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Note that the "use" operator for traits (inside a class) and the "use" operator for namespaces (outs...

程序员文章站 2022-04-01 12:49:17

Note that the "use" operator for traits (inside a class) and the "use" operator for namespaces (outside the class) resolve names differently. "use" for namespaces always sees its arguments as absolute (starting at the global namespace):

namespace Foo\Bar;
use Foo\Test;  // means \Foo\Test - the initial \ is optional

On the other hand, "use" for traits respects the current namespace:

namespace Foo\Bar;
class SomeClass {
    use Foo\Test;   // means \Foo\Bar\Foo\Test

Together with "use" for closures, there are now three different "use" operators. They all mean different things and behave differently.