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程序员文章站 2022-04-09 17:09:37
function Slider(id){ //属性 // 1. 通过id获取元素对象(大盒子) this.bigBox = document.getElementById(id); //2. 获取出大盒子中的所有图片(数组) this.ullis = this.bigBox.children[0]. ......
function slider(id){
    //  1. 通过id获取元素对象(大盒子)
    this.bigbox = document.getelementbyid(id);
   //2. 获取出大盒子中的所有图片(数组)
   this.ullis = this.bigbox.children[0].children;
    //3. 统计图片数量(数组.length)
    this.num = this.ullis.length;
    //4. 获取所有的小圆点
    this.ollis = this.createelement();
    //5. 设置轮播的当前下标
    this.indexa = 0;
    //8. 获取文字信息的div
    this.div = $id('msg');
    //6. 获取左按钮
    this.ltbtn = $id('ltbtn');
    //7. 获取右按钮
    this.rtbtn = $id('rtbtn');
    //9. 计时器
    this.timer = null;
slider.prototype.createelement = function(){
    //1. 左按钮
    var spanleft = document.createelement('span');
    spanleft.id = 'ltbtn';
    spanleft.innerhtml = '<';
    //2. 右按钮
    var spanright = document.createelement('span');
    spanright.id = 'rtbtn';
    spanright.innerhtml = '>';
    //3. ol li
    var arr = []; //放置li
    var ol = document.createelement('ol');
    for(var i = 0;i < this.num;i ++){
        var li = document.createelement('li');
    //4. 信息框(div)
    var div = document.createelement('div');
    div.id = 'msg';
    return arr;
slider.prototype.slide = function(){
       // 遍历所有的图片,display - none
   for(var i = 0;i < this.num;i ++){
       this.ullis[i].style.display = 'none';
       // 当前图片 display-block
   this.ullis[this.indexa].style.display = 'block';
   //2》 小圆点
   for(var i = 0;i < this.num;i ++){
       this.ollis[i].style.backgroundcolor = 'red';
       //当前小圆点,background = blue
   this.ollis[this.indexa].style.backgroundcolor = 'blue';
       //信息框 = img中的alt属性
   this.div.innerhtml = this.ullis[this.indexa].firstelementchild.firstelementchild.alt;
slider.prototype.addevent = function(){
    var that = this;
    //  1. 左按钮 -- 点击事件-- 改变当前下标的值,调用轮播方法
    this.ltbtn.onclick = function(){
        that.indexa --;
        if(that.indexa == -1){
            that.indexa = that.num - 1;
    //2. 右按钮 -- 点击事件--改变当前下标的值,调用轮播方法
    this.rtbtn.onclick = function(){
        that.indexa ++;
        if(that.indexa === that.num){
            that.indexa = 0;
    //3. 遍历小圆点--移入事件--改变当前下标 的值,调用轮播方法
    for(var i = 0;i < this.num;i ++){
        this.ollis[i].index = i;
        this.ollis[i].onmouseenter = function(){
            that.indexa = this.index;
slider.prototype.autoplay = function(){
    var that = this;
    this.timer = setinterval(function(){
        that.indexa ++;
        if(that.indexa === that.num){
            that.indexa = 0;
    this.bigbox.onmouseenter = function(){
    this.bigbox.onmouseleave = function(){
function $id(id){
    return document.getelementbyid(id);

上一篇: HTML列表

下一篇: js动态生成水印