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程序员文章站 2022-03-21 09:00:59
  • 动量策略






    在本例中, 我们每天重新平衡我们的投资组合的1/21,并持有新份额21天。为简单起见,我们不考虑交易成本。

  • 加载数据并整理

  • 加载股票数据
    # 载入股票数据
    CH = ploadText("D:/DolphinDB/Data/CHstock1990_2018.csv")


  • 整理数据并计算动量信号
    # 计算动量信号
    def loadPriceData(inData){
           CHstocks = select TS_CODE, TRADE_date, abs(open) as PRC, vol as VOL,close/open-1 as RET from inData where weekday(trade_date) between 1:5, isValid(open), isValid(VOL) order by ts_code, trade_date
           CHstocks = select ts_code, trade_date, PRC, VOL, RET, cumprod(1+RET) as cumretIndex from CHstocks context by ts_code
           return select ts_code, trade_date, PRC, VOL, RET, move(cumretIndex,21)\move(cumretIndex,252)-1 as signal from CHstocks context by ts_code
    priceData = loadPriceData(CH)




  • 释放内存占用
    # 释放内存
    undef(`CH, VAR)
    # undef函数释放对象需要是字符串标量或向量,所以在CH前加上`
  • 为动量策略生成投资组合

  • 筛选个股

    # 筛选个股
    def genTradables(indata){
    	return select trade_date, ts_code, signal from indata where PRC>5, VOL>0, isValid(signal) order by trade_date
    tradables = genTradables(priceData)



  • 计算每日收益
    # WtScheme=1表示等权重 ,WtScheme=2表示值权重
    def formPortfolio(startDate, endDate, tradables, holdingDays, groups, WtScheme){
    	ports = select trade_date, ts_code, rank(signal,,groups) as rank, count(ts_code) as symCount, 0.0 as wt from tradables where trade_date between startDate:endDate context by trade_date having count(ts_code) >= 100
    	if (WtScheme == 1){
    		update ports set wt = -1.0\count(ts_code)\holdingDays where rank=0 context by trade_date
    		update ports set wt = 1.0\count(ts_code)\holdingDays where rank=groups-1 context by trade_date
    	else if (WtScheme == 2){
    		# 缺数据未计算
    	return select ts_code, trade_date as tranche, wt from ports where wt != 0 order by ts_code, trade_date
    startDate = 1996.01.01
    endDate = 2018.01.01
    holdingDays = 21
    groups =10
    ports = formPortfolio(startDate, endDate, tradables, holdingDays, groups, 1)
    dailyRtn = select trade_date, ts_code, RET as dailyRet from priceData where trade_date between startDate:endDate

    根据动量信号,制定10组可交易股票。只保留2个最极端的群体(赢家和输家)。假设我们总是想在21天内,每天多头1美元和空头$1,所以我们每天在赢家组多头$1/21,在输家组每天空头$1/21。在每组中,我们可以使用等权重或值权重, 来计算投资组合形成日期上每个股票的权重。

  • 21天内每支股票利润走势

    # 计算每支个股21天损益
    def calcStockPnL(ports, dailyRtn, holdingDays, endDate, lastDays){
           ages = table(1..holdingDays as age)
           dates = sort distinct ports.tranche
           dictDateIndex = dict(dates, 1..dates.size())
           dictIndexDate = dict(1..dates.size(), dates)
           pos = select dictIndexDate[dictDateIndex[tranche]+age] as trade_date, ts_code, tranche, age, take(0.0,size age) as ret, wt as expr, take(0.0,size age) as pnl from cj(ports,ages) where isValid(dictIndexDate[dictDateIndex[tranche]+age]) and dictIndexDate[dictDateIndex[tranche]+age]<=min(lastDays[ts_code], endDate)
           update pos set ret = RET from ej(pos, dailyRtn,`trade_date`ts_code)
           update pos set expr = expr*cumprod(1+ret) from pos context by ts_code, tranche
           update pos set pnl = expr*ret/(1+ret)
           return pos
    lastDaysTable = select max(trade_date) as date from priceData group by ts_code
    lastDays = dict(lastDaysTable.ts_code, lastDaysTable.date)
    undef(`priceData, VAR)
    stockPnL = calcStockPnL(ports, dailyRtn, holdingDays, endDate, lastDays)
  • 计算投资组合的利润/损失,并绘图

    # 计算总体收益并绘图
    portPnL = select sum(pnl) as pnl from stockPnL group by trade_date
    portPnL = select * from portPnL order by trade_date
    plot(cumsum(portPnL.pnl) as cumulativeReturn,portPnL.trade_date, "Cumulative Returns of the Momentum Strategy")
