2022-03-04 13:13:09
class BaseConfig():
General configurations appiled to all models
num_epochs = 2 #迭代次数
num_batches_show_loss = 100 # Number of batchs to show loss
num_batches_validate = 1000 # Number of batchs to check metrics on validation dataset
batch_size = 128 # 一个batch里几个句子
learning_rate = 0.0001 # 学习率
num_workers = 4 # Number of workers for data loading 根据你的CPU数量有关
num_clicked_news_a_user = 50 # Number of sampled click history for each user
num_words_title = 20 #一个标题有几个单词
num_words_abstract = 50 #一个摘要有多少个单词
word_freq_threshold = 1 #单词频度的阈值,多少才能认为是感兴趣的单词
entity_freq_threshold = 2 #实体频度阈值,多少才能认为是感兴趣的实体
entity_confidence_threshold = 0.5 #实体置信度阈值,多少才能被认为是有用的实体
negative_sampling_ratio = 2 # K #消极样本取样率
dropout_probability = 0.2 #dropout 防止过拟合
# Modify the following by the output of `src/dataprocess.py`
num_words = 1 + 101220 #单词量
num_categories = 1 + 295 #类别数量
num_entities = 1 + 21842 #实体数量
num_users = 1 + 711222 #用户数量
word_embedding_dim = 300 #单词嵌入维度
category_embedding_dim = 100 #类别嵌入维度
# Modify the following only if you use another dataset
entity_embedding_dim = 100 #实体嵌入维度
# For additive attention
query_vector_dim = 200 #查询向量维度