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hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )

程序员文章站 2022-03-28 10:19:32



hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )


hive > delete from terminal where 1=1 ; 



FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10297]: Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an AcidOutputFormat or is not bucketed




vim hive-site.xml






hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )
    博客分类: hiveexception hivedeleteexception异常 











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hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )
    博客分类: hiveexception hivedeleteexception异常 hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )
    博客分类: hiveexception hivedeleteexception异常 







  • hive 异常 (Attempt to do update or delete on table terminal that does not use an )
    博客分类: hiveexception hivedeleteexception异常 
  • 大小: 45.5 KB