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程序员文章站 2022-04-03 20:00:22
今天小编为大家带来的是Linux下的命令行浏览器links介绍,希望对大家会有帮助,有需要的朋友一起去看看吧... 17-04-04...



links --help

elinks 0.9.2 - text www browser

usage: elinks [option]... [url]


-anonymous [0|1] restrict to anonymous mode

-auto-submit [0|1] autosubmit first form

-base-session <num> clone session with given id

-confdir <str> set config dir to given string

-conffile <str> configuration file name

-default-mime-type mime type to assume for documents

-dump [0|1] write formatted version of given url to stdout

-dump-charset codepage to use with -dump

-dump-width width of document formatted with -dump

-eval evaluate given configuration option

-force-html assume the file is html

-, -h, -help print usage help and exit

-long-help print detailed usage help and exit

-config-help print help for configuration options

-lookup look up specified host

-no-connect [0|1] run as separate instance

-no-home [0|1] don't use files in ~/.elinks

-session-ring <num> connect to session ring with given id

-source [0|1] write the source of given url to stdout

-stdin [0|1] read document from stdin

-no-numbering [0|1] do not number links in dump output

-touch-files [0|1] touch files in ~/.elinks when running with -no-connect/-session-ring

-version print version information and exit


links --dump