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[20181226]简单探究cluster table.txt

程序员文章站 2022-03-24 14:02:07
[20181226]简单探究cluster table.txt--//简单探究cluster table.以前也做过,有点生疏了.1.环境:SCOTT@book> @ ver1PORT_STRING VERSION BANNER x86_64/Linux 2.4.xx Orac ......

[20181226]简单探究cluster table.txt

--//简单探究cluster table.以前也做过,有点生疏了.

scott@book> @ ver1
port_string         version    banner
------------------- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
x86_64/linux 2.4.xx oracle database 11g enterprise edition release - 64bit production

create cluster deptx_cluster (deptno number(2));

create table deptx
  deptno  number(2) ,
  dname   varchar2(14 byte),
  loc     varchar2(13 byte)
) cluster deptx_cluster (deptno);

alter table deptx add constraint pk_deptx primary key (deptno);  

create table empx
  empno     number(4) ,
  ename     varchar2(10 byte),
  job       varchar2(9 byte),
  mgr       number(4),
  hiredate  date,
  sal       number(7,2),
  comm      number(7,2),
  deptno    number(2) references deptx
) cluster deptx_cluster (deptno);

alter table empx  add constraint constraint_name primary key (empno);  

create index i_deptx_cluster_deptno on cluster deptx_cluster;
--//注这里不能使用unique,否则报ora-01715: unique may not be used with a cluster index

insert into deptx select * from dept where deptno=10;
insert into empx select * from emp where deptno=10;

insert into deptx select * from dept where deptno=20;
insert into empx select * from emp where deptno=20;

insert into deptx select * from dept where deptno=30;
insert into empx select * from emp where deptno=30;

insert into deptx select * from dept where deptno=40;
insert into empx select * from emp where deptno=40;


scott@book> select rowid,deptx.* from deptx;
rowid                  deptno dname          loc
------------------ ---------- -------------- -------------
aaawefaaeaaaairaaa         20 research       dallas
aaawefaaeaaaaitaaa         30 sales          chicago
aaawefaaeaaaaiuaaa         40 operations     boston
aaawefaaeaaaaivaaa         10 accounting     new york

scott@book> select rowid,empx.* from empx where deptno=20;
rowid                   empno ename      job              mgr hiredate                   sal       comm     deptno
------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
aaawefaaeaaaairaaa       7369 smith      clerk           7902 1980-12-17 00:00:00        800                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaab       7566 jones      manager         7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00       2975                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaac       7788 scott      analyst         7566 1987-04-19 00:00:00       3000                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaad       7876 adams      clerk           7788 1987-05-23 00:00:00       1100                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaae       7902 ford       analyst         7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00       3000                    20

scott@book> @ dpc '' ''
sql_id  fw7tmp1r74rf4, child number 0
select rowid,empx.* from empx where deptno=20
plan hash value: 1833007843
| id  | operation            | name                   | e-rows |e-bytes| cost (%cpu)| e-time   |
|   0 | select statement     |                        |        |       |     2 (100)|          |
|   1 |  table access cluster| empx                   |      5 |   190 |     2   (0)| 00:00:01 |
|*  2 |   index unique scan  | i_deptx_cluster_deptno |      1 |       |     1   (0)| 00:00:01 |
query block name / object alias (identified by operation id):
   1 - sel$1 / empx@sel$1
   2 - sel$1 / empx@sel$1
predicate information (identified by operation id):
   2 - access("deptno"=20)

--//可以发现查询empx表的deptno=20可以利用cluster table的索引.另外你可以注意一个特点cluster table里面的表rowid可以相同.比如下划线的内容.

scott@book> @ rowid aaawefaaeaaaairaaa
    object       file      block        row rowid_dba            dba                  text
---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- -------------------- -------------------- ----------------------------------------
     90399          4        555          0  0x100022b           4,555                alter system dump datafile 4 block 555 ;

scott@book> alter system flush buffer_cache;
system altered.

scott@book> alter system dump datafile 4 block 555 ;
system altered.

