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Android 音频降噪 webrtc 去回声

程序员文章站 2022-04-06 08:04:00
Android 音频降噪 webrtc 去回声集成AECM模块集成NS模块需要源码请留言集成AECM模块1.通过 webrtc官网下载需要模块\modules\audio_processing\aecm2.新建eclipse工程,新建jni文件夹将webrtc aecm模块拷贝到jni文件夹下3.编写本地接口package com.wrtcmy.webrtc.aecm;/** * This class supports the acoustic echo cancellation for...

Android 音频降噪 webrtc 去回声


1.通过 webrtc官网下载需要模块\modules\audio_processing\aecm
2.新建eclipse工程,新建jni文件夹将webrtc aecm模块拷贝到jni文件夹下
Android 音频降噪 webrtc 去回声


package com.wrtcmy.webrtc.aecm;

 * This class supports the acoustic echo cancellation for mobile edition. Please <b>bug me</b> if you find any bugs in
 * this toolkit.<br>
 * <br>
 * <b>[Notice]</b><br>
 * 1. there are 5 more native interface that I'm not trying to provide in this MobileAEC toolkit.<br>
 * But I think I should mention it out as a list below, for secondary development if necessary: <br>
 * <ul>
 * <li>WebRtc_Word32 WebRtcAecm_get_config(void *, AecmConfig *);</li>
 * <li>WebRtc_Word32 WebRtcAecm_InitEchoPath(void* , const void* , size_t);</li>
 * <li>WebRtc_Word32 WebRtcAecm_GetEchoPath(void* , void* , size_t);</li>
 * <li>size_t WebRtcAecm_echo_path_size_bytes();</li>
 * <li>WebRtc_Word32 WebRtcAecm_get_error_code(void *);</li>
 * </ul>
 * 2. if you are working on an android platform, put the shared library "libwebrtc_aecm.so"<br>
 * into path "/your project/libs/armeabi/", if the dir does not exist, you should create it, otherwise you<br>
 * will get a "unsatisfied link error" at run time.<br>
 * 3. you should always call <b>close()</b> method <b>manually</b> when all things are finished.<br>
 * <br>
 * <b>[Usage]</b> <br>
 * <ul>
 * 1. You create a MobileAEC object first(set the parameters to constructor or null are both Ok, if null are set, then
 * we will use default values instead).<br>
 * 2. change the aggressiveness or sampling frequency of the AECM instance if necessary.<br>
 * 3. call <b>prepare()</b> method to make the AECM instance prepared. <br>
 * 4. then call "farendBuffer" to set far-end signal to AECM instance. <br>
 * 5. now you call "echoCancellation()" to deal with the acoustic echo things.<br>
 * The order of step 1,2,3,4 and 5 is significant, when all settings are done or you changed previous<br>
 * settings, <b>DO NOT</b> forget to call prepare() method, otherwise your new settings will be ignored by AECM
 * instance. <br>
 * 6. finally you should call <b>close()</b> method <b>manually</b> when all things are done, after that, the AECM
 * instance is no longer available until next <b>prepare()</b> is called.<br>
 * </ul>
 * @version 0.1 2013-3-8
public class AECM {
    static {
        System.loadLibrary("webrtc_aecm"); // to load the libwebrtc_aecm.so library.

    // /

     * constant unable mode for Aecm configuration settings.
    public static final short AECM_UNABLE = 0;

     * constant enable mode for Aecm configuration settings.
    public static final short AECM_ENABLE = 1;

    // /

     * For security reason, this class supports constant sampling frequency values in
     * {@link SamplingFrequency#FS_8000Hz FS_8000Hz}, {@link SamplingFrequency#FS_16000Hz FS_16000Hz}
    public static final class SamplingFrequency {
        public long getFS() {
            return mSamplingFrequency;

         * This constant represents sampling frequency in 8000Hz
        public static final SamplingFrequency FS_8000Hz  = new SamplingFrequency(

         * This constant represents sampling frequency in 16000Hz
        public static final SamplingFrequency FS_16000Hz = new SamplingFrequency(

        private final long                    mSamplingFrequency;

        private SamplingFrequency(long fs) {
            this.mSamplingFrequency = fs;

