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MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告

程序员文章站 2022-03-27 12:09:44
MIT 6.828 Lab 2: Memory Management实验报告 tags:mit 6.828 os 概述 本文主要介绍lab2,讲的是操作系统内存管理,从内容上分为三部分: 1. 第一部分讲的是物理内存管理,要进行内存管理首先需要知道哪些物理内存是空闲的,哪些是被使用的。还需要实现一些 ......

mit-6.828 lab 2: memory management实验报告

tags:mit-6.828 os



  1. 第一部分讲的是物理内存管理,要进行内存管理首先需要知道哪些物理内存是空闲的,哪些是被使用的。还需要实现一些函数对这些物理内存进行管理。
  2. 第二部分讲的是虚拟内存。一个虚拟地址如何被映射到物理地址,将实现一些函数来操作页目录和页表从而达到映射的目的。
  3. 第三部分讲的是内核的地址空间。将结合第一部分和第二部分的成果,来对内核地址空间进行映射。

part 1: physical page management

MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告

  1. 0x00000~0xa0000:这部分叫做basemem,是可用的。
  2. 接着是0xa0000~0x100000:这部分叫做io hole,不可用。
  3. 再接着就是0x100000以上的部分:这部分叫做extmem,可用。

exercise 1:


static void *
boot_alloc(uint32_t n)
    static char *nextfree;  // virtual address of next byte of free memory
    char *result;

    // initialize nextfree if this is the first time.
    // 'end' is a magic symbol automatically generated by the linker,
    // which points to the end of the kernel's bss segment:
    // the first virtual address that the linker did *not* assign
    // to any kernel code or global variables.
    if (!nextfree) {
        extern char end[];                          //在/kern/kernel.ld中定义的符号,位于bss段的末尾
        nextfree = roundup((char *) end, pgsize);

    // allocate a chunk large enough to hold 'n' bytes, then update
    // nextfree.  make sure nextfree is kept aligned
    // to a multiple of pgsize.
    // lab 2: your code here.
    result = nextfree;
    nextfree = roundup((char *)result + n, pgsize);
    cprintf("boot_alloc memory at %x, next memory allocate at %x\n", result, nextfree);
    return result;


    result = nextfree;
    nextfree = roundup((char *)result + n, pgsize);
    cprintf("boot_alloc memory at %x, next memory allocate at %x\n", result, nextfree);
    return result;


    // allocate an array of npages 'struct pageinfo's and store it in 'pages'.
    // the kernel uses this array to keep track of physical pages: for
    // each physical page, there is a corresponding struct pageinfo in this
    // array.  'npages' is the number of physical pages in memory.  use memset
    // to initialize all fields of each struct pageinfo to 0.


    pages = (struct pageinfo*)boot_alloc(sizeof(struct pageinfo) * npages); //分配足够大的空间(pgsize的倍数)保存pages数组
    memset(pages, 0, sizeof(struct pageinfo) * npages);


// --------------------------------------------------------------
// tracking of physical pages.
// the 'pages' array has one 'struct pageinfo' entry per physical page.
// pages are reference counted, and free pages are kept on a linked list.
// --------------------------------------------------------------

