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程序员文章站 2022-03-27 22:32:52
降雨绘图(JAVA实现)新开了一门外教课程,Object-oriented Programming(JAVA), 记录一些学习经验,以及部分和c++的区别感悟。本文为降雨绘图作业demo, 大概要求是从一个.text文件中找到用户从console中输入的城市,并将该城市的12个月的降雨量数据绘制。要求是不可以使用array等容器提前存储数据,必须输在用户输入后,在.text文件中找到目标城市并绘图。text文件格式如下:…Beijing 20.8 52.4 67.3 22.3 55.0 76.3 2...


新开了一门外教课程,Object-oriented Programming(JAVA), 记录一些学习经验,以及部分和c++的区别感悟。本文为降雨绘图作业demo, 大概要求是从一个.text文件中找到用户从console中输入的城市,并将该城市的12个月的降雨量数据绘制。要求是不可以使用array等容器提前存储数据,必须输在用户输入后,在.text文件中找到目标城市并绘图。text文件格式如下:

Beijing 20.8 52.4 67.3 22.3 55.0 76.3 20.8 52.4 67.3 22.3 55.0 76.3

  • 从main开始编程。分析需求,模块化每个部分。然后填充、调整、debug等等。
  • 代码的可读性很重要(与c++内存管理课程中老师开头讲的一样)
  • throws FileNotFoundException / try catch机制很好用,帮助分析报错的问题。
  • Scanner扫进来的数据,需要用.next()/.nextInt()转换数据类型,再进行操作。并且.next()每调用一次光标都往下个空格orTAB移动。
  • java中.equals()
  • DrawingPanel左上角是坐标轴原点
    自己的总结与思考,目前水平有限,若有建议欢迎指教! 代码如下:
package assignment;
import java.awt.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;

public class RainfallPlotter {

	private static final int MONTH_WIDTH = 70;
	private static final int NAME_WIDTH = 100;
	private static final int HEIGHT = 550;
	private static final int LINE_OFFSET = 25;
	private static final int WIDTH = 12 * MONTH_WIDTH;	
	private static final Color[] COLORS = { Color.RED, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN };
	// global para of color index
	public static int I = -1;
	private static final String STOP = "stop";

	private static final String[] MONTHS_NAME = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
	// relative path
	private static final String DATA_FILE = "./rainfall.txt";
	// object panel is used in all process-life, and never changed.
	private static final DrawingPanel panel = new DrawingPanel(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
	// object g is used in three method of my solution.
	private static final Graphics g = panel.getGraphics();
	 * The main program
	 * Plus. If the user input the four city it will be wrong. Maybe use the para I
	 * as the while loop stop condition( || )can solve this question.
	public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException {
		// draw the panel.(No data)
		// Scanner for console input of user
		Scanner consol_input = new Scanner(System.in); 
		do {
			System.out.print("City? ");
		} while( readDbFile(consol_input) );

	private static void menuOpen()
		System.out.println("Welcome to the Rainfall Plotter program!");
		System.out.println("You can plot the rainfall for up to 3 cities");
		System.out.println("You can stop plotting by entering 'stop' as the name of the city");
	private static void menuClose()
		System.out.println("Thank you for using the Rainfall Plotter program!");
	private static boolean readDbFile(Scanner consol_input) throws FileNotFoundException
		String answer = consol_input.nextLine().trim();
		// Scanner for user input
		if (answer.equals(STOP)) { return false; }    // 比 == 好用
		// Scanner for load file
		Scanner input_file = new Scanner(new File(DATA_FILE)); 
		while ( input_file.hasNextLine() ) {
			String line = input_file.nextLine();
			// Scanner for every row
			Scanner input_line = new Scanner(line);
			String city = input_line.next(); //每next一次都往下移
			// find city
			if (city.equals(answer))    // java 风格 相等             
				// draw point on the panel 
				drawingPoint(input_line, answer);
				// scanner close. Draw over
				return true;
		System.out.println("City not found.");
		return true;
	private static void drawingPoint(Scanner city, String answer)
		// draw city name on the panel(avoid overlap too), and set the color.
		// I is index of color.
		g.drawString(answer, NAME_WIDTH * I, LINE_OFFSET-5);
		// i and j is index of month
		int i = 0;
		double temp_point_next = 0;
		while (  city.hasNext() )
			double temp_point = city.nextDouble();
			drawNum(temp_point, i);
			if (i != 0) { drawColorLine(temp_point, temp_point_next, i, i-1); }
			for (int j = i+1; j < i+2; j++)
				temp_point_next = city.nextDouble();
				drawNum(temp_point_next, j);
				drawColorLine(temp_point, temp_point_next, i, j);
			i = i + 2;
	private static void drawColorLine(double temp_point, double temp_point_next, int i, int j)

		int point1 = doubleToIntPoint(temp_point);
		int point2 = doubleToIntPoint(temp_point_next);
		g.drawLine(MONTH_WIDTH * i - 5, HEIGHT - (LINE_OFFSET + point1), MONTH_WIDTH * j -5, HEIGHT - (LINE_OFFSET + point2)); 

	private static void drawNum(double temp_point, int i)
		String num = String.valueOf(temp_point);
		int point = doubleToIntPoint(temp_point);
		g.drawString(num, MONTH_WIDTH * i, HEIGHT - (LINE_OFFSET + point));
	private static int doubleToIntPoint(double target)
		target = (target * 10) / 3;
		int point = (int)target;
		return point;
	private static void drawingPanel()
		for (int i = 0; i < MONTHS_NAME.length; i++)
			g.drawString(MONTHS_NAME[i], MONTH_WIDTH * i, HEIGHT);
			// "-5" to avoid "line" and "month text" overlap. For beauty
			g.drawLine(MONTH_WIDTH * i - 5, LINE_OFFSET, MONTH_WIDTH * i -5, HEIGHT); 
