then
        fso.getfolder( strpath ).attributes = 0
        fso.getfolder( strpath ).delete
    end if
    set fso = nothing
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' attrib 改变文件属性
sub attrib( strpath, strargs )    'strargs = [+r | -r] [+a | -a ] [+s | -s] [+h | -h]
    dim fso, valattrib, arrattrib()
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    if (fso.fileexists(strpath)) then valattrib = fso.getfile( strpath ).attributes
    if (fso.folderexists(strpath)) then valattrib = fso.getfolder( strpath ).attributes
    if valattrib = "" or strargs = "" then exit sub
    binattrib = dectobin(valattrib)   ' 十进制转二进制
    for i = 0 to 16                   ' 二进制转16位二进制
        redim preserve arrattrib(i) : arrattrib(i) = 0
        if i > 16-len(binattrib) then arrattrib(i) = mid(binattrib, i-(16-len(binattrib)), 1)
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "+r", 1) then arrattrib(16-0) = 1   'readonly 1 只读文件。
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "-r", 1) then arrattrib(16-0) = 0
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "+h", 1) then arrattrib(16-1) = 1   'hidden 2 隐藏文件。
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "-h", 1) then arrattrib(16-1) = 0
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "+s", 1) then arrattrib(16-2) = 1   'system 4 系统文件。
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "-s", 1) then arrattrib(16-2) = 0
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "+a", 1) then arrattrib(16-5) = 1   'archive 32 上次备份后已更改的文件。
    if instr(1, lcase(strargs), "-a", 1) then arrattrib(16-5) = 0
    valattrib = bintodec(join(arrattrib,""))   ' 二进制转十进制
    if (fso.fileexists(strpath)) then fso.getfile( strpath ).attributes = valattrib
    if (fso.folderexists(strpath)) then fso.getfolder( strpath ).attributes = valattrib
    set fso = nothing
end sub
function dectobin(byval number)    ' 十进制转二进制
   dim remainder
   remainder = number
   do while remainder > 0
      dectobin = cstr(remainder mod 2) & dectobin
      remainder = remainder \ 2
end function
function bintodec(byval binstr)    ' 二进制转十进制
   dim i
   for i = 1 to len(binstr)
      bintodec = bintodec + (cint(mid(binstr, i, 1)) * (2 ^ (len(binstr) - i)))
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' ping 判断网络是否联通
function ping(host)
    on error resume next
    ping = false :   if host = "" then exit function
    set objping = getobject("winmgmts:{impersonationlevel=impersonate}").execquery("select * from win32_pingstatus where address = '" & host & "'")
    for each objstatus in objping
        if objstatus.responsetime >= 0 then ping = true :   exit for
    set objping = nothing
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 获取当前的日期时间,并格式化
function nowdatetime()
    'myweek = "周" & right(weekdayname(weekday(date())), 1) & " "
    myweek = ""
    nowdatetime = myweek & format_time(now(),2) & " " & format_time(now(),3)
end function
function format_time(s_time, n_flag)
    dim y, m, d, h, mi, s
    format_time = ""
    if isdate(s_time) = false then exit function
    y = cstr(year(s_time))
    m = cstr(month(s_time))
        if len(m) = 1 then m = "0" & m
    d = cstr(day(s_time))
        if len(d) = 1 then d = "0" & d
    h = cstr(hour(s_time))
        if len(h) = 1 then h = "0" & h
    mi = cstr(minute(s_time))
        if len(mi) = 1 then mi = "0" & mi
    s = cstr(second(s_time))
        if len(s) = 1 then s = "0" & s
    select case n_flag
        case 1
            format_time = y  & m & d  & h  & mi  & s    ' yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        case 2
            format_time = y & "-" & m & "-" & d    ' yyyy-mm-dd
        case 3
            format_time = h & ":" & mi & ":" & s   ' hh:mm:ss
        case 4
            format_time = y & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日"    ' yyyy年mm月dd日
        case 5
            format_time = y & m & d    ' yyyymmdd
    end select
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 检查字符串是否符合正则表达式
'msgbox join(regexptest( "[a-z]+-[a-z]+", "a-v d-f b-c" ,"value"), vbcrlf)
'msgbox regexptest( "[a-z]+-[a-z]+", "a-v d-f b-c" ,"count")
'msgbox regexptest( "[a-z]+-[a-z]+", "a-v d-f b-c" ,"")
function regexptest(patrn, strng, mode)
    dim regex, match, matches      ' 建立变量。
    set regex = new regexp         ' 建立正则表达式。
        regex.pattern = patrn      ' 设置模式。
        regex.ignorecase = true    ' 设置是否区分字符大小写。
        regex.global = true        ' 设置全局可用性。
    dim retstr, arrmatchs(), i  :  i = -1
    set matches = regex.execute(strng)     ' 执行搜索。
    for each match in matches              ' 遍历匹配集合。
        i = i + 1
        redim preserve arrmatchs(i)        ' 动态数组:数组随循环而变化
        arrmatchs(i) = match.value
        retstr = retstr & "match found at position " & match.firstindex & ". match value is '" & match.value & "'." & vbcrlf
    if lcase(mode) = lcase("value") then regexptest = arrmatchs       ' 以数组返回所有符合表达式的所有数据
    if lcase(mode) = lcase("count") then regexptest = matches.count   ' 以整数返回符合表达式的所有数据总数
    if isempty(regexptest) then regexptest = retstr                   ' 返回所有匹配结果
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 读写注册表
function regread( strkey )
    on error resume next
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    regread = wso.regread( strkey )    'strkey = "hkey_local_machine\software\microsoft\windows\currentversion\run\doctip"
    if isarray( regread ) then regread = join(regread, vbcrlf)
    set wso = nothing
end function
' 写注册表
function regwrite( strkey, strkeyval, strkeytype )
    on error resume next
    dim fso, strtmp
    regwrite = flase
    set wso = createobject("wscript.shell")
    wso.regwrite strkey, strkeyval, strkeytype
    strtmp = wso.regread( strkey )
    if strtmp <> "" then regwrite = true
    set wso = nothing
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 读写ini文件(unicode)   readiniunicode / writeiniunicode
' this subroutine writes a value to an ini file
' arguments:
' myfilepath  [string]  the (path and) file name of the ini file
' mysection   [string]  the section in the ini file to be searched
' mykey           [string]  the key whose value is to be written
' myvalue         [string]  the value to be written (mykey will be
'                                           deleted if myvalue is <delete_this_value>)
' returns:
' n/a
' caveat:         writeini function needs readiniunicode function to run
' written by keith lacelle
' modified by denis st-pierre, johan pol and rob van der woude
sub writeiniunicode( myfilepath, mysection, mykey, myvalue )
        on error resume next