// initialize page structure and memory free list.
// after this is done, never use boot_alloc again.  only use the page
// allocator functions below to allocate and deallocate physical
// memory via the page_free_list.
    // the example code here marks all physical pages as free.
    // however this is not truly the case.  what memory is free?
    //  1) mark physical page 0 as in use.
    //     this way we preserve the real-mode idt and bios structures
    //     in case we ever need them.  (currently we don't, but...)
    //  2) the rest of base memory, [pgsize, npages_basemem * pgsize)
    //     is free.
    //  3) then comes the io hole [iophysmem, extphysmem), which must
    //     never be allocated.
    //  4) then extended memory [extphysmem, ...).
    //     some of it is in use, some is free. where is the kernel
    //     in physical memory?  which pages are already in use for
    //     page tables and other data structures?
    // change the code to reflect this.
    // nb: do not actually touch the physical memory corresponding to
    // free pages!
    // 这里初始化pages中的每一项,建立page_free_list链表
    // 已使用的物理页包括如下几部分:
    // 1)第一个物理页是idt所在,需要标识为已用
    // 2)[iophysmem, extphysmem)称为io hole的区域,需要标识为已用。
    // 3)extphysmem是内核加载的起始位置,终止位置可以由boot_alloc(0)给出(理由是boot_alloc()分配的内存是内核的最尾部),这块区域也要标识
    size_t i;
    size_t io_hole_start_page = (size_t)iophysmem / pgsize;
    size_t kernel_end_page = paddr(boot_alloc(0)) / pgsize;     //这里调了半天,boot_alloc返回的是虚拟地址,需要转为物理地址
    for (i = 0; i < npages; i++) {
        if (i == 0) {
            pages[i].pp_ref = 1;
            pages[i].pp_link = null;
        } else if (i >= io_hole_start_page && i < kernel_end_page) {
            pages[i].pp_ref = 1;
            pages[i].pp_link = null;
        } else {
            pages[i].pp_ref = 0;
            pages[i].pp_link = page_free_list;
            page_free_list = &pages[i];


// allocates a physical page.  if (alloc_flags & alloc_zero), fills the entire
// returned physical page with '\0' bytes.  does not increment the reference
// count of the page - the caller must do these if necessary (either explicitly
// or via page_insert).
// be sure to set the pp_link field of the allocated page to null so
// page_free can check for double-free bugs.
// returns null if out of free memory.
// hint: use page2kva and memset
struct pageinfo *
page_alloc(int alloc_flags)
    struct pageinfo *ret = page_free_list;
    if (ret == null) {
        cprintf("page_alloc: out of free memory\n");
        return null;
    page_free_list = ret->pp_link;
    ret->pp_link = null;
    if (alloc_flags & alloc_zero) {
        memset(page2kva(ret), 0, pgsize);
    return ret;


// return a page to the free list.
// (this function should only be called when pp->pp_ref reaches 0.)
page_free(struct pageinfo *pp)
    // fill this function in
    // hint: you may want to panic if pp->pp_ref is nonzero or
    // pp->pp_link is not null.
    if (pp->pp_ref != 0 || pp->pp_link != null) {
        panic("page_free: pp->pp_ref is nonzero or pp->pp_link is not null\n");
    pp->pp_link = page_free_list;
    page_free_list = pp;


    if (only_low_memory) {
        // move pages with lower addresses first in the free
        // list, since entry_pgdir does not map all pages.
        struct pageinfo *pp1, *pp2;
        struct pageinfo **tp[2] = { &pp1, &pp2 };
        for (pp = page_free_list; pp; pp = pp->pp_link) {
            int pagetype = pdx(page2pa(pp)) >= pdx_limit;
            *tp[pagetype] = pp;
            tp[pagetype] = &pp->pp_link;
        }                       //执行该for循环后,pp1指向(0~4m)中地址最大的那个页的pageinfo结构。pp2指向所有页中地址最大的那个pageinfo结构
        *tp[1] = 0;
        *tp[0] = pp2;
        page_free_list = pp1;

MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告

part 2: virtual memory


           selector  +--------------+         +-----------+
          ---------->|              |         |           |
                     | segmentation |         |  paging   |
software             |              |-------->|           |---------->  ram
            offset   |  mechanism   |         | mechanism |
          ---------->|              |         |           |
                     +--------------+         +-----------+
            virtual                   linear                physical

在lab1中已经安装了一个简易的页目录和页表,将虚拟地址[0, 4mb)映射到物理地址[0, 4mb),[0xf0000000, 0xf0000000+4mb)映射到[0, 4mb)。具体实现在kern/entry.s中,临时的页目录线性地址为entry_pgdir,定义在kern/entrypgdir.c中。
MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告
MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告
每一位的具体含义可以参考intel 80386 reference manual

exercise 4


  1. pgdir_walk()
  2. boot_map_region()
  3. page_lookup()
  4. page_remove()
  5. page_insert()



