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程序员文章站 2022-03-03 10:19:41


# 列表取出数据首字母大写(title函数)
# bicycles = ['trek','cannondale','redline','specialized']
# print(bicycles[0].title())

# 列表尾部添加元素(append函数)
# bicycles = ['trek','cannondale','redline','specialized']
# bicycles.append('suzuki')
# print(bicycles)

# bicycles = ['trek','cannondale','redline','specialized']
# bicycles.insert(0,'mazida')
# print(bicycles)

# 删除列表中任意位置元素(del函数,前提是知道索引)
# bicycles = ['trek','cannondale','redline','specialized']
# del bicycles[0]
# print(bicycles)

# pop方式删除列表数据(删除最后一位,类似于栈弹出操作,后进先出,根据传递的下标可以弹出指定位置数据,如果删除并不再使用,用del,删除后还需要的话,用pop)
# motorcycles = ['honda','yamaha','suzuki']
# print(motorcycles)
# poped_motorcycle = motorcycles.pop(0)
# print(motorcycles)
# print(poped_motorcycle)

# 根据值来删除元素(只能删除一次,只删除该值第一次出现的时候,若删除列表中所有的指定值,需要循环来实现)
# motorcycles = ['honda','yamaha','suzuki','honda']
# print(motorcycles)
# motorcycles.remove('honda')
# print(motorcycles)

# cars = ['bmw','audi','toyata','subura']
# cars.sort()
# print(cars)
# cars.sort(reverse=True)
# print(cars)

# sorted保留列表元素原来的顺序,同时以特定的方式呈现他们。
# cars = ['bmw','audi','toyata','subura']
# print(cars)
# print('after sorted\n')
# print(sorted(cars))
# print(cars)

# reverse反转列表中的排列顺序,reverse不按字母顺序反转,而是按照列表的顺序反转
# cars = ['bmw','audi','toyata','subura']
# print(cars)
# cars.reverse()
# print(cars)
# print(len(cars))

# cars = ['bmw','audi','toyata','subura']
# print(cars)
# for car in cars:
#     print(car)
#     print(car.title()+",is so amazing")

# 避免缩进错误
# 1.不要忘记缩进
# 2.忘记缩进额外代码行
# 3.不必要的缩进
# 4.循环后不必要的缩进
# 5.不要遗漏循环后的冒号

# 创建数值列表
# 1.range()函数
# for value in range(1,5):
#     print(value)

# 2.利用range创建数字列表
# numbers = list(range(1,6))
# print(numbers)
# 按照指定步长添加,(2,11,3)表明从2开始,范围是2-11,步长为3
# even_numbers = list(range(2,11,3))
# print(even_numbers)

# 3.创建平方数列表
# squares =[]
# for value in range(1,11):
#     square = value**2
#     squares.append(square)
# print(squares)

# 4.对数字列表执行简单的统计计算
# min取最小
# max取最大值
# sum对列表数字求和
# digits = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]
# print(min(digits))
# print(max(digits))
# print(sum(digits))

# 列表解析
# squares = [value**2 for value in range(1,11)]
# print(squares)

# 切片(创建切片需要指定第一个元素和最后一个元素的索引)
# players = ['michael','harden','james','green','durant','duke']
# # print(players[0:3])
# # print(players[1:3])
# # # 倒数后三个元素输出
# # print(players[-3:])
# # 前三个元素输出
# print(players[:3])

# 复制列表
# my_foods = ['pizza','fateal','cake']
# friend_foods = my_foods[:]
# print("My favorite foods are:")
# print(my_foods)
# print("My friens' favorite foods are:")
# print(friend_foods)
# newfriend_foods = my_foods
# newfriend_foods.append('ice cream')
# print(my_foods)


# 元组看起来犹如列表,但使用圆括号而不是方括号来标识
# dimensions = (200,50,300,100)
# print(dimensions[0])
# print(dimensions[1])
# for dimension in dimensions:
#     print(dimension)

# dimensions = (200,50,300,100)
# for dimension in dimensions:
#     print(dimension)
# dimensions = (400,100)
# for dimension in dimensions:
#     print(dimension)

# python编码格式
# 1.缩进:建议每行四个空格
# 2.行长:建议不超过80个字符
# 3.空行:将程序的不同部分分开,区分功能


# cars =['audi','bmw','subaru','toyota']
# for car in cars:
#     if car == 'bmw':
#         print(car.upper())
#     else:
#         print(car.title())

# = 赋值语句
# == 检查是否相等,检查是否相等时区分大小写
# car = "Audi"
# if car == 'audi':
#     print('true')
# else:
#     print('false')

# != 检查是否不相等,检查两个值不相等的代码效率可能更高
# request_mapping = 'mushroom'
# if request_mapping != 'mushroo':
#     print('true')
# else:
#     print('false')