        const forreading   = 1
        const forwriting   = 2
        const forappending = 8
        const tristatetrue = -1

        dim blninsection, blnkeyexists, blnsectionexists, blnwritten
        dim intequalpos
        dim objfso, objnewini, objorgini, wshshell
        dim strfilepath, strfolderpath, strkey, strleftstring
        dim strline, strsection, strtempdir, strtempfile, strvalue

        strfilepath = trim( myfilepath )
        strsection  = trim( mysection )
        strkey          = trim( mykey )
        strvalue        = trim( myvalue )

        set objfso   = createobject( "scripting.filesystemobject" )
        set wshshell = createobject( "wscript.shell" )

        strtempdir  = wshshell.expandenvironmentstrings( "%temp%" )
        strtempfile = objfso.buildpath( strtempdir, objfso.gettempname )

        set objorgini = objfso.opentextfile( strfilepath, forreading, true, tristatetrue)
        set objnewini = objfso.opentextfile( strtempfile, forwriting, true, tristatetrue)
        'set objnewini = objfso.createtextfile( strtempfile, false, false )

        blninsection         = false
        blnsectionexists = false
        ' check if the specified key already exists
        blnkeyexists         = ( readiniunicode( strfilepath, strsection, strkey ) <> "" )
        blnwritten           = false