block header dump:  0x0100022b
 object id on block? y
 seg/obj: 0x1611f  csc: 0x03.175f42b6  itc: 2  flg: e  typ: 1 - data
     brn: 0  bdba: 0x1000228 ver: 0x01 opc: 0
     inc: 0  exflg: 0

 itl           xid                  uba         flag  lck        scn/fsc
0x01   0x0009.01b.00000a44  0x00c00356.0394.31  c---    0  scn 0x0003.175f42b6
0x02   0x000a.001.00004cfa  0x00c02e94.0ef9.27  --u-    6  fsc 0x0000.175f42cc
bdba: 0x0100022b
data_block_dump,data header at 0x7f286b5f1064
tsiz: 0x1f98
hsiz: 0x28
pbl: 0x7f286b5f1064
0xe:pti[0]  nrow=1  offs=0
0x12:pti[1] nrow=1  offs=1
0x16:pti[2] nrow=5  offs=2
0x1a:pri[0] offs=0x1f82
0x1c:pri[1] offs=0x1f6e
0x1e:pri[2] offs=0x1f4b
0x20:pri[3] offs=0x1f25
0x22:pri[4] offs=0x1f00
0x24:pri[5] offs=0x1edd
0x26:pri[6] offs=0x1eb9
tab 0, row 0, @0x1f82                               --//表0 cluster table deptx_cluster
tl: 22 fb: k-h-fl-- lb: 0x0  cc: 1
--//fb: k-h-fl--, k meaning cluster key.
--//the remaining rows have the second high order bit set (fb: -ch-fl--),
--//c meaning cluster table member.
curc: 6 comc: 6 pk: 0x0100022b.0 nk: 0x0100022b.0
--//curc: 6 current row count for this key in this block
--//comc: 6 committed row count for this key in this block
--//pk: pk: 0x0100022b.0 rowid of previous block for this cluster key
--//nk: 0x0100022b.0 rowid of next block for this cluster key
col  0: [ 2]  c1 15                                 --//数字20.
tab 1, row 0, @0x1f6e
tl: 20 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 2 cki: 0           --//表1 deptx
                                                    --//c meaning cluster table member.
col  0: [ 8]  52 45 53 45 41 52 43 48               --//对应内容'research'
col  1: [ 6]  44 41 4c 4c 41 53                     --//对应内容'dallas'
tab 2, row 0, @0x1f4b                               --//表2 empx
tl: 35 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 4a 46
col  1: [ 5]  53 4d 49 54 48
col  2: [ 5]  43 4c 45 52 4b
col  3: [ 3]  c2 50 03
col  4: [ 7]  77 b4 0c 11 01 01 01
col  5: [ 2]  c2 09
tab 2, row 1, @0x1f25
tl: 38 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 4c 43
col  1: [ 5]  4a 4f 4e 45 53
col  2: [ 7]  4d 41 4e 41 47 45 52
col  3: [ 3]  c2 4f 28
col  4: [ 7]  77 b5 04 02 01 01 01
col  5: [ 3]  c2 1e 4c
tab 2, row 2, @0x1f00
tl: 37 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 4e 59
col  1: [ 5]  53 43 4f 54 54
col  2: [ 7]  41 4e 41 4c 59 53 54
col  3: [ 3]  c2 4c 43
col  4: [ 7]  77 bb 04 13 01 01 01
col  5: [ 2]  c2 1f
tab 2, row 3, @0x1edd
tl: 35 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 4f 4d
col  1: [ 5]  41 44 41 4d 53
col  2: [ 5]  43 4c 45 52 4b
col  3: [ 3]  c2 4e 59
col  4: [ 7]  77 bb 05 17 01 01 01
col  5: [ 2]  c2 0c
tab 2, row 4, @0x1eb9
tl: 36 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 50 03
col  1: [ 4]  46 4f 52 44
col  2: [ 7]  41 4e 41 4c 59 53 54
col  3: [ 3]  c2 4c 43
col  4: [ 7]  77 b5 0c 03 01 01 01
col  5: [ 2]  c2 1f
end dump data blocks tsn: 4 file#: 4 minblk 555 maxblk 555

bbed> p dba 4,555 kdbt
struct kdbt[0], 4 bytes                     @114
   sb2 kdbtoffs                             @114      0
   sb2 kdbtnrow                             @116      1
struct kdbt[1], 4 bytes                     @118
   sb2 kdbtoffs                             @118      1
   sb2 kdbtnrow                             @120      1
struct kdbt[2], 4 bytes                     @122
   sb2 kdbtoffs                             @122      2
   sb2 kdbtnrow                             @124      5

