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关于Spring Data Jpa 自定义方法实现问题

程序员文章站 2022-03-25 08:43:21
目录spring data jpa 自定义方法的实现自己的接口主接口我新建一个类来实现我自己的接口spring data jpa自定义方法关键字spring data jpa 自定义方法的实现最近项目...

spring data jpa 自定义方法的实现

最近项目中用到了spring data jpa,在里面我继承了一个pagingandsortingrepository的接口,期望的是利用spring data jpa提供的便利。

同时我也希望自己有一个能定义自己方法的接口,因为单纯靠spring data jpa中提供的功能还是有很多业务逻辑实现不了,我必须自己实现。

那么问题来了:spring data jpa好处就是让我们省去了实现接口的过程,按照他们给的命名规范他们会自动实现我们的业务逻辑,那我们自己实现的接口要怎么注入到其中呢?



package com.mhc.dao; 
import org.springframework.stereotype.repository; 
import com.mhc.entity.person;
public interface devicecategorydaocustom {
 public person getsfather(person person); 


public interface devicecategorydao extends
  pagingandsortingrepository<person, string>, devicecategorydaocustom {  



package com.mhc.dao; 
import javax.persistence.persistencecontext;
import javax.transaction.transactional; 
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.autowired;
import org.springframework.data.repository.crudrepository;
import org.springframework.data.repository.norepositorybean;
import org.springframework.stereotype.component;
import org.springframework.stereotype.repository;
import org.springframework.stereotype.service; 
import com.mhc.entity.person;
class devicecategorydaoimpl implements devicecategorydaocustom {
 public person getsfather(person person) {
  // todo auto-generated method stub
  person father = new person();
  father = person.getparentperson();
  return father;




同时加上@repository把他加入到bean里面,这样下次用这个方法的时候repository会自动找到他的(话说spring团队真心nb)。然后我们交给spring托管、测试。。。。。ok 真心赞

spring data jpa自定义方法关键字

关键字 方法名举例 对应的sql
and findbynameandage where name = ? and age = ?
or findbynameorage where name = ? or age = ?
is findbynameis where name = ?
equals findbynameequals where name = ?
between findbyagebetween where age between ? and ?
lessthan findbyagelessthan where age < ?
lessthanequals findbyagelessthanequal where age <= ?
greatorthan findbyagegreaterthan where age > ?
greatorthanequals findbyagegreaterthanequal where age >= ?
after findbyageafter where age > ?
before findbyagebefore where age < ?
isnull findbynameisnull where name is null
isnotnull,notnull findbynameisnotnull,findbynamenotnull where name is not null
not findbynamenot where name <>?
in findbyagein where age in (?)
notin findbyagenotin where age not in (?)
notlike findbynamenotlike where name not like ?
like findbynamelike where name like ?
startingwith findbynamestartingwith where name like ‘?%'
endingwith findbynameendingwith where name like ‘%?'
containing,contains findbynamecontaining,findbynamecontains where name like ‘%?%'
orderby findbyorderbyagedesc order by age desc
true findbybosstrue where boss = true
false findbybossfalse where boss = false
ignorecase findbynameignorecase where upper(name) = upper(?)