     * For security reason, this class supports constant aggressiveness of the AECM instance in
     * {@link AggressiveMode#MILD MILD}, {@link AggressiveMode#MEDIUM MEDIUM}, {@link AggressiveMode#HIGH HIGH},
     * {@link AggressiveMode#AGGRESSIVE AGGRESSIVE}, {@link AggressiveMode#MOST_AGGRESSIVE MOST_AGGRESSIVE}.
    public static final class AggressiveMode {
        public int getMode() {
            return mMode;

         * This constant represents the aggressiveness of the AECM instance in MILD_MODE
        public static final AggressiveMode MILD            = new AggressiveMode(

         * This constant represents the aggressiveness of the AECM instance in MEDIUM_MODE
        public static final AggressiveMode MEDIUM          = new AggressiveMode(

         * This constant represents the aggressiveness of the AECM instance in HIGH_MODE
        public static final AggressiveMode HIGH            = new AggressiveMode(

         * This constant represents the aggressiveness of the AECM instance in AGGRESSIVE_MODE
        public static final AggressiveMode AGGRESSIVE      = new AggressiveMode(

         * This constant represents the aggressiveness of the AECM instance in MOST_AGGRESSIVE_MODE
        public static final AggressiveMode MOST_AGGRESSIVE = new AggressiveMode(

        private final int                  mMode;

        private AggressiveMode(int mode) {
            mMode = mode;

    // /

    private int               mAecmHandler = -1;   // the handler of AECM instance.
    private AecmConfig        mAecmConfig  = null; // the configurations of AECM instance.
    private SamplingFrequency mSampFreq    = null; // sampling frequency of input speech data.
    private boolean           mIsInit      = false; // whether the AECM instance is initialized or not.

    // /

     * To generate a new AECM instance, whether you set the sampling frequency of each parameter or not are both ok.
     * @param sampFreqOfData
     *            - sampling frequency of input audio data. if null, then {@link SamplingFrequency#FS_16000Hz
     *            FS_16000Hz} is set.
    public AECM(SamplingFrequency sampFreqOfData) {
        mAecmConfig = new AecmConfig();

        // create new AECM instance but without initialize. Init things are in prepare() method instead.
        mAecmHandler = nativeCreateAecmInstance();

    // /

     * set the sampling rate of speech data.
     * @param fs
     *            - sampling frequency of speech data, if null then {@link SamplingFrequency#FS_16000Hz FS_16000Hz} is
     *            set.
    public void setSampFreq(SamplingFrequency fs) {
        if (fs == null)
            mSampFreq = SamplingFrequency.FS_16000Hz;
            mSampFreq = fs;

     * set the far-end signal of AECM instance.
     * @param farendBuf
     * @param numOfSamples
     * @return the {@link AECM MobileAEC} object itself.
     * @throws Exception
     *             - if farendBuffer() is called on an unprepared AECM instance or you pass an invalid parameter.<br>
    public AECM farendBuffer(short[] farendBuf, int numOfSamples)
            throws Exception {
        // check if AECM instance is not initialized.
        if (!mIsInit) {
            // TODO(billhoo) - create a custom exception instead of using java.lang.Exception
            throw new Exception(
                    "setFarendBuffer() called on an unprepared AECM instance.");

        if (nativeBufferFarend(mAecmHandler, farendBuf, numOfSamples) == -1)
            // TODO(billhoo) - create a custom exception instead of using java.lang.Exception
            throw new Exception(
                    "setFarendBuffer() failed due to invalid arguments.");

        return this;

