解决mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC问题
2022-03-23 13:22:08
本篇文章给大家介绍一下mysql 报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC解决方案。有一定的参考价值,有需要的朋友可以参考一下,希望对大家有所帮助。
本文向朋友们介绍开启bin-log日志mysql报错:This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL解决办法,
ERROR 1418 (HY000): This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its declaration and binary logging is enabled (you *might* want to use the less safe log_bin_trust_function_creators variable)
这是我们开启了bin-log, 我们就必须指定我们的函数是否是
1 DETERMINISTIC 不确定的 2 NO SQL 没有SQl语句,当然也不会修改数据 3 READS SQL DATA 只是读取数据,当然也不会修改数据 4 MODIFIES SQL DATA 要修改数据 5 CONTAINS SQL 包含了SQL语句
其中在function里面,只有 DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL 和 READS SQL DATA 被支持。如果我们开启了 bin-log, 我们就必须为我们的function指定一个参数。
SQL code mysql> show variables like 'log_bin_trust_function_creators'; +---------------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+-------+ | log_bin_trust_function_creators | OFF | +---------------------------------+-------+ mysql> set global log_bin_trust_function_creators=1; mysql> show variables like 'log_bin_trust_function_creators'; +---------------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------------------------+-------+ | log_bin_trust_function_creators | ON |
以上就是解决mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC问题的详细内容,更多请关注其它相关文章!
上一篇: MySQL精讲之六:流程控制
下一篇: mysql怎么删除表
This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its de 错误解决办法
mysql This function has none of DETERMINISTIC
mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO
mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO
mysql 创建函数报错:This function has none of DETERMINISTIC,
This function has none of DETERMINISTIC, NO SQL, or READS SQL DATA in its de 错误解决办法
解决mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC问题
解决mysql报错This function has none of DETERMINISTIC问题