  1. pgdir:页目录虚拟地址
  2. va:虚拟地址
  3. create:布尔值


// given 'pgdir', a pointer to a page directory, pgdir_walk returns
// a pointer to the page table entry (pte) for linear address 'va'.
// this requires walking the two-level page table structure.
// the relevant page table page might not exist yet.
// if this is true, and create == false, then pgdir_walk returns null.
// otherwise, pgdir_walk allocates a new page table page with page_alloc.
//    - if the allocation fails, pgdir_walk returns null.
//    - otherwise, the new page's reference count is incremented,
//  the page is cleared,
//  and pgdir_walk returns a pointer into the new page table page.
// hint 1: you can turn a pageinfo * into the physical address of the
// page it refers to with page2pa() from kern/pmap.h.
// hint 2: the x86 mmu checks permission bits in both the page directory
// and the page table, so it's safe to leave permissions in the page
// directory more permissive than strictly necessary.
// hint 3: look at inc/mmu.h for useful macros that manipulate page
// table and page directory entries.
pte_t *
pgdir_walk(pde_t *pgdir, const void *va, int create)
    // fill this function in
    pde_t* pde_ptr = pgdir + pdx(va);
    if (!(*pde_ptr & pte_p)) {                              //页表还没有分配
        if (create) {
            struct pageinfo *pp = page_alloc(1);
            if (pp == null) {
                return null;
            *pde_ptr = (page2pa(pp)) | pte_p | pte_u | pte_w;   //更新页目录项
        } else {
            return null;

    return (pte_t *)kaddr(pte_addr(*pde_ptr)) + ptx(va);        //这里记得转为pte_t*类型,因为kaddr返回的的是void*类型。调了一个多小时才发现

结合图二的页转换的过程很容易理解,需要注意一点,最后返回的的时候kaddr(pte_addr(*pde_ptr))返回的void **类型如果直接加上ptx(va)是不对的,应该先转为(pte_t*),再做加法运算,这个bug调了一个多小时才发现( ╯□╰ )。



  1. pgdir:页目录指针
  2. va:虚拟地址
  3. size:大小
  4. pa:物理地址
  5. perm:权限

作用:通过修改pgdir指向的树,将[va, va+size)对应的虚拟地址空间映射到物理地址空间[pa, pa+size)。va和pa都是页对齐的。

// map [va, va+size) of virtual address space to physical [pa, pa+size)
// in the page table rooted at pgdir.  size is a multiple of pgsize, and
// va and pa are both page-aligned.
// use permission bits perm|pte_p for the entries.
// this function is only intended to set up the ``static'' mappings
// above utop. as such, it should *not* change the pp_ref field on the
// mapped pages.
// hint: the ta solution uses pgdir_walk
static void
boot_map_region(pde_t *pgdir, uintptr_t va, size_t size, physaddr_t pa, int perm)
    // fill this function in
    size_t pgs = size / pgsize;    
    if (size % pgsize != 0) {
    }                            //计算总共有多少页
    for (int i = 0; i < pgs; i++) {
        pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, (void *)va, 1);//获取va对应的pte的地址
        if (pte == null) {
            panic("boot_map_region(): out of memory\n");
        *pte = pa | pte_p | perm; //修改va对应的pte的值
        pa += pgsize;             //更新pa和va,进行下一轮循环
        va += pgsize;




