2022-03-31 23:03:49
* 调色盘
* create by j.y.du
var du = {};
du.yue = {};
du.yue.palettetop = fu...
/** * 调色盘 * create by j.y.du */ var du = {}; du.yue = {}; du.yue.palettetop = function() { // vo var _palettetop = this; var _paletteutil = du.yue.paletteutil; var _palettedom = new du.yue.palettedom(); var _paletteevent = new du.yue.paletteevent(); // datavo var _start = false,_mode = 0,_classname = "my-palette";// mode:0-p模式 1-canvas模式 var _palettedomvo = {},_huedomvo = {},_transparentdomvo = {};// 初始化存放1w个div 彩虹条 透明度条 var _currentvo = {};// target:当前点击的input,rgb:当前颜色,hsv,hex var _typelabel = "hex"; // dom var _outdiv,_paletteoutdiv,_palettecirclediv,_paletteshowdiv; var _midoutdiv,_midshowdiv,_midbaroutdiv,_midbarhueoutdiv,_midbarhueeventdiv,_midbarhuecirclediv,_midbarhuediv,_midbartransoutdiv,_midbartranseventdiv,_midbartranscirclediv,_midbartransdiv;; var _bottomoutdiv,_bottominputoutdiv,_bottomlabeldiv,_bottominputdiv,_bottomhexinput,_bottomchangediv,_bottomchangespan,_bottomrinput,_bottomginput,_bottombinput,_bottomainput; var _activedom;// 被选中的p /** * 初始化方法 */ _init(); /** * 对外方法 */ object.defineproperties(this, { debugdata : { writable : false, value : function(dataname) { return eval(dataname); } }, start : { writable : false, value : function(mode, classname) { _start = true; classname && (_classname = classname); _mode = (mode == 1 1 : 0); eval("_startmode_" + _mode).call(); } }, finish : { writable : false, value : function() { _start = false; } } }); /** * 内部方法 */ // 初始化 function _init() { // 给doc绑定鼠标按下事件 document.addeventlistener("mousedown", function(){ _paletteevent.docmousedownevent.apply(this, [_start, _classname, _outdiv, _setcolor]); }); } // 执行事件绑定方法 function _fire() { if(_currentvo.target) { _currentvo.target.setattribute("disabled", "disabled"); _currentvo.target.style["background-color"] = _currentvo.target.value; _currentvo.target.style["text-indent"] = "-999px"; _paletteutil.event.fire(_currentvo.target, "change"); } } // 启动0模式 function _startmode_0() { // 创建1w个p _palettedomvo = _palettedom.getpalettedomvo(); // 创建彩虹条 _huedomvo = _palettedom.gethuedomvo(); // 创建透明度条 _transparentdomvo = _palettedom.gettransparentdomvo(); // 组装弹框 eval("_packagedialogdiv_"+_mode).call(); // 放置色盘p for(var x = 100;x>=0;x--) { for(var y = 100;y>=0;y--) { var key = y + "-" + x; _paletteshowdiv.appendchild(_palettedomvo[key]); } } // 放置彩虹条 for(var a = 0;a<=360;a++) { _midbarhuediv.appendchild(_huedomvo[a]); } // 放置透明条 for(var a = 0;a<=100;a++) { _midbartransdiv.appendchild(_transparentdomvo[a]); } // 绑定事件 eval("_bindevent_"+_mode).call(); } // 组装弹框 function _packagedialogdiv_0() { _outdiv = _palettedom.getoutdiv(); // 顶部 _paletteoutdiv = _palettedom.getpaletteoutdiv(); _outdiv.appendchild(_paletteoutdiv); // 色盘选择圆圈 _palettecirclediv = _palettedom.getpalettecirclediv(); _paletteoutdiv.appendchild(_palettecirclediv); // 色盘 _paletteshowdiv = _palettedom.getpaletteshowdiv(); _paletteoutdiv.appendchild(_paletteshowdiv); // 中部 _midoutdiv = _palettedom.getmidoutdiv(); _outdiv.appendchild(_midoutdiv); // 色卡 _midshowdiv = _palettedom.getmidshowdiv(); _midoutdiv.appendchild(_midshowdiv); _midbaroutdiv = _palettedom.getmidbaroutdiv(); _midoutdiv.appendchild(_midbaroutdiv); _midbarhueoutdiv = _palettedom.getmidbarhueoutdiv(); _midbaroutdiv.appendchild(_midbarhueoutdiv); // 彩虹条外框包围,只为事件 _midbarhueeventdiv = _palettedom.getmidbarhuediv(); _midbarhueoutdiv.appendchild(_midbarhueeventdiv); _midbarhuecirclediv = _palettedom.getmidbarcirclediv(); _midbarhueeventdiv.appendchild(_midbarhuecirclediv); _midbarhuediv = _palettedom.getmidbarhuediv(); _midbarhueeventdiv.appendchild(_midbarhuediv); _midbartransoutdiv = _palettedom.getmidbarhueoutdiv(); _midbaroutdiv.appendchild(_midbartransoutdiv); // 透明条外框包围,只为事件 _midbartranseventdiv = _palettedom.getmidbarhuediv(); _midbartransoutdiv.appendchild(_midbartranseventdiv); _midbartranscirclediv = _palettedom.getmidbarcirclediv(); _midbartranseventdiv.appendchild(_midbartranscirclediv); _midbartransdiv = _palettedom.getmidbarhuediv(); _midbartranseventdiv.appendchild(_midbartransdiv); // 底部 _bottomoutdiv = _palettedom.getbottomoutdiv(); _outdiv.appendchild(_bottomoutdiv); _bottominputoutdiv = _palettedom.getbottominputoutdiv(); _bottomoutdiv.appendchild(_bottominputoutdiv); _bottomlabeldiv = _palettedom.getbottomlabeldiv(); _bottominputoutdiv.appendchild(_bottomlabeldiv); _bottominputdiv = _palettedom.getbottominputdiv(); _bottominputoutdiv.appendchild(_bottominputdiv); _bottomhexinput = _palettedom.getbottomhexinput(); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottomhexinput); _bottomchangediv = _palettedom.getbottomchangediv(); _bottomoutdiv.appendchild(_bottomchangediv); _bottomchangespan = _palettedom.getbottomchangespan(); _bottomchangediv.appendchild(_bottomchangespan); _bottomrinput = _palettedom.getbottomrgbinput(); _bottomginput = _palettedom.getbottomrgbinput(); _bottombinput = _palettedom.getbottomrgbinput(); _bottomainput = _palettedom.getbottomrgbinput(); // 单控 _bottomainput.setattribute("maxlength", "4"); } // 绑定事件 function _bindevent_0() { // 最外框阻止冒泡 _outdiv.addeventlistener("mousedown", function(){ _paletteevent.outdivmousedownevent.apply(this); }); // 色盘区域 单击,移动事件 _paletteoutdiv.addeventlistener("mousedown", function(){ _paletteevent.paletteoutdivmousedownevent.apply(this, [_selectbypalette]); }); _paletteoutdiv.addeventlistener("mousemove", function(){ _paletteevent.paletteoutdivmousemoveevent.apply(this, [_selectbypalette]); }); document.addeventlistener("mouseup", function(){ _paletteevent.docmouseupevent.apply(this); }); document.addeventlistener("mousemove", function(){ _paletteevent.docmousemoveevent.apply(this); }); // 彩虹条 单击 移动事件 _midbarhueeventdiv.addeventlistener("mousedown", function(){ _paletteevent.midbarhueoutdivmousedownevent.apply(this, [_selectbyhue]); }); _midbarhueeventdiv.addeventlistener("mousemove", function(){ _paletteevent.midbarhueoutdivmousemoveevent.apply(this, [_selectbyhue]); }); // 透明条 单击 移动事件 _midbartranseventdiv.addeventlistener("mousedown", function(){ _paletteevent.midbartranseventdivmousedownevent.apply(this, [_selectbytrans]); }); _midbartranseventdiv.addeventlistener("mousemove", function(){ _paletteevent.midbartranseventdivmousemoveevent.apply(this, [_selectbytrans]); }); // >> 切换事件 _bottomchangespan.addeventlistener("click", function(){ _paletteevent.bottomchangespanclickevent.apply(this, [_changebottomtype]); }); // hex oninput事件 _bottomhexinput.addeventlistener("input", function(){ _paletteevent.bottominputevent.apply(this, [_bottominput]); }); _bottomrinput.addeventlistener("input", function(){ _paletteevent.bottominputevent.apply(this, [_bottominput]); }); _bottomginput.addeventlistener("input", function(){ _paletteevent.bottominputevent.apply(this, [_bottominput]); }); _bottombinput.addeventlistener("input", function(){ _paletteevent.bottominputevent.apply(this, [_bottominput]); }); _bottomainput.addeventlistener("input", function(){ _paletteevent.bottominputevent.apply(this, [_bottominput]); }); } // 设置颜色 function _setcolor() { _currentvo["target"] = this; _setcolordetail(this.value); _setbottominfo(); } // 设置颜色详细 function _setcolordetail(value) { _getcurrentvo(value); _setpalette(); _setpaletteposition(); _setmidshowcolor(); _setmidhueposition(); _setmidtransposition(); } // 获取当前颜色rgb,hex,hsv和活动dom function _getcurrentvo(value) { var rgb = []; if(value && value.touppercase().substring(0,1) == "#") { rgb = _paletteutil.color.hextorgb(value); }else if(value && value.touppercase().substring(0,3) == "rgb") { var _rgbarray = _paletteutil.color.rgbtoarray(value); var hex = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohex(_rgbarray); rgb = _paletteutil.color.hextorgb("#"+hex); }else { rgb = [255, 255, 255, 1]; } var hex = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohex(rgb); var hsv = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohsv(rgb.slice(0,3)); var s = math.round(hsv[1]); var v = math.round(hsv[2]); _activedom = _palettedomvo[s + "-" + v]; _currentvo["rgb"] = rgb; _currentvo["hex"] = hex; _currentvo["hsv"] = hsv; } // 设置色盘 function _setpalette() { var hsv = _currentvo["hsv"]; var h = math.round(hsv[0]); for(var x = 100;x>=0;x--) { for(var y = 100;y>=0;y--) { var _rgb = _paletteutil.color.hsvtorgb([h, y, x]); var p = _palettedomvo[y + "-" + x]; p.style["top"] = ((100 - x) * 1.8) + "px"; p.style["left"] = (y * 2.4) + "px"; p.style["background-color"] = "rgb("+_rgb[0]+","+_rgb[1]+","+_rgb[2]+")"; } } } // 设置色盘选择器位置 function _setpaletteposition() { var left = _activedom.style["left"].replace("px",""); var top = _activedom.style["top"].replace("px",""); _palettecirclediv.style["top"] = (number(top) + 0.9 - 6) + "px"; _palettecirclediv.style["left"] = (number(left) + 1.2 - 6) + "px"; } // 设置显示区域颜色 function _setmidshowcolor() { _midshowdiv.style["background-color"] = "#" + _currentvo["hex"]; } // 设置彩虹条的位置 function _setmidhueposition() { var hsv = _currentvo["hsv"]; var h = math.round(hsv[0]); // 获取彩虹条的doms var huedom = _huedomvo[h]; var left = huedom.style["left"].replace("px",""); _midbarhuecirclediv.style["left"] = (left - 9) + "px"; } // 设置透明度条的位置 function _setmidtransposition() { var a = _currentvo["rgb"][3]; a == undefined && (a = 1); var avalue = math.round(a * 100); // 获取透明度dom , var transdom = _transparentdomvo[avalue]; var left = transdom.style["left"].replace("px",""); _midbartranscirclediv.style["left"] = (left - 9) + "px"; } // 设置底部信息 function _setbottominfo() { _bottominputdiv.innerhtml = ""; _bottomlabeldiv.innerhtml = _typelabel; if(_typelabel == "hex") { _bottomhexinput.value = "#" + _currentvo["hex"]; _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottomhexinput); }else { _bottomrinput.value = _currentvo["rgb"][0]; _bottomginput.value = _currentvo["rgb"][1]; _bottombinput.value = _currentvo["rgb"][2]; _bottomainput.value = _currentvo["rgb"][3]; _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottomrinput); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(document.createtextnode(" - ")); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottomginput); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(document.createtextnode(" - ")); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottombinput); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(document.createtextnode(" - ")); _bottominputdiv.appendchild(_bottomainput); } } // 色盘选择 function _selectbypalette(s, v) { // 边缘溢出调整 s < 0 && (s = 0); s > 100 && (s = 100); v < 0 && (v = 0); v > 100 && (v = 100); // 设置活动dom _activedom = _palettedomvo[s + "-" + v]; var rgb = _activedom.style["background-color"]; var newrgb = _paletteutil.color.rgbtoarray(rgb); // 替换透明度 newrgb[3] = _currentvo.rgb[3]; _currentvo.rgb = newrgb; // 设置圆圈位置 _setpaletteposition(); // 设置底部信息 _currentvo.hex = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohex(_currentvo.rgb); _setbottominfo(); // 设置色卡颜色 _setmidshowcolor(); // 设置原始input值 _currentvo.target.value = "#" + _currentvo.hex; // 执行方法 _fire(); } // 彩虹条选择 function _selectbyhue(h) { h < 0 && (h = 0); h > 360 && (h = 360); var hsv = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohsv(_currentvo.rgb.slice(0,3)); // 保留透明度 var a = _currentvo.rgb[3]; // 替换h 生成新的色盘 hsv[0] = h; _currentvo.hsv = hsv; _setpalette(); _setmidhueposition(); // 生成新的rgb,hex _currentvo.rgb = _paletteutil.color.hsvtorgb(hsv); _currentvo.rgb.push(a); _currentvo.hex = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohex(_currentvo.rgb); // 设置色卡颜色和底部信息 _setmidshowcolor(); _setbottominfo(); // 设置原始input值 _currentvo.target.value = "#" + _currentvo.hex; // 执行方法 _fire(); } // 透明度选择 function _selectbytrans(a) { a < 0 && (a = 0); a > 100 && (a = 100); _currentvo.rgb[3] = number(a / 100).tofixed(2); _currentvo.hex = _paletteutil.color.rgbtohex(_currentvo.rgb); _setmidtransposition(); // 设置色卡颜色和底部信息 _setmidshowcolor(); _setbottominfo(); // 设置原始input值 _currentvo.target.value = "#" + _currentvo.hex; // 执行方法 _fire(); } // hex输入 function _bottominput() { var value = ""; if(_typelabel == "hex") { value = _bottomhexinput.value; }else { value = "rgb("+_bottomrinput.value+","+_bottomginput.value+","+_bottombinput.value+","+_bottomainput.value+")"; } _setcolordetail(value); // 设置原始input值 _currentvo.target.value = "#" + _currentvo.hex; // 执行方法 _fire(); } // 切换显示类型 function _changebottomtype() { _typelabel = (_typelabel == "hex") "rgba" : "hex"; _setbottominfo(); } } /** * 事件类 */ du.yue.paletteevent = function() { var _paletteutil = du.yue.paletteutil; var _palettedragvo = {};// 色盘drag对象 var _huedragvo = {};// 彩虹条drag对象 var _transdragvo = {};// 透明条drag对象 // 对外暴露接口 object.defineproperties(this, { docmousedownevent : { writable : false, value : _docmousedownevent }, outdivmousedownevent : { writable : false, value : _outdivmousedownevent }, paletteoutdivmousedownevent : { writable : false, value : _paletteoutdivmousedownevent }, paletteoutdivmousemoveevent : { writable : false, value : _paletteoutdivmousemoveevent }, docmouseupevent : { writable : false, value : _docmouseupevent }, docmousemoveevent : { writable : false, value : _docmousemoveevent }, midbarhueoutdivmousedownevent : { writable : false, value : _midbarhueoutdivmousedownevent }, midbarhueoutdivmousemoveevent : { writable : false, value : _midbarhueoutdivmousemoveevent }, midbartranseventdivmousedownevent : { writable : false, value : _midbartranseventdivmousedownevent }, midbartranseventdivmousemoveevent : { writable : false, value : _midbartranseventdivmousemoveevent }, bottominputevent : { writable : false, value : _bottominputevent }, bottomchangespanclickevent : { writable : false, value : _bottomchangespanclickevent }, }); // 切换显示类型 function _bottomchangespanclickevent() { arguments[0].call(); } // hex改变事件 function _bottominputevent() { arguments[0].call(); } // 透明条鼠标按下 function _midbartranseventdivmousedownevent() { var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); var a = target.getattribute("a"); if(!a) { var clienty = e.clienty; var thisrect = this.getboundingclientrect(); var superrect = this.parentelement.getboundingclientrect(); var top = thisrect.top; var bottom = superrect.bottom; if(clienty <= top || clienty >= bottom) { return; } var clientx = e.clientx; var left = thisrect.left; var right = thisrect.right; if(clientx <= left) { a = 0; }else if(clientx >= right) { a = 100; }else { // 穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(clientx, clienty); a = dom.getattribute("a"); } } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, a); // 开启drag _transdragvo.flag = true; } // 透明条移动 function _midbartranseventdivmousemoveevent() { if(!_transdragvo.flag) { return; } var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); // 禁止默认事件 _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); var a = target.getattribute("a"); if(!a) { var clienty = e.clienty; var thisrect = this.getboundingclientrect(); var superrect = this.parentelement.getboundingclientrect(); var top = thisrect.top; var bottom = superrect.bottom; if(clienty <= top || clienty >= bottom) { return; } var clientx = e.clientx; var left = thisrect.left; var right = thisrect.right; if(clientx <= left) { a = 0; }else if(clientx >= right) { a = 100; }else { // 穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(clientx, clienty); a = dom.getattribute("a"); } } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, a); } // 彩虹条鼠标按下 function _midbarhueoutdivmousedownevent() { var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); var h = target.getattribute("h"); if(!h) { var clienty = e.clienty; var thisrect = this.getboundingclientrect(); var superrect = this.parentelement.getboundingclientrect(); var top = thisrect.top; var bottom = superrect.bottom; if(clienty <= top || clienty >= bottom) { return; } var clientx = e.clientx; var left = thisrect.left; var right = thisrect.right; if(clientx <= left) { h = 0; }else if(clientx >= right) { h = 360; }else { // 穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(clientx, clienty); h = dom.getattribute("h"); } } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, h); // 开启drag _huedragvo.flag = true; } // 彩虹条鼠标移动 function _midbarhueoutdivmousemoveevent() { if(!