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Spring Boot分布式系统实践【扩展1】shiro+redis实现session共享、simplesession反序列化失败的问题定位及反思改进

程序员文章站 2022-04-08 19:28:57
前言 调试之前请先关闭Favicon配置 不然会发现有2个请求(如果用nginx+ 浏览器调试的话) 序列化工具类【fastjson版本1.2.37】 发现transient修饰,所以Fastjson不会对这些transient属性进行持久化,所以有了方案二,重写可以json序列化的对象 同时发现有 ......



      enabled: false

不然会发现有2个请求(如果用nginx+ 浏览器调试的话)
Spring Boot分布式系统实践【扩展1】shiro+redis实现session共享、simplesession反序列化失败的问题定位及反思改进


```public class fastjson2jsonredisserializer implements redisserializer {

    public static final charset default_charset = charset.forname("utf-8");

    private class clazz;

    public fastjson2jsonredisserializer(class clazz) {
        this.clazz = clazz;

    public byte[] serialize(t t) throws serializationexception {
        if (t == null) {
            return new byte[0];
        return json.tojsonstring(t, serializerfeature.writeclassname).getbytes(default_charset);

    public t deserialize(byte[] bytes) throws serializationexception {
        if (bytes == null || bytes.length <= 0) {
            return null;
        string str = new string(bytes, default_charset);

        return (t) json.parseobject(str, clazz);



![image [1].png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/231328-ab9c9ca3c2b43710.png?imagemogr2/auto-orient/strip%7cimageview2/2/w/1240)
 #### 查看simplesession源码:

public class simplesession implements validatingsession, serializable {

    private transient serializable id;
    private transient date starttimestamp;
    private transient date stoptimestamp;
    private transient date lastaccesstime;
    private transient long timeout;
    private transient boolean expired;
    private transient string host;
    private transient map<object, object> attributes;
/* serializes this object to the specified output stream for jdk serialization.

  • @param out output stream used for object serialization.
  • @throws ioexception if any of this object's fields cannot be written to the stream.
  • @since 1.0
    private void writeobject(objectoutputstream out) throws ioexception {
        short alteredfieldsbitmask = getalteredfieldsbitmask();
        if (id != null) {
        if (starttimestamp != null) {
        if (stoptimestamp != null) {
        if (lastaccesstime != null) {
        if (timeout != 0l) {
        if (expired) {
        if (host != null) {
        if (!collectionutils.isempty(attributes)) {


  • reconstitutes this object based on the specified inputstream for jdk serialization.
  • @param in the input stream to use for reading data to populate this object.
  • @throws ioexception            if the input stream cannot be used.
  • @throws classnotfoundexception if a required class needed for instantiation is not available in the present jvm
  • @since 1.0
    private void readobject(objectinputstream in) throws ioexception, classnotfoundexception {
同时发现有writeobject()方法写着“ serializes this object to the specified output stream for jdk serialization.”,
所以有了方案一,修改序列化工具( 默认使用jdkserializationredisserializer,这个序列化模式会将value序列化成字节码)
## 方案一:

修改序列化工具类 (`这个方式其实有问题`)

public class fastjson2jsonredisserializer implements redisserializer {
    private class clazz;
    public fastjson2jsonredisserializer(class clazz) {
        this.clazz = clazz;
    public byte[] serialize(t t) {
        return objectutils.serialize(t);
    public t deserialize(byte[] bytes) {
        return (t) objectutils.unserialize(bytes);

### objectutils的方法如下:


  • 序列化对象
  • @param object
  • @return
    public static byte[] serialize(object object) {
       objectoutputstream oos = null;
       bytearrayoutputstream baos = null;
       try {
          if (object != null){
             baos = new bytearrayoutputstream();
             oos = new objectoutputstream(baos);
             return baos.tobytearray();
       } catch (exception e) {
       return null;


  • 反序列化对象
  • @param bytes
  • @return
    public static object unserialize(byte[] bytes) {
       bytearrayinputstream bais = null;
       try {
          if (bytes != null && bytes.length > 0){
             bais = new bytearrayinputstream(bytes);
             objectinputstream ois = new objectinputstream(bais);
             return ois.readobject();
       } catch (exception e) {
       return null;
修改为: jdkserializationredisserializer
![image [2].png](https://upload-images.jianshu.io/upload_images/231328-900964ebbd4757e2.png?imagemogr2/auto-orient/strip%7cimageview2/2/w/900)

### 方案二:


protected session newsessioninstance(sessioncontext context) {
simplesession session = new myredissession(context.gethost());
// session.setid(idgen.uuid());
return session;

#### 由方案二引发的另一个问题就是:
##### 以下是为了解决下面问题提出来的一种思路。

1. 将复杂对象的(即非基本类型的)key进行tostring转换(转换之后再md5缩减字符串,或者用类名代替)
2. 将复杂对象的(即非基本类型的)value进行json化(不使用不转换的懒加载模式)


     * 通过类型转换,将string反序列化成对象
     * @param key
     * @param value
     * @return
    public object getobjectvalue(string key,string value){
        if(key == null || value == null){
           return null;
        string clz = key.replace(flag_str,"");
        try {
           class aclass = class.forname(clz);
               return dateutils.parsedate(value);
          return   jsonobject.parseobject(value,aclass);
        } catch (classnotfoundexception e) {
//        如果反序列化失败就进行json化处理
        return jsonobject.parseobject(value);

