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程序员文章站 2022-04-05 15:50:04

CONTROL_BRIGHTNESS=1 # * If your system has the file "/proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness" (VID may # be VID1 or similar), use this file as BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT, and use # the command "echo value". The possible values can be listed using the


# * If your system has the file "/proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness" (VID may

# be VID1 or similar), use this file as BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT, and use

# the command "echo ". The possible values can be listed using the

# command:


# cat /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD/brightness

# * If you have a file /sys/class/backlight/.../brightness, then you can use

# that file as BRIGHTNESS_OUTPUT, and the command "echo ".


# As far as I understand it the values are between 0 and

# the value contained in the file /sys/class/backlight/.../max_brightness.