0xe:pti[0]  nrow=1  offs=0
0x12:pti[1] nrow=1  offs=1
0x16:pti[2] nrow=5  offs=2


bbed> x /rn *kdbr[0]
rowdata[201]                                @8166
flag@8166: 0xac (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfk)       --//cluster key.行头为ac 普通表为2c
lock@8167: 0x00
cols@8168:    1
kref@8169:    6
mref@8171:    6
col    0[2] @8185: 20

bbed> x /rcc *kdbr[1]
rowdata[181]                                @8146
flag@8146: 0x6c (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfc)      --//cluser table member .行头为6c 删除为7c,实际上加入kdrhfd标志.
lock@8147: 0x02
cols@8148:    2
col    0[8] @8150: research
col    1[6] @8159: dallas
--//注:不包括cluster table key.

bbed> x /rnccntnnn *kdbr[2]
rowdata[146]                                @8111
flag@8111: 0x6c (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfc)
lock@8112: 0x02
cols@8113:    6
col    0[3] @8115: 7369
col    1[5] @8119: smith
col    2[5] @8125: clerk
col    3[3] @8131: 7902
col    4[7] @8135: 1980-12-17 00:00:00
col    5[2] @8143: 800


scott@book> delete from empx where empno=7566;
1 row deleted.

scott@book> commit ;
commit complete.

scott@book> alter system flush buffer_cache;
system altered.

scott@book> alter system dump datafile 4 block 555 ;
system altered.

tab 0, row 0, @0x1f82
tl: 22 fb: k-h-fl-- lb: 0x0  cc: 1
curc: 6 comc: 5 pk: 0x0100022b.0 nk: 0x0100022b.0
col  0: [ 2]  c1 15
--//comc 5 少1条记录.


tl: 35 fb: -ch-fl-- lb: 0x0  cc: 6 cki: 0
col  0: [ 3]  c2 4a 46
col  1: [ 5]  53 4d 49 54 48
col  2: [ 5]  43 4c 45 52 4b
col  3: [ 3]  c2 50 03
col  4: [ 7]  77 b4 0c 11 01 01 01
col  5: [ 2]  c2 09
tab 2, row 1, @0x1f25
tl: 4 fb: -chdfl-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 0  --//加入d标志.
tab 2, row 2, @0x1f00


bbed> x /rn *kdbr[0]
rowdata[201]                                @8166
flag@8166: 0xac (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfk)
lock@8167: 0x00
cols@8168:    1
kref@8169:    6
mref@8171:    5
col    0[2] @8185: 20

bbed> x /rnccntnnn *kdbr[3]
rowdata[108]                                @8073
flag@8073: 0x7c (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfd, kdrhfh, kdrhfc)
lock@8074: 0x02
cols@8075:    0

assign /d offset 8171=6;
assign /x offset 8073=6c;

bbed> assign /d offset 8171=6;
warning: contents of previous bifile will be lost. proceed? (y/n) y
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8171     0x06

bbed> assign /x offset 8073=6c;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8073     0x6c

bbed> x /rn *kdbr[0]
rowdata[201]                                @8166
flag@8166: 0xac (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfk)
lock@8167: 0x00
cols@8168:    1
kref@8169:    6
mref@8171:    6
col    0[2] @8185: 20

bbed> x /rnccntnnn *kdbr[2]
rowdata[146]                                @8111
flag@8111: 0x6c (kdrhfl, kdrhff, kdrhfh, kdrhfc)
lock@8112: 0x00
cols@8113:    6

col    0[3] @8115: 7369
col    1[5] @8119: smith
col    2[5] @8125: clerk
col    3[3] @8131: 7902
col    4[7] @8135: 1980-12-17 00:00:00
col    5[2] @8143: 800

bbed> sum apply
check value for file 4, block 555:
current = 0xf209, required = 0xf209

