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程序员文章站 2022-03-27 21:13:54
ECCV2020 接收论文完整列表看论文学CV...



Paper ID Paper Title Category
2515 Temporal Aggregate Representations for Long Term Video Understanding Poster
2527 Stochastic Fine-grained Labeling of Multi-state Sign Glosses for Continuous Sign Language Recognition Poster
2530 General 3D Room Layout from a Single View by Render-and-Compare Poster
2532 Neural Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Latent Space Constraints Poster
2535 Multimodal Memorability: Modeling Effects of Semantics and Decay on Video Memorability Poster
2538 Yet Another Intermediate-Level Attack Poster
2540 Topology-Change-Aware Volumetric Fusion for Dynamic Scene Reconstruction Poster
2544 Early Exit Or Not: Resource-Efficient Blind Quality Enhancement for Compressed Images Poster
2547 PatchNets: Patch-based Generalizable Deep Implicit 3D Shape Representations Poster
2548 How does Lipschitz Regularization Influence GAN Training? Poster
2550 Infrastructure-based Multi-Camera Calibration using Radial Projections Poster
2553 MotionSqueeze: Neural Motion Feature Learning for Video Understanding Poster
2559 Polarized optical-flow gyroscope Poster
2561 Online Meta-Learning for Multi-Source and Semi-Supervised Domain Adaptation Poster
2562 An Ensemble of Epoch-wise Empirical Bayes for Few-shot Learning Poster
2568 On the Effectiveness of Image Rotation for Open Set Domain Adapation Poster
2569 Combining Task Predictors via Enhancing Joint Predictability Poster
2581 Multi-Scale Positive Sample Refinement for Few-Shot Object Detection Poster
2583 Single-Image Depth Prediction Makes Feature Matching Easier Poster
2586 Deep Reinforced Attention Learning for Quality-Aware Visual Recognition Poster
2588 CFAD: Coarse-to-Fine Action Detector for Spatiotemporal Action Localization Poster
2590 Learning Joint Spatial-Temporal Transformations for Video Inpainting Poster
2593 Single Path One-Shot Neural Architecture Search with Uniform Sampling Poster
2595 Learning to Generate Novel Domains for Domain Generalization Poster
2599 Continuous Adaptation for Interactive Object Segmentation by Learning from Corrections Poster
2601 Impact of base dataset design on few-shot image classification Poster
2605 Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows Poster
2606 GeoLayout: Geometry Driven Room Layout Estimation Based on Depth Maps of Planes Poster
2607 Location Sensitive Image Retrieval and Tagging Poster
2608 Joint 3D Layout and Depth Prediction from a Single Indoor Panorama Image Poster
2612 Guessing State Tracking for Visual Dialogue Poster
2614 Memory-Efficient Incremental Learning Through Feature Adaptation Poster
2619 Neural Voice Puppetry: Audio-Driven Facial Reenactment Poster
2621 One-Shot Unsupervised Cross-Domain Detection Poster
2629 Stochastic Frequency Masking to Improve Super-Resolution and Denoising Networks Poster
2630 Probabilistic Future Prediction for Video Scene Understanding Poster
2633 Suppressing Mislabeled Data via Grouping and Self-Attention Poster
2638 Class-wise Dynamic Graph Convolution for Semantic Segmentation Poster
2639 Character-Preserving Coherent Story Visualization Poster
2640 GINet: Graph Interaction Network for Scene Parsing Poster
2662 Tensor Low-Rank Reconstruction for Semantic Segmentation Poster
2668 Attentive Normalization Poster
2678 Count- and Similarity-aware Pedestrian Detection Poster
2682 TRADI: Tracking deep neural network weight distributions Poster
2686 Spatiotemporal Attacks for Embodied Agents Poster
2697 Caption-Supervised Face Recognition: Training a State-of-the-Art Face Model without Manual Annotation Poster
2701 Unselfie: Translating Selfies to Neutral-pose Portraits in the Wild Poster
2709 Design and Interpretation of Universal Adversarial Patches in Face Detection Poster
2712 Few-Shot Object Detection and Viewpoint Estimation for Objects in the Wild Poster
2715 Weakly Supervised 3D Hand Pose Estimation via Biomechanical Constraints Poster
2716 Dynamic Dual-Attentive Aggregation Learning for Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification Poster
2718 Contextual Heterogeneous Graph for Human-Object Interaction Detection Poster
2721 Zero-Shot Image Super-Resolution with Depth Guided Internal Degradation Learning Poster
2724 A Closest Point Proposal for MCMC-based Probabilistic Surface Registration Poster
2729 Interactive Video Object Segmentation Using Global and Local Transfer Modules Poster
2749 End-to-end interpretable learning of non-blind image deblurring Poster
2756 Employing Multi-Estimations for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation Poster
2760 Learning Noise-Aware Encoder-Decoder from Noisy Labels by Alternating Back-Propagation for Saliency Detection Poster
2761 Rethinking Image Deraining via Rain Streaks and Vapors Poster
2775 Finding Non-Uniform Quantization Schemes using Multi-Task Gaussian Processes Poster
2781 Is Sharing of Egocentric Video Giving Away Your Biometric Signature? Poster
2783 Captioning Images for a Real Use Case Poster
2800 Improving Semantic Segmentation via Decoupled Body and Edge Supervision Poster
2805 Conditional Entropy Coding for Efficient Video Compression Poster
2810 Differentiable Feature Aggregation Search for Knowledge Distillation Poster
2813 Attention Guided Anomaly Localization in Images Poster
2819 Self-supervised Video Representation Learning by Pace Reasoning Poster
2820 Full-Body Awareness from Partial Observations Poster
2822 Reinforced Axial Refinement Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection Poster
2830 Self-Supervised Procedure Learning from Instructional Videos using DNNs Poster
2838 Multi-view multi-object 6D pose estimation via robust scene consistency optimization Poster
2839 In-Domain GAN Inversion for Real Image Editing Poster
2841 Key Frame Proposal Network for Efficient Pose Estimation in Videos Poster
2844 Exchangeable Deep Neural Networks for Set-to-Set Matching and Learning Poster
2861 Making Sense of CNNs: Interpreting Deep Representations & Their Invariances with INNs Poster
2864 Cross-Modal Weighting Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Poster
2865 Open-set Adversarial Defense Poster
2866 Deep Image Compression using Decoder Side Information Poster
2874 Bridging the Sim-to-Real Gap: Unsupervised Learning of Scene Structure for Synthetic Data Generation Poster
2883 L2 Norm: A Generic Visualization Approach for Convolutional Neural Networks Poster
2888 Interactive Annotation of 3D Object Geometry using 2D Scribbles Poster
2889 Hierarchical Kinematic Human Mesh Recovery Poster
2890 Multi-Loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation Poster
2897 3D Bird Reconstruction: a Dataset, Model, and Shape Recovery from a Single View Poster
2903 We Have So Much In Common: Modeling Semantic Relational Set Abstractions in Videos Poster