     * core process of AECM instance, must called on a prepared AECM instance. we only support 80 or 160 sample blocks
     * of data.
     * @param nearendNoisy
     *            - In buffer containing one frame of reference nearend+echo signal. If noise reduction is active,
     *            provide the noisy signal here.
     * @param nearendClean
     *            - In buffer containing one frame of nearend+echo signal. If noise reduction is active, provide the
     *            clean signal here. Otherwise pass a NULL pointer.
     * @param out
     *            - Out buffer, one frame of processed nearend.
     * @param numOfSamples
     *            - Number of samples in nearend buffer
     * @param delay
     *            - Delay estimate for sound card and system buffers <br>
     *            delay = (t_render - t_analyze) + (t_process - t_capture)<br>
     *            where<br>
     *            - t_analyze is the time a frame is passed to farendBuffer() and t_render is the time the first sample
     *            of the same frame is rendered by the audio hardware.<br>
     *            - t_capture is the time the first sample of a frame is captured by the audio hardware and t_process is
     *            the time the same frame is passed to echoCancellation().
     * @throws Exception
     *             - if echoCancellation() is called on an unprepared AECM instance or you pass an invalid parameter.<br>
    public void echoCancellation(short[] nearendNoisy, short[] nearendClean,
            short[] out, short numOfSamples, short delay) throws Exception {
        // check if AECM instance is not initialized.
        if (!mIsInit) {
            // TODO(billhoo) - create a custom exception instead of using java.lang.Exception
            throw new Exception(
                    "echoCancelling() called on an unprepared AECM instance.");

        if (nativeAecmProcess(mAecmHandler, nearendNoisy, nearendClean, out,
                numOfSamples, delay) == -1)
            // TODO(billhoo) - create a custom exception instead of using java.lang.Exception
            throw new Exception(
                    "echoCancellation() failed due to invalid arguments.");

     * Set the aggressiveness mode of AECM instance, more higher the mode is, more aggressive the instance will be.
     * @param mode
     * @return the {@link AECM MobileAEC} object itself.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             - if mode is null.
    public AECM setAecmMode(AggressiveMode mode)
            throws NullPointerException {
        // check the mode argument.
        if (mode == null)
            throw new NullPointerException(
                    "setAecMode() failed due to null argument.");

        mAecmConfig.mAecmMode = (short) mode.getMode();
        return this;

     * When finished the pre-works or any settings are changed, call this to make AECM instance prepared. Otherwise your
     * new settings will be ignored by the AECM instance.
     * @return the {@link AECM MobileAEC} object itself.
    public AECM prepare() {
        if (mIsInit) {
            mAecmHandler = nativeCreateAecmInstance();

        mInitAecmInstance((int) mSampFreq.getFS());
        mIsInit = true;

        // set AecConfig to native side.
        nativeSetConfig(mAecmHandler, mAecmConfig);
        return this;

     * Release the resources in AECM instance and the AECM instance is no longer available until next <b>prepare()</b>
     * is called.<br>
     * You should <b>always</b> call this <b>manually</b> when all things are done.
    public void close() {
        if (mIsInit) {
            mAecmHandler = -1;
            mIsInit = false;


    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        // TODO(billhoo) need a safety one.
        if (mIsInit) {


     * initialize the AECM instance
     * @param SampFreq
    private void mInitAecmInstance(int SampFreq) {
        if (!mIsInit) {
            nativeInitializeAecmInstance(mAecmHandler, SampFreq);

            // initialize configurations of AECM instance.
            mAecmConfig = new AecmConfig();

            // set default configuration of AECM instance
            nativeSetConfig(mAecmHandler, mAecmConfig);

            mIsInit = true;


     * Acoustic Echo Cancellation for Mobile Configuration class, holds the config Info. of AECM instance.<br>
     * [NOTE] <b>DO NOT</b> modify the name of members, or you must change the native code to match your modifying.
     * Otherwise the native code could not find pre-binding members name.<br>
    public class AecmConfig {
        private short mAecmMode = (short) AggressiveMode.AGGRESSIVE.getMode(); // default AggressiveMode.AGGRESSIVE
        private short mCngMode  = AECM_ENABLE;                                // AECM_UNABLE, AECM_ENABLE (default)

    // ///

     * Allocates the memory needed by the AECM. The memory needs to be initialized separately using the
     * nativeInitializeAecmInstance() method.
     * @return -1: error<br>
     *         other values: created AECM instance handler.
    private static native int nativeCreateAecmInstance();