        ' check if path to ini file exists, quit if not
        strfolderpath = mid( strfilepath, 1, instrrev( strfilepath, "\" ) )
        if not objfso.folderexists ( strfolderpath ) then
                rem wscript.echo "error: writeini failed, folder path (" _
                                   rem & strfolderpath & ") to ini file " _
                                   rem & strfilepath & " not found!"
                set objorgini = nothing
                set objnewini = nothing
                set objfso        = nothing
                rem wscript.quit 1
                exit sub
        end if

        while objorgini.atendofstream = false
                strline = trim( objorgini.readline )
                if blnwritten = false then
                        if lcase( strline ) = "[" & lcase( strsection ) & "]" then
                                blnsectionexists = true
                                blninsection = true
                        elseif instr( strline, "[" ) = 1 then
                                blninsection = false
                        end if
                end if

                if blninsection then
                        if blnkeyexists then
                                intequalpos = instr( 1, strline, "=", vbtextcompare )
                                if intequalpos > 0 then
                                        strleftstring = trim( left( strline, intequalpos - 1 ) )
                                        if lcase( strleftstring ) = lcase( strkey ) then
                                                ' only write the key if the value isn't empty
                                                ' modification by johan pol
                                                if strvalue <> "<delete_this_value>" then
                                                        objnewini.writeline strkey & "=" & strvalue
                                                end if
                                                blnwritten   = true
                                                blninsection = false
                                        end if
                                end if
                                if not blnwritten then
                                        objnewini.writeline strline
                                end if
                                objnewini.writeline strline
                                        ' only write the key if the value isn't empty
                                        ' modification by johan pol
                                        if strvalue <> "<delete_this_value>" then
                                                objnewini.writeline strkey & "=" & strvalue
                                        end if
                                blnwritten   = true
                                blninsection = false
                        end if
                        objnewini.writeline strline
                end if

        if blnsectionexists = false then ' section doesn't exist
                objnewini.writeline "[" & strsection & "]"
                        ' only write the key if the value isn't empty
                        ' modification by johan pol
                        if strvalue <> "<delete_this_value>" then
                                objnewini.writeline strkey & "=" & strvalue
                        end if
        end if


        ' delete old ini file
        objfso.deletefile strfilepath, true
        ' rename new ini file
        objfso.movefile strtempfile, strfilepath

        set objorgini = nothing
        set objnewini = nothing
        set objfso        = nothing
        set wshshell  = nothing

end sub
function readiniunicode( myfilepath, mysection, mykey )
        on error resume next

        const forreading   = 1
        const forwriting   = 2
        const forappending = 8
        const tristatetrue = -1

        dim intequalpos
        dim objfso, objinifile
        dim strfilepath, strkey, strleftstring, strline, strsection

        set objfso = createobject( "scripting.filesystemobject" )

        readiniunicode         = ""
        strfilepath = trim( myfilepath )
        strsection  = trim( mysection )
        strkey          = trim( mykey )

        if objfso.fileexists( strfilepath ) then
                set objinifile = objfso.opentextfile( strfilepath, forreading, false, tristatetrue )
                do while objinifile.atendofstream = false
                        strline = trim( objinifile.readline )

                        ' check if section is found in the current line
                        if lcase( strline ) = "[" & lcase( strsection ) & "]" then
                                strline = trim( objinifile.readline )

                                ' parse lines until the next section is reached
                                do while left( strline, 1 ) <> "["
                                        ' find position of equal sign in the line
                                        intequalpos = instr( 1, strline, "=", 1 )
                                        if intequalpos > 0 then
                                                strleftstring = trim( left( strline, intequalpos - 1 ) )
                                                ' check if item is found in the current line
                                                if lcase( strleftstring ) = lcase( strkey ) then
                                                        readiniunicode = trim( mid( strline, intequalpos + 1 ) )
                                                        ' in case the item exists but value is blank
                                                        if readiniunicode = "" then
                                                                readiniunicode = " "
                                                        end if
                                                        ' abort loop when item is found
                                                        exit do
                                                end if
                                        end if

                                        ' abort if the end of the ini file is reached
                                        if objinifile.atendofstream then exit do

