2022-04-06 21:16:31
1、httpclient:代码复杂,还得操心资源回收等。代码很复杂,冗余代码多,不建议直接使用。2、resttemplate: 是 spring 提供的用于访问rest服务的客户端, resttemp...
2、resttemplate: 是 spring 提供的用于访问rest服务的客户端, resttemplate 提供了多种便捷访问远程http服务的方法,能够大大提高客户端的编写效率。
<dependency> <groupid>org.springframework.boot</groupid> <artifactid>spring-boot-starter-web</artifactid> </dependency>
package com.itunion.config; import org.springframework.context.annotation.bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; import org.springframework.http.client.clienthttprequestfactory; import org.springframework.http.client.simpleclienthttprequestfactory; import org.springframework.web.client.resttemplate; @configuration public class apiconfig { @bean public resttemplate resttemplate(clienthttprequestfactory factory) { return new resttemplate(factory); } @bean public clienthttprequestfactory simpleclienthttprequestfactory() { simpleclienthttprequestfactory factory = new simpleclienthttprequestfactory();//默认的是jdk提供http连接,需要的话可以//通过setrequestfactory方法替换为例如apache httpcomponents、netty或//okhttp等其它http library。 factory.setreadtimeout(5000);//单位为ms factory.setconnecttimeout(5000);//单位为ms return factory; } }
// 1-getforobject() user user1 = this.resttemplate.getforobject(uri, user.class); // 2-getforentity() responseentity<user> responseentity1 = this.resttemplate.getforentity(uri, user.class); httpstatus statuscode = responseentity1.getstatuscode(); httpheaders header = responseentity1.getheaders(); user user2 = responseentity1.getbody(); // 3-exchange() requestentity requestentity = requestentity.get(new uri(uri)).build(); responseentity<user> responseentity2 = this.resttemplate.exchange(requestentity, user.class); user user3 = responseentity2.getbody();
notice notice = resttemplate.getforobject("http://fantj.top/notice/list/{1}/{2}" , notice.class,1,5);
map<string,string> map = new hashmap(); map.put("start","1"); map.put("page","5"); notice notice = resttemplate.getforobject("http://fantj.top/notice/list/" , notice.class,map);
// 1-postforobject() user user1 = this.resttemplate.postforobject(uri, user, user.class); // 2-postforentity() responseentity<user> responseentity1 = this.resttemplate.postforentity(uri, user, user.class); // 3-exchange() requestentity<user> requestentity = requestentity.post(new uri(uri)).body(user); responseentity<user> responseentity2 = this.resttemplate.exchange(requestentity, user.class);
string url = "http://demo/api/book/"; httpheaders headers = new httpheaders(); mediatype type = mediatype.parsemediatype("application/json; charset=utf-8"); headers.setcontenttype(type); string requestjson = "{...}"; httpentity<string> entity = new httpentity<string>(requestjson,headers); string result = resttemplate.postforobject(url, entity, string.class); system.out.println(result);
@test public void rtpostobject(){ resttemplate resttemplate = new resttemplate(); string url = "http://47.xxx.xxx.96/register/checkemail"; httpheaders headers = new httpheaders(); headers.setcontenttype(mediatype.application_form_urlencoded); multivaluemap<string, string> map= new linkedmultivaluemap<>(); map.add("email", "844072586@qq.com"); httpentity<multivaluemap<string, string>> request = new httpentity<>(map, headers); responseentity<string> response = resttemplate.postforentity( url, request , string.class ); system.out.println(response.getbody()); }
当网络出现问题的时候okhttp依然坚守自己的职责,它会自动恢复一般的连接问题,如果你的服务有多个ip地址,当第一个ip请求失败时,okhttp会交替尝试你配置的其他ip,okhttp使用现代tls技术(sni, alpn)初始化新的连接,当握手失败时会回退到tls 1.0。
1)使用:它的请求/响应 api 使用构造器模式builders来设计,它支持阻塞式的同步请求和带回调的异步请求。
<dependency> <groupid>com.squareup.okhttp3</groupid> <artifactid>okhttp</artifactid> <version>3.10.0</version> </dependency>
import okhttp3.connectionpool; import okhttp3.okhttpclient; import org.springframework.context.annotation.bean; import org.springframework.context.annotation.configuration; import javax.net.ssl.sslcontext; import javax.net.ssl.sslsocketfactory; import javax.net.ssl.trustmanager; import javax.net.ssl.x509trustmanager; import java.security.keymanagementexception; import java.security.nosuchalgorithmexception; import java.security.securerandom; import java.security.cert.certificateexception; import java.security.cert.x509certificate; import java.util.concurrent.timeunit; @configuration public class okhttpconfiguration { @bean public okhttpclient okhttpclient() { return new okhttpclient.builder() //.sslsocketfactory(sslsocketfactory(), x509trustmanager()) .retryonconnectionfailure(false) .connectionpool(pool()) .connecttimeout(30, timeunit.seconds) .readtimeout(30, timeunit.seconds) .writetimeout(30,timeunit.seconds) .build(); } @bean public x509trustmanager x509trustmanager() { return new x509trustmanager() { @override public void checkclienttrusted(x509certificate[] x509certificates, string s) throws certificateexception { } @override public void checkservertrusted(x509certificate[] x509certificates, string s) throws certificateexception { } @override public x509certificate[] getacceptedissuers() { return new x509certificate[0]; } }; } @bean public sslsocketfactory sslsocketfactory() { try { //信任任何链接 sslcontext sslcontext = sslcontext.getinstance("tls"); sslcontext.init(null, new trustmanager[]{x509trustmanager()}, new securerandom()); return sslcontext.getsocketfactory(); } catch (nosuchalgorithmexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (keymanagementexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return null; } /** * create a new connection pool with tuning parameters appropriate for a single-user application. * the tuning parameters in this pool are subject to change in future okhttp releases. currently */ @bean public connectionpool pool() { return new connectionpool(200, 5, timeunit.minutes); } }