     * Release the memory allocated by nativeCreateAecmInstance().
     * @param aecmHandler
     *            - handler of the AECM instance created by nativeCreateAecmInstance()
     * @return 0: OK<br>
     *         -1: error
    private static native int nativeFreeAecmInstance(int aecmHandler);

     * Initializes an AECM instance.
     * @param aecmHandler
     *            - Handler of AECM instance
     * @param samplingFrequency
     *            - Sampling frequency of data
     * @return: 0: OK<br>
     *          -1: error
    private static native int nativeInitializeAecmInstance(int aecmHandler,
            int samplingFrequency);

     * Inserts an 80 or 160 sample block of data into the farend buffer.
     * @param aecmHandler
     *            - Handler to the AECM instance
     * @param farend
     *            - In buffer containing one frame of farend signal for L band
     * @param nrOfSamples
     *            - Number of samples in farend buffer
     * @return: 0: OK<br>
     *          -1: error
    private static native int nativeBufferFarend(int aecmHandler,
            short[] farend, int nrOfSamples);

     * Runs the AECM on an 80 or 160 sample blocks of data.
     * @param aecmHandler
     *            - Handler to the AECM handler
     * @param nearendNoisy
     *            - In buffer containing one frame of reference nearend+echo signal. If noise reduction is active,
     *            provide the noisy signal here.
     * @param nearendClean
     *            - In buffer containing one frame of nearend+echo signal. If noise reduction is active, provide the
     *            clean signal here.Otherwise pass a NULL pointer.
     * @param out
     *            - Out buffer, one frame of processed nearend.
     * @param nrOfSamples
     *            - Number of samples in nearend buffer
     * @param msInSndCardBuf
     *            - Delay estimate for sound card and system buffers <br>
     * @return: 0: OK<br>
     *          -1: error
    private static native int nativeAecmProcess(int aecmHandler,
            short[] nearendNoisy, short[] nearendClean, short[] out,
            short nrOfSamples, short msInSndCardBuf);

     * Enables the user to set certain parameters on-the-fly.
     * @param aecmHandler
     *            - Handler to the AECM instance
     * @param aecmConfig
     *            - the new configuration of AECM instance to set.
     * @return 0: OK<br>
     *         -1: error
    private static native int nativeSetConfig(int aecmHandler,
            AecmConfig aecmConfig);


include $(call all-subdir-makefiles)


LOCAL_PATH:= $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)
APP_PROJECT_PATH := $(call my-dir)/../
APP_STL := gnustl_static

APP_BUILD_SCRIPT:=$(call my-dir)/Android.mk
APP_PLATFORM := android-22
APP_ABI := armeabi-v7a,armeabi


LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)

include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := webrtc_aecm
				randomization_functions.c \
				spl_sqrt_floor.c \
				division_operations.c \
				vector_scaling_operations.c \
				downsample_fast.c \
				cross_correlation.c \
				spl_init.c \
				min_max_operations.c \
				complex_fft.c \
				complex_bit_reverse.c \
				real_fft.c \
				delay_estimator.c \
				delay_estimator_wrapper.c \
				ring_buffer.c \
				aecm_core.c \
				echo_control_mobile.c \


5.编译生成头文件可参考: Android源码下编译apk、jar与jni ndk-build

/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include <assert.h>
#include <echo_control_mobile.h>
#include "com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM.h"
/* Header for class com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM */

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeCreateAecmInstance
 * Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeCreateAecmInstance
  (JNIEnv *env,jclass jclazz) {
		void *aecmInstHandler = NULL;
		if (WebRtcAecm_Create(&aecmInstHandler) == -1)
			return -1;
			return ((int) aecmInstHandler); //returns the pointer which points to created AECM instance to JAVA layer.