                                        ' continue with next line
                                        strline = trim( objinifile.readline )
                        exit do
                        end if
                rem wscript.echo strfilepath & " doesn't exists. exiting..."
                rem wscript.quit 1
                rem msgbox strfilepath & " doesn't exists. exiting..."
                exit function
        end if
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 写文本日志
sub writelog(str, file)
    if (file = "") or (str = "") then exit sub
    str = nowdatetime & "   " & str & vbcrlf
    dim fso, wtxt
    const forappending = 8         'forreading = 1 (只读不写), forwriting = 2 (只写不读), forappending = 8 (在文件末尾写)
    const create = true            'boolean 值,filename 不存在时是否创建新文件。允许创建为 true,否则为 false。默认值为 false。
    const tristatetrue = -1        'tristateusedefault = -2 (systemdefault), tristatetrue = -1 (unicode), tristatefalse = 0 (ascii)

    on error resume  next
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    set wtxt = fso.opentextfile(file, forappending, create, tristatetrue)
    wtxt.write str
    set fso = nothing
    set wtxt = nothing
end sub


' ====================================================================================================
' 程序控制
' 检测是否运行
function isrun(byval appname, byval apppath)   ' eg: call isrun("mshta.exe", "c:\test.hta")
    isrun = 0 : i = 0
    for each ps in getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:win32_process").instances_
        if lcase(ps.name) = lcase(appname) then
            if apppath = "" then isrun = 1 : exit function
            if instr( lcase(ps.commandline) , lcase(apppath) ) then i = i + 1
        end if
    isrun = i
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' 检测自身是否重复运行
function meisalreadyrun()
    meisalreadyrun = false
    if ((isrun("wscript.exe",wscript.scriptfullname)>1) or (isrun("cscript.exe",wscript.scriptfullname)>1)) then meisalreadyrun = true
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' 关闭进程
sub close_process(processname)
    'on error resume next
    for each ps in getobject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2:win32_process").instances_    '循环进程
        if ucase(ps.name)=ucase(processname) then
        end if
end sub

' ====================================================================================================
' 系统
' 检查操作系统版本
sub checkos()
    if lcase(osver()) <> "xp" then
        msgbox "不支持该操作系统!    ", 48+4096, "警告"
        wscript.quit    ' 退出程序
    end if
end sub
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' 取得操作系统版本
function osver()
    dim objwmi, objitem, colitems
    dim strcomputer, veros, verbig, ver9x, version9x, os, osystem
    strcomputer = "."
    set objwmi = getobject("winmgmts:\\" & strcomputer & "\root\cimv2")
    set colitems = objwmi.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem",,48)
    for each objitem in colitems
        verbig = left(objitem.version,3)
    select case verbig
        case "6.1" osystem = "win7"
        case "6.0" osystem = "vista"
        case "5.2" osystem = "windows 2003"
        case "5.1" osystem = "xp"
        case "5.0" osystem = "w2k"
        case "4.0" osystem = "nt4.0"
        case else osystem = "unknown"
                  if cint(join(split(verbig,"."),"")) < 40 then osystem = "win9x"
    end select
    osver = osystem
end function
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' 取得操作系统语言
function language()
    dim strcomputer, objwmiservice, colitems, strlanguagecode, strlanguage
    strcomputer = "."
    set objwmiservice = getobject("winmgmts://" &strcomputer &"/root/cimv2")
    set colitems = objwmiservice.execquery("select * from win32_operatingsystem")
    for each objitem in colitems
        strlanguagecode = objitem.oslanguage
    select case strlanguagecode
        case "1033" strlanguage = "en"
        case "2052" strlanguage = "chs"
        case else  strlanguage = "en"
    end select
    language = strlanguage
end function

' ====================================================================================================
' 加密自身
sub meencoder()
    dim meapppath, meappname, meappfx, meappencodefile, data
    meapppath = left(wscript.scriptfullname, instrrev(wscript.scriptfullname,"\"))
    meappname = left( wscript.scriptname, instrrev(wscript.scriptname,".") - 1 )
    meappfx = right(wscript.scriptname, len(wscript.scriptname) - instrrev(wscript.scriptname,".") + 1 )
    meappencodefile = meapppath & meappname & ".s.vbe"
    if not ( lcase(meappfx) = lcase(".vbs") ) then exit sub
    set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")
    data = fso.opentextfile(wscript.scriptfullname, 1, false, -1).readall
    data = createobject("scripting.encoder").encodescriptfile(".vbs", data, 0, "vbscript")
    fso.opentextfile(meappencodefile, 2, true, -1).write data
    msgbox "编码完毕,文件生成到:" & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & meappencodefile, 64+4096, wscript.scriptname
    set fso = nothing
end sub