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程序员文章站 2022-04-07 19:39:06
在 linux c/c++ 中通常是通过 pthread 库进行线程级别的操作。在 pthread 库中有函数:pthread_t pthread_self(void);它返回一个 pthread_t...

在 linux c/c++ 中通常是通过 pthread 库进行线程级别的操作。

在 pthread 库中有函数:

pthread_t pthread_self(void);

它返回一个 pthread_t 类型的变量,指代的是调用 pthread_self 函数的线程的 “id”。


这个“id”是 pthread 库给每个线程定义的进程内唯一标识,是 pthread 库维持的。


其实 pthread 库也是通过内核提供的系统调用(例如clone)来创建线程的,而内核会为每个线程创建系统全局唯一的“id”来唯一标识这个线程。





#define _gnu_source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>

void *start_routine(void *arg) {
 char msg[32] = "";
 snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "thd%d: i am thd%d\n", *((int *)arg), *((int *)arg));
 while (1) {
 write(1, msg, strlen(msg));

int main() {

 int th1 = 1;
 pthread_t tid1;
 pthread_create(&tid1, null, start_routine, &th1);

 int th2 = 2;
 pthread_t tid2;
 pthread_create(&tid2, null, start_routine, &th2);
 int th3 = 3;
 pthread_t tid3;
 pthread_create(&tid3, null, start_routine, &th3);

 const char *msg = "main: i am main\n";
 while (1) {
 write(1, msg, strlen(msg));

 return 0;

在主线程中通过 pthread 库创建三个线程,不断输出 “i am xxx” 的信息。


[test1280@localhost 20190227]$ gcc -o main main.c -lpthread
[test1280@localhost 20190227]$ ./main
main: i am main
thd2: i am thd2
thd3: i am thd3
thd1: i am thd1
thd2: i am thd2

方法一:ps -lf $pid

[test1280@localhost ~]$ ps -lf 11029
uid   pid ppid lwp c nlwp stime tty  stat time cmd
test1280 11029 9374 11029 0 4 10:58 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11029 9374 11030 0 4 10:58 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11029 9374 11031 0 4 10:58 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11029 9374 11032 0 4 10:58 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main




-l show threads, possibly with lwp and nlwp columns
-f does full-format listing.

方法二:pstree -p $pid

[test1280@localhost ~]$ pstree -p 11029

方法三:top -hp $pid

[test1280@localhost ~]$ top -hp 11029



man top
-h:threads toggle
starts top with the last remembered 'h' state reversed.
when this toggle is on, all individual threads will be displayed.
otherwise, top displays a summation of all threads in a process.
-p:monitor pids

方法四:ls -l /proc/$pid/task/

[test1280@localhost ~]$ ls -l /proc/11029/task/
total 0
dr-xr-xr-x. 6 test1280 test1280 0 feb 27 10:58 11029
dr-xr-xr-x. 6 test1280 test1280 0 feb 27 10:58 11030
dr-xr-xr-x. 6 test1280 test1280 0 feb 27 10:58 11031
dr-xr-xr-x. 6 test1280 test1280 0 feb 27 10:58 11032

方法五:pidstat -t -p $pid

[test1280@localhost ~]$ pidstat -t -p 11029
linux 2.6.32-642.el6.x86_64 (localhost.localdomain) 02/27/2019 _x86_64_ (4 cpu)

11:20:39 am  tgid  tid %usr %system %guest %cpu cpu command
11:20:39 am  11029   - 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1 main
11:20:39 am   -  11029 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1 |__main
11:20:39 am   -  11030 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  1 |__main
11:20:39 am   -  11031 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  0 |__main
11:20:39 am   -  11032 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00  3 |__main


man pidstat
-t also display statistics for threads associated with selected tasks.
 this option adds the following values to the reports:
 tgid:the identification number of the thread group leader.
 tid:the identification number of the thread being monitored.



#define _gnu_source

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>

pid_t gettid() {
 return syscall(sys_gettid);

void *start_routine(void *arg) {
 pid_t pid = gettid();
 pthread_t tid = pthread_self();
 printf("thd%d: pid=%d, tid=%lu\n", *((int *)arg), pid, tid);

 char msg[32] = "";
 snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg)-1, "thd%d: i am thd%d\n", *((int *)arg), *((int *)arg));
 while (1) {
 write(1, msg, strlen(msg));

int main() {

 pid_t pid = gettid();
 pthread_t tid = pthread_self();
 printf("main: pid=%d, tid=%lu\n", pid, tid);

 int th1 = 1;
 pthread_t tid1;
 pthread_create(&tid1, null, start_routine, &th1);

 int th2 = 2;
 pthread_t tid2;
 pthread_create(&tid2, null, start_routine, &th2);
 int th3 = 3;
 pthread_t tid3;
 pthread_create(&tid3, null, start_routine, &th3);

 const char *msg = "main: i am main\n";
 while (1) {
 write(1, msg, strlen(msg));

 return 0;

syscall(sys_gettid) 系统调用返回一个 pid_t 类型值,即线程在内核中的id。

[test1280@localhost 20190227]$ gcc -o main main.c -lpthread
[test1280@localhost 20190227]$ ./main
main: pid=11278, tid=140429854775040
main: i am main
thd3: pid=11281, tid=140429833787136
thd3: i am thd3
thd2: pid=11280, tid=140429844276992
thd2: i am thd2
thd1: pid=11279, tid=140429854766848
thd1: i am thd1


很多命令参数的 pid 实际指代内核中线程的id,例如 taskset、strace 等命令。

例如 taskset 命令,可以将进程绑定到某个指定的cpu核心上。

如果进程是多线程模式,直接使用 taskset 将仅仅把主线程绑定,其他线程无法被绑定生效。


# 将 11282 进程绑定到cpu第0核心
[test1280@localhost ~]$ ps -lf 11282
uid   pid ppid lwp c nlwp stime tty  stat time cmd
test1280 11282 9374 11282 0 4 11:33 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11282 9374 11283 0 4 11:33 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11282 9374 11284 0 4 11:33 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
test1280 11282 9374 11285 0 4 11:33 pts/0 sl+ 0:00 ./main
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 0 11282
pid 11282's current affinity list: 0-3
pid 11282's new affinity list: 0

# 查看其他线程是否真的绑定到cpu第0核心
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 11283
pid 11283's current affinity list: 0-3
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 11284
pid 11284's current affinity list: 0-3
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 11285
pid 11285's current affinity list: 0-3
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 11282
pid 11282's current affinity list: 0
# 此时实际只绑定主线程到cpu第0核心

# 将其他四个线程一并绑定到cpu第0核心
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 0 11283
pid 11283's current affinity list: 0-3
pid 11283's new affinity list: 0
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 0 11284
pid 11284's current affinity list: 0-3
pid 11284's new affinity list: 0
[test1280@localhost ~]$ taskset -pc 0 11285
pid 11285's current affinity list: 0-3
pid 11285's new affinity list: 0
# 此时,进程pid=11282的进程所有线程都将仅在cpu第0核心中运行

strace 同理,可以指定线程pid,追踪某个线程执行的系统调用以及信号。


相关标签: Linux 线程 PID