一篇文章带你了解SQL之CASE WHEN用法详解
简单case when函数:
case score when 'a' then '优' else '不及格' end case score when 'b' then '良' else '不及格' end case score when 'c' then '中' else '不及格' end
等同于,使用case when条件表达式函数实现:
case when score = 'a' then '优' when score = 'b' then '良' when score = 'c' then '中' else '不及格' end
case score when 'a' then '优' else 0 end
[err] ora-00932: 数据类型不一致: 应为 char, 但却获得 number
简单case when函数只能应对一些简单的业务场景,而case when条件表达式的写法则更加灵活。
case when条件表达式函数:类似java中的if else语句。
case when condition then result [when...then...] else result end
select student_name, (case when score < 60 then '不及格' when score >= 60 and score < 80 then '及格' when score >= 80 then '优秀' else '异常' end) as remark from table
注意:如果你想判断score是否null的情况,when score = null then '缺席考试',这是一种错误的写法,正确的写法应为:
case when score is null then '缺席考试' else '正常' end
stu_code | stu_name | stu_sex | stu_score |
xm | 小明 | 0 | 88 |
xl | 小磊 | 0 | 55 |
xf | 小峰 | 0 | 45 |
xh | 小红 | 1 | 66 |
xn | 晓妮 | 1 | 77 |
xy | 小伊 | 1 | 99 |
select sum (case when stu_sex = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as male_count, sum (case when stu_sex = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as female_count, sum (case when stu_score >= 60 and stu_sex = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as male_pass, sum (case when stu_score >= 60 and stu_sex = 1 then 1 else 0 end) as female_pass from thtf_students
male_count | female_count | male_pass | female_pass |
3 | 3 | 1 | 3 |
e_code | e_value | e_type |
北京 | 28.50 | 0 |
北京 | 23.51 | 1 |
北京 | 28.12 | 2 |
北京 | 12.30 | 0 |
北京 | 15.46 | 1 |
上海 | 18.88 | 0 |
上海 | 16.66 | 1 |
上海 | 19.99 | 0 |
上海 | 10.05 | 0 |
select e_code, sum(case when e_type = 0 then e_value else 0 end) as water_energy,--水耗 sum(case when e_type = 1 then e_value else 0 end) as ele_energy,--电耗 sum(case when e_type = 2 then e_value else 0 end) as heat_energy--热耗 from thtf_energy_test group by e_code
e_code | water_energy | ele_energy | heat_energy |
北京 | 40.80 | 38.97 | 28.12 |
上海 | 48.92 | 16.66 | 0 |
场景4:case when中使用子查询
p_price | p_level | p_limit |
1.20 | 0 | 10 |
1.70 | 1 | 30 |
2.50 | 2 | 50 |
case when energy <= (select p_limit from table_price where p_level = 0) then (select p_price from table_price where p_level = 0) when energy > (select p_limit from table_price where p_level = 0) and energy <= (select p_limit from table_price where p_level = 1) then (select p_price from table_price where p_level = 1) when energy > (select p_limit from table_price where p_level = 1) and energy <= (select p_limit from table_price where p_level = 2) then (select p_price from table_price where p_level = 2)
case when 函数使用起来简单易懂,此篇文章只作了简单的使用介绍,还需在实际工作中根据业务场景不同来灵活使用。