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【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi

程序员文章站 2022-03-29 19:25:14

【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matching Score

0、 basic Information

Pons J P , Keriven R , Faugeras O . Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matching Score[J]. International Journal of Computer Vision, 2007, 72(2):179-193.

1、method overview

  1. 核心:
    基于全局(all image pairs i,j) 计算image_i 与image_i’(predicted by image j)之间的相似性 M,并基于相似性与regularization 构造能量函数,并采用梯度下降的方法( 简化: E只考虑一阶导),迭代求解,得到使E最小化的surface
  2. surface 的最终迭代公式(推导见下):
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi

2、similarity measure


  1. 基本原理:见参考链接????
  2. 本文 :Gaussian windowssize (fix)– non-distortion】
  • 数学表达:
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi

  • 梯度、微分表示:
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
注意: alpha bata gamma 关于x 的迭代过程中,变化较小,10 次迭代才更新

2.2、MI( mutual information)

  1. 实质: statistical dependencies –联合概率分布、边缘概率分布
  • 数学表达:
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi

  • 梯度、微分表示:
    【论文阅读】19-Multi-View Stereo Reconstruction and Scene Flow Estimation with a Global Image-Based Matchi
注意:ikseluo 10次迭代才更新


  1. 目的: preserve shape motion discontinued
  2. User-difined
  3. Basic-smoothing:the area of the surface----mean curvature(曲率) motion
数学表达 : nameda * H(surface mean curvation)


  1. 图像预处理:smoothing && subsample
  2. Pix -只考虑visible( distortion && occlusion removed)


  1. Level set – 数值稳定,处理拓扑变化
  2. OpenGL depth buffer – visibility
  3. Texture mapping – reprojection — 未细究
  4. Shadow-mapping – semi-occluded — 涉及occlusion 检测,未细究
  5. 参数设置


  1. Camera pair ( neighboring)
  2. Quantity指标
Difference ( result && true )  / true  单位:volume (体积)