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
block = 555

block checking: dba = 16777771, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x7fd6f1fd9264
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=263 fsc=34 avsp=7825 dtl=8088
block 555 failed with check code 6110
scott@book> select rowid,empx.* from empx where deptno=20;
rowid                   empno ename      job              mgr hiredate                   sal       comm     deptno
------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
aaawefaaeaaaairaaa       7369 smith      clerk           7902 1980-12-17 00:00:00        800                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaab       7566 jones      manager         7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00       2975                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaac       7788 scott      analyst         7566 1987-04-19 00:00:00       3000                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaad       7876 adams      clerk           7788 1987-05-23 00:00:00       1100                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaae       7902 ford       analyst         7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00       3000                    20
scott@book> select rowid,empx.* from empx where empno=7566;
no rows selected

bbed> assign /d offset 8171=5;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8171     0x05

bbed> sum apply
check value for file 4, block 555:
current = 0xf109, required = 0xf109

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
block = 555

block checking: dba = 16777771, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x105cc64
kdbchk:  key comref count wrong
block 555 failed with check code 6121


scott@book> alter system flush buffer_cache;
system altered.

scott@book> select rowid,empx.* from empx where deptno=20;
rowid                   empno ename      job              mgr hiredate                   sal       comm     deptno
------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
aaawefaaeaaaairaaa       7369 smith      clerk           7902 1980-12-17 00:00:00        800                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaab       7566 jones      manager         7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00       2975                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaac       7788 scott      analyst         7566 1987-04-19 00:00:00       3000                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaad       7876 adams      clerk           7788 1987-05-23 00:00:00       1100                    20
aaawefaaeaaaairaae       7902 ford       analyst         7566 1981-12-03 00:00:00       3000                    20

5.最后修复bbed verify的错误.

bbed> assign /d offset 8171=6;
ub1 rowdata[0]                              @8171     0x06

bbed> sum apply
check value for file 4, block 555:
current = 0xf209, required = 0xf209

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
block = 555

block checking: dba = 16777771, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x105cc64
kdbchk: the amount of space used is not equal to block size
        used=263 fsc=34 avsp=7825 dtl=8088
block 555 failed with check code 6110

--//dtl-used-fsc= 8088-263-34 = 7791
--//然后assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7791,如果修改事务itl槽信息,步骤也不少.

bbed> assign kdbh.kdbhavsp=7791
sb2 kdbhavsp                                @110      7791

bbed> sum apply
check value for file 4, block 555:
current = 0xf2f7, required = 0xf2f7

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
block = 555

block checking: dba = 16777771, block type = ktb-managed data block
data header at 0x107ec64
kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect
        tosp=7863 fsc=34 stb=0 avsp=7791
block 555 failed with check code 6111

--//tosp - fsc - stb = avsp.
--//avsp+fsstb=  7791+34+0 = 7825.

bbed> assign kdbh.kdbhtosp=7825
sb2 kdbhtosp                                @112      7825

bbed> sum apply
check value for file 4, block 555:
current = 0xf2d1, required = 0xf2d1

bbed> verify
dbverify - verification starting
file = /mnt/ramdisk/book/users01.dbf
block = 555
dbverify - verification complete
total blocks examined         : 1
total blocks processed (data) : 1
total blocks failing   (data) : 0
total blocks processed (index): 0
total blocks failing   (index): 0
total blocks empty            : 0
total blocks marked corrupt   : 0
total blocks influx           : 0
message 531 not found;  product=rdbms; facility=bbed

scott@book> alter index pk_empx rebuild online;
index altered.

scott@book> select rowid,empx.* from empx where empno=7566;
rowid                   empno ename      job              mgr hiredate                   sal       comm     deptno
------------------ ---------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----------
aaawefaaeaaaairaab       7566 jones      manager         7839 1981-04-02 00:00:00       2975                    20

--//修复cluster table要比普通表有难度.