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程序员文章站 2022-04-03 18:31:40
颜色工具类(超详细注释)设置属性值自动格式化rgb值和十六进制颜色值。import java.util.hashmap;import java.util.map;public class color{...



import java.util.hashmap;
import java.util.map;

public class color{
    private final string[] hex_letters = {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"};

    private double alpha;// 透明度(0.0 ~ 1.0)

    private integer red; // 红色值(0~255)
    private integer green; // 绿色值(0~255)
    private integer blue; // 蓝色值(0~255)
    private string rgb; // rgb值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue)
    private string rgba; // rgba值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue, alpha)

    private string hexred; // 十六进制红色值(00-ff)
    private string hexgreen; // 十六进制绿色值(00-ff)
    private string hexblue; // 十六进制蓝色值(00-ff)
    private string hex; // 十六进制颜色值;格式:#hexredhexgreenhexblue

     * 无参构造器
     * 默认黑色不透明
    public color(){
        this.red = 0;
        this.green = 0;
        this.blue = 0;
        this.alpha = 1.0;
        this.hexred = "00";
        this.hexgreen = "00";
        this.hexblue = "00";
        this.rgb = "rgb(0, 0, 0)";
        this.rgba = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1.0)";
        this.hex = "#000000";

     * 通过rgb三值初始化
     * @param red 红色值(0~255)
     * @param green 绿色值(0~255)
     * @param blue 蓝色值(0~255)
    public color(integer red, integer green, integer blue){
        // 调用 [通过rgba四值初始化]
        this(red, green, blue, 1.0);

     * 通过rgba四值初始化
     * @param red 红色值(0~255)
     * @param green 绿色值(0~255)
     * @param blue 蓝色值(0~255)
     * @param alpha 透明度(0.0 ~ 1.0)
    public color(integer red, integer green, integer blue, double alpha){
        // 设置透明度

        // 设置rgb值

     * 通过颜色字符串初始化
     * @param colorstr 颜色字符串;格式为:rgb(red,green,blue) 或 rgba(red,green,blue,alpha) 或 #hexredhexgreenhexblue
    public color(string colorstr){
        // 字符串转大写、去空格
        colorstr = colorstr.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        if(colorstr.startswith("#")) {
            this.alpha = 1.0;
        } else if(colorstr.startswith("rgb(") && colorstr.endswith(")")) {
            this.alpha = 1.0;
        }else if (colorstr.startswith("rgba(") && colorstr.endswith(")")) {
        }else {
            throw new colorparseexception("color parsing failed, please check color code format. the format is: \"rgb(red,green,blue)\" or \"rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)\" or \"#hexredhexgreenhexblue\".");

     * 获取红色值
     * @return 红色值(0~255)
    public integer getred(){
        return this.red;

     * 设置红色值
     * @param red 红色值(0~255)
    public void setred(integer red) {
        // 检查颜色值
        if(red < 0 || red > 255)
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception("red out of range, please set value in 0 ~ 255.");

        // 设置红色值
        this.red = red;
        // 红色值转十六进制红色值,并设置十六进制红色值
        this.hexred = this.normaltohex(red);

        // 刷新

     * 获取绿色值
     * @return 绿色值(0~255)
    public integer getgreen(){
        return this.green;

     * 设置绿色值
     * @param green 绿色值(0~255)
    public void setgreen(integer green) {
        // 检查颜色值
        if(green < 0 || green > 255)
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception("green out of range, please set value in 0 ~ 255.");

        // 设置绿色值
        this.green = green;
        // 绿色值转十六进制红色值,并设置十六进制绿色值
        this.hexgreen = this.normaltohex(green);

        // 刷新

     * 获取蓝色值
     * @return 蓝色值(0~255)
    public integer getblue(){
        return this.blue;

     * 设置蓝色值
     * @param blue 蓝色值(0~255)
    public void setblue(integer blue) {
        // 检查颜色值
        if(blue < 0 || blue > 255)
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception("blue out of range, please set value in 0 ~ 255.");

