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程序员文章站 2022-04-02 22:50:02
node.js core modules 核心模组 the modules do need to use npm install these modules installed...

node.js core modules 核心模组 the modules do need to use npm install

these modules installed locally with you install node js

1. path module


var path = require("path")


path.basename(__filename) # pluck out the file name from the path

path.join(*args) join a series of path name with "/"

2. utilie module

var util = require("util)

util.log() have a same result as console.log(), but it has log the time of the code loading time staple


util.inherits(object1, ob2)

help ob1 to inherits all of function in ob2

3. v8

get current memory

var v8 = require("v8")


4. reading module

ask question to user in termial and saving those answers

var readline = require('readline')

var rl = readline.createinterface(process.stdin, process.stout)

# readline helps us to control thoes object

rl.question(string, function(answer))

# ask question

# handle the answer


in the question() function to repeat the question prompt

5. eventemitter


var emitter = new events.eventemitter();

emitter.on('customevent', function(string));

emitter.emit('customevent', string1)

emit will push the second argument into customevent and run it! \