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实现SQL Server 原生数据从XML生成JSON数据的实例代码

程序员文章站 2022-04-09 21:49:02
实现sql server 原生数据从xml生成json数据的实例代码    sql server 是关系数据库,查询结果通常都是数据集,但是在一些特殊...

实现sql server 原生数据从xml生成json数据的实例代码

   sql server 是关系数据库,查询结果通常都是数据集,但是在一些特殊需求下,我们需要xml数据,最近这些年,json作为webapi常用的交换数据格式,那么数据库如何生成json数据呢?今天就写了一个demo.


set nocount on 
if object_id('stats') is not null drop table stats 
if object_id('stations') is not null drop table stations 
if object_id('operators') is not null drop table operators 
if object_id('reviews') is not null drop table reviews 
-- create and populate table with station 
create table stations(id integer primary key, city nvarchar(20), state char(2), lat_n real, long_w real); 
insert into stations values (13, 'phoenix', 'az', 33, 112); 
insert into stations values (44, 'denver', 'co', 40, 105); 
insert into stations values (66, 'caribou', 'me', 47, 68); 
-- create and populate table with operators 
create table operators(id integer primary key, name nvarchar(20), surname nvarchar(20)); 
insert into operators values (50, 'john "the fox"', 'brown'); 
insert into operators values (51, 'paul', 'smith'); 
insert into operators values (52, 'michael', 'williams');  
-- create and populate table with normalized temperature and precipitation data 
create table stats ( 
    station_id integer references stations(id), 
    month integer check (month between 1 and 12), 
    temp_f real check (temp_f between -80 and 150), 
    rain_i real check (rain_i between 0 and 100), primary key (station_id, month)); 
insert into stats values (13, 1, 57.4, 0.31); 
insert into stats values (13, 7, 91.7, 5.15); 
insert into stats values (44, 1, 27.3, 0.18); 
insert into stats values (44, 7, 74.8, 2.11); 
insert into stats values (66, 1, 6.7, 2.10); 
insert into stats values (66, 7, 65.8, 4.52); 
-- create and populate table with review 
create table reviews(station_id integer,stat_month integer,operator_id integer)  
insert into reviews values (13,1,50) 
insert into reviews values (13,7,50) 
insert into reviews values (44,7,51) 
insert into reviews values (44,7,52) 
insert into reviews values (44,7,50) 
insert into reviews values (66,1,51) 
insert into reviews values (66,7,51) 


select   stations.id    as id, 
      stations.city   as city, 
      stations.state  as state, 
      stations.lat_n  as latn, 
      stations.long_w  as longw, 
      stats.month    as month, 
      stats.rain_i   as rain, 
      stats.temp_f   as temp, 
    operators.name  as name, 
    operators.surname as surname 
from    stations  
inner join stats   on stats.station_id=stations.id  
left join reviews  on reviews.station_id=stations.id  
           and reviews.stat_month=stats.[month] 
left join operators on operators.id=reviews.operator_id 


实现SQL Server 原生数据从XML生成JSON数据的实例代码


select stations.*, 
    (select stats.*,  
        (select operators.*  
        from  operators  
        inner join reviews on operators.id=reviews.operator_id  
        where reviews.station_id=stats.station_id  
        and  reviews.stat_month=stats.month  
        for xml path('operator'),type 
        ) operators 
    from stats  
    where stats.station_id=stations.id  
    for xml path('stat'),type 
    ) stats  
from  stations  
for  xml path('station'),type 


     <name>john "the fox"</name> 
     <name>john "the fox"</name> 
     <name>john "the fox"</name> 



create function [dbo].[qfn_xmltojson](@xmldata xml) 
returns nvarchar(max) 
 declare @m nvarchar(max) 
 select @m='['+stuff 
   (select theline from 
  (select ','+' {'+stuff 
       (select ',"'+coalesce(b.c.value('local-name(.)', 'nvarchar(255)'),'')+'":'+ 
           case when b.c.value('count(*)','int')=0  
           then dbo.[qfn_jsonescape](b.c.value('text()[1]','nvarchar(max)')) 
           else dbo.qfn_xmltojson(b.c.query('*')) 
         from x.a.nodes('*') b(c)                                 
         for xml path(''),type).value('(./text())[1]','nvarchar(max)') 
     from @xmldata.nodes('/*') x(a) 
    ) json(theline) 
    for xml path(''),type).value('.','nvarchar(max)') 
  return @m 

create function [dbo].[qfn_jsonescape](@value nvarchar(max) ) 
returns nvarchar(max) 
as begin 
 if (@value is null) return 'null' 
 if (try_parse( @value as float) is not null) return @value 
 set @value=replace(@value,'\','\\') 
 set @value=replace(@value,'"','\"') 
 return '"'+@value+'"' 


select dbo.qfn_xmltojson 
  select stations.id,stations.city,stations.state,stations.lat_n,stations.long_w , 
     (select stats.*,  
          (select operators.*  
          from  operators inner join reviews  
          on   operators.id=reviews.operator_id 
          where reviews.station_id=stats.station_id  
          and  reviews.stat_month=stats.month  
          for xml path('operator'),type 
          ) operators 
      from stats  
      where stats.station_id=stations.id for xml path('stat'),type 
     ) stats  
   from stations for xml path('stations'),type 


[ {"id":13,"city":"phoenix","state":"az","lat_n":3.3000000e+001,"long_w"
:1.1200000e+002,"stats":[ {"station_id":13,"month":1,"temp_f":5.7400002e+001,"
rain_i":3.1000000e-001,"operators":[ {"id":50,"name":"john \"the fox\"","surname":"brown"}]},
[ {"id":50,"name":"john \"the fox\"","surname":"brown"}]}]}, {"id":44,"city":"denver",
"state":"co","lat_n":4.0000000e+001,"long_w":1.0500000e+002,"stats":[ {"station_id":44,
"month":1,"temp_f":2.7299999e+001,"rain_i":1.8000001e-001}, {"station_id":44,"month":7,
"temp_f":7.4800003e+001,"rain_i":2.1099999e+000,"operators":[ {"id":51,"name":"paul",
"surname":"smith"}, {"id":52,"name":"michael","surname":"williams"}, {"id":50,"name"
:"john \"the fox\"","surname":"brown"}]}]}, {"id":66,"city":"caribou","state":"me","lat_n":
4.7000000e+001,"long_w":6.8000000e+001,"stats":[ {"station_id":66,"month":1,"temp
_f":6.6999998e+000,"rain_i":2.0999999e+000,"operators":[ {"id":51,"name":"paul","
surname":"smith"}]}, {"station_id":66,"month":7,"temp_f":6.5800003e+001,"rain_i":
4.5200000e+000,"operators":[ {"id":51,"name":"paul","surname":"smith"}]}]}] 


