C# 如何生成 DataMatrix 格式的二维码
2022-03-04 12:15:51
该文主要是利用onbarcode.dll 生成datamatrix 格式的二维码的一些简单方法和操作技巧。关于qrbarcode的二维码比较常见和简单,网上有很多资源。1、附件为dll2、利用上述控件...
该文主要是利用onbarcode.dll 生成datamatrix 格式的二维码的一些简单方法和操作技巧。关于qrbarcode的二维码比较常见和简单,网上有很多资源。
datamatrix datamatrix = new datamatrix(); datamatrix.data = "0123456789"; // create data matrix and encode barcode to jpeg format datamatrix.imageformat = system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.jpeg; datamatrix.drawbarcode("c://csharp-datamatrix.jpg");
dim datamatrix as onbarcode.barcode.datamatrix datamatrix = new onbarcode.barcode.datamatrix() datamatrix.data = "0123456789" ' create data matrix and encode barcode to jpeg format datamatrix.imageformat = system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.jpeg datamatrix.drawbarcode("c://vbnet-datamatrix.jpg")
public void drawbarcode(graphics graphics); public void drawbarcode(string filename); public bitmap drawbarcode(); public void drawbarcode(stream filestream); public sub drawbarcode(byref graphics as graphics) public sub drawbarcode(byval filename as string) public function drawbarcode() as bitmap public sub drawbarcode(byref filestream as stream)
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.componentmodel; using system.data; using system.drawing; using system.text; using system.windows.forms; using onbarcode.barcode; using system.drawing.imaging; namespace datamatrix1 { public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) { datamatrix datamatrix = new datamatrix(); // barcode data to encode datamatrix.data = "onbarcode"; // data matrix data mode datamatrix.datamode = datamatrixdatamode.ascii; // data matrix format mode datamatrix.formatmode = datamatrixformatmode.format_10x10; /* * barcode image related settings */ // unit of meature for all size related setting in the library. datamatrix.uom = unitofmeasure.pixel; // bar module size (x), default is 3 pixel; datamatrix.x = 3; // barcode image left, right, top, bottom margins. defaults are 0. datamatrix.leftmargin = 0; datamatrix.rightmargin = 0; datamatrix.topmargin = 0; datamatrix.bottommargin = 0; // image resolution in dpi, default is 72 dpi. datamatrix.resolution = 72; // created barcode orientation. // rotate0 = 0, // rotate90 = 1, // rotate180 = 2, // rotate270 = 3, // 4 options are: facing left, facing right, facing bottom, and facing top datamatrix.rotate = rotate.rotate0; // geneat data matrix and encode barcode to gif format datamatrix.imageformat = system.drawing.imaging.imageformat.bmp; datamatrix.drawbarcode("c:\\datamatrix.jpg"); //以保存特定格式方法生产二维码 //you can also call other drawing methods to generate barcodes //public void drawbarcode(graphics graphics); //public void drawbarcode(string filename); //public bitmap drawbarcode(); //public void drawbarcode(stream stream); //将该种编码的格式,写入文件流之中 this.picturebox1.image = datamatrix.drawbarcode(); //调用其中一个接口,将图片以bitmap形式显示出来 } } }
到此这篇关于c# 如何生成 datamatrix 格式的二维码的文章就介绍到这了,更多相关c# datamatrix 格式二维码内容请搜索以前的文章或继续浏览下面的相关文章希望大家以后多多支持!
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