Opera 11.11 正式版发布
2022-03-03 16:50:54
Opera 11.11 正式版发布了,该版本重点增强了安全性与稳定性,建议用户尽快升级。
该版本主要bug 修复如下:
- 用户界面 修复当由某控件中打开文件选择对话框后关闭该控件而导致的崩溃问题
- 显示及脚本 修复:
- 邮件客户端、新闻、聊天 修复标记回收站里的邮件为未读时邮件消失的问题
- 网络 修复http://www.multicert.com/ca/multicert-ca-02.crl 证书导致的崩溃问题
- 安全 修复框架集可能执行任意代码的问题。
Crash when opening www.falk.de
Crash when reloading page after opening a popup of easy-sticky-note extension
Google calendar previewing of month view
Mouse wheel not scrolling an outer page when over iframe
Opera freezing on Wikipedia with column-count producing infinite repaints
"outline-offset" not working; fix applied in the verticalbox case
Crash when destroying Silverlight instance on vod.onet.pl
Calling location.replace with same URL as current page does not fetch it from the network
Text on button of the error page in Asian languages being vertically aligned
Visiting a page with a plug-in that is not installed resets Time Of Last Upgrade Check
Made further small fixes and stability improvements
HTTPS url being incorrectly unloaded for application cache urls, especially effecting Opera Dragonfly
Fast forward being broken on google.com
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