        // 设置蓝色值
        this.blue = blue;
        // 绿色值转十六进制红色值,并设置十六进制绿色值
        this.hexblue = this.normaltohex(blue);

        // 刷新

     * 获取十六进制红色值
     * @return 十六进制红色值(00-ff)
    public string gethexred(){
        return this.hexred;

     * 设置十六进制红色值
     * @param hexred 十六进制红色值(00-ff)
    public void sethexred(string hexred) {
        // 去空格、转大写
        hexred = hexred.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 检查颜色值

        // 设置十六进制红色值
        this.hexred = hexred;
        // 设置红色值
        this.red = hextonormal(hexred);

        // 刷新

     * 获取十六进制绿色值
     * @return 十六进制绿色值(00-ff)
    public string gethexgreen(){
        return this.hexgreen;

     * 设置十六进制绿色值
     * @param hexgreen 十六进制绿色值(00-ff)
    public void sethexgreen(string hexgreen) {
        // 去空格、转大写
        hexgreen = hexgreen.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 检查颜色值

        // 设置十六进制绿色值
        this.hexgreen = hexgreen;
        // 设置绿色值
        this.green = hextonormal(hexgreen);

        // 刷新

     * 获取十六进制蓝色值
     * @return 十六进制蓝色值(00-ff)
    public string gethexblue(){
        return this.hexblue;

     * 设置十六进制蓝色值
     * @param hexblue 十六进制蓝色值(00-ff)
    public void sethexblue(string hexblue) {
        // 去空格、转大写
        hexblue = hexblue.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 检查颜色值

        // 设置十六进制蓝色值
        this.hexblue = hexblue;
        // 设置蓝色值
        this.blue = hextonormal(hexblue);

        // 刷新

     * 获取透明度
     * @return 透明度(0.0 ~ 1.0)
    public double getalpha(){
        return this.alpha;

     * 设置透明度
     * @param alpha 透明度(0.0 ~ 1.0)
    public void setalpha(double alpha) {
        // 检查透明度
        if(alpha < 0 || alpha > 1)
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception("alpha out of range, please set value in 0.0 ~ 1.0 and keep one decimal place.");
        // 检查小数点
        string[] alphasplit = alpha.tostring().split("\\.");
        if(alphasplit.length > 1)
            if(alphasplit[1].length() > 1)
                throw new coloroutofrangeexception("alpha out of range, please set value in 0.0 ~ 1.0 and keep one decimal place.");

        // 设置透明度
        this.alpha = alpha;

        // 刷新

     * 获取rgb值
     * @return rgb值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue)
    public string getrgb(){
        return this.rgb;

     * 设置rgb值
     * @param rgb rgb值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue)
    public void setrgb(string rgb) {
        // 解析rgb字符串
        integer[] rgbarray = parsergb(rgb);

        // 设置颜色值

        // 设置十六进制颜色值

        // 刷新

     * 获取rgba值
     * @return rgba值;格式:rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
    public string getrgba(){
        return this.rgba;

     * 设置rgba值
     * @param rgba rgba值;格式:rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
    public void setrgba(string rgba) {
        // 解析rgb字符串
        double[] rgbaarray = parsergba(rgba);

        // 设置颜色值

        // 设置十六进制颜色值

        // 刷新

     * 获取十六进制颜色值
     * @return 十六进制颜色值;格式:#hexredhexgreenhexblue
    public string gethex(){
        return this.hex;

     * 设置hex值
     * @param hex 十六进制颜色值;格式:#hexredhexgreenhexblue
    public void sethex(string hex) {
        // 解析hex字符串
        string[] hexarray = parsehex(hex);

        // 设置十六进制颜色值

        // 设置颜色值

        // 刷新

     * 解析rgb字符串
     * @param rgb rgb值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue)
     * @return 颜色值数组;0: red; 1: green; 2: blue;
    private integer[] parsergb(string rgb){
        // 去空格、转大写
        rgb = rgb.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 检查是否为“rgb(”开头、“)”结束
        if(rgb.startswith("rgb(") && rgb.endswith(")"))
            rgb = rgb.substring(4, rgb.length()-1);