2908 Joint Optimization for Multi-Person Shape Models from Markerless 3D-Scans Poster
2916 Accurate RGB-D Salient Object Detection via Collaborative Learning Poster
2919 Finding Your (3D) Center: 3D Object Detection Using a Learned Loss Poster
2920 Collaborative Training between Region Proposal Localization and Classification for Domain Adaptive Object Detection Poster
2924 Two-Stream Active Query Suggestion for Large-Scale Object Detection in Connectomics Poster
2941 Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3D Surface Models of Objects from Images Poster
2942 Continuous Multimodal 6D Camera Relocalization Poster
2943 Modeling Artistic Workflows for Image Generation and Editing Poster
2945 A Large-scale Annotated Mechanical Components Benchmark for Classification and Retrieval Tasks with Deep Neural Networks Poster
2946 Hidden Footprints: Learning Contextual Walkability from 3D Human Trails Poster
2957 Self-supervised learning of audio-visual objects from video Poster
2959 GAN-based Garment Generation Using Sewing Pattern Images Poster
2962 Style Transfer for Co-Speech Gesture Animation: A Multi-Speaker Conditional-Mixture Approach Poster
2966 An LSTM Approach to Temporal 3D Object Detection in LiDAR Point Clouds Poster
2970 Montonicity Prior for Cloud Tomography Poster
2971 Learning Trailer Moments in Full-Length Movies with Co-Contrastive Attention Poster
2976 Preserving Semantic Neighborhoods for Robust Cross-modal Retrieval Poster
2979 Large-scale Pretraining for Visual Dialog: A Simple State-of-the-Art Baseline Poster
2981 Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions without Localization Supervision Poster
2985 Neural Hair Rendering Poster
2989 JNR: Joint-based Neural Rig Representation for Compact 3D Face Modeling Poster
3004 On Disentangling Spoof Traces for Generic Face Anti-Spoofing Poster
3005 Streaming Object Detection for 3-D Point Clouds Poster
3006 NAS-DIP: Learning Deep Image Prior with Neural Architecture Search Poster
3007 Learning to Learn in a Semi-Supervised Fashion Poster
3009 FeatMatch: Feature-Based Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Learning Poster
3017 Exploiting Radar for Robust Perception of Dynamic Objects Poster
3023 Seeing the Un-Scene: Learning Amodal Semantic Maps for Room Navigation Poster
3024 Learning to Separate: Detecting Heavily-Occluded Objects in Urban Scenes Poster
3037 Towards Causal Benchmarking of Algorithm Bias with Counterfactual Synthesis Poster
3039 Learning and Memorizing Representative Prototypes for 3D Point Cloud Semantic and Instance Segmentation Poster
3056 Knowledge-Based Video Question Answering with Unsupervised Scene Descriptions Poster
3066 Transformation Consistency Regularization - A Semi-Supervised Paradigm for Image-to-Image Translation Poster
3072 LIRA: Lifelong Image Restoration from Unknown Blended Distortions Poster
3074 HDNet: Human Depth Estimation for Multi-Person Camera-Space Localization Poster
3082 SOLO: Segmenting Objects by Locations Poster
3093 Learning to See in the Dark with Events Poster
3094 Trajectron++: Dynamically-Feasible Trajectory Forecasting With Heterogeneous Data Poster
3098 Context-Gated Convolution Poster
3100 Polynomial Regression Network for Variable-Number Lane Detection Poster
3108 Structural Deep Metric Learning for Room Layout Estimation Poster
3122 Adaptive Task Sampling for Meta-Learning Poster
3124 Deep Complementary Joint Model for Complex Scene Registration and Few-shot Segmentation on Medical Images Poster
3128 Improving Multispectral Pedestrian Detection by Addressing Modality Imbalance Problems Poster
3135 High-Resolution Image Inpainting with Iterative Confidence Feedback and Guided Upsampling Poster
3136 Online Ensemble Model Compression using Knowledge Distillation Poster
3137 Deep Learning-based Pupil Center Detection for Fast and Accurate Eye Tracking System Poster
3149 Efficient Residue Number System Based Winograd Convolution Poster
3150 Robust Tracking against Adversarial Attacks Poster
3151 Single-Shot Neural Relighting and SVBRDF Estimation Poster
3152 Unsupervised Human 3D Pose Representation with Viewpoint and Pose Disentanglement Poster
3155 Angle-based Search Space Shrinking for Neural Architecture Search Poster
3160 RobustScanner: Dynamically Enhancing Positional Clues for Robust Text Recognition Poster
3162 Towards Fast, Accurate and Stable 3D Dense Face Alignment Poster
3170 Iterative Feature Transformation for Fast and Versatile Universal Style Transfer Poster
3177 CATCH: Context-based Meta Reinforcement Learning for Transferrable Architecture Search Poster
3182 Toward Faster and Simpler Matrix Normalization via Rank-1 Update Poster
3186 Accurate polarimetric BRDF for real polarization scene rendering Poster
3188 Lensless Imaging with Focusing Sparse URA Masks in Long-Wave Infrared and its Application for Human Detection Poster
3190 Topology-Preserving Class-Incremental Learning Poster
3199 Inter-Image Communication for Weakly Supervised Localization Poster
3205 UFO$^2$: A Unified Framework Towards Omni-supervised Object Detection Poster
3215 iCaps: An Interpretable Classifier via Disentangled Capsule Networks Poster
3220 Detecting natural disasters, damage, and incidents in the wild Poster
3223 Dynamic ReLU Poster
3224 Acquiring Dynamic Light Fields through Coded Aperture Camera Poster
3238 Gait Recognition from a Single Image using a Phase-Aware Gait Cycle Reconstruction Network Poster
3240 Informative Sample Mining Network for Multi-Domain Image-to-Image Translation Poster
3242 Spherical Feature Transform for Deep Metric Learning Poster
3245 Semantic Equivalent Adversarial Data Augmentation for Visual Question Answering Poster
3254 Unsupervised Multi-View CNN for Salient View Selection of 3D Objects and Scenes Poster
3266 FDTS: Fast Diverse-Transformation Search for Object Detection and Beyond Poster
3268 Peeking into occluded joints: A novel framework for crowd pose estimation Poster
3271 RubiksNet: Learnable 3D-Shift for Efficient Video Action Recognition Poster
3281 Deep Hashing with Active Pairwise Supervision Poster
3293 Graph Edit Distance Reward: Learning to Edit Scene Graph Poster
3295 Malleable 2.5D Convolution: Learning Receptive Fields along the Depth-axis for RGB-D Scene Parsing Poster
3301 Feature-metric Loss for Self-supervised Learning of Depth and Egomotion Poster
3304 Propagating Over Phrase Relations for One-Stage Visual Grounding Poster
3307 Adversarial Semantic Data Augmentation for Human Pose Estimation Poster
3314 Deep Novel View Synthesis from Unstructured Input Poster
3315 Face Anti-Spoofing via disentangled representation learning Poster
3317 Prime-Aware Adaptive Distillation Poster
3318 Meta-Learning with Network Pruning Poster
3323 Spiral Generative Network for Image Extrapolation Poster
3324 Scene Sketcher: Fine-grained Image Retrieval with Scene Sketch Poster
