2022-03-21 21:27:49
const querystring = require('query-string')
const querystring = require('query-string') //应用授权作用域,snsapi_base (不弹出授权页面,直接跳转,只能获取用户openid),snsapi_userinfo (弹出授权页面,可通过openid拿到昵称、性别、所在地。并且,即使在未关注的情况下,只要用户授权,也能获取其信息) const scopes = ['snsapi_base', 'snsapi_userinfo'] class vuewechatauthplugin { install(vue, options) { let wechatauth = this this.setappid(options.appid) vue.mixin({ created: function () { this.$wechatauth = wechatauth } }) } constructor() { this.appid = null this.redirect_uri = null this.scope = scopes[1] this._code = null this._redirect_uri = null } static makestate() { return math.random().tostring(36).substring(2, 15) + math.random().tostring(36).substring(2, 15) } setappid(appid) { this.appid = appid } set redirect_uri(redirect_uri) { this._redirect_uri = encodeuricomponent(redirect_uri) } get redirect_uri() { return this._redirect_uri } get state() { return localstorage.getitem("wechat_auth:state") } set state(state) { localstorage.setitem("wechat_auth:state", state) } get authurl() { if (this.appid === null) { throw "appid must not be null" } if (this.redirect_uri === null) { throw "redirect uri must not be null" } this.state = vuewechatauthplugin.makestate() return `${this.appid}&redirect_uri=${this.redirect_uri}&response_type=code&scope=${this.scope}&state=${this.state}#wechat_redirect` } returnfromwechat(redirect_uri) { let parsedurl = querystring.parse(redirect_uri.split('?')[1]) if (process.env.node_env === 'development') { // console.log('parsedurl: ', parsedurl) this.state = null this._code = parsedurl.code } else { if (this.state === null) { throw "you did't set state" } if (parsedurl.state === this.state) { this.state = null this._code = parsedurl.code } else { this.state = null throw `wrong state: ${parsedurl.state}` } } } get code() { if (this._code === null) { throw "not get the code from wechat server!" } // console.log(this) // console.log('this._code: ' + this._code) let code = this._code this._code = null // console.log('code: ' + code) return code } } const vuewechatauthplugin = new vuewechatauthplugin() export default vuewechatauthplugin
import wechatauth from './plugins/wechatauth'//微信登录插件 const querystring = require('query-string'); vue.use(wechatauth, {appid: xxxxxxxxx});
router.beforeeach((to, from, next) => { if (store.state.loginstatus == 0) { //微信未授权登录跳转到授权登录页面 let url = window.location.href; //解决重复登录url添加重复的code与state问题 let parseurl = querystring.parse(url.split('?')[1]); let loginurl; if (parseurl.code && parseurl.state) { delete parseurl.code; delete parseurl.state; loginurl = `${url.split('?')[0]}?${querystring.stringify(parseurl)}`; } else { loginurl = url; } wechatauth.redirect_uri = loginurl; store.dispatch('setloginstatus', 1); window.location.href = wechatauth.authurl } else if (store.state.loginstatus == 1) { try { wechatauth.returnfromwechat(to.fullpath); } catch (err) { store.dispatch('setloginstatus', 0) next() } store.dispatch('loginwechatauth', wechatauth.code).then((res) => { if (res.status == 1) { store.dispatch('setloginstatus', 2) } else { store.dispatch('setloginstatus', 0) } next() }).catch((err) => { next() }) }else { next() } });
上一篇: selenium登录实验楼