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeFreeAecmInstance
 * Signature: (I)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeFreeAecmInstance
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz, jint aecmHandler) {
	void *aecmInst = (void *) aecmHandler;
	if (aecmInst == NULL)
		return -1;
	int ret = WebRtcAecm_Free(aecmInst);
	aecmInst = NULL;
	return ret;

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeInitializeAecmInstance
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeInitializeAecmInstance
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz, jint aecmHandler, jint sampFreq) {
	void *aecmInst = (void *) aecmHandler;
	if (aecmInst == NULL)
		return -1;
	return WebRtcAecm_Init(aecmInst, sampFreq);

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeBufferFarend
 * Signature: (I[SI)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeBufferFarend
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz, jint aecmHandler, jshortArray farend,
			jint nrOfSamples) {
		void *aecmInst = (void *) aecmHandler;
		if (aecmInst == NULL)
			return -1;

		int ret = -1;
		if (farend != NULL) {
			short *arrFarend = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, farend, NULL);
			ret = WebRtcAecm_BufferFarend(aecmInst, arrFarend, nrOfSamples);

			//TODO(billhoo) should use JNI_ABORT instead of 0 in 4th param.
			//I think there is no need to copy this array back to Java layer.
			(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, farend, arrFarend, 0);
		return ret;
 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeAecmProcess
 * Signature: (I[S[S[SSS)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeAecmProcess
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz, jint aecmHandler,
			const jshortArray nearendNoisy, const jshortArray nearendClean,
			jshortArray out, jshort nrOfSamples, jshort msInSndCardBuf) {

		int16_t *arrNearendNoisy = NULL;
		int16_t *arrNearendClean = NULL;
		int16_t *arrOut = NULL;

		void *aecmInst = (void *) aecmHandler;
		if (aecmInst == NULL)
			return -1;

		int ret = -1;

		//nearendNoisy and out must not be NULL, otherwise process can not be run, return -1 for error.
		if (nearendNoisy == NULL || out == NULL)
			return ret;

		//get data from java side.
		arrNearendNoisy = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, nearendNoisy, NULL);
		arrOut = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, out, NULL);

		if (nearendClean != NULL)
			arrNearendClean = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env, nearendClean,

		ret = WebRtcAecm_Process(aecmInst, arrNearendNoisy, arrNearendClean, arrOut,
				nrOfSamples, msInSndCardBuf);

		//release and send the changes back to java side.
		(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, nearendNoisy, arrNearendNoisy, 0);
		(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, out, arrOut, 0);

		if (nearendClean != NULL)
			(*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env, nearendClean, arrNearendClean,

		return ret;

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM
 * Method:    nativeSetConfig
 * Signature: (ILcom/wrtcmy/webrtc/aecm/AECM/AecmConfig;)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_aecm_AECM_nativeSetConfig
  (JNIEnv *env, jclass jclazz, jint aecmHandler, jobject aecmConfig) {

	void * aecmInst = (void *) aecmHandler;
	if (aecmInst == NULL)
		return -1;

	//get reference of AecmConfig class  from java side.
	jclass JavaAecmConfig = (*env)->GetObjectClass(env, aecmConfig);

	//assertion that class not be NULL
	//TODO(billhoo) should use Exception handler to handle this situation instead of assertion.
	assert(JavaAecmConfig != NULL);

	//get configuration field IDs from java side.
	jfieldID mAecmModeID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, JavaAecmConfig, "mAecmMode",
	jfieldID mCngModeID = (*env)->GetFieldID(env, JavaAecmConfig, "mCngMode",

	//if any ID is NULL, return -1 for error.
	if (mAecmModeID == NULL || mCngModeID == NULL){
	    LOGD("$$$$$$$$$$nativeSetConfig->(mAecmModeID == NULL || mCngModeID == NULL)");
		return -1;
	//get values of fields
	short echoMode = (*env)->GetShortField(env, aecmConfig, mAecmModeID);
	short cngMode = (*env)->GetShortField(env, aecmConfig, mCngModeID);

	//set new configuration to AECM instance.
	AecmConfig config;
	config.echoMode = echoMode;
	config.cngMode = cngMode;

	return WebRtcAecm_set_config(aecmInst, config);

