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Java parallel programming to calculate PI using Dart algorithm

程序员文章站 2022-04-01 17:21:54

study it, I don’t want to explain too much about these code segment. Starting from :
public class TestDartThread
at the end of this article.
you can change long num_trails = 1000000000 to make it shorter according to your hardware.

public class MyTimer {
    private static long begin;

    public static void time_start(){
        begin = System.nanoTime();

    public static double time_end_milli_seconds(){
        return System.nanoTime()-begin/1e6;


    public static double time_end_seconds(){
        double total_time =  (System.nanoTime()-begin)/1e6;
        return ((double)((int)total_time))/1000;


public class DartThread extends Thread{

    public long hitting_times=0;
    public long begin_index=0;
    public long numtrials=0;

    public DartThread(long begin_index,long numtrials) {
        this.begin_index = begin_index;
        this.numtrials = numtrials;

    public void run() {

    // radius = 1
    public boolean hit_in_circle(double x,double y){
        return (x*x+y*y)<=1?true:false;

    // Evaluate ( ax+c ) mod m

    long modlin(long a, long x, long c, long m)
        return (a * x + c) % m;
    // Put integer n in range x1 , x2 with the maximum integer value
    double rescale(long N, long n, double x1, double x2)
        double f = Double.valueOf(n)/Double.valueOf(N);
        return x1 + f * (x2 - x1);

    public void hit_point() {
        // For the s e q u e n t i a l random number generator
        long a = 1664525;
        long c = 1013904223;
        long m = 4294967296L;
        long sidelen = 65536;

        // s q r t of m
        // long numtrials = 1000000;
        long i_prev = 12345; // Seed value
        for (long n = begin_index; n < numtrials; n+=4) {

            long i_next = modlin(a, i_prev, c, m);
            i_prev = i_next;

            // Scale the random number to a random 2−d position
            long ix = i_next % sidelen;
            long iy = i_next / sidelen;

            // Scale current random integer to value from 0−1
            double x = rescale(sidelen, ix, -1, 1);
            double y = rescale(sidelen, iy, -1, 1);
            // Now we have an (x , y) pair generated from a s i n g l e random integer

            if (hit_in_circle(x, y)) {

public class TestDartThread {

    // radius = 1
    public static boolean hit_in_circle(double x,double y){
        return (x*x+y*y)<=1?true:false;

    // Evaluate ( ax+c ) mod m

    static long modlin(long a, long x, long c, long m)
        return (a * x + c) % m;
    // Put integer n in range x1 , x2 with the maximum integer value
    static double rescale(long N, long n, double x1, double x2)
        double f = Double.valueOf(n)/Double.valueOf(N);
        return x1 + f * (x2 - x1);

    public static double parallel(long num_trails) throws InterruptedException {


        long hitting_times_result = 0;

        DartThread thread1 = new DartThread(1,num_trails);

        DartThread thread2 = new DartThread(2,num_trails);

        DartThread thread3 = new DartThread(3,num_trails);

        DartThread thread4 = new DartThread(4,num_trails);


        hitting_times_result += thread1.hitting_times + thread2.hitting_times + thread3.hitting_times+ thread4.hitting_times;

        double time_end = MyTimer.time_end_seconds();

        //System.out.println("parallel time elapse: "+ time_end);
        System.out.println("parallel time elapse: "+ time_end+"s parallel hitting times: "+hitting_times_result);
        double pi = 4*(Double.valueOf(hitting_times_result)/Double.valueOf(num_trails));
        System.out.println("parallel PI : "+pi);

        return time_end;

    public static double sequential(long numtrials){


        // For the s e q u e n t i a l random number generator
        long a = 1664525;
        long c = 1013904223;
        long m = 4294967296L;
        long sidelen = 65536;

        long hit_times = 0;
        // s q r t of m
        // long numtrials = 1000000;
        long i_prev = 12345; // Seed value
        for (long n = 0; n < numtrials; ++n) {

            long i_next = modlin(a, i_prev, c, m);
            i_prev = i_next;

            // Scale the random number to a random 2−d position
            long ix = i_next % sidelen;
            long iy = i_next / sidelen;

            // Scale current random integer to value from 0−1
            double x = rescale(sidelen, ix, -1, 1);
            double y = rescale(sidelen, iy, -1, 1);
            // Now we have an (x , y) pair generated from a s i n g l e random integer



        double end_time = MyTimer.time_end_seconds();
        System.out.println("sequential time elapse : "+end_time+"s sequential hitting times: "+hit_times);
        double pi = 4*(Double.valueOf(hit_times)/Double.valueOf(numtrials));
        System.out.println(" sequential PI : "+pi);

        return end_time;

    public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException {
        long num_trails = 1000000000;
      System.out.println("speed up: "+sequential(num_trails)/parallel(num_trails));


sequential time elapse : 19.278s sequential hitting times: 785383696
sequential PI : 3.141534784
parallel time elapse: 6.429s parallel hitting times: 785401631
parallel PI : 3.141606524
speed up: 2.998600093327111