_huedragvo.flag) { return; } var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); // 禁止默认事件 _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); var h = target.getattribute("h"); if(!h) { var clienty = e.clienty; var thisrect = this.getboundingclientrect(); var superrect = this.parentelement.getboundingclientrect(); var top = thisrect.top; var bottom = superrect.bottom; if(clienty <= top || clienty >= bottom) { return; } var clientx = e.clientx; var left = thisrect.left; var right = thisrect.right; if(clientx <= left) { h = 0; }else if(clientx >= right) { h = 360; }else { // 穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(clientx, clienty); h = dom.getattribute("h"); } } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, h); } // 色盘鼠标按下 function _paletteoutdivmousedownevent() { var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); // 获取 s v var s = target.getattribute("s"); var v = target.getattribute("v"); if(!s) { // 当点击到圆圈时,穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(e.clientx, e.clienty); s = dom.getattribute("s"); v = dom.getattribute("v"); } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, s, v); // 开启drag _palettedragvo.flag = true; } // 色盘鼠标移动 function _paletteoutdivmousemoveevent() { if(!_palettedragvo.flag) { return; } var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); // 禁止默认事件 _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); // 获取 s v var s = target.getattribute("s"); var v = target.getattribute("v"); var flag = true; if(!s) { // 当点击到圆圈时,穿透 target.style["display"] = "none"; var dom = document.elementfrompoint(e.clientx, e.clienty); s = dom.getattribute("s"); v = dom.getattribute("v"); } target.style["display"] = "inline-block"; arguments[0].call(null, s, v); } // 色盘鼠标弹起 function _docmouseupevent() { // 停止drag _palettedragvo.flag && (_palettedragvo.flag = false); _huedragvo.flag && (_huedragvo.flag = false); _transdragvo.flag && (_transdragvo.flag = false); } // doc鼠标按下事件 [_start, _classname, _outdiv, _setcolor] function _docmousedownevent() { var _start = arguments[0]; if(!_start) { return; } var _outdiv = arguments[2]; var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); var target = _paletteutil.event.gettarget(e); // 判断input type='text' var tagname = target.tagname; var type = target.type; if(!tagname || tagname.tolowercase() != "input" || !type || type.tolowercase() != "text") { // 隐藏弹框 document.body.contains(_outdiv) && document.body.removechild(_outdiv); return; } // 判断class var classlist = target.classname.split(" "); var _classname = arguments[1]; var index = classlist.indexof(_classname); if(index < 0) { // 隐藏弹框 document.body.contains(_outdiv) && document.body.removechild(_outdiv); return; } document.body.appendchild(_outdiv); // 确定弹框位置 var top = target.offsettop + target.offsetheight; _outdiv.style["top"] = top + "px"; var winwidth = document.body.scrollwidth; var targetleft = target.offsetleft; var targetwidth = target.offsetwidth; if((targetleft + 242) <= winwidth) { _outdiv.style["left"] = targetleft + "px"; }else { _outdiv.style["left"] = (winwidth - 242) + "px"; } arguments[3].call(target); } // 鼠标移动事件 function _docmousemoveevent() { var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); // 禁止默认事件 _palettedragvo.flag && _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); _huedragvo.flag && _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); _transdragvo.flag && _paletteutil.event.preventdefault(e); } // 最外框阻止冒泡 function _outdivmousedownevent() { var e = _paletteutil.event.getevent(event); _paletteutil.event.stoppropagation(e); } } /** * dom类 */ du.yue.palettedom = function() { var _paletteutil = du.yue.paletteutil; object.defineproperties(this, { getpalettedomvo : { writable : false, value : _getpalettedomvo }, gethuedomvo : { writable : false, value : _gethuedomvo }, gettransparentdomvo : { writable : false, value : _gettransparentdomvo }, getoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getoutdiv }, getpaletteoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getpaletteoutdiv }, getpalettecirclediv : { writable : false, value : _getpalettecirclediv }, getpaletteshowdiv : { writable : false, value : _getpaletteshowdiv }, getmidoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getmidoutdiv }, getmidshowdiv : { writable : false, value : _getmidshowdiv }, getmidbaroutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getmidbaroutdiv }, getmidbarhueoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getmidbarhueoutdiv }, getmidbarcirclediv : { writable : false, value : _getmidbarcirclediv }, getmidbarhuediv : { writable : false, value : _getmidbarhuediv }, getbottomoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getbottomoutdiv }, getbottominputoutdiv : { writable : false, value : _getbottominputoutdiv }, getbottomlabeldiv : { writable : false, value : _getbottomlabeldiv }, getbottominputdiv : { writable : false, value : _getbottominputdiv }, getbottomhexinput : { writable : false, value : _getbottomhexinput }, getbottomrgbinput : { writable : false, value : _getbottomrgbinput }, getbottomchangediv : { writable : false, value : _getbottomchangediv }, getbottomchangespan : { writable : false, value : _getbottomchangespan } }); function _$c(tagname) { return document.createelement(tagname); } // 创建1w个div function _getpalettedomvo() { var palettedomvo = {}; for(var x = 100;x>=0;x--) { for(var y = 100;y>=0;y--) { var p = _$c("p"); p.setattribute("s", y); p.setattribute("v", x); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["width"] = 2.4 + "px"; p.style["height"] = 1.8 + "px"; palettedomvo[y + "-" + x] = p; } } return palettedomvo; } // 创建彩虹条 function _gethuedomvo() { var huedomvo = {}; var width = number(180 / 361).tofixed(1); for(var a = 0;a<=360;a++) { var hsv = [a, 100, 100]; var rgb = _paletteutil.color.hsvtorgb(hsv); var p = _$c("p"); p.setattribute("h", a); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["top"] = "0px"; p.style["left"] = (a * width) + "px"; p.style["width"] = width + "px"; p.style["height"] = "15px"; p.style["background-color"] = "rgb("+rgb[0]+","+rgb[1]+","+rgb[2]+")"; huedomvo[a] = p; } return huedomvo; } // 创建透明度条 function _gettransparentdomvo() { var transparentdomvo = {}; var width = number(180 / 101).tofixed(1); for(var a = 0;a<=100;a++) { var p = _$c("p"); p.setattribute("a", a); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["top"] = "0px"; p.style["left"] = (a * width) + "px"; p.style["width"] = width + "px"; p.style["height"] = "15px"; p.style["background-color"] = "rgb(223,233,233,"+number(a/100).tofixed(2)+")"; transparentdomvo[a] = p; } return transparentdomvo; } // 创建最外框div -- function _getoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["width"] = "242px"; p.style["height"] = "300px"; p.style["border"] = "1px solid #969696"; p.style["overflow"] = "hidden"; p.style["background-color"] = "#fff"; p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["z-index"] = "999999"; return p; } // 创建色盘包裹div function _getpaletteoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["position"] = "relative"; p.style["width"] = "242px"; p.style["height"] = "180px"; p.style["overflow"] = "hidden"; return p; } // 创建选择圆圈 function _getpalettecirclediv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["z-index"] = "1"; p.style["width"] = "10px"; p.style["height"] = "10px"; p.style["border"] = "1px solid #ffffff"; p.style["border-radius"] = "50px"; return p; } // 创建操作区 function _getpaletteshowdiv() { return _$c("p"); } // 创建中间区域外框 function _getmidoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["width"] = "240px"; p.style["height"] = "60px"; p.style["margin-top"] = "5px"; return