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oracle 归档满后 用户限制连接, awr快照停止生成(实例)

程序员文章站 2022-04-04 14:33:21
awr snapshots are not being created because mmon is not being respawned (doc id 2023652.1) to botto...

awr snapshots are not being created because mmon is not being respawned (doc id 2023652.1) to bottomto bottom

applies to:

oracle database - enterprise edition - version to [release 11.2]

information in this document applies to any platform.


due to other reasons, the mmon process died and subsequent awr reports are therefore not getting generated.

the mmon process should automatically be respawned but it is not.


mmon/mmnl not being respawned or recreated is due to:

unpublished bug: bug 19565533 - mmon/mmnl can not be automatically restarted after killed

the issue only occurs on and is a regression of the fix for bug 14213856


to solve the issue:

apply interim patch 19565533 for, if available for your platform.

to check for conflicting patches, please use the mos patch planner tool

please refer to

note 1317012.1 - how to use mos patch planner to check and request the conflict patches?

if no patch exists for your version, please contact oracle support for a backport request.

- or -

as a workaround, you can respawn the mmon process by next methods:

restart the database instance

- or -

set the instance to "restricted session" mode and then bring it back to normal mode using following commands as sysdba:

alter system enable restricted session;

alter system disable restricted session;


[oracle@host01 ~]$ sqlplus clspuser/clsp

sql*plus: release production on fri jan 19 23:29:09 2018

copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle. all rights reserved.


ora-01035: oracle only available to users with restricted session privilege

enter user-name: clspuser

[oracle@host01 ~]$

sql> create user eviswang identified by evis;

user created.

sql> gant dba to eviswang;

sp2-0734: unknown command beginning "gant dba t..." - rest of line ignored.

sql> grant dba to eviswang;

grant succeeded.

sql> exit

disconnected from oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - production

with the partitioning, real application clusters, automatic storage management, olap,

data mining and real application testing options

[oracle@host01 ~]$ sqlplus eviswang

sql*plus: release production on fri jan 19 23:30:31 2018

copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle. all rights reserved.

enter password:

connected to:

oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - production

with the partitioning, real application clusters, automatic storage management, olap,

data mining and real application testing options


alter system disable restricted session;后都可以登录

[oracle@host01 ~]$ sqlplus clspuser/clsp

sql*plus: release production on fri jan 19 23:31:15 2018

copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle. all rights reserved.

connected to:

oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - production

with the partitioning, real application clusters, automatic storage management, olap,

data mining and real application testing options



fri jan 19 23:31:41 2018

stopping background process mmnl

stopping background process mmon

starting background process mmon

fri jan 19 23:31:43 2018

mmon started with pid=216, os id=54742

starting background process mmnl

fri jan 19 23:31:43 2018

mmnl started with pid=219, os id=54744

alter system enable restricted session;

fri jan 19 23:32:02 2018

alter system disable restricted session;

[oracle@adminm trace]$