2022-03-21 17:14:13
let只作用在当前块级作用域内使用let或者const声明的变量,不能再被重新声明let不存在`变量提升` console.log(dad); var dad = '我是爸爸!';//预定义undefined console.log(dad); let dad = '我是爸爸!';//报错 生成十个 ......
console.log(dad); var dad = '我是爸爸!';//预定义undefined console.log(dad); let dad = '我是爸爸!';//报错
生成十个按钮 每个按点击的时候弹出1 - 10
var 方法:
var i = 0; for (i = 1; i <= 10; i ++) { (function(i) { var btn = document.createelement('button'); btn.innertext = i; btn.onclick = function() { alert(i) }; document.body.appendchild(btn); })(i); }
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i ++) { var btn = document.createelement('button'); btn.innertext = i; btn.onclick = function() { alert(i) }; document.body.appendchild(btn); }
const name = '小明'; name = '小红';//报错
q: 怎么防止常量为引用类型的时候能被修改的情况
const xiaoming = { age: 14, name: '小明' }; object.freeze(xiaoming); console.log(xiaoming); xiaoming.age = 22; xiaoming.dd = 11; console.log(xiaoming); const arr = []; object.freeze(arr); arr.push(1); console.log(arr);
var obj1 = { a: 1, b: 2 } var obj2 = object.create(obj1); obj2.c = 3; obj2.d = 4; for (let i in obj2) { if (obj2.hasownproperty(i)) { document.body.innerhtml += (i + ': ' + obj2[i] + '<br>'); } }
const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; let [a, b, c, d] = arr; console.log(a);
const arr = ['a', 'b', ['c', 'd', ['e', 'f', 'g']]]; const [ , b] = arr; const [ , , g] = ['e', 'f', 'g'] const [ , , [ , , g]] = ['c', 'd', ['e', 'f', 'g']]; const [ , , [ , , [ , , g]]] = arr;
扩展运算符 ...
const arr1 = [1, 2, 3]; const arr2 = ['a', 'b']; const arr3 = ['zz', 1]; const arr4 = [...arr1, ...arr2, ...arr3]; const arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; const [a, b, ...c] = arr;
const arr = [1, null, undefined]; const [a, b = 2, c, d = 'aaa'] = arr;
[a, b] = [b, a];
function getuserinfo(id) { // .. ajax return [ true, { name: '小明', gender: '女', id: id }, '请求成功' ]; }; const [status, data, msg] = getuserinfo(123);
const obj = { saber: '阿尔托利亚', archer: '卫宫' }; const { saber, archer1 } = obj;
const player = { nickname: '感情的戏∫我没演技∆', master: '东海龙王', skill: [{ skillname: '龙吟', mp: '100', time: 6000 },{ skillname: '龙卷雨击', mp: '400', time: 3000 },{ skillname: '龙腾', mp: '900', time: 60000 }] }; const { nickname } = player; const { master } = player; const { skill: [ skill1, { skillname }, { skillname: sklname } ] } = player; const { skill } = player; const [ skill1 ] = skill;
const obj = { saber: '阿尔托利亚', archer: '卫宫', lancer: '瑟坦达' }; const { saber, ...oth } = obj;
let age; const obj = { name: '小明', age: 22 }; ({ age } = obj);
let girlfriend = { name: '小红', age: undefined, }; let { name, age = 24, hobby = ['学习'] } = girlfriend;
const str = 'i am the bone of my sword'; // 我是剑骨头 const [ a, b ,c, ...oth ] = str; const [ ...spstr1 ] = str;
const { length, split } = str;
const { valueof: vo } = 1; const { tostring: ts } = false;
function swap([x, y]) { return [y, x]; }; let arr = [1, 2]; arr = swap(arr);
function computer({ cpu, memory, software = ['ie6'], os = 'windows 3.5' }) { console.log(cpu); console.log(memory); console.log(software); console.log(os); }; new computer({ memory: '128g', cpu: '80286', os: 'windows 10' });
