CometD 1.0发布,基于Ajax push技术的事件路由总线程序
2022-03-30 15:17:29
CometD是一个提供多种开发语言的Bayeux项目,可支持JavaScript, Java, Perl, Python等语言,由Dojo基金会提供支持。CometD 是一个使用了 Ajax push技术的可伸缩的基于HTTP的事件路由总线程序,这项技术也叫 Comet。
- better support for tweaking the configuration
- split configuration and initialization steps to allow more flexibility in case of programmatic disconnects
- extended and clarified the Cometd APIs
- better notifications for failures due to server or network failures
- automatic and configurable connection retries
- incoming message and outgoing message interception
- automatic bayeux transport negotiation, supporting long-polling and callback-polling transports
- extensions such as timesync, message acknowledgement and transparent page reload