        // rgb字符串数组 通过“,”分割
        string[] rgbstrarray = rgb.split(",");

        // 判断数组长度是否小于1
        if(rgbstrarray.length < 1)
            throw new colorparseexception("rgb parsing failed, please check rgb format. the format is: \"rgb(red,green,blue)\" or \"red,green,blue\".");

        // string转int
        int red = integer.parseint(rgbstrarray[0]);
        int green = integer.parseint(rgbstrarray[1]);
        int blue = integer.parseint(rgbstrarray[2]);

        // 返回rgb颜色数组
        return new integer[]{red, green, blue};

     * 解析rgba字符串
     * @param rgba rgba值;格式:rgba(red, green, blue, alpha)
     * @return 颜色值数组;0: red; 1: green; 2: blue; 3: alpha;
    private double[] parsergba(string rgba){
        // 去空格、转大写
        rgba = rgba.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 检查是否为“rgba(”开头、“)”结束
        if(rgba.startswith("rgba(") && rgba.endswith(")"))
            rgba = rgba.substring(5, rgba.length()-1);

        // rgb字符串数组 通过“,”分割
        string[] rgbastrarray = rgba.split(",");

        // 判断数组长度是否小于1
        if(rgbastrarray.length < 1)
            throw new colorparseexception("rgba parsing failed, please check rgba format. the format is: \"rgba(red,green,blue,alpha)\" or \"red,green,blue,alpha\".");

        // string转double
        double red = double.parsedouble(rgbastrarray[0]);
        double green = double.parsedouble(rgbastrarray[1]);
        double blue = double.parsedouble(rgbastrarray[2]);
        double alpha = double.parsedouble(rgbastrarray[3]);

        // 返回rgba颜色数组
        return new double[]{red, green, blue, alpha};

     * 解析hex字符串
     * @param hex 十六进制颜色值
     * @return 颜色值数组;0: hexred; 1: hexgreen; 2: hexblue;
    private string[] parsehex(string hex){
        // 字符串去空格、转大写
        hex = hex.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 去起始“#”
            hex = hex.substring(1);

        // 声明颜色值
        string hexred;
        string hexgreen;
        string hexblue;

        // 检查字符串长度
        if(hex.length() == 3){
            // 取出颜色值
            hexred = hex.substring(0, 1);
            hexgreen = hex.substring(1, 2);
            hexblue = hex.substring(2);

            // 补全hexcolor
            hexred += hexred;
            hexgreen += hexgreen;
            hexblue += hexblue;
        }else if(hex.length() == 6){
            // 取出颜色值
            hexred = hex.substring(0, 2);
            hexgreen = hex.substring(2, 4);
            hexblue = hex.substring(4);
            throw new colorparseexception("hex color parsing failed, please check hex color format. the format is: \"#hexcolor\" or \"hexcolor\", examples: \"#ffffff\" or \"#fff\" or \"ffffff\" or \"fff\".");

        // 返回hex颜色数组
        return new string[]{hexred, hexgreen, hexblue};

     * 生成rgb值
     * @return rgb值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue)
    private synchronized string generatergb(){
        // 准备结果
        string result = "rgb(";

        // 添加红色值
        result += this.getred();
        result += ", ";
        // 添加绿色值
        result += this.getgreen();
        result += ", ";
        // 添加蓝色值
        result += this.getblue();
        result += ")";

        // 返回结果
        return result;

     * 生成rgba值
     * @return rgba值;格式:rgb(red, green, blue, alpha)
    private synchronized string generatergba(){
        // 准备结果
        string result = "rgba(";

        // 添加红色值
        result += this.getred();
        result += ", ";
        // 添加绿色值
        result += this.getgreen();
        result += ", ";
        // 添加蓝色值
        result += this.getblue();
        result += ", ";
        // 添加透明度
        result += this.getalpha();
        result += ", ";

        // 返回结果
        return result;