7.编译so库可参考: Android源码下编译apk、jar与jni ndk-build可在项目\libs\查看生成文件



  1. 源码文件在\modules\audio_processing\ns
  2. 编写本地接口
package com.wrtcmy.webrtc.ns;

import android.util.Log;

public class NS {

   private static final String TAG = "$$$NS$$$";
   static {
   	try {
   		// 加载降噪库
   	} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {


   private int mFrequency;
   private int mMode;

   // -----------------------------------------NS
   // 定点数运算----------------------------------------------//
   private int nsInstance = -1;
   private boolean isNsInit = false;

    * 创建ns实例
    * @return 成功时返回ns实例,失败返回-1
   public native int nsCreate();

    * 初始化ns
    * @param frequency
    *            采样率
   public native int nsInit(int nsInstance, int frequency);

    * 设置降噪策略 等级越高,效果越明显
    * @param mode
    *            0: Mild, 1: Medium , 2: Aggressive
   public native int nsSetPolicy(int nsInstance, int mode);

    * 核心处理方法 sample_H与outData_H 我不是很懂,希望有明白的可以指点下
    * @param sample
    *            低频段音频数据-输入
    * @param sample_H
    *            高频段音频数据-输入(demo中传的是null)
    * @param outData
    *            低频段音频数据-输出
    * @param outData_H
    *            高频段音频数据-输出(demo中传的是null)
   public native int nsProcess(int nsInstance, short[] sample,
   		short[] sample_H, short[] outData, short[] outData_H);

    * 销毁实例
   public native int nsFree(int nsInstance);

   public NS useNs() {
   	nsInstance = nsCreate();
   	Log.d(TAG, "nsInstance = " + nsInstance);
   	return this;

   public NS setNsConfig(int frequency, int mode) {
   	this.mFrequency = frequency;
   	this.mMode = mode;
   	return this;

   public NS prepareNs() {
   	if (isNsInit) {
   		nsInstance = nsCreate();
   	int initStatus = nsInit(nsInstance, mFrequency);
   	Log.e(TAG, "nsInitStatus = " + initStatus);
   	isNsInit = true;
   	int setStatus = nsSetPolicy(nsInstance, mMode);
   	Log.e(TAG, "nsSetStatus = " + setStatus);
   	return this;

   public int nsProcess(short[] sample, short[] sample_H, short[] outData,
   		short[] outData_H) {
   	return nsProcess(nsInstance, sample, sample_H, outData, outData_H);

   public void closeNs() {
   	if (isNsInit) {
   		nsInstance = -1;
   		isNsInit = false;

   // -------------------------------------------NSX
   // 浮点数运算------------------------------------------//

   private int nsxInstance = -1;
   private boolean isNsxInit = false;

   public native int nsxCreate();

   public native int nsxInit(int nsxInstance, int frequency);

   public native int nsxSetPolicy(int nsxInstance, int mode);

   public native int nsxProcess(int nsxInstance, short[] sample,
   		short[] sample_H, short[] outData, short[] outData_H);

   public native int nsxFree(int nsxInstance);

   public NS useNsx() {
   	nsxInstance = nsxCreate();
   	Log.d(TAG, "nsxInstance = " + nsxInstance);
   	return this;

   public NS setNsxConfig(int frequency, int mode) {
   	this.mFrequency = frequency;
   	this.mMode = mode;
   	return this;

   public NS prepareNsx() {
   	if (isNsxInit) {
   		nsxInstance = nsxCreate();
   	int initStatus = nsxInit(nsxInstance, mFrequency);
   	Log.e(TAG, "nsxInitStatus = " + initStatus);
   	isNsxInit = true;
   	int setStatus = nsxSetPolicy(nsxInstance, mMode);
   	Log.e(TAG, "nsxSetStatus = " + setStatus);
   	return this;

   public int nsxProcess(short[] sample, short[] sample_H, short[] outData,
   		short[] outData_H) {
   	return nsxProcess(nsxInstance, sample, sample_H, outData, outData_H);

   public void closeNsx() {
   	if (isNsxInit) {
   		nsxInstance = -1;
   		isNsxInit = false;


  1. ns\Android.mk
LOCAL_PATH := $(call my-dir)
include $(CLEAR_VARS)