import okhttp3.*; import org.apache.commons.lang3.exception.exceptionutils; import org.slf4j.logger; import org.slf4j.loggerfactory; import java.io.file; import java.util.iterator; import java.util.map; public class okhttputil{ private static final logger logger = loggerfactory.getlogger(okhttputil.class); private static okhttpclient okhttpclient; @autowired public okhttputil(okhttpclient okhttpclient) { okhttputil.okhttpclient= okhttpclient; } /** * get * @param url 请求的url * @param queries 请求的参数,在浏览器?后面的数据,没有可以传null * @return */ public static string get(string url, map<string, string> queries) { string responsebody = ""; stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer(url); if (queries != null && queries.keyset().size() > 0) { boolean firstflag = true; iterator iterator = queries.entryset().iterator(); while (iterator.hasnext()) { map.entry entry = (map.entry<string, string>) iterator.next(); if (firstflag) { sb.append("?" + entry.getkey() + "=" + entry.getvalue()); firstflag = false; } else { sb.append("&" + entry.getkey() + "=" + entry.getvalue()); } } } request request = new request.builder() .url(sb.tostring()) .build(); response response = null; try { response = okhttpclient.newcall(request).execute(); int status = response.code(); if (response.issuccessful()) { return response.body().string(); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("okhttp3 put error >> ex = {}", exceptionutils.getstacktrace(e)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return responsebody; } /** * post * * @param url 请求的url * @param params post form 提交的参数 * @return */ public static string post(string url, map<string, string> params) { string responsebody = ""; formbody.builder builder = new formbody.builder(); //添加参数 if (params != null && params.keyset().size() > 0) { for (string key : params.keyset()) { builder.add(key, params.get(key)); } } request request = new request.builder() .url(url) .post(builder.build()) .build(); response response = null; try { response = okhttpclient.newcall(request).execute(); int status = response.code(); if (response.issuccessful()) { return response.body().string(); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("okhttp3 post error >> ex = {}", exceptionutils.getstacktrace(e)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return responsebody; } /** * get * @param url 请求的url * @param queries 请求的参数,在浏览器?后面的数据,没有可以传null * @return */ public static string getforheader(string url, map<string, string> queries) { string responsebody = ""; stringbuffer sb = new stringbuffer(url); if (queries != null && queries.keyset().size() > 0) { boolean firstflag = true; iterator iterator = queries.entryset().iterator(); while (iterator.hasnext()) { map.entry entry = (map.entry<string, string>) iterator.next(); if (firstflag) { sb.append("?" + entry.getkey() + "=" + entry.getvalue()); firstflag = false; } else { sb.append("&" + entry.getkey() + "=" + entry.getvalue()); } } } request request = new request.builder() .addheader("key", "value") .url(sb.tostring()) .build(); response response = null; try { response = okhttpclient.newcall(request).execute(); int status = response.code(); if (response.issuccessful()) { return response.body().string(); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("okhttp3 put error >> ex = {}", exceptionutils.getstacktrace(e)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return responsebody; } /** * post请求发送json数据....{"name":"zhangsan","pwd":"123456"} * 参数一:请求url * 参数二:请求的json * 参数三:请求回调 */ public static string postjsonparams(string url, string jsonparams) { string responsebody = ""; requestbody requestbody = requestbody.create(mediatype.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8"), jsonparams); request request = new request.builder() .url(url) .post(requestbody) .build(); response response = null; try { response = okhttpclient.newcall(request).execute(); int status = response.code(); if (response.issuccessful()) { return response.body().string(); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("okhttp3 post error >> ex = {}", exceptionutils.getstacktrace(e)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return responsebody; } /** * post请求发送xml数据.... * 参数一:请求url * 参数二:请求的xmlstring * 参数三:请求回调 */ public static string postxmlparams(string url, string xml) { string responsebody = ""; requestbody requestbody = requestbody.create(mediatype.parse("application/xml; charset=utf-8"), xml); request request = new request.builder() .url(url) .post(requestbody) .build(); response response = null; try { response = okhttpclient.newcall(request).execute(); int status = response.code(); if (response.issuccessful()) { return response.body().string(); } } catch (exception e) { logger.error("okhttp3 post error >> ex = {}", exceptionutils.getstacktrace(e)); } finally { if (response != null) { response.close(); } } return responsebody; } }