3337 Few-shot Compositional Font Generation with Dual Memory Poster
3338 PUGeo-Net: A Geometry-centric Network for 3D Point Cloud Upsampling Poster
3339 Content-aware Video Summarization Poster
3348 Handcrafted Outlier Detection Revisited Poster
3359 The Average Mixing Kernel Signature Poster
3361 BCNet: Learning Body and Cloth Shape from A Single Image Poster
3372 Self-supervised Keypoint Correspondences for Multi-Person Pose Estimation and Tracking in Videos Poster
3375 Interactive Multi-Dimension Modulation with Dynamic Controllable Residual Learning for Image Restoration Poster
3382 Polysemy Deciphering Network for Human-Object Interaction Detection Poster
3384 Small-Task Incremental Learning Poster
3386 Learning Graph-Convolutional Representations for Point Cloud Denoising Poster
3397 Semantic Line Detection Using Mirror Attention and Comparative Ranking and Matching Poster
3398 A Differentiable Recurrent Surface for Asynchronous Event-Based Data Poster
3399 Fine-Grained Visual Classification via Progressive Multi-Granularity Training of Jigsaw Patches Poster
3400 LiteFlowNet3: Resolving Correspondence Ambiguity for More Accurate Optical Flow Estimation Poster
3405 Microscopy Image Restoration with Deep Wiener-Kolmogorov filters Poster
3408 ScanRefer: 3D Object Localization in RGB-D Scans using Natural Language Poster
3411 JSENet: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Edge Detection Network for 3D Point Clouds Poster
3412 Motion-Excited Sampler: Video Adversarial Attack with Sparked Prior Poster
3414 An Inference Algorithm for Multi-Label MRF-MAP Problems with Clique Size 100 Poster
3425 Dual refinement underwater object detection network Poster
3429 Learning to Visually Localize Multiple Sound Sources via A Two-stage Manner Poster
3457 Task-Aware Quantization Network for JPEG Image Compression Poster
3472 Learning Deep Conditional Target Densities for Accurate Regression Poster
3478 CLOTH3D: Clothed 3D Humans Poster
3484 Encoding Structure-Texture Relation with P-Net for Anomaly Detection in Retinal Images Poster
3485 CLNet: A Compact Latent Network for Fast Adjusting Siamese Tracker Poster
3488 Occlusion-Aware Siamese Network for Human Pose Estimation Poster
3492 Learning to Predict Salient Faces: A Novel Audio-Visual Saliency Model Poster
3495 NormalGAN: Learning Detailed 3D Human from a Single RGB-D Image Poster
3498 Model-based disentanglement of lens occlusions Poster
3506 Rotation-robust Intersection over Union for 3D Object Detection Poster
3508 New Threats against Object Detector with Non-Local Block Poster
3516 Self-Supervised CycleGAN for Object-Preserving Image-to-Image Domain Adaptation Poster
3533 On the Usage of the Trifocal Tensor in Motion Segmentation Poster
3539 3D-Rotation-Equivariant Quaternion Neural Networks Poster
3540 InterHand2.6M: A New Large-scale Dataset and Baseline for 3D Single and Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image Poster
3548 Active Crowd Counting with Limited Supervision Poster
3551 Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation: Solving the Dynamic Object Problem by Semantic Guidance Poster
3563 Hierarchical Visual-Textual Graph for Temporal Activity Localization via Language Poster
3568 Do Not Mask What You Do Not Need to Mask: a Parser Free Virtual Try-On Poster
3577 NODIS: Neural Ordinary Differential Scene Understanding Poster
3586 Assembling Modality Representations via Attention Connections Poster
3588 Learning Propagation Rules for Attribution Map Generation Poster
3590 Reparameterizing Convolutions for Incremental Multi-Task Learning Without Task Interference Poster
3606 Learning Predictive Models from Observation and Interaction Poster
3607 Unifying Deep Local and Global Features for Image Search Poster
3610 Human Body Model Fitting by Learned Gradient Descent Poster
3611 DDGCN: A Dynamic Directed Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition Poster
3615 Learning latent representions across multiple data domains using Lifelong VAEGAN Poster
3620 DVI: Depth Guided Video Inpainting for Autonomous Driving Poster
3627 Incorporating Reinforced Adversarial Learning in Autoregressive Image Generation Poster
3632 APRICOT: A Dataset of Physical Adversarial Attacks on Object Detection Poster
3640 Visual Question Answering on Image Sets Poster
3643 Object as Hotspots: An Anchor-Free 3D Object Detection Approach via Firing of Hotspots Poster
3644 Placepedia: Comprehensive Place Understanding with Multi-Faceted Annotations Poster
3649 Depth Estimation by Learning Triangulation and Densification of Sparse Points for Multi-view Stereo Poster
3654 Dynamic Low-light Imaging with Quanta Image Sensors Poster
3668 Disambiguating Monocular Depth Estimation with a Single Transient Poster
3672 DSDNet: Deep Structured self-Driving Network Poster
3679 QUEST: Quantized embedding space for transferring knowledge Poster
3685 EGDCL: An Adaptive Curriculum Learning Framework for Unbiased Glaucoma Diagnosis Poster
3689 Backpropagated Gradient Representations for Anomaly Detection Poster
3694 Dense RepPoints: Representing Visual Objects with Dense Point Sets Poster
3696 On Dropping Clusters to Regularize Graph Convolutional Neural Networks Poster
3702 Adaptive Video Highlight Detection by Learning from User History Poster
3705 Automated Data Augmentation Significantly Improves 3D Object Detection Poster
3719 DR-KFS: A Differentiable Visual Similarity Metric for 3D Shape Reconstruction Poster
3720 SPAN: Spatial Pyramid Attention Network for Image Manipulation Detection Poster
3721 Transferring Domain Shift Across Tasks for Zero-shot Domain adaptation Poster
3723 YOLO in the Dark - Domain Adaptation Method for Merging Multiple Models - Poster
3739 Identity-Aware Multi-Sentence Video Description Poster
3742 VQA-LOL: Visual Question Answering under the Lens of Logic Poster
3751 Piggyback GAN: Efficient Lifelong Learning for Image Conditioned Generation Poster
3752 TRRNet: Tree Relation Reasoning for Compositional Visual Question Answering Poster
3764 Mining Inter-Video Proposal Relations for Video Object Detection Poster
3768 TVR: A Large-Scale Dataset for Video-Subtitle Moment Retrieval Poster
3769 Minimum Class Confusion for Versatile Domain Adaptation Poster
3790 Large Batch Optimization for Object Detection: Training COCO in 12 Minutes Poster
3792 Towards Practical and Efficient High-Resolution HDR Deghosting with CNN Poster
3794 Self-Supervised Differentiable Rendering for Monocular 3D Object Detection Poster
3796 Shape Prior Deformation for Categorical 6D Object Pose and Size Estimation Poster
3801 Dynamic and Static Context-aware LSTM for Multi-agent Motion Prediction Poster
3802 Image-based table recognition: data, model, and evaluation Poster
3803 Group Activity Prediction with Sequential Relational Anticipation Model Poster