LOCAL_MODULE := webrtc_ns

LOCAL_SRC_FILES := $(wildcard $(LOCAL_PATH)/*.c)



  1. 通过c文件实现
/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
#include <jni.h>
/* Header for class com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS */

#include <stdlib.h> // for NULL
#include "noise_suppression_x.h"
#include "noise_suppression.h"
#include "com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS.h"

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsCreate
 * Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsCreate
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){

    NsHandle* handle = NULL;

    return (int)handle;

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsInit
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsInit
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsHandler, jint frequency){
    NsHandle *handler = (NsHandle *) nsHandler;
    if (handler == NULL){
        return -3;
    return WebRtcNs_Init(handler,frequency);

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsSetPolicy
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsSetPolicy
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsHandler, jint mode){

    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsHandler;

    if (handle == NULL){
        return -3;
    return WebRtcNs_set_policy(handle,mode);


 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsProcess
 * Signature: (I[S[S[S[S)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsProcess
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsHandler, jshortArray sample,
			jshortArray sample_H, jshortArray out,jshortArray out_H){
    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsHandler;
    if(handle == NULL){
        return -3;
   short* spframe = NULL;
   short* outframe = NULL;
   short* spframe_H = NULL;
   short* outframe_H = NULL;

   int ret = -1;
   spframe = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,sample, NULL);
   outframe = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,out, NULL);
   if(sample_H != NULL){
       spframe_H = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,sample_H, NULL);
   if(out_H != NULL){
       outframe_H = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,out_H, NULL);

   ret = WebRtcNs_Process(handle,spframe,spframe_H,outframe,outframe_H);

   (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,sample, spframe, 0);
   (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,out, outframe, 0);

   if(sample_H != NULL){
       (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,sample_H, spframe_H, 0);
   if(out_H != NULL){
       (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,out_H, outframe_H, 0);

   return ret;


 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsFree
 * Signature: (I)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsFree
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsHandler){
    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsHandler;
    if(handle == NULL){
        return -3;

    return WebRtcNs_Free(handle);


 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsxCreate
 * Signature: ()I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsxCreate
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){

    NsHandle* handle = NULL;

    return (int)handle;


 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsxInit
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsxInit
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsxHandler, jint frequency ){
   NsHandle *handler = (NsHandle *) nsxHandler;
   if (handler == NULL){
       return -3;
   return WebRtcNsx_Init(handler,frequency);


 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsxSetPolicy
 * Signature: (II)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsxSetPolicy
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsxHandler, jint mode){
    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsxHandler;

    if (handle == NULL){
        return -3;
    return WebRtcNsx_set_policy(handle,mode);

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsxProcess
 * Signature: (I[S[S[S[S)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsxProcess
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsxHandler, jshortArray sample,
			jshortArray sample_H, jshortArray out,jshortArray out_H){
    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsxHandler;
    if(handle == NULL){
        return -3;
    short* spframe = NULL;
    short* outframe = NULL;
    short* spframe_H = NULL;
    short* outframe_H = NULL;

    int ret = -1;
    spframe = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,sample, NULL);
    outframe = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,out, NULL);
    if(sample_H != NULL){
        spframe_H = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,sample_H, NULL);
    if(out_H != NULL){
        outframe_H = (*env)->GetShortArrayElements(env,out_H, NULL);

    ret = WebRtcNsx_Process(handle,spframe,spframe_H,outframe,outframe_H);

    (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,sample, spframe, 0);
    (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,out, outframe, 0);

    if(sample_H != NULL){
        (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,sample_H, spframe_H, 0);
    if(out_H != NULL){
        (*env)->ReleaseShortArrayElements(env,out_H, outframe_H, 0);

    return ret;

 * Class:     com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS
 * Method:    nsxFree
 * Signature: (I)I
JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_com_wrtcmy_webrtc_ns_NS_nsxFree
	(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jint nsxHandler){
    NsHandle *handle = (NsHandle *) nsxHandler;
    if(handle == NULL){
        return -3;

    return WebRtcNsx_Free(handle);



相关标签: android