CSA备考笔记 Mission04—
Escalating late work
The passed deadline interval defines when to take further action because the step or case is past the deadline. The passed deadline interval is configurable in Dev Studio only. Unlike the goal and deadline intervals, you can configure the passed deadline interval to repeat a fixed number of times, or repeat indefinitely until the user completes the assignment. You can continue to increase the assignment urgency and send an escalation action each time the passed deadline elapses.
The maximum urgency is 100. At an urgency value of 100, Pega Platform™ ignores further urgency adjustments and continues other escalation actions.
Attaching PDF files to a case
During a case life cycle, you can generate PDF files and attach them to the case. The Create PDF automation attaches a screenshot of a view to the case in PDF format. The view used must exist prior to configuring the automation. During execution, the view is rendered and the screen gets captured and converted to a PDF file.You can create one or more PDF files during case processing and attach them to the case. The file can also be sent as an email attachment. The PDF files can then be used for various business purposes.
When you configure the PDF automation, consider the page size and orientation of the generated PDF. Design the view to include the most relevant information that you want to present to the user. The PDF directly reflects the layout. Test the view with various property values to ensure the values do not overlap with other parts of the layout. If you include images, ensure the size and placement fits as expected. Additional images increase the PDF file size, and increase the processing time. Attaching multiple documents to the case increases case data and database size.
You can attach multiple PDF files to one case.
Configuring cascading approvals with a reporting structure
- Use the completeness test to find missing conditions or branches in a decision rule. The conflict test shows unreachable conditions or branches in a decision rule. A warning message icon is displayed next to unreachable conditions. Checking for conflicts verifies that the system can evaluate every row by identifying one or more branches that cannot be reached. If a branch is unreachable, the test values are not evaluated.
- Performing the completeness test helps identify missing branches or conditions in a decision rule. The added rules are suggestions you can use to make the decision rule consistent.
- Use a decision tree rather than a decision table to automate a decision that evaluates different properties based on top-level conditions.
- Without class information, Pega Platform may not resolve the property reference and may return an error when saving a rule.
- Information about a case is stored on pyWorkPage.
- The Clipboard tool provides a snapshot of the current contents of memory, such as the current user information. The Clipboard tool allows you to set a property value on data not yet added to a case.
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