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AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数

程序员文章站 2022-04-08 22:45:51
一、经常在项目会用到定时任务同步数据或更新缓存等操作,在很久以前我们可能经常会用一个多线程或timer来做定时任务,这样能实现比较简单轻量级的任务;对于任务多且都调用频率不一样的任务,我们都会用到Quartz.Net这个组件; Quartz.NET是一个强大、开源、轻量的作业调度框架,你能够用它来为 ......



        二、  接下来简单演示一下quartz使用:

          2.1  首先新建一个aspnet core api 项目,通过nuget包管理器安装引用quartz

AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数


            2.2  新建一个模拟任务类userinfosyncjob 必须继承ijob接口

namespace quartzdemo.quarzs
    public class userinfosyncjob : ijob
        public task execute(ijobexecutioncontext context)
            return task.run(() =>

      2.2  声明一个启动类quartzstartup,来控制任务启动关闭等方法


   public async task<string> start()                                           
            _schedulerfactory = new stdschedulerfactory();
            _scheduler = await _schedulerfactory.getscheduler();  
            await _scheduler.start();
            var trigger = triggerbuilder.create()
                            .withsimpleschedule(x => x.withintervalinseconds(2).repeatforever())//每两秒执行一次
            var jobdetail = jobbuilder.create<userinfosyncjob>()
                            .withidentity("job", "group")
            await _scheduler.schedulejob(jobdetail, trigger);
            return await task.fromresult("将触发器和任务器绑定到调度器中完成");

         2.3  在网站启动完成时调用quartzstartup的start方法开启任务

                   先注入 quartz调度类

          AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数


AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数


AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数

 AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数





在aspnet core自带ioc容器框架,很多配置类、日志类、缓存类等等,在全局很多地方都会使用,我们现在做法就是把这些类注入到ioc容器中,如果需要的只需要从构造方法中获取;



using system;
using quartz.logging;
using quartz.spi;
using quartz.util;
namespace quartz.simpl
 /// <summary> 
 /// the default jobfactory used by quartz - simply calls 
 /// <see cref="objectutils.instantiatetype{t}" /> on the job class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <seealso cref="ijobfactory" />
 /// <seealso cref="propertysettingjobfactory" />
 /// <author>james house</author>
 /// <author>marko lahma (.net)</author>
 public class simplejobfactory : ijobfactory
  private static readonly ilog log = logprovider.getlogger(typeof (simplejobfactory));
  /// <summary>
  /// called by the scheduler at the time of the trigger firing, in order to
  /// produce a <see cref="ijob" /> instance on which to call execute.
  /// </summary>
  /// <remarks>
  /// it should be extremely rare for this method to throw an exception -
  /// basically only the case where there is no way at all to instantiate
  /// and prepare the job for execution. when the exception is thrown, the
  /// scheduler will move all triggers associated with the job into the
  /// <see cref="triggerstate.error" /> state, which will require human
  /// intervention (e.g. an application restart after fixing whatever
  /// configuration problem led to the issue with instantiating the job).
  /// </remarks>
  /// <param name="bundle">the triggerfiredbundle from which the <see cref="ijobdetail" />
  /// and other info relating to the trigger firing can be obtained.</param>
  /// <param name="scheduler"></param>
  /// <returns>the newly instantiated job</returns>
  /// <throws> schedulerexception if there is a problem instantiating the job. </throws>
  public virtual ijob newjob(triggerfiredbundle bundle, ischeduler scheduler)
   ijobdetail jobdetail = bundle.jobdetail;
   type jobtype = jobdetail.jobtype;
    if (log.isdebugenabled())
     log.debug($"producing instance of job '{jobdetail.key}', class={jobtype.fullname}");
    return objectutils.instantiatetype<ijob>(jobtype);
   catch (exception e)
    schedulerexception se = new schedulerexception($"problem instantiating class '{jobdetail.jobtype.fullname}'", e);
    throw se;
  /// <summary>
  /// allows the job factory to destroy/cleanup the job if needed. 
  /// no-op when using simplejobfactory.
  /// </summary>
  public virtual void returnjob(ijob job)
   var disposable = job as idisposable;

      simplejobfactory 实现了ijobfactory接口,通过源码发现我们如果要替换该工厂来控制job的生成,只需要创建一个iocjobfactory来替换默认job工厂就行


public class iocjobfactory : ijobfactory
        private readonly iserviceprovider _serviceprovider;
        public iocjobfactory(iserviceprovider serviceprovider)
           _serviceprovider = serviceprovider;      
        public ijob newjob(triggerfiredbundle bundle, ischeduler scheduler)
            return _serviceprovider.getservice(bundle.jobdetail.jobtype) as ijob;

        public void returnjob(ijob job)
            var disposable = job as idisposable;


     在调度任务类里面重新设置job工厂  _scheduler.jobfactory = _iocjobfactory;

AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数

      在ioc中注入 userinfosyncjob、stdschedulerfactory、iocjobfactory    

 services.addtransient<userinfosyncjob>();      // 这里使用瞬时依赖注入
            services.addsingleton<ischedulerfactory, stdschedulerfactory>();//注册ischedulerfactory的实例。




 public class userinfosyncjob : ijob
        private readonly ilogger<userinfosyncjob> _logger;
      //  private readonly icache _cache;
        public userinfosyncjob(ilogger<userinfosyncjob> logger)
            //_cache = cache;
            _logger = logger;// engincontext.current.resolve<ilogger<userinfosyncjob>>();
        public task execute(ijobexecutioncontext context)
            return task.run(() =>
                            // console.writeline($"{datetime.now.tostring()}:开始执行同步第三方数据");
                            _logger.loginformation ($"{datetime.now.tostring()}:开始执行同步第三方数据");
                             //  我们都知道如果一个从构造方法中获取ioc容器里面的类型,必须该类型也要主要到ioc容器中;


AspNet Core结合Quartz使用定时任务且通过注入缓存或者配置参数