3805 PiP: Planning-informed Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving Poster
3807 PSConv: Squeezing Feature Pyramid into One Compact Poly-Scale Convolutional Layer Poster
3819 Hierarchical Context Embedding for Region-based Object Detection Poster
3822 Attention-Driven Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Multi-Label Image Recognition Poster
3830 Gen-LaneNet: A Generalized and Scalable Approach for 3D Lane Detection Poster
3833 Sparse-to-Dense Depth Completion Revisited: Sampling Strategy and Graph Construction Poster
3837 MEAD: A Large-scale Audio-visual Dataset for Emotional Talking Face Generation Poster
3850 Detecting Human-Object Interactions with Action Co-occurrence Priors Poster
3853 Learning Connectivity of Neural Networks from a Topological Perspective Poster
3867 JSTASR: Joint Size and Transparency-Aware Snow Removal Algorithm Based on Modified Partial Convolution and Veiling Effect Removal Poster
3872 Learning Object-aware Anchor-free Networks for Real-time Object Tracking Poster
3884 Object Tracking using Spatio-Temporal Networks for Future Prediction Location Poster
3892 Pillar-based Object Detection for Autonomous Driving Poster
3902 Sparse Adversarial Attack via Perturbation Factorization Poster
3925 3D Scene Reconstruction from a Single Viewport Poster
3935 Learning to Optimize Domain Specific Normalization for Domain Generalization Poster
3937 Self-supervised Outdoor Scene Relighting Poster
3947 LC-VSLAM: Real-time Tracking and Bundle Adjustment in Line-Cloud Poster
3951 Leveraging Acoustic Images for Effective Self-Supervised Audio Representation Learning Poster
3960 Learning Joint Visual Semantic Matching Embeddings for Language-guided Retrieval Poster
3990 Globally Optimal and Efficient Vanishing Point Estimation in Atlanta World Poster
3992 StyleGAN2 Distillation for Feed-forward Image Manipulation Poster
3997 Self-Prediction for Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds Poster
3999 Learning Disentangled Representations via Mutual Information Estimation Poster
4010 Challenge-Aware RGBT Tracking Poster
4019 Fully Trainable and Interpretable Non-Local Sparse Models for Image Restoration Poster
4034 AutoSimulate: (Quickly) Learning Synthetic Data Generation Poster
4035 LatticeNet: Towards Lightweight Image Super-resolution with Lattice Block Poster
4042 Learning from Scale-Invariant Examples for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation Poster
4046 Active Visual Information Gathering for Vision-Language Navigation Poster
4061 Deep Hough-Transform Line Priors Poster
4065 Unsupervised Shape and Pose Disentanglement for 3D Meshes Poster
4066 CLAWS: Clustering Assisted Weakly Supervised Learning with Normalcy Suppression for Anomalous Event Detection Poster
4072 Inclusive GAN: Improving Data and Minority Coverage in Generative Models Poster
4076 SESAME: Semantic Editing of Scenes by Adding, Manipulating or Erasing Objects Poster
4095 Dive Deeper Into Box for Object Detection Poster
4097 PG-Net: Pixel to Global Matching Network for Visual Tracking Poster
4098 Why Are Deep Representations Good Perceptual Quality Features? Poster
4101 Geometric Estimation via Robust Subspace Recovery Poster
4102 Latent Embedding Feedback and Discriminative Features for Zero-Shot Classification Poster
4107 Human Correspondence Consensus for 3D Object Semantic Understanding Poster
4111 Learning Memory Augmented Cascading Network for Compressed Sensing of Images Poster
4112 Least squares surface reconstruction on arbitrary domains Poster
4116 Task-conditioned Domain Adaptation for Pedestrian Detection in Thermal Imagery Poster
4118 Improving the Transferability of Adversarial Examples with Resized-Diverse-Inputs, Diversity-Ensemble and Region Fitting Poster
4120 DADA: Differentiable Automatic Data Augmentation Poster
4123 SceneCAD: Predicting Object Alignments and Layouts in RGB-D Scans Poster
4125 Kinship Identification through Joint Learning Using Kinship Verification Ensemble Poster
4152 Kernelized Memory Network for Video Object Segmentation Poster
4160 A Single Stream Network for Robust and Real-time RGB-D Salient Object Detection Poster
4165 Splitting vs. Merging: Mining Object Regions with Discrepancy and Intersection Loss for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Poster
4167 Temporal Keypoint Matching and Refinement Network for Pose Estimation and Tracking Poster
4168 Neural Point-Based Graphics Poster
4171 FHDe$^2$Net: Full High Definition Demoireing Network Poster
4172 Learning Structural Similarity of User Interface Layouts using Graph Networks Poster
4174 NAS-Count: Counting-by-Density with Neural Architecture Search Poster
4185 Towards Generalization Across Depth for Monocular 3D Object Detection Poster
4197 Margin-Mix: Semi--Supervised Learning for Face Expression Recognition Poster
4198 Principal Feature Visualisation in Convolutional Neural Networks Poster
4211 Progressive Refinement Network for Occluded Pedestrian Detection Poster
4214 MonoPort: Monocular Real-Time Volumetric Teleportation Poster
4217 The Mapillary Traffic Sign Dataset for Detection and Classification on a Global Scale Poster
4220 Measuring Generalisation to Unseen Viewpoints, Articulations, Shapes and Objects for 3D Hand Pose Estimation under Hand-Object Interaction Poster
4234 Disentangling Multiple Features in Video Sequences using Gaussian Processes in Variational Autoencoders Poster
4238 SEN: A Novel Dissimilarity Measure for Prototypical Few-Shot Learning Networks Poster
4241 Kinematic 3D Object Detection in Monocular Video Poster
4257 Describing Unseen Videos via Multi-Modal Cooperative Dialog Agents Poster
4270 SACA Net: Cybersickness Assessment of Individual Viewers for VR Content via Graph-based Symptom Relation Embedding Poster
4272 End-to-End Low Cost Compressive Spectral Imaging with Spatial-Spectral Self-Attention Poster
4297 Know Your Surroundings: Exploiting Scene Information for Object Tracking Poster
4298 Practical Detection of * Neural Networks: Data-Limited and Data-Free Cases Poster
4300 Anatomy-Aware Siamese Network: Exploiting Semantic Asymmetry for Accurate Pelvic Fracture Detection Poster
4302 DeepLandscape: Adversarial Modeling of Landscape Videos Poster
4304 GANwriting: Content-Conditioned Generation of Styled Handwritten Word Images Poster
4306 Spatial-Angular Interaction for Light Field Image Super-Resolution Poster
4314 BATS: Binary ArchitecTure Search Poster
4319 A Closer Look at Local Aggregation Operators in Point Cloud Analysis Poster
4322 Look here! A parametric learning based approach to redirect visual attention Poster
4324 Variational Diffusion Autoencoders with Random Walk Sampling Poster
4328 Adaptive Variance Based Label Distribution Learning For Facial Age Estimation Poster
4334 Connecting the Dots: Detecting Adversarial Perturbations Using Context Inconsistency Poster