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(function (window, document) { /** * 暴露出去的构造函数 * @param {*} options */ let msg = function (options) { this._init(options); } /** * 初始化传入的配置后创建元素 并显示 * @param {*} param0 */ msg.prototype._init = function ({ content = '', type = 'info', usehtml = false, showicon = true, confirm = null, cancel = null, footer = true, header = true, title = '提示', contentstyle = {}, contentfontsize = '1.5em', btnname = ['确定', '取消'] }) { this.content = content; this.type = type; this.usehtml = usehtml; this.showicon = showicon; this.confirm = confirm; this.cancel = cancel; this.footer = footer; this.contentstyle = contentstyle; this.contentfontsize = contentfontsize; this.title = title; this.btnname = btnname; this.header = header; this._createelement(); // 给dom上的按钮们和遮罩层绑定事件 this._bind({ el: this._el, overlay: this._overlay }); this._show({ el: this._el, overlay: this._overlay }); } /** * 创建弹出框 */ msg.prototype._createelement = function () { let wrap = document.createelement('div'); wrap.classname = 'msg__wrap'; const [ confirmbtnname, cancelbtnname ] = this.btnname; // 判断是否显示图标 const iconhtml = this.showicon ? '<div class="msg-body-icon">\ <div class="msg-body-icon-' + this.type + '"></div>\ </div>' : ''; // 判断是否显示弹出框底部按钮 const footerhtml = this.footer ? '<div class="msg-footer">\ <button class="msg-footer-btn msg-footer-cancel-button">' + cancelbtnname + '</button>\ <button class="msg-footer-btn msg-footer-confirm-button">' + confirmbtnname + '</button>\ </div>' : ''; const headerhtml = this.header ? '<div class="msg-header">\ <span>' + this.title + '</span>\ <span class="msg-header-close-button">×</span>\ </div>' : ''; // 拼成完整html const innerhtml = headerhtml + '<div class="msg-body">' + iconhtml + '<div class="msg-body-content"></div>\ </div>' + footerhtml; // 将容器内的html替换成弹出框内容 wrap.innerhtml = innerhtml; // 生成合并自定义的内容样式 const contentstyle = { fontsize: this.contentfontsize, ...this.contentstyle } // 获取内容dom let content = wrap.queryselector('.msg-body .msg-body-content'); // 给内容容器加上自定义样式 for (let key in contentstyle) {[key] = contentstyle[key]; } // 给弹出框内容赋值 if (this.usehtml) { content.innerhtml = this.content; } else { content.innertext = this.content; } // 创建遮罩层 let overlay = document.createelement('div'); overlay.classname = 'msg__overlay'; // 把dom挂到当前实例上 this._overlay = overlay; this._el = wrap; } /** * 显示弹出框 * @param {*} param0 */ msg.prototype._show = function ({ el, overlay }) { // 把遮罩和弹出框插到页面中 document.body.appendchild(el); document.body.appendchild(overlay); // 显示 settimeout(function () { = 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(1, 1)'; = '1'; console.log(1); }); console.log(2); } /** * 绑定事件 * @param {*} param0 */ msg.prototype._bind = function ({ el, overlay }) { // 保留this const _this = this; // 隐藏弹出框 const hidemsg = function () { = 'translate(-50%, -50%) scale(0, 0)'; = '0'; settimeout(function () { document.body.removechild(_this._el); document.body.removechild(_this._overlay); }, 300); } // 取消事件 const close = function (e) { _this.cancel &&, e); hidemsg(); } // 确定事件 const confirm = function (e) { _this.confirm &&, e); hidemsg(); } overlay.addeventlistener('click', close); if (this.header) { el.queryselector('.msg-header .msg-header-close-button').addeventlistener('click', close); } if (this.footer) { el.queryselector('.msg-footer .msg-footer-cancel-button').addeventlistener('click', close); el.queryselector('.msg-footer .msg-footer-confirm-button').addeventlistener('click', confirm); } } // 注册到全局对象 window.$msg = msg; })(window, document);
上一篇: php多进程编程