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题解 | Polygons-2019牛客暑期多校训练营第二场G题

程序员文章站 2022-04-01 15:33:38

Lines make polygons. Given N lines, please tell how many closed polygons are formed by these N straight lines and what is the largest and smallest area of them? Moreover, could you tell qi-th largest area?

The first line of input contains an integers N indicating the number of lines.
Following N lines each contains four space-separated integers x1,y1,x2,y2 indicating two points on the i-th line.
The next line contains an integer M indicating the number of questions.
Following M lines each contains an integer qi.


No three lines intersect in one point
No two lines coincide
There is at least 1 closed polygon

First output a single line containing three numbers, the number of closed polygons, the largest area and the smallest area.
Then, output m lines each contains a number indicating qith largest area.
If qi is greater than the number of polygons, output “Invalid question” (without quotes) instead.
Your answer will be considered correct if its absolute or relative error doesn’t exceed 10-4

1 1 0 2
1 3 0 4
1 6 0 7
1 3 0 2
1 -1 0 -2
1 4 0 4

6 5.75 0.25
Invalid question

• Geometry
By Euler characteristic, there will be at most O(N^2) planes since there are at most O(N^2) intersections.
We can find all of them!

• Geometry
Compute each intersections and put intersections on each line.

For each segment, create two directed segment in each direction.

From an start intersection, go through any unused directed segment. When you reach next intersection, find another unused directed segment which is has largest(or smallest) angle. Keep going until reach the starting point. You will find out an closed polygon.

• Geometry
To avoid unbounded polygon, you can create an large rectangle enclosing all the intersection. But, the size of this rectangle would by very large(not just order of 1000).
Or, you can carefully deal with it.


// edd_y1021
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef double D;
typedef long long ll;
typedef pair<int,int> PII;
#define mod9 1000000009ll
#define mod7 1000000007ll
#define INF  1023456789ll
#define INF16 10000000000000000ll
#define FI first
#define SE second
#define PB push_back
#define MP make_pair
#define MT make_tuple
#define eps 1e-7
#define SZ(x) (int)(x).size()
#define ALL(x) (x).begin(), (x).end()
ll getint(){
    ll _x=0,_tmp=1; char _tc=getchar();    
    while( (_tc<'0'||_tc>'9')&&_tc!='-' ) _tc=getchar();
    if( _tc == '-' ) _tc=getchar() , _tmp = -1;
    while(_tc>='0'&&_tc<='9') _x*=10,_x+=(_tc-'0'),_tc=getchar();
    return _x*_tmp;
ll mypow( ll _a , ll _x , ll _mod ){
    if( _x == 0 ) return 1ll;
    ll _tmp = mypow( _a , _x / 2 , _mod );
    _tmp = ( _tmp * _tmp ) % _mod;
    if( _x & 1 ) _tmp = ( _tmp * _a ) % _mod;
    return _tmp;
bool equal( D _x ,  D _y ){
    return _x > _y - eps && _x < _y + eps;
int __ = 1 , cs;
#define N 1010
#define X FI
#define Y SE
typedef pair<D,D> PT;
int n , x1[ N ] , _y1[ N ] , x2[ N ] , _y2[ N ];
PT s1[ N ] , s2[ N ];
int pn , res[ N * N ];
vector<PT> pset;
vector< pair<D,int> > a[ N ];
PT operator+( const PT& p1 , const PT& p2 ){
  return MP( p1.X + p2.X , p1.Y + p2.Y );
PT operator-( const PT& p1 , const PT& p2 ){
  return MP( p1.X - p2.X , p1.Y - p2.Y );
PT operator*( const PT& tp , const D& tk ){
  return MP( tp.X * tk , tp.Y * tk );
D operator%( const PT& p1 , const PT& p2 ){
  return ( p1.X * p2.X ) +
         ( p1.Y * p2.Y );
D operator^( const PT& p1 , const PT& p2 ){
  return ( p1.X * p2.Y ) -
         ( p1.Y * p2.X );
PT inter( PT p1 , PT p2 , PT q1 , PT q2 ){
    D f1 = ( p2 - p1 ) ^ ( q1 - p1 );
  D f2 = ( p2 - p1 ) ^ ( p1 - q2 );
    D f = ( f1 + f2 );
    return q1 * ( f2 / f ) + q2 * ( f1 / f );
void build(){