p; } // 创建显示色卡 function _getmidshowdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["float"] = "left"; p.style["width"] = "38px"; p.style["height"] = "38px"; p.style["margin"] = "8px 0px 0px 4px"; p.style["border-radius"] = "50px"; p.style["border"] = "1px solid #d0d0d0"; return p; } // 创建条形包裹 function _getmidbaroutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["float"] = "right"; p.style["width"] = "193px"; p.style["height"] = "60px"; return p; } // 创建彩虹条包裹 function _getmidbarhueoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["position"] = "relative"; p.style["width"] = "181px"; p.style["height"] = "14px"; p.style["margin"] = "8px 0px 0px 4px"; p.style["border"] = "1px solid #dadada"; return p; } // 创建彩虹条和透明度选择圆圈 function _getmidbarcirclediv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["position"] = "absolute"; p.style["top"] = "-2px"; p.style["z-index"] = "1"; p.style["width"] = "16px"; p.style["height"] = "16px"; p.style["border"] = "1px solid #a9a9a9"; p.style["border-radius"] = "50px"; p.style["background-color"] = "#fff"; return p; } // 创建彩虹条 function _getmidbarhuediv() { return _getpaletteshowdiv(); } // 创建显示栏 function _getbottomoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["width"] = "240px"; p.style["height"] = "60px"; return p; } // 创建显示详情 function _getbottominputoutdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["float"] = "left"; p.style["width"] = "200px"; p.style["height"] = "60px"; p.style["text-align"] = "center"; p.style["color"] = "#9c988f"; return p; } // 创建显示类型 function _getbottomlabeldiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["height"] = "20px"; p.style["text-align"] = "center"; p.style["font-size"] = "13px"; return p; } // 创建输入包裹框 function _getbottominputdiv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["height"] = "30px"; p.style["text-align"] = "center"; return p; } // 创建输入框 function _getbottomhexinput() { var ipt = _$c("input"); ipt.type = "text"; ipt.style["text-align"] = "center"; ipt.style["color"] = "#464646"; ipt.style["width"] = "180px"; ipt.style["height"] = "20px"; ipt.style["line-height"] = "20px"; ipt.style["font-size"] = "13px"; ipt.style["font-family"] = "consolas"; ipt.setattribute("maxlength", "9"); return ipt; } // 创建输入框 function _getbottomrgbinput() { var ipt = _$c("input"); ipt.type = "text"; ipt.style["text-align"] = "center"; ipt.style["color"] = "#464646"; ipt.style["width"] = "30px"; ipt.style["height"] = "20px"; ipt.style["line-height"] = "20px"; ipt.style["font-size"] = "13px"; ipt.style["font-family"] = "consolas"; ipt.setattribute("maxlength", "3"); return ipt; } // 创建切换包裹框 function _getbottomchangediv() { var p = _$c("p"); p.style["float"] = "right"; p.style["width"] = "40px"; p.style["height"] = "60px"; p.style["line-height"] = "30px"; p.style["text-align"] = "center"; p.style["color"] = "#9c988f"; p.style["font-size"] = "13px"; p.style["margin-top"] = "8px"; p.style["cursor"] = "default"; return p; } // 创建切换标签 function _getbottomchangespan() { var span = _$c("span"); span.style["text-decoration"] = "underline"; span.style["cursor"] = "pointer"; span.innerhtml = ">>"; return span; } } /** * 工具类 */ du.yue.paletteutil = { // 事件工具 event : { getevent : function(event) { return event event : window.event; }, gettarget : function(event) { return event.target || event.srcelement; }, preventdefault : function(event) { if(event.preventdefault) { event.preventdefault(); }else { event.returnvalue = false; } }, stoppropagation : function(event) { if(event.stoppropagation) { event.stoppropagation(); }else { event.cancelbubble = true; } }, fire : function(target, eventname) { if(document.createeventobject) { var evt = document.createeventobject(); target.fireevent("on" + eventname, evt); } else { var evt = document.createevent("htmlevents"); evt.initevent("change", true, true); target.dispatchevent(evt); } } }, // 颜色转换 color : { hsvtorgb : function(hsv) { var h = hsv[0]; var s = hsv[1]; var v = hsv[2]; if(h == undefined || isnan(h) || h < 0 || h > 360) { throw "h must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 360"; return; } if(s == undefined || isnan(s) || s < 0 || s > 100) { throw "s must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 100"; return; } if(v == undefined || isnan(v) || v < 0 || v > 100) { throw "v must be a number, greater than 0 and less than 100"; return; } s = s / 100; v = v / 100; var c = v * s; var x = c * (1 - math.abs( (h / 60) % 2 - 1 )); var m = v - c; var _rgb = []; if(h >= 0 && h < 60) { _rgb = [c, x, 0]; }else if(h >= 60 && h < 120) { _rgb = [x, c, 0]; }else if(h >= 120 && h < 180) { _rgb = [0, c, x]; }else if(h >= 180 && h < 240) { _rgb = [0, x, c]; }else if(h >= 240 && h < 300) { _rgb = [x, 0, c]; }else { _rgb = [c, 0, x]; } return [math.round((_rgb[0] + m) * 255), math.round((_rgb[1] + m) * 255), math.round((_rgb[2] + m) * 255)]; }, rgbtohsv : function(rgb) { var r = rgb[0]; var g = rgb[1]; var b = rgb[2]; // 错误判断 (r == undefined || isnan(r) || r > 255) && (r = 255); (r < 0) && (r = 0); (g == undefined || isnan(g) || g > 255) && (g = 255); (g < 0) && (g = 0); (b == undefined || isnan(b) || b > 255) && (b = 255); (b < 0) && (b = 0); // 计算 var _r = r / 255; var _g = g / 255; var _b = b / 255; var cmax = math.max(_r, _g, _b); var cmin = math.min(_r, _g, _b); var x = cmax - cmin; var hsv = []; // h if(x == 0) { hsv[0] = 0; }else if(cmax == _r && _g >= _b) { hsv[0] = (x == 0 0 : (60 * (_g - _b) / x)); }else if(cmax == _r && _g < _b) { hsv[0] = (x == 0 0 : (60 * (_g - _b) / x) + 360); }else if(cmax == _g) { hsv[0] = (x == 0 0 : (60 * (((_b - _r) / x) + 2))); }else if(cmax == _b) { hsv[0] = (x == 0 0 : (60 * (((_r - _g) / x) + 4))); } // s if(cmax == 0) { hsv[1] = 0; }else { hsv[1] = (cmax == 0 0 : (x / cmax * 100)); } // v hsv[2] = (cmax * 100); return hsv; }, hextorgb : function(hex) { var _hex = []; hex = hex && hex.trim(); if(hex.substring(0,1) == "#"){ hex = hex.substr(1,hex.length).replace(/\s*/g,""); }else { return [255, 255, 255, 1]; } switch (hex.length) { case 0: return [255, 255, 255, 1]; break; case 1: _hex = [hex+hex, hex+hex, hex+hex, "ff"]; break; case 2: _hex = [hex, hex, hex, "ff"]; break; case 3: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], "ff"]; break; case 4: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[3]]; break; case 4: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[3]]; break; case 5: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[0], arr[1]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[2], arr[3]+arr[4]]; break; case 6: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], "ff"]; break; case 7: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], arr[6]+arr[6]]; break; default: var arr = hex.split(''); _hex = [arr[0]+arr[1], arr[2]+arr[3], arr[4]+arr[5], arr[6]+arr[7]]; break; } var r = parseint("0x" + _hex[0]); r = isnan(r) 255 : r; var g = parseint("0x" + _hex[1]); g = isnan(g) 255 : g; var b = parseint("0x" + _hex[2]); b = isnan(b) 255 : b; var a = parseint("0x" + _hex[3]); a = isnan(a) 1 : number(number(a / 255).tofixed(2)); return [r, g, b, a]; }, rgbtohex : function(rgb) { var _rgb = (rgb instanceof array) rgb : this.rgbtoarray(rgb); var _hex = []; for(var x = 0;x<3;x++) { var y = _rgb[x]; if(isnan(number(y))) { _hex[x] = "ff"; }else { var _y = number(y).tostring(16); _hex[x] = _y.length == 1 "0" + _y : _y; } } // 透明度单独处理 if(!isnan(number(_rgb[3]))) { var a = math.floor(number(_rgb[3]) * 255); if(a != 255) { a = a.tostring(16).touppercase(); _hex[3] = a.length == 1 "0" + a : a; } } return _hex.join("").touppercase(); }, rgbtoarray : function(rgb) { var _rgb = []; rgb = rgb && rgb.trim().touppercase(); if(rgb.substring(0,3) == "rgb") { _rgb = rgb.replace("rgb(","").replace(")","").replace(/\s*/g,"").split(","); }else { _rgb = [255, 255, 255, 1]; } return _rgb; } } }
var palettetopvo = new du.yue.palettetop(); palettetopvo.start(0,"palette"); // 0-p模式;palette自定义classname 默认my-palette