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程序员文章站 2022-03-02 21:47:01
sql语句演变一: select ta.a_code, ta.b_code, ta.c_code, ta.a_name, ta.a_time, tb.b_claz...


select ta.a_code, ta.b_code, ta.c_code, ta.a_name, ta.a_time, 
	   tb.b_clazz, tc.c_model, td.d_good	
from tablea ta
left join tableb tb on ta.a_code = tb.a_code  
left join tablec tc on ta.b_code = tc.b_code	 
left join tabled td on ta.c_code = td.c_code	


select tab.a_code, tab.b_code, tab.c_code, tab.a_name, tab.a_time, tab.b_clazz, tab.c_model, tab.d_good
(select ta.a_code, ta.b_code, ta.c_code, ta.a_name, ta.a_time, 
	   tb.b_clazz, tc.c_model, td.d_good	
from tablea ta
left join tableb tb on ta.a_code = tb.a_code  
left join tablec tc on ta.b_code = tc.b_code	 
left join tabled td on ta.c_code = td.c_code) tab



<select id="findmsg" resultmap="某一实体类对应的mapper.xml映射名">  
select tab.a_code, tab.b_code, tab.c_code, tab.a_name, tab.a_time, tab.b_clazz, tab.c_model, tab.d_good  
    (select ta.a_code, ta.b_code, ta.c_code, ta.a_name, ta.a_time,   
           tb.b_clazz, tc.c_model, td.d_good      
    from tablea ta  
    left join tableb tb on ta.a_code = tb.a_code    
    left join tablec tc on ta.b_code = tc.b_code       
    left join tabled td on ta.c_code = td.c_code) tab     
    <if test=" a_code != '' and a_code != null ">  
        tab.a_code like concat('%', #{a_code}, '%')  
    <if test=" b_code != '' and b_code != null ">  
        and tab.b_code like concat('%', #{b_code}, '%')  
    <if test=" c_model !='' and c_model != null ">  
        and tab.c_model like concat('%', #{c_model}, '%')  