4342 Perceive, Predict, and Plan: Safe Motion Planning Through Interpretable Semantic Representations Poster
4350 VarSR: Variational Super-Resolution Network for Very Low Resolution Images Poster
4353 Co-Heterogeneous and Adaptive Segmentation from Multi-Source and Multi-Phase CT Imaging Data: A Study on Pathological Liver and Lesion Segmentation Poster
4355 Towards Recognizing Unseen Categories in Unseen Domains Poster
4362 Square Attack: a query-efficient black-box adversarial attack via random search Poster
4363 You Are Here: Geolocation by Embedding Maps and Images Poster
4364 Segmentations-Leak: Membership Inference Attacks and Defenses in Semantic Image Segmentation Poster
4366 From Video to Stability: Learning Dynamics from Kinematics of Human Motion Poster
4368 LevelSet R-CNN: A Deep Variational Method for Instance Segmentation Poster
4374 Efficient Scale-permuted Backbone with Learned Resource Distribution Poster
4375 Bridging Multiple Distant Domains by Learning Transferable Shapes from Sketch Poster
4377 Bridging Knowledge Graphs to Generate Scene Graphs Poster
4386 Implicit Latent Variable Model for Scene-Consistent Motion Forecasting Poster
4387 Learning Visual Commonsense for Robust Scene Graph Generation Poster
4396 MPCC: Matching Priors and Conditionals for Clustering Poster
4405 PointAR: Efficient Lighting Estimation for Mobile Augmented Reality Poster
4408 Discrete Point Flow Networks for Efficient Point Cloud Generation Poster
4410 Accelerating Deep Learning with Millions of Classes Poster
4416 Password-conditioned Anonymization and Deanonymization with Face Identity Transformers Poster
4421 Inertial Safety from Structured Light Poster
4424 PointTriNet: Learned Triangulation of 3D Point Sets Poster
4433 Toward unsupervised, multi-object discovery in large-scale image collections Poster
4474 Deep View Synthesis From Colored 3D PointClouds Poster
4495 Consensus-Aware Visual-Semantic Embedding for Image-Text Matching Poster
4499 Spatial Hierarchy Aware Residual Pyramid Network for Time-of-Flight Depth Denoising Poster
4510 Sat2Graph: Road Graph Extraction through Graph-Tensor Encoding Poster
4513 Cross-task Transfer for Multimodal Aerial Scene Classification Poster
4522 Polarimetric Multi-View Inverse Rendering Poster
4524 SideInfNet: A Deep Neural Network for Semi-Automatic Semantic Segmentation with Side Information Poster
4531 Improving Recognition with Unlabeled Faces in the Wild Poster
4532 NeuRoRA: Neural Robust Rotation Averaging Poster
4535 SG-VAE: Scene Grammar Variational Autoencoder to generate new indoor scenes Poster
4544 Unsupervised Learning of Optical Flow with Deep Feature Similarity Poster
4548 Blended Grammar Network for Human Parsing Poster
4549 A Crisis is an Opportunity: Discriminative Patch-based and Piece-wise Planar-based Unsupervised Depth Estimation in Indoor Environments Poster
4553 Efficient Attention Mechanism for Visual Dialog that can Handle All the Interactions between Multiple Inputs Poster
4582 Adaptive Mixture Regression Network with Local Counting Map for Crowd Counting Poster
4583 BIRNAT: Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Networks with Adversarial Training for Video Snapshot Compressive Imaging Poster
4584 Ultra Fast Structure-aware Deep Lane Detection Poster
4585 Cross-Identity Motion Transfer for Arbitrary Objects through Pose-Attentive Video Reassembling Poster
4600 Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Asymmetric Tri-way Faster-RCNN Poster
4614 Exclusivity-Consistency Regularized Knowledge Distillation for Face Recognition Poster
4617 Learning Camera-Aware Noise Models Poster
4619 The Whole is greater than the sum of its Nonrigid Parts Poster
4625 Iterative Distance-Aware Similarity Matrix Convolution with Mutual-Supervised Point Elimination for Efficient Point Cloud Registration Poster
4628 In Defense of Graph Inference Algorithms for Weakly Supervised Object Localization Poster
4629 Environment-agnostic Multitask Learning for Natural Language Grounded Navigation Poster
4631 TPFN: Apply Outer Product along Time for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis Fusion on Imperfect Data Poster
4637 ProxyNCA++: Revisiting and Revitalizing Proxy Neighborhood Component Analysis Poster
4644 Learning with Privileged Information for Efficient Image Super-Resolution Poster
4652 Joint Visual and Temporal Consistency for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification Poster
4655 Autoencoder-based Graph Construction for Semi-supervised Learning Poster
4670 Virtual Multi-view Fusion for 3D Semantic Segmentation Poster
4672 Decoupling GCN with DropGraph Module for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition Poster
4676 Deep Shape from Polarization Poster
4682 A Boundary Based Out-Of-Distribution Classifier for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Poster
4690 Mind the Discriminability: Asymmetric Adversarial Domain Adaptation Poster
4694 SeqXY2SeqZ: Structure Learning for 3D Shapes by Sequentially Predicting 1D Occupancy Segments From 2D Coordinates Poster
4729 Simultaneous Detection and Tracking with Motion Modelling for Multiple Object Tracking Poster
4736 Deep FusionNet for Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation Poster
4750 Deep Material Recognition in Light-Fields via Disentanglement of Spatial and Angular Information Poster
4757 Dual Adversarial Network for Deep Active Learning Poster
4763 Fully Convolutional Networks for Continuous Sign Language Recognition Poster
4771 Self-adapting confidence estimation for stereo Poster
4793 Deep Surface Normal Estimation on the 2-Sphere with Confidence Guided Semantic Attention Poster
4796 AutoSTR: Efficient Backbone Search for Scene Text Recognition Poster
4802 Pretraining Matters: A Two-Stage Design for Unsupervised Image Classification Poster
4810 Adversarial Training with Bi-directional Likelihood Regularization for Visual Classification Poster
4830 Faster AutoAugment: Learning Augmentation Strategies using Backpropagation Poster
4836 Hand-Transformer: Non-Autoregressive Structured Modeling for 3D Hand Pose Estimation Poster
4845 Boundary-Aware Cascade Networks for Temporal Action Segmentation Poster
4865 Towards Content-independent Multi-Reference Super-Resolution: Adaptive Pattern Matching and Feature Aggregation Poster
4871 Inference Graphs for CNN Interpretation Poster
4879 An End-to-End OCR Text Re-organization Sequence Learning for Rich-text Detail Image Comprehension Poster
4889 Improving Query Efficiency of Black-box Adversarial Attack Poster
4890 Self-similarity Student for Partial Label Histopathology Image Segmentation Poster
4912 BioMetricNet: deep unconstrained face verification through learning of metrics regularized onto Gaussian distributions Poster
4913 A Decoupled Learning Scheme for Real-world Burst Denoising from Raw Images Poster
