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[Intermediate Laravel] 11-Dispatching-Jobs

程序员文章站 2022-03-21 19:24:08


之前我们已经学习了 Events 和 Listeners ,这次我们来学习 Jobs。


运行命令行 php artisan make:job CompileReports 创建一个Job类,Job类的结构简单,一般来说只会包含一个让队列用来调用此任务的 handle 方法,具体代码如下:

class CompileReports extends Job implements SelfHandling{   /**   * Create a new job instance.   *   * @return void   */  public function __construct()  {    //  }   /**   * Execute the job.   *   * @return void   */  public function handle()  {    //  }} 

可以通过 php artisan help make:job 观察相关参数,执行 php artisan make:job CompileReports --queued ,对比发现和之前类区别为多实现了 ShouldQueue 接口,这意味着可以按队列顺序执行。


默认路由 routes.php 中增加:

Route::get('reports', 'ReportsController@index'); 

通过执行命令行 php artisan make:controller ReportsController --plain ,创建 ReportsController 控制器,增加测试方法:

class ReportsController extends Controller{    //  public function index()  {    $job = new CompileReports();    $this->dispatch($job);    return 'Done';  } } 

ReportsController 控制器的 Controller 父类中,默认已经 use DispatchesJobs ,定义好了 dispatch($job) 方法,用来调度任务。这时我们访问页面效果如下图:


改写 CompileReports.php 代码,构造函数中接受 $reportId 参数:

class CompileReportsextends Jobimplements SelfHandling, ShouldQueue{   protected $reportId;  /**   * Create a new job instance.   *   * @return void   */  public function __construct($reportId)  {    //    $this->reportId = $reportId;  }   /**   * Execute the job.   *   * @return void   */  public function handle()  {    //    var_dump('Compiling the reports with the id '. $this->reportId .' within the Job class.');  }} 

ReportsController 控制器中接受请求中参数,转发给Job处理:

class ReportsController extends Controller{  public function index(Request $request)  {    $job = new CompileReports($request->input('reportId'));    $this->dispatch($job);    return 'Done';  }} 



ReportsController 中改为调用 dispatchFrom 方法:

class ReportsController extends Controller{    //  public function index(Request $request)  {    //$job = new CompileReports($request->input('reportId'));        // $this->dispatchFrom(CompileReports::class, $request);    $this->dispatchFrom('App\Jobs\CompileReports', $request);    return 'Done';  } } 

其中 DispatchesJobs 中定义了 dispatch 及 dispatchFrom,如下:

trait DispatchesJobs{    /**     * Dispatch a job to its appropriate handler.     *     * @param  mixed  $job     * @return mixed     */    protected function dispatch($job)    {        return app('Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher')->dispatch($job);    }     /**     * Marshal a job and dispatch it to its appropriate handler.     *     * @param  mixed  $job     * @param  array  $array     * @return mixed     */    protected function dispatchFromArray($job, array $array)    {        return app('Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher')->dispatchFromArray($job, $array);    }     /**     * Marshal a job and dispatch it to its appropriate handler.     * 整理参数列表,传递给job     * @param  mixed  $job     * @param  \ArrayAccess  $source     * @param  array  $extras     * @return mixed     */    protected function dispatchFrom($job, ArrayAccess $source, $extras = [])    {        return app('Illuminate\Contracts\Bus\Dispatcher')->dispatchFrom($job, $source, $extras);    }} 

CompileReports 类中改写传入参数:

class CompileReportsextends Jobimplements SelfHandling, ShouldQueue{   protected $reportId;   protected $type;  /**   * Create a new job instance.   *   * @return void   */  public function __construct($reportId, $type)  {    //    $this->reportId = $reportId;    $this->type = $type;  }   /**   * Execute the job.   *   * @return void   */  public function handle()  {    //    var_dump('Compiling the '. $this->type .' reports with the id '. $this->reportId .' within the Job class.');  }} 


在 Job 中添加 DispatchesJobs 引用后,可继续分派Job:

/*** Execute the job.** @return void*/public function handle(){    // var_dump('Compiling the '. $this->type .' reports with the id '. $this->reportId .' within the Job class.');    var_dump(sprintf('Compiling the %s report with the id %s within the Job class', $this->type, $this->reportId));    // 增加 DispatchesJobs 引用后,可继续分派 job    if(true)    {        $this->dispatch(new DoSomethingElse);    }} 
