语法:row_number() over(partition by ...)
select * from (select a.* ,row_number()over(partiotion by col1,col2 order by col1,col2) r from tablename ) where r=1;
普通的聚合函数用group by分组,每个分组返回一个统计值,而分析函数采用partition by分组,并且每组每行都可以返回一个统计值。
分析函数带有一个开窗函数over(),包含三个分析子句:分组(partition by), 排序(order by), 窗口(rows) ,他们的使用形式如下:over(partition by xxx order by yyy rows between zzz)
sql>select * from (select row_number() over (partition by accountid order by updatetimestamp desc) rn, plm_openaccountrecon.* from plm_openaccountrecon) where rn = 1 and t.accountid = :accountid
--unbounded preceding and unbouned following针对当前所有记录的前一条、后一条记录,也就是表中的所有记录
sql> select t.objid, t.applyempid, t.applydate, t.status, t.leavetype, t.leavedays, sum(leavedays) over(partition by applyempid order by objid rows between unbounded preceding and current row) lds from rt_gtcxleave t;
sql> select t.objid, t.applyempid, t.applydate, t.status, t.leavetype, t.leavedays, sum(leavedays) over(partition by applyempid order by objid rows between current row and unbounded following) lds from rt_gtcxleave t;
--当前行的上一行 (rownum - 1) 到当前行
--between 1 preceding and current row
sql> select t.objid, t.applyempid, t.applydate, t.status, t.leavetype, t.leavedays, sum(leavedays) over(partition by applyempid order by objid rows between 1 preceding and current row) lds from rt_gtcxleave t;
--当前行的上一行 (rownum - 1) 到当前行的下两行 (rownum + 2)
--rows between 1 preceding and 2 following
上一篇: 荐 我给面试官讲解了单例模式后,他对我竖起了大拇指!
下一篇: 十分钟学会设计模式:单例模式