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Oracle 11g下编译使用BBED的方法教程

程序员文章站 2022-04-03 20:29:22
bbed介绍: bbed(oracle block browerand editor tool),用来直接查看和修改数据文件数据的一个工具,是oracle一款内部工具,可...


bbed(oracle block browerand editor tool),用来直接查看和修改数据文件数据的一个工具,是oracle一款内部工具,可以直接修改oracle数据文件块的内容,在一些极端恢复场景下比较有用。该工具不受oracle支持,所以默认是没有生成可执行文件的,在使用前需要重新连接。

本文详细介绍了关于oracle 11g下编译使用bbed的方法教程,下面话不多说,来一起看看详细的介绍:

环境:rhel 6.4 + oracle

1. 拷贝缺失文件



2. 编译bbed

make -f $oracle_home/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk bbed=$oracle_home/bin/bbed $oracle_home/bin/bbed


[oracle@jy-db01 dbhome_1]$ make -f $oracle_home/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk bbed=$oracle_home/bin/bbed $oracle_home/bin/bbed

linking bbed utility (bbed)
rm -f /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/bbed
gcc -o /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/bin/bbed -m64 -z noexecstack -l/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/lib/ -l/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ -l/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/stubs/ /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/s0main.o /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/lib/ssbbded.o /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/lib/sbbdpt.o `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ldflags` -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -ldbtools11 -lclntsh `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ldflags` -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ldflags` -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnnz11 -lzt11 -lztkg11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11 -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lmm -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ldflags` -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lnro11 `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/ldflags` -lncrypt11 -lnsgr11 -lnzjs11 -ln11 -lnl11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11 -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 -lclient11 -lnnetd11 -lvsn11 -lcommon11 -lgeneric11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lxml11 -lcore11 -lunls11 -lsnls11 -lnls11 -lcore11 -lnls11 `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/sysliblist` -wl,-rpath,/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib -lm `cat /u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib/sysliblist` -ldl -lm -l/u02/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/lib

3. bbed使用测试

--3.1 bbed命令测试可用
[oracle@jy-db01 dbhome_1]$ bbed
password: --密码默认是blockedit

bbed: release - limited production on mon jan 18 15:13:09 2016

copyright (c) 1982, 2011, oracle and/or its affiliates. all rights reserved.

************* !!! for oracle internal use only !!! ***************

bbed> help all
set dba [ dba | file#, block# ]
set filename 'filename'
set file file#
set block [+/-]block#
set offset [ [+/-]byte offset | symbol | *symbol ]
set blocksize bytes
set list[file] 'filename'
set width character_count
set count bytes_to_display
set ibase [ hex | oct | dec ]
set obase [ hex | oct | dec ]
set mode [ browse | edit ]
set spool [ y | n ]
show [ <set parameter> | all ]
map[/v] [ dba | filename | file | block ]
dump[/v] [ dba | filename | file | block | offset | count ]
print[/x|d|u|o|c] [ dba | file | filename | block | offset | symbol | *symbol ]
examine[/nuf] [ dba | file | filename | block | offset | symbol | *symbol ]
n - a number which specifies a repeat count.
u - a letter which specifies a unit size:
 b - b1, ub1 (byte)
 h - b2, ub2 (half-word)
 w - b4, ub4(word)
 r - oracle table/index row
f - a letter which specifies a display format:
 x - hexadecimal
 d - decimal
 u - unsigned decimal
 o - octal
 c - character (native)
 n - oracle number
 t - oracle date
 i - oracle rowid
find[/x|d|u|o|c] numeric/character string [ top | curr ]
copy [ dba | file | filename | block ] to [ dba | file | filename | block ]
modify[/x|d|u|o|c] numeric/character string
  [ dba | file | filename | block | offset | symbol | *symbol ]
assign[/x|d|u|o] <target spec>=<source spec>
<target spec> : [ dba | file | filename | block | offset | symbol | *symbol ]
<source spec> : [ value | <target spec options> ]
sum [ dba | file | filename | block ] [ apply ]
push [ dba | file | filename | block | offset ]
pop [all]
revert [ dba | file | filename | block ]
help [ <bbed command> | all ]
verify [ dba | file | filename | block ]
corrupt [ dba | file | filename | block ]


--3.2 bbed命令参数
[oracle@jy-db01 tmp]$ bbed help=y
password - required parameter
filename - database file name
blocksize - database block size
listfile - list file name
mode - [browse/edit]
spool - spool to logfile [no/yes]
cmdfile - bbed command file name
logfile - bbed log file name
parfile - parameter file name
bifile - bbed before-image file name
revert - rollback changes from bifile [no/yes]
silent - hide banner [no/yes]
help - show all valid parameters [no/yes]


5 /u02/oradata/jingyu/dbs_d_jingyu01.dbf 31457280
6 /u02/oradata/jingyu/dbs_i_jingyu01.dbf 31457280
cd /tmp
bbed parfile=bbed.par


     •oracle bbed 工具 说明