vector< pair<int,bool> > v[ N * N ];
vector<D> ans;
bool parel( int idxi , int idxj ){
  return ( _y2[ idxi ] - _y1[ idxi ] ) * ( x2[ idxj ] - x1[ idxj ] ) ==
         ( _y2[ idxj ] - _y1[ idxj ] ) * ( x2[ idxi ] - x1[ idxi ] );
void init(){
  n = getint();
  for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ ){
    x1[ i ] = getint();
    _y1[ i ] = getint();
    x2[ i ] = getint();
    _y2[ i ] = getint();
    s1[ i ] = MP( (D)x1[ i ] , (D)_y1[ i ] );
    s2[ i ] = MP( (D)x2[ i ] , (D)_y2[ i ] );
  pn = 0;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ )
    for( int j = i + 1 ; j < n ; j ++ ){
      if( parel( i , j ) ) continue;
      PT pi = inter( s1[ i ] , s2[ i ] ,
                     s1[ j ] , s2[ j ] );
      pset.PB( pi );
      a[ i ].PB( MP( ( pi - s1[ i ] ) % ( s2[ i ] - s1[ i ] ) , pn ) );
      a[ j ].PB( MP( ( pi - s1[ j ] ) % ( s2[ j ] - s1[ j ] ) , pn ) );
      pn ++;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ )
    sort( ALL( a[ i ] ) );
  for( int i = 0 ; i < n ; i ++ )
    for( int j = 1 ; j < (int)a[ i ].size() ; j ++ ){
      v[ a[ i ][ j - 1 ].SE ].PB( MP( a[ i ][ j ].SE , true ) );
      v[ a[ i ][ j ].SE ].PB( MP( a[ i ][ j - 1 ].SE , true ) );
      res[ a[ i ][ j - 1 ].SE ] ++;
      res[ a[ i ][ j ].SE ] ++;
void test( int now ){
  int st = now;
  vector<PII> tmp;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < (int)v[ now ].size() ; i ++ )
    if( v[ now ][ i ].SE ){
      tmp.PB( MP( now , i ) );
      now = v[ now ][ i ].FI;
  int pre = st;
  while( now != st ){
    int tmx = -1; D tt = -1;
    for( int i = 0 ; i < (int)v[ now ].size() ; i ++ )
      if( v[ now ][ i ].SE ){
        int nxt = v[ now ][ i ].FI;
        if( nxt == pre ) continue;
        D ttt = ( pset[ now ] - pset[ pre ] ) ^
                ( pset[ nxt ] - pset[ now ] );
        if( tmx == -1 || ( ttt > tt ) )
          tmx = i, tt = ttt;
    if( tmx == -1 || !( tt > 0 ) ){
      for( int i = 0 ; i < (int)tmp.size() ; i ++ ){
        v[ tmp[ i ].FI ][ tmp[ i ].SE ].SE = false;
        res[ tmp[ i ].FI ] --;
    if( tt > 0 ){
      tmp.PB( MP( now , tmx ) );
      int nxt = v[ now ][ tmx ].FI;
      pre = now;
      now = nxt;
  D area = 0.0;
  for( int i = 0 ; i < (int)tmp.size() ; i ++ ){
    int tnow = tmp[ i ].FI;
    int tnxt = v[ tnow ][ tmp[ i ].SE ].FI;
    area += pset[ tnow ] ^ pset[ tnxt ];
    v[ tnow ][ tmp[ i ].SE ].SE = false;
    res[ tnow ] --;
  area *= 0.5;
  if( area < 0.0 ) area *= -1.0;
  ans.PB( area );
void pre_solve(){
  for( int i = 0 ; i < pn ; i ++ )
    while( res[ i ] )
      test( i );
void solve(){
  sort( ALL( ans ) );
  int _sz = (int)ans.size();
  printf( "%d %.6f %.6f\n" , _sz , ans[ _sz - 1 ] , ans[ 0 ] );
  int qq = getint(); while( qq -- ){
    int qe = getint();
    if( qe > _sz || qe < 1 ) puts( "Invalid question" );
    else printf( "%.6f\n" , ans[ _sz - qe ] );
int main(){
//    __ = getint();
    while( __ -- ){