4920 Global-and-Local Relative Position Embedding for Unsupervised Video Summarization Poster
4924 Real-World Blur Dataset for Learning and Benchmarking Deblurring Algorithms Poster
4927 SPARK: Spatial-aware Online Incremental Attack Against Visual Tracking Poster
4943 CenterNet Heatmap Propagation for Real-time Video Object Detection Poster
4959 Hierarchical Dynamic Filtering Network for RGB-D Salient Object Detection Poster
4963 SOLAR: Second-Order Loss and Attention for Image Retrieval Poster
4964 Fixing Localization Errors to Improve Image Classification Poster
4968 PatchPerPix for Instance Segmentation Poster
4997 Attend and Segment Poster
5004 Accelerating CNN Training by Pruning Activation Gradients Poster
5010 Global and Local Enhancement Networks For Paired and Unpaired Image Enhancement Poster
5041 Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection Poster
5056 Eyeglasses 3D shape reconstruction from a single face image Poster
5061 Temporal Complementary Learning for Video Person Re-Identification Poster
5063 HoughNet: Integrating near and long-range evidence for bottom-up object detection Poster
5066 Graph Wasserstein Correlation Analysis for Movie Retrieval Poster
5068 Revisiting RCNN for Action Detection in Videos Poster
5090 Full-Time Monocular Road Detection Using Zero-Distribution Prior of Angle of Polarization Poster
5095 A Flexible Recurrent Residual Pyramid Network for Video Frame Interpolation Poster
5099 Learning Enriched Features for Real Image Restoration and Enhancement Poster
5105 Detail Preserved Point Cloud Completion via Separated Feature Aggregation Poster
5115 LabelEnc: A New Intermediate Supervision Method for Object Detection Poster
5118 Unsupervised Learning of Category-Specific Symmetric 3D Keypoints from Point Sets Poster
5130 PAMS: Quantized Super-Resolution via Parameterized Max Scale Poster
5131 SSN: Shape Signature Networks for Multi-class Object Detection from Point Clouds Poster
5134 OID: Outlier Identifying and Discarding in Blind Image Deblurring Poster
5140 Few-Shot Single-View 3-D Object Reconstruction with Compositional Priors Poster
5150 Enhanced Sparse Model for Blind Deblurring Poster
5155 SumGraph: Video Summarization via Recursive Graph Modeling Poster
5164 Feature Normalized Knowledge Distillation for Image Classification Poster
5170 A Metric Learning Reality Check Poster
5190 FTL: A universal framework for training low-bit DNNs via Feature Transfer Poster
5192 XingGAN for Person Image Generation Poster
5203 GATCluster: Self-Supervised Gaussian-Attention Network for Image Clustering Poster
5204 VCNet: A Robust Approach to Blind Image Inpainting Poster
5205 Learning to Predict Context-adaptive Convolution for Semantic Segmentation Poster
5211 EfficientFCN: Holistically-guided Decoding for Semantic Segmentation Poster
5227 GroSS: Group-Size Series Decomposition for Grouped Architecture Search Poster
5291 Efficient Adversarial Attacks for Visual Object Tracking Poster
5299 Globally-Optimal Event Camera Motion Estimation Poster
5301 Weakly-supervised Learning of Human Dynamics Poster
5305 Journey Towards Tiny Perceptual Super-Resolution Poster
5308 What makes fake images detectable? Understanding properties that generalize Poster
5313 Embedding Propagation: Smoother Manifold for Few-Shot Classification Poster
5315 Category Level Object Pose Estimation via Neural Analysis-by-Synthesis Poster
5320 High-Fidelity Synthesis with Disentangled Representation Poster
5323 PL1P - Point-line Minimal Problems under Partial Visibility in Three Views Poster
5327 Prediction, Recovery and Identification: Adaptive Low-Resolution Person Re-Identification Poster
5328 Learning Canonical Representations for Scene Graph to Image Generation Poster
5331 Adversarial Robustness on In- and Out-Distribution Improves Explainability Poster
5333 Deformable Style Transfer Poster
5336 Aligning Videos in Space and Time Poster
5346 Neural Wireframe Renderer: Learning Wireframe to Image Translations Poster
5351 RBF-Softmax: Learning Deep Representative Prototypes with Radial Basis Function Softmax Poster
5368 Testing the Safety of Self-driving Vehicles by Simulating Perception and Prediction Poster
5369 Determining the Relevance of Features for Deep Neural Networks Poster
5372 Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Boundary Exploration Poster
5381 GANhopper: Multi-Hop GAN for Unsupervised Image-to-Image Translation Poster
5385 DOPE: Distillation Of Part Experts for whole-body 3D pose estimation in the wild Poster
5394 Multi-view adaptive graph convolutions for graph classification Poster
5406 Universal Self-Training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Poster
5409 Weight Decay Scheduling and Knowledge Distillation for Active Learning Poster
5414 HMQ: Hardware Friendly Mixed Precision Quantization Block for CNNs Poster
5423 Truncated Inference for Latent Variable Optimization Problems: Application to Robust Estimation and Learning Poster
5424 Geometry Constrained Weakly Supervised Object Localization Poster
5445 Duality Diagram Similarity: a generic framework for initialization selection in task transfer learning Poster
5448 OneGAN: Simultaneous Unsupervised Learning of Conditional Image Generation, Foreground Segmentation, and Fine-Grained Clustering Poster
5450 Mining self-similarity: Label super-resolution with epitomic representations Poster
5480 AE-OT-GAN: Training GANs from data specific latent distribution Poster
5488 Null-sampling for Invariant and Interpretable Representations Poster
5491 Guiding Monocular Depth Estimation Using Depth Attention-Volume Poster
5494 Tracking Emerges by Looking Around Static Scenes, with Neural 3D Mapping Poster
5495 Boosting Weakly Supervised Object Detection with Progressive Knowledge Transfer Poster
5496 BézierSketch: A generative model for scalable vector sketches Poster
5530 Semantic Relation Preserving Knowledge Distillation for Image-to-Image Translation Poster
5551 Domain Adaptation through Task Distillation Poster
5563 PatchAttack: A Black-box Texture-based Attack with Reinforcement Learning Poster
5564 More Classifiers, Less Forgetting: A Generic Multi-classifier Paradigm for Incremental Learning Poster
5568 Extending and Analyzing Self-Supervised Learning Across Domains Poster
5573 Multi-Source Open-Set Deep Adversarial Domain Adaptation Poster
5576 Neural Batch Sampling with Reinforcement Learning for Semi-Supervised Anomaly Detection Poster
5581 LEMMA: A Multiview Dataset for Learning Multi-agent Multi-task Activities Poster
5589 Teaching Cameras to Feel: Estimating Tactile Physical Properties of Surfaces From Images Poster
5592 Accurate Optimization of Weighted Nuclear Norm for Non-Rigid Structure from Motion Poster
5605 Proposal based Video Completion Poster
5608 HGNet: Hybrid Generative Network for Zero-shot Domain Adaptation Poster