     * 生成十六进制值
     * @return 十六进制值;格式:#hexredhexgreenhexblue
    private synchronized string generatehex(){
        // 准备结果
        string result = "#";

        // 添加红色值
        result += this.gethexred();
        // 添加绿色值
        result += this.gethexgreen();
        // 添加蓝色值
        result += this.gethexblue();

        // 返回结果
        return result;

     * 十进制转十六进制
     * @param number 十进制数
     * @return 十六进制字符串
    private string normaltohex(integer number){
        // 十进制转十六进制
        string hexnumber = integer.tohexstring(number).touppercase();

        // 检查十六进制字符串长度
        if(hexnumber.length() == 1) // 一位
            hexnumber = 0 + hexnumber; // 前位+0

        // 返回十六进制字符串
        return hexnumber;

     * 十六进制转十进制
     * @param hexstr 十六进制字符串
     * @return 十进制数
    private integer hextonormal(string hexstr) {
        // 去空格转大写
        hexstr = hexstr.replaceall("\\s*", "");

        // 准备结果
        int result = 0;

        // 十六进制字母集合
        map<string, integer> hexlettersmap = new hashmap<>();
        // 十六进制字符填充至集合
        for (int i = 0; i < hex_letters.length; i++) {
            hexlettersmap.put(hex_letters[i], i);

        // 将十六进制字符串转为数组
        string[] hexstrarray = new string[hexstr.length()];
        for(int i = 0; i < hexstrarray.length; i++){
            hexstrarray[i] = hexstr.substring(i, i+1);

        // 转十进制数
        for(int i = 0; i < hexstrarray.length; i++){
            result += hexlettersmap.get(hexstrarray[i]) * math.pow(16, hexstrarray.length - 1 - i);

        // 返回结果
        return result;

     * 检查十六进制颜色字符串(两位:00~ff)
     * @param hexstr 十六进制字符串(00~ff)
     * @param errorfieldname 发生错误的字段名
    private void checkhexcolorstring(string hexstr, string errorfieldname){
        // 去空格,转大写
        hexstr = hexstr.replaceall("\\s*", "").touppercase();

        // 截取字符
        string firstletter;
        string secondletter;

        // 检查格式
        if(hexstr.length() == 1){
            firstletter = secondletter = hexstr;
        }else if(hexstr.length() == 2){
            firstletter = hexstr.substring(0,1);
            secondletter = hexstr.substring(1);
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception(errorfieldname + " out of range, please set value in 00 ~ ff.");

        // 字符正确标识
        boolean firstright = false;
        boolean secondright = false;

        // 检查第一个字符
        for (string letter : hex_letters) {
                firstright = true;

        // 检查第二个字符
        for (string letter : hex_letters) {
                secondright = true;

        // 判断是否全部正确
        if(!firstright || !secondright)
            throw new coloroutofrangeexception(errorfieldname + " out of range, please set value in 00 ~ ff.");

     * 刷新
    private void refresh(){
        // 生成并设置rgb值
        this.rgb = this.generatergb();
        // 生成并设置rgba值
        this.rgba = this.generatergba();
        // 生成并设置十六进制颜色值
        this.hex = this.generatehex();

     * 对象转字符串
     * @return 字符串
    public string tostring(){
        return "color: {" +
                "\n\tred: " + this.getred() +
                ",\n\tgreen: " + this.getgreen() +
                ",\n\tblue: " + this.getblue() +
                ",\n\talpha: " + this.getalpha() +
                ",\n\trgb: " + this.getrgb() +
                ",\n\trgba: " + this.getrgba() +
                ",\n\thexred: " + this.gethexred() +
                ",\n\thexgreen: " + this.gethexgreen() +
                ",\n\thexblue: " + this.gethexblue() +
                ",\n\thex: " + this.gethex() +

     * 颜色超出范围异常
    public static class coloroutofrangeexception extends runtimeexception{
        public coloroutofrangeexception(string message) {

     * 颜色解析异常
    public static class colorparseexception extends runtimeexception{
        public colorparseexception(string message) {
