2022-03-03 08:17:59
看此文档前,先参考一下文档 https://blog.csdn.net/downmoon/article/details/24374609 环境:阿里云ECS SQL Server 2017 + Delphi7 测试用xcopy,robocopy等命令迁移文件好像不太会用。有感兴趣的朋友,告知一下。 ......
看此文档前,先参考一下文档 https://blog.csdn.net/downmoon/article/details/24374609
环境:阿里云ecs sql server 2017 + delphi7
--我们使用该函数插入一个图片文件到该目录下:这里的路径需要是服务器上的路径。 declare @image1 varbinary(max), @path_locator hierarchyid; select @image1=cast(bulkcolumn as varbinary(max)) from openrowset(bulk n'c:\1.png', single_blob) as x; select @path_locator=path_locator from documentstores where [name]='mydir1'; insert into documentstores(name, file_stream, path_locator) values('1.png', @image1, dbo.fngetnewpathlocator(newid(), @path_locator)); --如果你想使用sql server本身提供的hierarchyid层次结构,下面这个函数也许可以帮你: create function fngetnewpathlocator (@child uniqueidentifier, @parent hierarchyid) returns hierarchyid as begin declare @ret hierarchyid, @binid binary(16) = convert(binary(16), @child); select @ret=hierarchyid::parse( coalesce(@parent.tostring(), n'/') + convert(nvarchar, convert(bigint, substring(@binid, 1, 6))) + n'.' + convert(nvarchar, convert(bigint, substring(@binid, 7, 6))) + n'.' + convert(nvarchar, convert(bigint, substring(@binid, 13, 4))) + n'/'); return @ret; end;
procedure tform1.bitbtn9click(sender: tobject); var lst, lstcontent: tstrings; i: integer; strsql: string; begin lst := tstringlist.create; lstcontent := tstringlist.create; try getfilestructurelist('e:\doc', lst); strsql := emptystr; rzprogressbar1.totalparts := lst.count; for i:=0 to lst.count-1 do begin splitstring(lst.strings[i], '|', lstcontent); if sametext(lstcontent.strings[0], '0') then //目录 strsql := strsql + format('insert into documentstores(name, path_locator, is_directory, is_archive) values(%s, %s, %d, %d);', [quotedstr(extractfilename(lstcontent.strings[1])), quotedstr(lstcontent.strings[2]), 1, 0]) + #13#10 else if sametext(lstcontent.strings[0], '1') then //文件 strsql := strsql + format('insert into documentstores(name, path_locator, file_stream) values(%s, %s, %s);', [quotedstr(extractfilename(lstcontent.strings[1])), quotedstr(lstcontent.strings[2]), strtohex(baseencodefile(lstcontent.strings[1]))]) + #13#10; rzprogressbar1.partscomplete := rzprogressbar1.partscomplete + 1; application.processmessages; end; try adoconnection1.connected := true; adoconnection1.begintrans; adoquery1.sql.text := strsql; adoquery1.execsql; adoconnection1.committrans; except adoconnection1.rollbacktrans; end; finally lst.free; lstcontent.free; end; end; //下面是公用单元 unit u_commfunc; interface uses windows, messages, sysutils, variants, classes, graphics, controls, forms, dialogs, encddecd, contnrs; //生成filetable用的path_locator function getpathlocator(root: boolean=true): string; function getguid: string; function strtohex(astr: string): string; //文件转字符串流 function baseencodefile(fn: tfilename): string; procedure splitstring(source,deli:string; var lst :tstrings); //获取目录+文件的列表 返回值是文件的个数,顶层为选择的目录 为filetalbe插入用 function getfilestructurelist(path: pchar; var lst: tstrings): longint; implementation function getguid: string; var ltep: tguid; sguid: string; begin createguid(ltep); sguid := guidtostring(ltep); sguid := stringreplace(sguid, '-', '', [rfreplaceall]); sguid := copy(sguid, 2, length(sguid) - 2); result := sguid; end; function getpathlocator(root: boolean): string; var //locatorpath的三个组成部分 s1,s2,s3; sguid, s1, s2, s3: string; begin result := ''; if root then result := '/'; sguid := getguid; s1 := inttostr(strtoint64(strtohex(copy(sguid, 1, 6)))); s2 := inttostr(strtoint64(strtohex(copy(sguid, 7, 6)))); s3 := inttostr(strtoint64(strtohex(copy(sguid, 13, 4)))); result := result + s1 + '.' + s2 + '.' + s3 + '/'; end; function strtohex(astr: string): string; var i : integer; ch:char; begin result:='0x'; for i:=1 to length(astr) do begin ch:=astr[i]; result:=result+inttohex(ord(ch),2); end; end; function baseencodefile(fn: tfilename): string; var ms: tmemorystream; ss: tstringstream; str: string; begin ms := tmemorystream.create; ss := tstringstream.create(''); try ms.loadfromfile(fn); encddecd.encodestream(ms, ss); // 将ms的内容base64到ss中 str := ss.datastring; str := stringreplace(str, #13, '', [rfreplaceall]); // 这里ss中数据会自动添加回车换行,所以需要将回车换行替换成空字符 str := stringreplace(str, #10, '', [rfreplaceall]); result := str; // 返回值为base64的stream finally freeandnil(ms); freeandnil(ss); end; end; procedure splitstring(source,deli:string; var lst :tstrings); var endofcurrentstring: integer; begin if lst = nil then exit; lst.clear; while pos(deli, source)>0 do begin endofcurrentstring := pos(deli, source); lst.add(copy(source, 1, endofcurrentstring - 1)); source := copy(source, endofcurrentstring + length(deli), length(source) - endofcurrentstring); end; lst.add(source); end; function getfilestructurelist(path: pchar; var lst: tstrings): longint; var searchrec: tsearchrec; found: integer; tmpstr, tmplocator: string; curdir, dirlocator: pchar; dirque: tqueue; c: cardinal; begin result := 0; if lst = nil then exit; dirque := tqueue.create; try curdir := path; dirlocator := pchar(getpathlocator()); lst.add('0|'+curdir+'|'+dirlocator); while curdir <> nil do begin //搜索后缀,如:c:\*.*; tmpstr := includetrailingpathdelimiter(curdir)+'*.*'; found := findfirst(tmpstr, faanyfile, searchrec); while found = 0 do begin c := getfileattributes(pchar(includetrailingpathdelimiter(curdir) + searchrec.name)); //if (searchrec.attr and fadirectory)<>0 then //这个貌似有问题/ if (c and file_attribute_directory)<> 0 then begin if (searchrec.name <> '.') and (searchrec.name <> '..') then begin tmpstr := includetrailingpathdelimiter(curdir)+searchrec.name; tmplocator := getpathlocator(false); tmplocator := dirlocator + tmplocator; lst.add('0|'+tmpstr+'|'+tmplocator); dirque.push(strnew(pchar(tmpstr))); dirque.push(strnew(pchar(tmplocator))); end; end else begin result:=result+1; tmplocator := getpathlocator(false); tmplocator := dirlocator + tmplocator; lst.add('1|'+includetrailingpathdelimiter(curdir)+searchrec.name+'|'+tmplocator); end; found:=findnext(searchrec); end; {当前目录找到后,如果队列中没有数据,则表示全部找到了; 否则就是还有子目录未查找,取一个出来继续查找。} if dirque.count > 0 then begin curdir := dirque.pop; dirlocator := dirque.pop; end else begin curdir := nil; dirlocator := nil; end; end; finally dirque.free; end; end; end.