  1. pgdir:页目录指针
  2. pp:pageinfo结构指针,代表一个物理页
  3. va:线性地址
  4. perm:权限


// map the physical page 'pp' at virtual address 'va'.
// the permissions (the low 12 bits) of the page table entry
// should be set to 'perm|pte_p'.
// requirements
//   - if there is already a page mapped at 'va', it should be page_remove()d.
//   - if necessary, on demand, a page table should be allocated and inserted
//     into 'pgdir'.
//   - pp->pp_ref should be incremented if the insertion succeeds.
//   - the tlb must be invalidated if a page was formerly present at 'va'.
// corner-case hint: make sure to consider what happens when the same
// pp is re-inserted at the same virtual address in the same pgdir.
// however, try not to distinguish this case in your code, as this
// frequently leads to subtle bugs; there's an elegant way to handle
// everything in one code path.
// returns:
//   0 on success
//   -e_no_mem, if page table couldn't be allocated
// hint: the ta solution is implemented using pgdir_walk, page_remove,
// and page2pa.
page_insert(pde_t *pgdir, struct pageinfo *pp, void *va, int perm)
    // fill this function in
    pte_t *pte = pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, 1);    //拿到va对应的pte地址,如果va对应的页表还没有分配,则分配一个物理页作为页表
    if (pte == null) {
        return -e_no_mem;
    pp->pp_ref++;                                       //引用加1
    if ((*pte) & pte_p) {                               //当前虚拟地址va已经被映射过,需要先释放
        page_remove(pgdir, va); //这个函数目前还没实现
    physaddr_t pa = page2pa(pp); //将pageinfo结构转换为对应物理页的首地址
    *pte = pa | perm | pte_p;    //修改pte
    pgdir[pdx(va)] |= perm;
    return 0;



  1. pgdir:页目录地址
  2. va:虚拟地址
  3. pte_store:一个指针类型,指向pte_t *类型的变量


// return the page mapped at virtual address 'va'.
// if pte_store is not zero, then we store in it the address
// of the pte for this page.  this is used by page_remove and
// can be used to verify page permissions for syscall arguments,
// but should not be used by most callers.
// return null if there is no page mapped at va.
// hint: the ta solution uses pgdir_walk and pa2page.
struct pageinfo *
page_lookup(pde_t *pgdir, void *va, pte_t **pte_store)
    // fill this function in
    struct pageinfo *pp;
    pte_t *pte =  pgdir_walk(pgdir, va, 0);         //如果对应的页表不存在,不进行创建
    if (pte == null) {
        return null;
    if (!(*pte) & pte_p) {
        return null;
    physaddr_t pa = pte_addr(*pte);                 //va对应的物理
    pp = pa2page(pa);                               //物理地址对应的pageinfo结构地址
    if (pte_store != null) {
        *pte_store = pte;
    return pp;




  1. pgdir:页目录地址
  2. va:虚拟地址


// unmaps the physical page at virtual address 'va'.
// if there is no physical page at that address, silently does nothing.
// details:
//   - the ref count on the physical page should decrement.
//   - the physical page should be freed if the refcount reaches 0.
//   - the pg table entry corresponding to 'va' should be set to 0.
//     (if such a pte exists)
//   - the tlb must be invalidated if you remove an entry from
//     the page table.
// hint: the ta solution is implemented using page_lookup,
//  tlb_invalidate, and page_decref.
page_remove(pde_t *pgdir, void *va)
    // fill this function in
    pte_t *pte_store;
    struct pageinfo *pp = page_lookup(pgdir, va, &pte_store); //获取va对应的pte的地址以及pp结构
    if (pp == null) {    //va可能还没有映射,那就什么都不用做
    page_decref(pp);    //将pp->pp_ref减1,如果pp->pp_ref为0,需要释放该pageinfo结构(将其放入page_free_list链表中)
    *pte_store = 0;    //将pte清空
    tlb_invalidate(pgdir, va); //失效化tlb缓存