# num = 10
# if num !=20:
#     print('error')
# else:
#     print('success')

# 检查多个条件
# 1.使用and检查多个条件 该检查项中每个表达式均为true,整个表达式才为true,若有一个不为真,则为false
# age_0 =22
# age_1 =18
# if age_0 >= 21 and age_1>=21:
#     print(True)
# else:
#     print(False)

# 2.使用or检查,该项中一个为真,则整个表达式为true,若有一个不为真,则为True
# age_0 =22
# age_1 =18
# if age_0 >= 21 or age_1>=21:
#     print(True)
# else:
#     print(False)

# 3.检查特定值是否包含在列表中,可以使用关键字in,另一种可以使用遍历搜索比较值
# cars =['audi','bmw','subaru','toyota']
# str = 'bmw'
# str1 = 'mesdi'
# if str in cars:
#     print(True)
# else:
#     print(False)
# if str1 not in cars:
#     print(True)

# 4. if 最简单的if语句
# if something:
#     dosomething
# 5.if-else语句
# 条件测试通过执行一个,未通过执行另一个操作
# if something:
#     dosomething
# else:
#     doanotherthing

# 6.if-else-else结构 判断超过两个的情形,多个elseif情形
# age = 88
# if age < 4:
#     print('mianfei')
# elif age <18:
#     print('banjia')
# elif age > 65:
#     print('mianfei')
# else:
#     print('quanjia')

# 7.省略不必要的else,防止无效的恶意攻击
# age = 88
# if age < 4:
#     print('mianfei')
# elif age <18:
#     print('banjia')
# elif age > 65:
#     print('mianfei')

# 8.如果只想执行一个代码块,使用if-elif-else结构,运行多个建议使用一些列独立的if语句
# players = ['michael','harden','james','green','durant','duke']
# str1 ='harden'
# str2='james'
# str3= 'green'
# if str1 in players:
#     print('sueccess1')
# elif str2 in players:
#     print('sueccess2')
# elif str3 in players:
#     print('sueccess3')

# 9.if语句判断列表是否为空
# cars = []
# if cars:
#     for car in cars:
#         print(car)
# else:
#     print('cars is null')

# 10.判断多个列表元素是否重叠
# available_cars = ['bmw','audi','subaru','toyota']
# need_cars = ['audi','skoda']
# for need_car in need_cars:
#     if need_car in available_cars:
#         print('the car is in:'+need_car.title())
#     else:
#         print('you need buy the car:'+need_car.title())
# print('go back')


# 字典形式类似于json格式,key-value存储。与键相关的值可以是数字、字符串、列表乃至字典(可以将任何python对象作为字典中的值)
# 添加键值对,字典名['键']=值
# 修改字典中的值:字典名['键']=新值
# bmw ={'color':'red','price':'500000','seat':'5'}
# print(bmw['price'])
# bmw['width']=2
# bmw['height']=2
# bmw['color']='green'
# print(bmw)

# bmw ={'color':'red','price':'500000','seat':'5'}
# del bmw['seat']
# print(bmw)

# 字典较长或列表过长,可以采取按行存属性
# language = {
#     'best_language':'python',
#     'popular_language':'java',
#     'power_lanuage':'c',
#     'outstanding_lanuage': 'javascript'
# }
# print('best language is:'+language['best_language'].title())

# 遍历字典(python不关心键值对的存储顺序,只关注键和值之间的关联关系)
# 遍历时key、value关键字可以自定义,项的数量要一致
# language = {
#     'best_language':'python',
#     'popular_language':'java',
#     'power_lanuage':'c',
#     'outstanding_lanuage': 'javascript',
#     'favorite_language':'python'
# }
# for key,value in language.items():
#     print('Key:'+key)
#     print('Value:'+value)
# 遍历所有的项与值
# for name,yuyan in language.items():
#     print('Name:'+name)
#     print('Value:'+yuyan)
# 遍历所有的键
# for name in language.keys():
#     print(name.title())
# 遍历所有的值
# for lan in language.values():
#     print(lan.title())
# 集合set,集合类似于列表,但每个元素都是独一无二的
# for lan in set(language.values()):
#     print(lan.title())

# 字典列表
# car_0 ={'color':'green','name':'bmw'}
# car_1 ={'color':'yellow','name':'scoda'}
# car_3 ={'color':'red','name':'wma'}
# cars =[car_0,car_1,car_3]
# for car in cars:
#     print(car)
# 在字典中存储列表
# 遍历列表中的列表
# develop_languages ={
#     'know':['python','ruby'],
#     'skilled':['python','java','javaScript'],
#     'professional':['javaScript','java'],
#     'unknow':['ruby']
# }
# for name,language in develop_languages.items():
#     print('\n'+name.title()+' favorite language is:')
#     for lan in language:
#         print('\t'+' language is:' + lan.title())

# 字典中嵌套字典
for username,userinfo in users.items():
    print(userinfo['name']+" 's age is:"+userinfo['age']+" and sex is:"+userinfo['sex'])
相关标签: Python 语言