5622 Beyond Monocular Deraining: Paired Rain Removal Networks via Unpaired Semantic Understanding Poster
5625 DBQ: A Differentiable Branch Quantizer for Lightweight Deep Neural Networks Poster
5635 All at Once: Temporally Adaptive Multi-Frame Interpolation with Advanced Motion Modeling Poster
5643 A Broader Study of Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning Poster
5645 Practical Poisoning Attacks on Neural Networks Poster
5669 Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in the Dissimilarity Space for Person Re-identification Poster
5671 Learn distributed GAN with Temporary Discriminators Poster
5673 SemifreddoNets: Partially Frozen Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision Systems Poster
5686 Improving Adversarial Robustness by Enforcing Local and Global Compactness Poster
5687 TopoGAN: A Generative Adversarial Approach to Topology-Aware Road Segmentation Poster
5695 Channel selection using Gumbel softmax Poster
5696 Exploiting Temporal Coherence for Self-Supervised One-shot Video Re-identification Poster
5698 An Efficient Training Framework for Reversible Neural Architectures Poster
5717 Box2Seg: Attention Weighted Loss and Discriminative Feature Learning for Weakly Supervised Segmentation Poster
5744 Freeform Structured Light Poster
5750 One-pixel Signature: Characterizing CNN Classifiers for Backdoor Detection Poster
5752 Learning to Transfer Learn: Reinforcement Learning-Based Selection for Adaptive Transfer Learning Poster
5757 Structure-Aware Generation Network for Recipe Generation from Images Poster
5769 A Simple and Effective Framework for Pairwise Deep Metric Learning Poster
5772 Meta-rPPG: Remote Heart Rate Estimation Using a Transductive Meta-Learner Poster
5775 A Recurrent Transformer Network for Novel View Action Synthesis Poster
5777 Multi-view Action Recognition using Cross-view Video Prediction Poster
5794 Learning Discriminative Feature with CRF for Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation Poster
5809 SMART: Simultaneous Multi-Agent Recurrent Trajectory Prediction Poster
5818 Label-Driven Reconstruction for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation Poster
5831 Efficient Outdoor 3D Point Cloud Semantic Segmentation for Critical Road Objects and Distributed Contexts Poster
5849 Attributional Robustness Training using Input-Gradient Spatial Alignment Poster
5855 How to Train Your Event Camera Neural Network Poster
5863 Spatial Geometric Reasoning for Room Layout Estimation via Deep Reinforcement Learning Poster
5865 On the Importance of Data Augmentation for Object Detection Poster
5875 DA-NAS: Data Adapted Pruning for Efficient Neural Architecture Search Poster
5879 A Closer Look at Generalisation in RAVEN Poster
5884 Supervised Edge Attention Network for Accurate Image Instance Segmentation Poster
5888 Discriminative Partial Domain Adversarial Network Poster
5893 Differentiable Programming for Hyperspectral Unmixing using a Physics-based Dispersion Model Poster
5894 Deep Cross-species Feature Learning for Animal Face Recognition via Residual Interspecies Equivariant Network Poster
5897 Guidance and Evaluation: Semantic-Aware Image Inpainting for Mixed Scenes Poster
5906 Sound2Sight: Generating Visual Dynamics from Sound and Context Poster
5913 3D-CVF: Generating Joint Camera and LiDAR Features Using Cross-View Spatial Feature Fusion for 3D Object Detection Poster
5921 NoiseRank: Unsupervised Label Noise Reduction with Dependence Models Poster
5930 Fast Adaptation to Super-Resolution Networks via Meta-Learning Poster
5931 TP-LSD: Tri-Points Based Line Segment Detector Poster
5940 Spatially-Adaptive Convolution for Efficient Point-Cloud Segmentation Poster
5955 An Attention-driven Two-stage Clustering Method for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification Poster
5989 Toward Fine-grained Facial Expression Manipulation Poster
5992 Adaptive Object Detection with Dual Multi-Label Prediction Poster
6007 Table Structure Recognition using Top-Down and Bottom-Up Cues Poster
6013 Novel View Synthesis on Unpaired Data by Conditional Deformable Variational Auto-Encoder Poster
6018 Beyond the Nav-Graph: Vision-and-Language Navigation in Continuous Environments Poster
6021 Boundary Content Graph Neural Network for Temporal Action Proposal Generation Poster
6037 Pose Augmentation: Class-agnostic Object Pose Transformation for Object Recognition Poster
6051 VLANet: Video-Language Alignment Network for Weakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval Poster
6054 Attention-Based Query Expansion Learning Poster
6055 Interpretable Foreground Object Search As Knowledge Distillation Poster
6056 Improving Knowledge Distillation via Category Structure Poster
6059 High Resolution Zero-Shot Domain Adaptation of Synthetically Rendered Face Images Poster
6066 Attentive Prototype Few-shot Learning with Capsule Network-based Embedding Poster
6083 Weakly Supervised Instance Segmentation by Learning Annotation Consistent Instances Poster
6091 DA4AD: End-to-end Deep Attention Aware Features Aided Visual Localization for Autonomous Driving Poster
6109 Visual-Relation Conscious Image Generation from Structured-Text Poster
6114 Patch-wise Attack for Fooling Deep Neural Network Poster
6141 Feature Pyramid Transformer Poster
6153 MABNet: A Lightweight Stereo Network Based on Multibranch Adjustable Bottleneck Module Poster
6159 Guided Saliency Feature Learning for Person Re-identification in Crowded Scenes Poster
6188 Asymmetric Two-Stream Architecture for Accurate RGB-D Saliency Detection Poster
6192 Lightweight Statistical Explanations for Deep Neural Networks Poster
6207 Deep Graph Matching via Blackbox Differentiation of Combinatorial Solvers Poster
6215 Video Representation Learning by Learning to Tell Motions Apart Poster
6231 Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation for Night-time Images using Adversarial Domain Feature Adaptation Poster
6236 Variational Connectionist Temporal Classification Poster
6258 End-to-end Dynamic Matching Network for Multi-view Multi-person 3d Pose Estimation Poster
6259 Orderly Disorder in Point Cloud Domain Poster
6272 Deep Decomposition Learning for Inverse Imaging Problems Poster
6287 FLOT: Scene Flow Estimation by Learned Optimal Transport on Point Clouds Poster
6294 Accurate Reconstruction of Oriented 3D Points using Affine Correspondences Poster
6316 Volumetric Transformer Networks Poster
6332 360º Camera Alignment via Segmentation Poster
6334 A Novel Line Integral Transform for 2D Affine Invariant Shape Retrieval Poster
6336 Explainable Graph Networks for Weakly-supervised Learning of Visual Relations Poster
6345 Guided Semantic Flow Poster
6393 Document Structure Extraction using Prior Based HighResolution Hierarchical Semantic Segmentation Poster
6416 Measuring the importance of temporal features in video saliency Poster
