利用 PHPMailer发送邮件(可发送 HTML内容,图片,附件)
2022-03-25 19:34:14
利用phpmailer发送邮件(可发送 html内容,图片,附件),phpmailer是一个用于发送电子邮件的php类,他比php自带的函数mail强多了,phpmailer可以到官方下载。
ismail(); $mail->addaddress("email@example.com"); $mail->subject = "test 1"; $mail->body = "test 1 of phpmailer."; if(!$mail->send()) { echo "error sending: " . $mail->errorinfo;; } else { echo "letter sent"; } /* $mail->ismail(); 必须发送 issendmail - via sendmail command. isqmail - directly via qmail mta. issmtp - via smtp server. 这里有一个使用smtp样本,我们假设该smtp需要授权,如果in't nessesary,只写$邮件> smtpauth = 0;,要使用的服务器数量使用semicolumn为分隔符. */
require("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new phpmailer();$mail = new phpmailer(); $mail->issmtp(); $mail->host = "smtp1.example.com;smtp2.example.com"; $mail->smtpauth = true; $mail->username = 'smtpusername'; $mail->password = 'smtppassword'; $mail->addaddress("email@example.com"); $mail->subject = "test 1"; $mail->body = "test 1 of phpmailer."; if(!$mail->send()) { echo "error sending: " . $mail->errorinfo;; } else { echo "letter is sent"; } /* 添加有关发件人inforation,使用以下功能: mail->from="mailer@example.com"; $mail->fromname="my site's mailer"; $mail->sender="mailer@example.com"; // indicates returnpath header $mail->addreplyto("replies@example.com", "replies for my site"); // indicates replyto headers for specifying various types of recepients use these: $mail->addaddress("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1"); $mail->addcc("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1"); $mail->addbcc("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1"); 如何出现乱码可利用 $mail->charset="windows-1251";$mail->charset="utf-8"; 设置编码,如果要想发送邮件可以发送图片和附低年及html代码就在$mail-send()前面加如下代码: $mail->ishtml(true); $mail->addembeddedimage('logo.jpg', 'logoimg', 'logo.jpg'); // attach file logo.jpg, and later link to it using identfier logoimg $mail->body = "test 1 of phpmailer html
this is a test picture:
"; $mail->altbody="this is text only alternative body."; 发送附件 $mail->ishtml(false); $mail->addattachment('www.phprm.com/invoice-user-1234.pdf', 'invoice.pdf'); // attach files/invoice-user-1234.pdf, */
mail->from="mailer@example.com"; $mail->fromname="my site's mailer"; $mail->sender="mailer@example.com"; // indicates returnpath header $mail->addreplyto("replies@example.com", "replies for my site"); // indicates replyto headers for specifying various types of recepients use these: $mail->addaddress("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1"); $mail->addcc("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1"); $mail->addbcc("mail1@domain.com", "recepient 1");
上一篇: ECSHOP二次开发指南