IntelliJ IDEA X (10) 预览版发布
2022-04-07 12:34:36
IntelliJ IDEA X (10)预览版发布了,此次改进对Flex,Groovy/Grails的开发者来说相当有利,同时还添加了大量Spring和Maven的新功能。
1. IntelliJ X拥有更快的索引速度,UI包含一个新的滚动条以及对Mac OS X的改进;
2. Java:更快的搜索方法;
3. JSF:Java Server Faces 现在支持扩展库(RichFaces, PrimeFaces, Standard(html and core), OpenFaces);
4. Spring:
- 支持Spring Web Services
- 支持Spring testing
- Spring integration with JSRs and languages: CDI, Groovy, etc.
- Extended placeholders support
- New live templates (patterns and frameworks)
- Intelligent resources support (smart completion and warnings for resource types)
5. Maven
- Maven Generate actions for pom.xml editor
- Maven pom.xml editor 新特性:
- --Easier Navigation
- --Smarter Paths
- --More intelligent plugins configuration
- 改进Maven 依赖关系图
- Discover and download libraries from Maven repositories even in plain Java projects
6. JavaScript
- Smarter introduce allows you to extract a fragment of an E4X literal / arbitrary well-formed binary expression (e.g. b + c in a + b + c). IntelliJ will also suggest variants when there is no selection.
- Introduce parameter refactoring for functions
- Create parameter fixes on unresolved variables
7. ActionScript
- Create field / assign to field fixes available on unused parameters
- Inline one function call and an option to leave the method
- 'Rename access property' functions rename a field and vice versa
8. Flex
- Flex and FlexUnit run configuration: select browser or Flash Player to launch your application
- Flex and FlexUnit run configuration: option to place your SWF file into the local-trusted sandbox
- Settings | Compiler | Flex Compiler: option to include debugging info into compiled SWF/SWC or not
- Compile CSS to SWF
- Extract interface, Extract superclass actions
- Reworked 'New ActionScript Class' / 'New Flex Component' actions that support file templates
- 'Go to symbol' feature now works in MXML components
9. Groovy
- Change Method Signature refactoring is now working for both Groovy and Java code
- Compiler: navigation from the generated stubs to the Groovy classes
- HotSwap for Groovy classes
- Easy Grape dependencies downloading
- Groovy++ list->object, map->object, closure->object conversions, traits support
- In-place rename for local variables
- Gant: Ant task names completion (requires Ant Support plugin enabled)
10. Grails
- GSP: completion for attributes "action", "controller", "template", "contextPath", "plugin"
- GSP: resolving variables defined in tags like g:each, g:set, etc.
- GSP: support for JavaScript in tags like "onSuccess", "onFailture", etc.
- Preliminary debugging of GSP pages.
- Completion for the value of action/controller parameters in built-in methods redirect(), render(), forward(), chain().
- Source and javadoc jars detection for Ivy dependencies if they exist in the local Ivy cache.
- Renaming related artifacts together (e.g. renaming matching .gsp together with a controller action, renaming matching test classes together with production ones, etc.)
11. Google Web Toolkit
- Support for CSS in ui.xml files
- Improved support for JSNI methods
- Action to generate and view GWT Compile Report
- Support for ClientBundle and CssResource
12. AspectJ:IntelliJ X 支持AspectJ 和 Spring Roo 框架
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