part 3: kernel address space


 * virtual memory map:                                permissions
 *                                                    kernel/user
 *    4 gig -------->  +------------------------------+
 *                     |                              | rw/--
 *                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *                     :              .               :
 *                     :              .               :
 *                     :              .               :
 *                     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| rw/--
 *                     |                              | rw/--
 *                     |   remapped physical memory   | rw/--
 *                     |                              | rw/--
 *    kernbase, ---->  +------------------------------+ 0xf0000000      --+
 *    kstacktop        |     cpu0's kernel stack      | rw/--  kstksize   |
 *                     | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|                   |
 *                     |      invalid memory (*)      | --/--  kstkgap    |
 *                     +------------------------------+                   |
 *                     |     cpu1's kernel stack      | rw/--  kstksize   |
 *                     | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|                 ptsize
 *                     |      invalid memory (*)      | --/--  kstkgap    |
 *                     +------------------------------+                   |
 *                     :              .               :                   |
 *                     :              .               :                   |
 *    mmiolim ------>  +------------------------------+ 0xefc00000      --+
 *                     |       memory-mapped i/o      | rw/--  ptsize
 * ulim, mmiobase -->  +------------------------------+ 0xef800000
 *                     |  cur. page table (user r-)   | r-/r-  ptsize
 *    uvpt      ---->  +------------------------------+ 0xef400000
 *                     |          ro pages            | r-/r-  ptsize
 *    upages    ---->  +------------------------------+ 0xef000000
 *                     |           ro envs            | r-/r-  ptsize
 * utop,uenvs ------>  +------------------------------+ 0xeec00000
 * uxstacktop -/       |     user exception stack     | rw/rw  pgsize
 *                     +------------------------------+ 0xeebff000
 *                     |       empty memory (*)       | --/--  pgsize
 *    ustacktop  --->  +------------------------------+ 0xeebfe000
 *                     |      normal user stack       | rw/rw  pgsize
 *                     +------------------------------+ 0xeebfd000
 *                     |                              |
 *                     |                              |
 *                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 *                     .                              .
 *                     .                              .
 *                     .                              .
 *                     |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|
 *                     |     program data & heap      |
 *    utext -------->  +------------------------------+ 0x00800000
 *    pftemp ------->  |       empty memory (*)       |        ptsize
 *                     |                              |
 *    utemp -------->  +------------------------------+ 0x00400000      --+
 *                     |       empty memory (*)       |                   |
 *                     | - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -|                   |
 *                     |  user stab data (optional)   |                 ptsize
 *    ustabdata ---->  +------------------------------+ 0x00200000        |
 *                     |       empty memory (*)       |                   |
 *    0 ------------>  +------------------------------+                 --+
 * (*) note: the kernel ensures that "invalid memory" is *never* mapped.
 *     "empty memory" is normally unmapped, but user programs may map pages
 *     there if desired.  jos user programs map pages temporarily at utemp.

exercise 5


    // map 'pages' read-only by the user at linear address upages
    // permissions:
    //    - the new image at upages -- kernel r, user r
    //      (ie. perm = pte_u | pte_p)
    //    - pages itself -- kernel rw, user none
    // your code goes here:
    // 将虚拟地址的upages映射到物理地址pages数组开始的位置
    boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, upages, ptsize, paddr(pages), pte_u);
    // use the physical memory that 'bootstack' refers to as the kernel
    // stack.  the kernel stack grows down from virtual address kstacktop.
    // we consider the entire range from [kstacktop-ptsize, kstacktop)
    // to be the kernel stack, but break this into two pieces:
    //     * [kstacktop-kstksize, kstacktop) -- backed by physical memory
    //     * [kstacktop-ptsize, kstacktop-kstksize) -- not backed; so if
    //       the kernel overflows its stack, it will fault rather than
    //       overwrite memory.  known as a "guard page".
    //     permissions: kernel rw, user none
    // your code goes here:
    // 'bootstack'定义在/kernel/entry.
    boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, kstacktop-kstksize, kstksize, paddr(bootstack), pte_w);

    // map all of physical memory at kernbase.
    // ie.  the va range [kernbase, 2^32) should map to
    //      the pa range [0, 2^32 - kernbase)
    // we might not have 2^32 - kernbase bytes of physical memory, but
    // we just set up the mapping anyway.
    // permissions: kernel rw, user none
    // your code goes here:
    boot_map_region(kern_pgdir, kernbase, 0xffffffff - kernbase, 0, pte_w);

MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告
如何仔细看图和上面的代码,会觉得奇怪,upages开始的这一页是什么时候映射的?实际上早在mem_init()开始的时候就有这么一句kern_pgdir[pdx(uvpt)] = paddr(kern_pgdir) | pte_u | pte_p;,页目录表的低pdx(uvpt)项指向页目录本身,也就是说虚拟地址uvpt开始处的0x400000字节映射到物理地址paddr(kern_pgdir)处。


MIT-6.828 Lab2实验报告

  1. 提供管理物理内存的数据结构和函数
  2. 提供修改页目录和页表树结构结构的函数,从而达到映射的目的
  3. 用前面两部分的函数建立内核的线性地址空间