6421 Searching Efficient 3D Architectures with Sparse Point-Voxel Convolution Poster
6424 Towards Reliable Evaluation of Algorithms for Road Network Reconstruction from Aerial Images Poster
6425 Online Continual Learning under Extreme Memory Constraints Poster
6436 Learning to Cluster under Domain Shift Poster
6438 Defense Against Adversarial Attacks via Controlling Gradient Leaking on Embedded Manifolds Poster
6440 Improving Optical Flow on a Pyramid Level Poster
6446 Procrustean Regression Networks: Learning 3D Structure of Non-Rigid Objects from 2D Annotations Poster
6474 Learning to Learn Parameterized Classification Networks for Scalable Input Images Poster
6476 Stereo Event-based Particle Tracking Velocimetry for 3D Fluid Flow Reconstruction Poster
6515 Simplicial Complex based Point Correspondence between Images warped onto Manifolds Poster
6535 Neural Message Passing on Hybrid Spatio-Temporal Visual and Symbolic Graphs for Video Understanding Poster
6559 Distance-Normalized Unified Representation for Monocular 3D Object Detection Poster
6576 Sequential Deformation for Accurate Scene Text Detection Poster
6579 Where to Explore Next? ExHistCNN for History-aware Autonomous 3D Exploration Poster
6591 Semi-Supervised Segmentation based on Error-Correcting Supervision Poster
6621 Quantum-soft QUBO Suppression for Accurate Object Detection Poster
6624 Label-similarity Curriculum Learning Poster
6627 Recurrent Image Annotation With Explicit Inter-Label Dependencies Poster
6628 Cross-Attention in Coupled Unmixing Nets for Unsupervised Hyperspectral Super-Resolution Poster
6637 SimPose: Effectively Learning DensePose and Surface Normal of People from Simulated Data Poster
6639 ByeGlassesGAN: Identity Preserving Eyeglasses Removal for Face Images Poster
6693 Differentiable Joint Pruning and Quantization for Hardware Efficiency Poster
6697 Learning to Generate Customized Dynamic 3D Facial Expressions Poster
6698 LandscapeAR: Large Scale Outdoor Augmented Reality by Matching Photographs with Terrain Models Using Learned Descriptors Poster
6709 Mirrored Autoencoders with Simplex Interpolation for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Poster
6717 Learning Disentangled Feature Representation for Hybrid-distorted Image Restoration. Poster
6719 Jointly De-biasing Face Recognition and Demographic Attribute Estimation Poster
6721 Regularized Loss for Weakly Supervised Single Class Segmentation Poster
6736 Spike-FlowNet: Event-based Optical Flow Estimation with Energy-Efficient Hybrid Neural Networks Poster
6746 Forgetting Outside the Box: Scrubbing Deep Networks of Information Accessible from Input-Output Observations Poster
6748 Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Networks: Effects of Discrete Input Encoding and Non-Linear Activations Poster
6753 Synthesizing Coupled 3D Face Modalities by Trunk-Branch Generative Adversarial Networks Poster
6754 Learning to Learn Words from Visual Scenes Poster
6765 On Transferability of Histological Tissue Labels in Computational Pathology Poster
6770 Learning actionness via long-range temporal order verification Poster
6773 Fully Embedding Fast Convolutional Networks on Pixel Processor Arrays Poster
6775 Character Region Attention For Text Spotting Poster
6795 Stable Low-rank Tensor Decomposition for Compression of Convolutional Neural Network Poster
6796 Dual Mixup Regularized Learning for Adversarial Domain Adaptation Poster
6814 Robust and On-the-fly Dataset Denoising for Image Classification Poster
6833 Imaging Behind Occluders Using Two-Bounce Light Poster
6837 Improving Object Detection with Selective Self-supervised Self-training Poster
6873 Deep Local Shapes: Learning Local SDF Priors for Detailed 3D Reconstruction Poster
6884 Info3D: Representation Learning on 3D Objects using Mutual Information Maximization and Contrastive Learning Poster
6895 Adversarial Data Augmentation via Deformation Statistics Poster
6926 Neural Predictor for Neural Architecture Search Poster
6927 Learning Permutation Invariant Representations using Memory Networks Poster
6936 Feature Space Augmentation for Long-Tailed Data Poster
6940 Laying the Foundations of Deep Long-Term Crowd Flow Prediction Poster
6965 Weakly-Supervised Action Localization with Expectation-Maximization Multi-Instance Learning Poster
6967 Fairness by Learning Orthogonal Disentangled Representations Poster
6977 Self-Supervision with Superpixels: Training Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation without Annotation Poster
6979 On Diverse Asynchronous Activity Anticipation Poster
6994 Representative-Discriminative Learning for Open-set Land Cover Classification of Satellite Imagery Poster
7020 Structure-Aware Human-Action Generation Poster
7035 Towards Efficient Coarse-to-Fine Networks for Action and Gesture Recognition Poster
7036 $S^3$Net: Semantic-Aware Self-Supervised Depth Estimation with Monocular Videos and Synthetic Data Poster
7037 Leveraging Seen and Unseen Semantic Relationships for Generative Zero-Shot Learning Poster
7039 Weight Excitation: Built-in Attention Mechanisms in Convolutional Neural Networks Poster
7093 UNITER: UNiversal Image-TExt Representation Learning Poster
7133 $Oscar$: Object-Semantics Aligned Pre-training for Vision-and-Language Tasks Poster
7177 Improving Face Recognition from Hard Samples via Distribution Distillation Loss Poster
7198 Extract and Merge: Superpixel Segmentation with Regional Attributes Poster
7202 Spatial-Adaptive Network for Single Image Denoising Poster
7263 Physics-based Feature Dehazing Networks Poster
7352 Master-Slave Interaction Model: An Asymmetric Modelling for Action Assessment Poster
7358 High-quality Single-model Deep Video Compression with Frame-Conv3D and Multi-frame Differential Modulation Poster
7362 Instance-Aware Embedding for Point Cloud Instance Segmentation Poster
7424 Self-Paced Deep Regression Forests with Consideration on Underrepresented Samples Poster
7451 Manifold Projection for Adversarial Defense on Face Recognition Poster
7467 Weakly-Supervised Learning with Side Information for Noisy Labeled Images Poster
7476 Not only Look, but also Listen: Learning Multimodal Violence Detection under Weak Supervision Poster
7513 SNE-RoadSeg: Incorporating Surface Normal Information into Semantic Segmentation for Accurate Freespace Detection Poster
7548 Modeling the Space of Point Landmark Constrained Diffeomorphisms Poster
7579 PieNet: Personalized Image Enhancement Network Poster
7614 Statistical Outlier Identification in Pose Graphs Using Cycles Poster
7625 Speech-driven Facial Animation using Cascaded GANs for Learning of Motion and Texture Poster
7627 Solving phase retrieval with a learned reference Poster
7644 Dual Grid Net: Hand Mesh VertexRegression from Single Depth Maps Poster


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